“You can do whatever you want this time. ”

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Like Kang Shin-hyuk, Inahi, who was wearing a sleeveless shirt, laid her arms on her waist and pulled her back straight up to her base. It was a breathtaking sight for a moment. I think he's right to do it on purpose.

Inahui ignored Kang Shinhyuk's expressions as if they were nonsense, and only said what I had to say.

“Don't get me wrong. Grandpa told me the other day. I heard you were upset because you couldn't do what I wanted to do well. So do whatever you want this time. I'll fit you in. ”

“Thank you for your offer…… let's check the materials first. ”

Kang Shinhyuk took out a pre-refined metal ingot from his inventory. Among the metals obtained from Gromas, it was the next best quality rarity A rank metal, [Lightning Urot].

“What is that? I don't know. It's uncertain, right?”

“You're probably right. I got lucky inside the gate that I entered the practice last time. ” Tra nsl a te d by jpm tl .c o m

“I think you're lying. ”

Ina Hee glanced at Kang Shin-hyuk with an unbelievable look and shrugged her shoulders.

“I'm the only one who can make good stuff. ”

“That's right. I'm not paying for the contest. ”

“So you just want to build something with me, purely? ”

“Sort of. It's before my cravings.”

T ra ns l a t ed by jp mtl .co m Inahui heard that and said, "Are you trying to trick me? ’I thought for a moment, but when I saw the sincere eyes of Kang Shinhyuk, I concluded that it would not be so. Besides, it sounds like you just got dumped by a woman.

“I just got kicked, so I might be able to do more...... but let's believe it. ”

“I'm sorry, are you going to continue talking about it? ”

“Oh, that's funny. ”

Lee Na-hee saw Kang Shin-hyuk who was purifying, clapping dry and pulling the paper that was rolling on the table. I grabbed the dried parchment of paper and stretched out my hand on it and asked Kang Shinhyuk.

“So? What are the properties of that magic metal? My emotional abilities can't read it yet. ”

“It's simple. It's brain activity. ”

“? Does the metal itself have properties? ”

“Something like that, right? ”

Metals with attributes are excellent as a piece of armor. It is because it can be made with feet as an attribute weapon. More likely to become an artifact Of course, it was very rare, and it was a price to call.

The Lightning Urot was a metal that had never existed in Gromas before. After Shin Eun-ah accepted the venadilite and grew up, some of the metals that formed the world were affected by the brain warfare that occurred in preventing the invasion of Jormungan.

Metals created by encountering special abilities and special metals in special circumstances. Of course, the amount of mining was low, and because it was consumed while making things in Gromas, the amount was only a short while ago.

Of course, I don't regret the fact that I was able to make a deal on the trading board and face new people and earn HP.

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Inahui's gaze at the metal quickly changed. It seemed like I was trying to help out from the beginning, but now I feel like I'm full of enthusiasm. Lee Na Hee exclaimed to Kang Shin-hyuk who was smiling.

Tra n s l ate d b y jpmt l .co m “Let's make a staff! ”

“That's an outpouring of passion. ”

“Oh, you noticed? ”

I had no intention of hiding my greed. Kang Shinhyuk shook his head.

“But this time, I want to make something. ”

“You sure know how to raise a man's medicine...! ”

“Don't be disappointed, we're still here. I'm not so bad myself. ”

“There's even more!? ”

Kang Shinhyuk nodded silently. Lee Na-hee, who thought for a moment, clapped his hands as if he were thinking clearly.

"Okay, I'm going to cooperate fully with all your production activities in the future, so before I graduate, I need you to make me a weapon with the same ingots as that. What do you think?”

“Good deal. ”

I've already confirmed Inahi's skills with the last collaboration. Of course, if you look for better enchanters than her, she's the only one who can spend a lot of time together as a club in the same school. If only one ingot could form a smooth relationship with her, it was enough for Shinhyuk Kang.

In fact, I was going to care as much as I was the leader of the same club, even though I didn't think I would have to say it first.

When Shinhyuk Kang accepted the offer, Inahi said, satisfied.

“Then it's a bargain. You're the first man I've ever had to work for, but you're the first man I've ever worked for. It's an honor, right?"

“It's an honor, but does every expression have to be like that? ” Transla te d b y Jp mtl.c o m

Lee Na-hee asked Kang Shin-hyuk, who sighed and shaken his head.

“So what are you going to build? ”

“Oh, right. I thought about it in a lot of ways, but I wanted to try something experimental. ”

Kang Shinhyuk took a pen from Inahi and drew a line in the center of the blank paper. I remembered the question mark on Ina Hee's head.

“What is this? ”

“Actually, of course, we're not just talking about making metal threads...."

“By the way, there must be a maker...... Are you telling me to draw a magic circle on a thin thread? ”

I also had an unreasonable understanding when talking about production as the granddaughter of Imanu. Kang Shinhyuk smiled and raised his thumb without saying a word. Inahui wanted to break his thumb.

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“It doesn't matter if it fails. I want to make it.Will you help me? ”

Inahui also wanted to say to stop, but even though Kang Shinhyuk's mouth was smiling, his eyes were serious. She sighs, then catches her mind with a concussive staff, a concussive staff, and a muttering.

Then I nodded.

“... Okay, don't get upset this time. ”

“I wasn't pissed off last time. ”

“So what's the thread you want to make? ”

“I don't want complicated, but for now..." Tr a nslate d by jp mt l .co m

The two of them put their heads together and began to build a blueprint. Lee Man-woo, who came in a little late, stopped seeing the two of them, then quietly went out again.

‘Maybe there's hope for our granddaughter. ’

It was a moment when the elderly initiated an ambitious granddaughter impersonation plan. Though I had no idea that the prospective granddaughter son-in-law would be surrounded by alchemists and brains tonight.

@ @ @

Shinyoung's hands-on training entered the trial period was increasingly difficult. In addition, during the writing class, assignments began to increase, and students really felt that last week was their last holiday.

“Kang Shin-hyuk, why is he running so well...! ”

“He's the new king, the new king. ”

“Why is there Kang Shin-hyuk and a white man in my class...! Hey, stop running! ”

However, Kang Shin-hyuk was strong. Status is already well beyond the first-grade level, and since the handwriting has always been close to the first-grade tower, there has been no burden on both sides of the handwriting.

“Ugh… Shinnok, help…! ”

“Speak Korean. ”

“Teacher Kang, I don't really know any assignments...! ”

The white thread was, needless to say, the top, but the type that caught the ankle in the note. I was claiming that I could do it, but Kang Shin-hyuk thought it was meaningless if he didn't really do it.

“That's why I'm asking you to play during the exam. ”

“It was Faake, and he was actually preparing for the election in the back. ”

There seemed to be some credibility in that story. At the end of the semester, he was going to run for student council elections and white people elections.

“Hmmm... Okay, I'll show you. ”

“I love guinea pigs! ”

“I don't show you shit. ”

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“Sorry, Mr. Kang. I was wrong.”

If the white man becomes the vice president of the student council, Kang Shin-hyuk's school life will be a little easier. Under such subtleties, Shinhyuk Kang decided to help the white man with a little task.

Of course, by copying the assignment and solving it, you won't even be able to take a handwriting exam.

“Kids, they're playing in third grade today. ”

“A civilian who wants to solve the stress of studying for exams with his classmates. ”

“And if you lose there, you'll lose the score. ”

“This is the worst. ”

The third lesson is [Weapons Training 2]. Kang Shinhyuk felt like he missed somewhere listening to the children mumbling around him.

Isn't that the first class that Kang Shin-hyuk defeated when he gained power?

“Maybe they helped you today, too. ”

“Won't you and I get along? ”

The white man who was copying Kang Shinhyuk's assignment said without much emotion. Kang Shinhyuk stared at him and said with a white smile that only he could hear.

“I know you're stronger. It's really worth it now, isn't it? ”

“I don't know.”

Although he was surrounded roughly, he was also thinking that the inner white man's words were not wrong.

If it had been before I went to Gromas, I'd still be outnumbered, but now his Status is above average A rank.

Assuming that the results were unchanged from previous measurements, agility is one step ahead of the Caucasians to the S-rank, but on the contrary, power is one step ahead of Shinhyuk to the A rank. I know that there is a big difference between rank A and rank S, but on average it is not very different.

Of course, whitening can speed you up even more, but it is the same for Kang Shinhyeok to become stronger with traits.

That leaves us with a rank of magical power... … Even if there was a slight difference, he was able to gain strength as much as he had spiritual power, not magical.

“I thought it would come, but I never thought I'd be able to hold on so fast. What's the growth like? ”

“I don't know, maybe we can figure it out in person. ”

There was a good tension between the two of them. When the spirit told me that the class had 5 minutes left, they left and got up at the same time, as if they had promised.

“Shall we?”

“Let's go.”

“Hey, they're going to play today. ”


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Half the students watched the two of them burn their precepts, and they ran up in flames.

Shinhyuk Kang, who has been the best since he started school and has been making a fuss about the school, and is currently updating his new record. Students who look forward to finally seeing the big match (i.e. trying to escape the reality of the test period) and follow them!

But from the conclusion, their expectations were not met.

“Today I will need the help of magicians and seniors to test my ability to cope in more diverse situations. ”

Hearing his teacher, Gongju, saying that, Kang Shin-hyuk wondered what he was saying at the moment.

But the students who appeared next to him…… in their magic uniforms and black ties, he realized that he was not joking.

“Compete with third-graders and practice witchcraft. Applause for third-grade class I seniors who are willing to help their subordinates even though they are all in the exam period. ”

“Oh, yeah. Yes……?"

Students clapping their hands together and laughing their heads off. It's a training against magic, so of course it's important, but it still feels like something that is not stone-cold. What if it's the third grade this season?


Kang Shin-hyuk was also staring at the bald head of the ticket and wondering why he was doing this. The white man poked him and said,

“The Mado King is staring at you terribly. ”

“The Mado King?”

King of Mado, maybe there was a king of Mado in third grade class I. Kang Shinhyuk raised his head, and indeed, among the third graders, I could find someone who was staring at him. A very handsome blonde man. The name is definitely…….

“Are you flirting with my fiancée? ”

Yes, it was Nathan Bodin. Kang Shinhyuk walked forward and confronted the man staring at him, thinking that he had experienced this similar situation somewhere.

“…… First of all, who is this fiancée? ”

“This is Ina Hee from Class K, 2nd Grade. ”

Yeah, I think I've been there. Kang Shinhyuk smiled and rebuked him.

“I think you're mistaken. Of course you wouldn't believe me if I told you. ”

“Come out.”

King Mado declared arrogantly.

“I'll teach you some manners. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk thought that all the so-called kings were strange people, but soon he realized he was one of them and bowed his head.

I shouldn't have gone out there, either.

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