[Kama's Spear]

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[Special Ability - perm]

* perm - retards all magical effects. The chance is increased in proportion to Attack Power.

A B rank masterpiece first created by Shinhyuk Kang. A solitary spear that embodies the metal's abilities, called Eyright, is stuck in the center of the Magic Cube, leaving a golden remnant of the moment it was shot.

The light seems to explode. I could also feel the power of the perm bursting out of my window. Did I mention the probability of a perm increases proportionately to its attack power? No matter how powerful the sorcerer was, thrown by the S-rank, it couldn't have been stopped!

- Kiiiiiiiiiy!

T ra nslat e d b y Jpmt l.c o m - Click, click.

Spiders panic as they watch the magic group fry an anxious spark. I think I'm going to try a magic maze…… for Kang Shin-hyuk, it was an opportunity.

Following a gap between the spiders' attention, he decimates all the other pills that remained inside the cavity. It happened in less than 20 seconds.

- We have massively subdued an existence that harms order. Bonus for Level! You got 152,500 HP! With the VIP bonus, you got an additional HP equal to 50% of your reward and a total of 228,750HP!

- Strength grows to A-rank!

Finally! Pure power reaches A-rank, and when you apply the buff, you reach S. At this point, I didn't even have to run around and face them. He lunges at the clusters of spiders and swings his razor's front foot violently.


Everything contained in the trajectory of the blade's front foot was equally frozen. The spiders can't even resist, and they're torn apart. I even felt the refreshment of cutting any cake. T ra n s lated b y jpmtl .c o m

However, they still didn't pay attention to him and were only clinging to the sorcery…… that was the moment.

- Qasim!

The magic cult that couldn't overcome the perm's power in the maze eventually disappeared with the sound of glass shattering, despite the spiders' sabotage!

- Kuang.

Vibrations erupt throughout the cavity as numerous particles of light scatter.

Spiders rushed forward, each with an extremely excited cry, to protect their eggs, but it only reassured them. I am confident that once I destroy that egg, I will somehow see the end of this gate!

“Get out of here! ”

The remaining duration of the buff is 2 minutes. Destroy the eggs in there! He swings his sword in all directions and advances.

Thought about blowing the blades of the wind and breaking the eggs, but unfortunately, the blades of the wind are not affected by the rising power. As I flew away, I was caught in the middle of a wall of spiders and crushed.

“What a nuisance...! ”

After fixing the blade's front foot with one hand, I slashed the spiders that were pushed like waves and loaded the javelin left in the javelin with the other hand.

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Then put all your strength into the S rank again! However, it was also halted by spiders trying to protect their eggs somehow. God damn it!

- Boom!

Just then, you hear the cries of Onyx. The tiny hands of Onyx, who came at his feet without even knowing where he came from. What's in those hands...? Half the beads I found in the wart's nest...?

T r an sl ate d b y “You, this, where? ”

- Whoo-hoo!

Onyx proudly talks. I found it embedded in an egg and approached it from the beginning, but I couldn't get it out because of the enchantment. It was only because of Kang Shin-hyuk's attack that I was able to get it out... It was embedded in an egg?

Does that mean the magician's purpose wasn't just to protect the egg...?

- It must have been used as an ingredient to inject spiritual energy into the egg. This is bad.We won't be able to use it here right away.

“Does that mean that the spiders searched the warts' lair to recover the other half of the bead...? ”

Kang Shinhyuk convinced me to think of a spider who looked at the nest of a wart and looked embarrassed. It was not surprising to see what had happened in the nest of the devil, but it was embarrassed because he did not find anything that should be in the nest.

‘Put it in your inventory first. ’

He puts it straight into his inventory and praises Onyx, checking the remaining time. One minute. We're only 30 meters from that giant egg!

I don't know, but since the Orb Fragment has been taken, I can't hatch normally, all I have to do is break it clean and go back! But Kang Shin-hyuk never put up the 30 meters.

- Whoo-hoo!

Suddenly, you feel the egg howl like it's alive, and a black tentacle pops out of it.

Stuttering into the air like I was looking for something pierced the body of the nearest spider! Tens of tentacles then protruded further through the spider, absorbing the energy within.

- Click-click.

- Giddy up!

Tr a ns l ated b y jp m t l .com _-

Spiders get excited and wake up, but they don't refuse. It looked like a dedicated lover who gave up everything for his loved one.

Realizing that it was a hatching process, Kang Shin-hyuk made an urgent effort to obstruct the body, but it broke several tentacles and did not affect the body. Even the spiders knew they were going to die, but they threw themselves to the end to keep him from moving forward.


Soon after the tentacle was sucked back into the egg, no spiders had survived in place.

The egg's state-of-the-art incontinence is wearing off.

Suddenly, the cracks hit the floor like lightning, cracking on both sides.

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Inside... a giant, enormous spider appeared.

The Lord of this gate, the Queen Spider, appeared.

“Ugh... Ahhhhhh! ”

Kang Shinhyuk wielded his javelin with all his strength, which contained the last remaining power. The javelin shoots straight at the spider's head, but it can't pierce the bridge just before it hits.

- Whoo-whoo-whoo!

You think it's a good thing I broke one of your legs? At birth, the Queen Spider cries out in a furious rage. It was a gruesome roar that turned this gate into an A-rank. Immediately, what I had anticipated came to him.

- All status potions lose their effect.

- This will remove the effects of heavy liquor. Strength and health stats decrease by 2 levels for 30 minutes with serious injury due to side effects.

Trans la te d b y jpmtl .c om Immediately after the inorganic message that was different from the manager's message filled the retina, Kang Shinhyuk had to bite it in pain that seemed to shrink the whole body's muscles.

The whole body seemed to be bleeding. Every bone in your body is twisted and grinding. Blood erupted from the body that had been beaten beyond the limit. The promised three minutes of invincibility have already passed, and as I said to myself, he is doomed.

- Kuoooooooo!

- You!

I did not respond well to my manager's message, even after the pain was too great. No. If I had time to react, I'd have to avoid it somehow. Because the queen spider who pushed away her shell and stepped on the cavity was shooting at him.


In the midst of all the pain, you somehow blow yourself up and dodge the attack. Spider silk covered a vast area and emitted a gloomy glow instead. It was intuitive. Touch that and you're dead.

- Kuaaa! Kuuuouououooo!

The queen spider carefully steps onto the floor (her front leg is broken clean, so she doesn't move fast.) I vomited elongated spider silk.

If agility had fallen instead of strength and stamina, the battle would have ended at that moment. Kang Shin-hyuk struggled to think positively and kept blowing away from it, but he realized that this was a bad thing.

He was removing the space of reincarnation by filling the common floor filled with cobwebs and spiders' debris.

A trap full of space that will kill you if you even touch it. Furthermore, I am in a moribund state with reduced strength and health. If it had been a game, it would have exploded saying that it was out of balance.

‘Not good. ’

A situation where there is no way to retreat. We had to get close enough to defeat him. If we keep avoiding it, we'll throw ourselves into certain death.

But how? With the power and stamina that have fallen to rank B, how do you expect to win a head-to-head match against him?

‘... It doesn't matter if you think about it. Now I'm just going to smash him with everything I can use. ’

- Whew...!

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You're bleeding too much, Irira. Your head is getting a little dazed. Ornix notices it and cries anxiously.

“Onyx... it's okay. Well done."

- Boom!

He stroked him gently, opened his inventory and put him in.

He did his part just by pulling out the orb. It didn't look good if the queen spit out more poison all over the joint because of the spider web she kept spitting out.

“Manager, with your current HP, recommend an item to eliminate side effects and heal your wounds. I hope you can recommend items that match your current situation. ”

- You.

Kang Shinhyuk hasn't given up hope yet. He had a hero universes. Whatever the reason he was desperately smashing eggs in the first place, it was not to preserve his life and secure a means to defeat the situation.

The amount of HP we have so far is more than 5 million, but that's the only way to beat that damn spider...!

- I'm sorry, sir. Potions that eliminate the side effects of Flurries in this phase cannot be sold. I would have ignored the restrictions at my own discretion.

I flew away from the spinning webs again. Surprisingly, he swings his legs and shoots out the blade of wind.

If you say that you can handle even the blades of the wind because you grew up using warts as food, then the monsters are really cowards. If it weren't for the Wind Mastery, I'd be stuck reading the flow.

- Luckily, I didn't have to.

“That damn... What? ”

The manager who always listened to Kang Shin-hyuk said something that he couldn't understand. Are you disappointed in him for coming into this gate and showing such a weak face? To Kang Shin-hyuk who was thinking such nonsense because his head was so dazed.

- The bartender sent you a gift. Confirm?

An angel's gift flew in without any notice.

“Sis...!? No, check! Give it to me!”

- You obtained an Alchemist Special Transcendent Potion (SS-).

Gifts are one of the systems provided by the Hero Universe. A system that allows you to transfer items directly between people who have registered each other as friends, as well as' items not offered by the hero universes’.

However, it was not possible to send a gift lightly because it consumed a considerable amount of HP and was limited in the number of times it was sent. But if Claire had to send him a gift at this time,

‘You heard me.'

When Shin Eun was first contacted, she knew that the time difference from the outside was 60 times greater, and she didn't intentionally contact Claire thinking that it would mean nothing. It's because I thought I'd make her worry for nothing.

But Claire found out that Shin Eun-hyuk was trapped at the gate, and from that moment on, she went into potion-making and sent it to him.

I was so moved that I felt like I was going to cry, but I couldn't even afford it now. He drank it straight away.

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- Consume Alchemist Special Transcendent Potion (SS-).

At that moment, an explosive force erupted throughout the body, sweeping away all the pain and side effects that were eating away at his body.

- All wounds below critical are healed. The effect has been enhanced by the efficient reception of the spiritual energy contained in the potion. All wounds and conditions will heal, whilst remaining healing will cover your body for a while!

- Temporarily (10 minutes) All Statuses are raised by two levels. The effect has been enhanced by the efficient reception of the spiritual energy contained in the potion. Temporarily (20 min) All Statuses will be amplified in three phases!

- You have successfully drawn more than the limit of the spirits in your potions with your own! Increases the potion's potential, increasing the ‘Rarity’ and 'Skill’ levels of all skills while maintaining the potion's effectiveness!

His abilities were greatly enhanced in three stages despite his incredible growth compared to his previous potions. It's literally the power of transcendence.

That's probably because after Claire's encounter with Genesis, she's been constantly trying to improve the quality of her potions. Maybe there was a little share of Kang Shin-hyuk who joined as her assistant.

- Kuwoowoowoo......!

The queen spider felt tense and moved on, noticing that the atmosphere of Shinhyuk Kang had changed quickly.

But that didn't change anything. Now that the side effects of liquor disappeared and potions worked, Kang Shinhyuk's status was S-grade.

“Thank you, Sister. ”

He mutters small and gives strength to the sword in both hands. I wanted to send her a thank-you message, but I thought I'd have to face her face to face. And... yeah, we should say that to Eun Ah, too.

Kang Shinhyuk chuckled and hit the floor. The Queen Spider flies the blade of the wind as if it were waiting, but now I don't have to avoid it.

He flies it lightly with the blade of wind, swinging his blade forward and leaps again. The strength of Wind Mastery is enhanced by its rare and skilled ability.

The moment the distance from the queen spider is narrowed to less than 3 meters. The queen spider tries to attack him with her legs, but he slashes it with a new sword, standing in the air, not too hard.

- Cough!


Wind from the Wind Mastery lifts him up a little more. There was a queen spider right in front of him, just a few meters away.

A huge body, a little bit of a headache on it. Maybe they hatched in imperfect condition because they took the spiritual bead in the middle.

- You, enemy attack……!

“Yes, I know. ”

His huge torso flashes. You can see the dull glow of Borat shining behind you. Without delay, Kang Shin-hyuk threw out his razor's front foot and secured his stump to the wall....

- Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo!


I shoved a new sword into the Queen Spider's skull as hard as I could, combining the poison spider and the blade of the wind.

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