He stands in the dark.

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With a new sword still embedded in one hand, he constantly slashes the abominable monsters that emerge from his shadow.


A sword with a name like that was being unfolded in a more perfect shape at his hands. In the past, there was a trail of possibilities that had not been seen since it was so humble.

‘Last time, I felt like I saw it through a cloudy monitor, but now....'

Now he moves his body and wields his new sword. No, the expression is not appropriate. The consciousness just stays in this body, and you can't snap a finger with your will.

But that's why it was better.

‘Let's remember.' T r an sla te d by Jp mt l .c om

It's a completely different kind of body structure than your own body.

How to swing the sword, how to step off the foot, where to keep your gaze on your waist, and how the flow of energy that starts from your heart spreads throughout your body and strengthens its power.

By going through all that, I was able to use it as a power source to grow my nephrosis sword. It was a more rigorous experience than anything he had ever done.

Janus, I think. ’

I couldn't even look at my own face, just containing consciousness. That was a little frustrating.

What he knows about the master of the flesh is that he is a man, that he is an extremely refined master of the flesh, and finally, that he deals with spirituality.

Tra n s la t e d by jpm t l .c om ‘I can feel the trajectory of the sword mixed with spiritual energy changing in real time. Movements that began in the physical realm are being replaced by mysterious realms that cannot be interpreted with two eyes. Is that what happened...?'

You can now see why you were so drawn to the new sword. A transcendent machete is a censor, but more than that, it was a power-based technology.

However, simple movements with no power could not have a miracle effect. Swordsmanship unfolds with spirituality, and this will be an important topic for Kang Shin-hyuk in the future.

Not just by wielding a sword and injecting spiritual energy into it to add destructive power, but also by adding spiritual power to complete the mystery. Skills that are only possible with spiritual power, not as a substitute for Mana.

In order to apply this to the whole of the weapon, I had to roll my head pretty well in the future, but once I got the monopole, I was good enough. If Kang Shinhyuk is also a martyr, he will not be left behind by anyone.

This was the beginning. It was the moment when the possibility of leapfrogging Huanglongue to a skill beyond was opened.

- There's no point in struggling.

However, when Kang Shin-hyuk tried to interpret the trajectory of the Necromancery Sword, he engraved all the effects of his spirit on the brain. I heard a voice like that in the shadow of a man.

- Nothing's changed. Because you were there, and we were born.

The voice of a cold woman. The man sticks a new sword in his shadow, as if trying to cut off his voice without any reply.

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The Dragon Heart flashes and glows golden. You accept the man's spirit and amplify it and spill it on the blade.

He regained the power of the dragon. It was the moment when the potential for arrogant almighty people, the power of new killings, was manifested.

‘That's what a new sword looks like. ’

The message that came to mind before he lost consciousness was that the new Sword became rank A, making it possible to operate using ’nuclear'.

Maybe a nucleus means something like that. With the potential to kill, the Dragon Heart became a nucleus, so the new Sword gained the power of killing. Then what is it now that we've lost the Dragon Heart, the new Sword of Destruction, which means there is no power left in it at all!

T ra n slate d by Jpmtl .c om ‘You can find the Dragon Heart again and put it in, but where is the easy part? ’

But let's see. I thought you said nuclear power was possible, but I didn't think the core had to be a Dragon Heart.

If only Kang Shin-hyuk could find a replacement for Dragon Heart to strengthen the Necromancer Blade...

That's when I hear his voice breaking his mind.

- Funny weapon.

- A friend's only child. It's going to hurt a lot.

The voice of the woman who had been weakened in the short time, the man opened his mouth and said a word. His voice was very different from Janus' usual nagging voice.

The shadow bursts. The monsters from everywhere disappeared one after the other. Whenever a new sword spewed its light, the world shook and distorted, creating a rift.

- Janus, Janus. Stop fooling around.

The man doesn't listen, but plunges his sword deeper into the darkness. A huge shock struck the whole world.

- You, us...

Perhaps there was a limit to the darkness that consumed the world, and the strike began to fall. However, perhaps it was the last act, the collapsing darkness swallowed up the new Sword in an instant.

- Oh, man.

The man reaches out with a voice that clearly says he made a mistake, but there is nothing there. One day, in the world where the man is alone...... he mutters and covers his forehead with his fucking hands.

And Kang Shin-hyuk fell into the darkness with his new sword that had lost his master. I suddenly opened my eyes... as I was trembling at the horrific affluence... falling endlessly from the ground.

Tr a n sl a ted b y jpmtl .co m - Experience martial arts in a very deep realm and gain some insight. Skill of Huanglongmu (S +) is increased to A-rank.

- You have an epiphany of deep management of spirituality. Your spirituality grows to A-rank.


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Kang Shinhyuk stood up with his sword in his hand without a chance to read the message in front of him.

I felt like I should swing my sword right now. Fortunately, since I moved to the Royal class, I have a private room for exercise in my own room, so I don't have to bother going down.

- Whoops.

As soon as I stepped into a large training room that became soundproof, I pulled out my new sword and started making fun of myself. The Necromancers responded quickly to him as well.

However, it was also spiritual power that was a problem. I was able to reach the black cool, but the unique flow of spiritual power I saw in my dream was that I could not reproduce it.

‘Damn, that's hard. ’

Kang Shinhyuk has never delicately operated his spiritual power. Just burst and let it flow when you need it…….

To a degree, it has never created a unique flow that leads to body and body outward, just as Janus did in his dream. I never imagined it.

‘I think I can keep up with the sword for some time now...... but I still can't. In order to produce meaningful results, I need to practice spiritual management first. ’

Fortunately, the flow of spiritual power Janus created with his sword remains vivid in his memory. Now I'm just practicing my spirituality to make it possible!

Maybe he just didn't know it himself. Maybe there was this deep process with the sword or the skill to manipulate Mana. Kang Shinhyuk laughed at me instead of thinking like that. I felt as if I was training for the no-nonsense.

‘But I thought you were growing well, and now you're just one step ahead. ’

I've been wielding my sword like a watermelon until now. Instead of just uniting the spirits to strengthen the sword, we can finally learn proper swordsmanship that creates mystery and miraculous signs in harmony with it! T r ans lat ed b y jpmt

- Thank you, Janus.

- What, what's wrong with you all of a sudden?

- Thanks to you, I felt Moorish.

- Janus whispers: Grandpa, is your head okay?

Janus continued to speak impulsively, but Kang Shin-hyuk even looked great like Janus. Hero Universe was a great space.

- Until now, I've just struck a man with a sword and whipped him. But your memory of the Necromancer made me realize what real swordsmanship is.

- Janus whispers: Watching my own Black History... Wait a minute. You read the flow? My spiritual flow? It's not like it's a sword... Ah, well, whatever.

Janus seemed hesitant after hearing Kang Shin-hyuk's explanation.

- Janus whispers: Yes, let's be serious! If Grandpa understands my sword, he'll have better new swords to make next time!

- Yes. I'll make it for you someday...

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Now... I just can't make a single sword of my own. Thinking about what happened earlier, Kang Shin-hyuk's mood that had been raised by learning swordsmanship suddenly sank down. Janus, who does not know it, spoke.

- Janus whispers: An old man with the power to understand swords might one day outrun me.

- Understand...

- Janus whispered: Come on, Grandpa. Did I say something weird?

- I don't know.

- Janus whispers: Oh, yes. Someone's looking for Grandpa at his place. He doesn't even know that he only talks to people who buy his stuff. Tsk, tsk.

- Stop describing me like I'm some kind of snob.

Hero Universe has several individual bulletin boards. Among them, Kang Shin-hyuk only uses trading boards, but other members often enter free boards (sleeping) or tip boards (tip boards).

In fact, Shinhyeok Kang went in to see if there was anything that could help him, but he was just setting up a space for his high-profile multichat, and the tip was all nonsense about the habitat and hunting of monsters with names and forms that he could never comprehend, or how to tear up the world unscathed.

‘Like a novel, I thought masters would teach their special training or magic. ’

When I think about it, I couldn't help but teach my vision and skills to someone new.

Moreover, Hero Universe belongs only to those who have already demonstrated their abilities. Since only those who had already established their path would enter, no one was willing to learn anything from others.

'...... hmm?'

Instead of thinking about it, Kang Shin-hyuk suddenly tilted his head. I just had something in my head. I wonder what it was. Your qualifications?

At the time he became a member of the Hero Universe, he proved to be the greatest blacksmith in all the world, and he was the reincarnation of that anvil, so he just regained his former identity at the moment of awakening his spirituality…….

“Hmmm, I don't know. ”

If it's important, I'll think about it later. Kang Shinhyuk checked out Hero Universe's Tip Crab and reopened his sleep after confirming that nothing helped him either. Indeed, I could immediately find the article about finding myself.

[King Jesus - I'm looking for Blacksmith Anu. Our world is in desperate need of help!]

Kang Shinhyuk doubted his eyes. King Jesus, was there such a brave man who used such a childish nickname?

After checking the comments on the post, it seemed that there was no one else who wrote a crazy nickname like King Jehovah.

[Ascaldon - If you want to talk to Anvil, you have to buy his work first. He doesn't know anything. Are you new?]

It's been 20 years since the anvil went inactive. Aren't you doing the right thing? People like you insult our dead.]

- You're the one who's doing the right thing. I reopened the anvil.]

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- What? When!]

- Not long ago. It's been a long time since I put a hammer out of my hand, so I'm not very good at it, but I put a toothpick and a ticket on it. But I missed it, so I tried to buy it, and some guy bid on it and took it.]

Eun-ah - I should have had it. If I catch that prick bidding, I'll kill him.]


[King Jeez - I wanted to get in touch with you that way, but you didn't upload anything new...... That's why I'm looking here. Do you have any personal contact with him?]

[Tsukuyo - Eun-ah wants you to shut her squishy mouth. Did you say "king" more than that? What business do you have with the Anvil? No, before that, were you a woman?]

- It's not him.]

Janus, this is a funny guy.]

Comments were dropped there. Although Kang Shin-hyuk was very concerned about the part about not being human, he decided to comment on it first.

- What's going on? I don't think I have enough skills to help you.]

The answer was straight away.

[King Jell-O! Thank you, thank you! I heard that only a blacksmith can perform Dimensional Quests is Anvil. Can you please come into our world?]

- What? This lunatic asked you for a Dimensional Quest at his place? Be proud of your new subject.]

- Is it approved by the manager? Wait, Anvil can do dimensional quests? VIP shit!]

[Janus - some of the armor Grandpa Anvil has been selling. By the way, you, King Jesus. What are you trying to do to Anvil Grandpa?]

[King George - It's not a trick! Our world really needs the help of a blacksmith! We have enough ingredients, please! No, starting with the gathering part...]

[Anvil - Dimensional Quest…….]

With the help of a blacksmith, there aren't any blacksmiths in the world? No, but I also said I'm not human...

“What do you think, Manager? ”

- Dangerous. This place might be helpful enough for you, but the reason I didn't tell you is because….

- Eun-ah's Whisper: If you're going, go with Eun-ah! You can't go anywhere dangerous by yourself again!

“Well, what if I go with Eun-ah? ”

Some of the dimensional quests were accompanied by other Hero Universe members. When Kang Shin-hyuk asked, reading Eun-hyun's timely message, the manager responded with a short message.

- Chet.

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