Rumors of Kang Shin-hyuk destroying the Mado King in the Great Pit spread throughout the entire school. If Kang Shinhyuk were the Mado King himself, it would have spread so badly that he would have just chosen to drop out.

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Of course, Kang Shin-hyuk's popularity quickly rose to the sky, and the fact that he was the new king of the year and a knight and student of the Non-Dragon Knights also aced the Department of Magic and defeated Nathan Bodeng, who was also the head of the Mado King's Society and Shinyoung Mado Society, made the whole world tremble.

The knight King Douglas Payne, who had been advised by Shinhyuk before, deliberately saw him [well done.]. But I didn't remember to teach Douglas Payne the stick email address, so I chewed it up.

And the fact that Kang Shin-hyuk defeated the Mado King, there was someone who blamed Kwanghhee Kwang.


“I've never seen anyone smile so peacefully, sunbae. ”

Inahi rolled over the poor desk that followed by the explosion of a fire that didn't fit at all. It was the perfect moment to destroy the image I had of her.

Tr a nsla t e d by Jp m “I, Nathan Bodhin, was struck by a wooden sword in the head! Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh. ”

“I can't, if I don't do something...."

Seeing Inahi laughing like a broken man, she must not have been Nathan Bodin's fiancé. When Shinhyuk Kang told the story, Inahui wiped her smile off her face and settled into place. I thought it would be better if you came down from your desk.

“Listen, that's why I like it so much. ”

“Because the man who was flirting with you got cold feet from me? ”

“Yeah. Hey, do all men do that? She hates it, wants to stick around and pretend to be her boyfriend all she wants, but it's the worst. What, Pianze? I told you not to talk to me, and you were doing that shit behind my back? ”

“Having too much power at such a young age, did he mistakenly think he could have anything he wanted? I'm just guessing. But just to be clear, there aren't that many of them. ”

You'd know if you were in middle school. There won't be many talented students there. T rans l ated b y jp mtl .co m

Shinhyuk Kang said that, wanting to avoid treating all men the same, Inahui shrugged her shoulders with a slightly strange look.

“I was busy. All the boys I've seen since graduation are weird. ”


“You said you're at the edge of Seoul. It's out there.”

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“…… in transit? If there's any geology I know, it's a private middle school that only superhumans can go to. ”

Although private, women's middle schools are both superhuman parents, have reached a certain rank for more than a certain amount of time, and only the children of those who play extraordinary roles in any way... … an elite school for the chosen.

In fact, most students who graduate from geohwa university enter excellent educational facilities, including Shinyoung. Of course, there is a similar middle school for men, but Kang Shin-hyuk, an orphan, naturally did not dream of entering such a place.

“Sunbae... Are you actually a rich girl? ”

No, if you think about it, you're the granddaughter of the Great Yard. However, there is a condition that every parent should be superhuman, which means that not only Lee Man-woo, but also Father and Mother were great powers....

“Hmm... yeah, something like that. ”

However, Inahi, who was so energetic until then, silenced Kang Shin-hyuk's question as if it was suddenly blocked. Seeing her face blurred, Kang Shin-hyuk instinctively said, "I'd rather not ask questions about her family."

“Kmm, anyway, even if I cut him off, it wouldn't be a problem. I wonder if it has anything to do with you..."

“Don't bullshit me. You said you kicked him in the head. ”

The brutal and concise movement caused the Mado King to be severely injured for three days even though he could use Shinyoung's excellent healing facilities and abilities.

However, no one blamed King of Mado for being ridiculed because it was a formal struggle and the third grade was smashed with power without any handicap against the first grade. T r a n sl a t ed b y Jp m tl .co m

“Actually, I was able to get 18 more combos in between. ”

“How did you win so easily when you were king of Mado? ”

“Can you honestly believe that? ”

"I can tell you, but I don't understand. ”

Lee Na-hee, who had been very convincing about Kang Shin-hyuk's words, looked at Kang Shin-hyuk quietly. Kang Shinhyuk stared at her, and she laughed.

“I like your condition. He was talented, he was metallurgical, and he was handsome. ”

“You're a blatant snob. ”

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“No, it's just a cold judgment. You're gonna be a pain in the ass. All the girls are gonna come running to get you. ”

“Like you bothered the Mado King? ”

Inahui nodded, frowning.

"You know that. What should I say about this school...? It's like a paradise for young animals in human clothes. Maybe it's a little violent, but it's not so wrong. Haven't we all lost blood on our heads and bragged about each other? Isn't it because we're men and women who want to conceal good and evil by giving up logic...? That's not what superhumans do. You're raising your strength to fight monsters, right? But focusing on all the useless things...... Where did the original purpose of this school go? ”

Kang Shinhyuk also had similar thoughts, so he could not deny her words so strongly. It is no different from those of ordinary people who have the power, the power, and other forces.

Only in Shinyoung, the power is revealed in physical form, and members are not as good at hiding my desires as they are young.

“The same is true of popular vote. What are you gonna do at a school that's raising superhumans for, like, a popularity vote? Last year, Nathan Bodin started talking to me about it, and this year...... can you believe it? You put her in first place without letting her resign on her own, and then you put her on display. Do you know what boys used to say when they saw that? ”

“Sunbae, calm down. ” T ran sl a t ed b y jp mt

At least it was well known that Inahui was not happy that she had placed second consecutive votes. I think it was a good atmosphere at first, but I don't know why it happened like this.

“Nathan Bodin wouldn't be able to do that in the future. That would be better. Isn't that right?”

“I'm glad to hear that....... Anyway, this time, I'm the one who caused you trouble. I'm sorry."

Ina Hee finally came down from her desk, and tucked her skirt and bowed her head to Kang Shin-hyuk. Kang Shinhyuk asked her frankly because he thought of something strange and suddenly came to mind.

“But why did Nathan Bodin come looking for me at this time? Did you know? ”

When Kang Shin-hyuk briefly recounted what Nathan Bodhin said to himself, Inahi clearly said, "Oops, I made a mistake." When Kang Shin-hyuk's eyes narrowed, she could not overcome his strength, so she told him frankly.

“Well, I told my classmates that I had a spouse who was making fun of me..."

“Say it! ”

I thought Hall was her fault! That's why she came to me with such provocation, with hatred for Shinhyuk and Nathan Bodeng!

“No, I was talking to a friend of mine in my class, and the stalker who listens to it is bad! Besides, you can force me to do whatever you want with a definite promise..."

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“Yep, I'll reflect. Sorry……."

As long as Kang Shin-hyuk had the metal she wanted, Inahui could not come out strong in his words…….

@ @ @

The spiritual time that entered the trial period really passed quickly. At the same time, election activities were finally showing up on the surface. In addition to preparing for the election, white people were looking increasingly tired these days. T r ans la te d b y jpmt l .com

“I think you're in the worst shape possible, but is there a problem with the election itself? ”

“Just tell your face, so I don't have to go to the surface.... Plus, I do it right when I need it. ”

“That's not what I'm talking about..."

The most important thing in the election is you. The rest of the executives are determined by the will of the chairman. Of course, the image of the chairman became important, but there was no doubt in terms of credit that he was the vice chairman last year.

“Come on. I won't let you go, but let me know if there's anything I can do to help." ”

“Introduce me to her. ”

“Do it with your strength. ”

I was adamant about what came out of my mouth without hesitation, and the white man stretched out his arms with a grumbling expression and shook his neck.

“You! I'm a direct descendant of Algiers, and this time I live alone with Inahui!? Are you kidding me? Put him on the phone! ”

“White man, it's not popular because you say that...."

I went back in just before it popped out of my mouth. Kang Shinhyuk glanced at the white man shaking himself with a pathetic look. Suddenly, the white man shook his head and let go of the hand holding his collar when Kang Shin-hyuk took him seriously.

“No, I wasn't really mad at you, Shinhyuk. ”

“I'm not mad at you either. I just had an idea. ”

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Kang Shinhyuk was reminded of the conversation he had with Inahi the other day. She said she didn't like voting for popularity in spirituality that nurtures superhumans. I need to raise my strength to fight monsters and I'm doing the wrong thing.

Of course, the weight of her words may not be determined unless she is with her and watches over her in the future, but at least the words themselves were not wrong. Kang Shinhyuk was also emotionally supportive.

‘But if that's what the white man was thinking...? ’

My sister says that white people are definitely handsome owners. There are two outstanding abilities. In the early days of admission, most girls were probably locking on to the white man.

But now, despite his ability or appearance, his popularity has long been unchanged. It's because every time the white man opened his mouth, only the words of his stock kept popping up. It's the same now.

But what if it was in the whites' intentions? What if he wanted to focus on himself in Shinyoung, deliberately devaluing himself and reducing the hassle?

‘There is credibility. He will, too, because I'm the only one who keeps getting annoyed about women! ’

Kang Shinhyuk looked at the white man with a face that could not hide his horror. If he's been aiming for this since he started school, it's a great thing. You may need to reassess him.


“No, I'm not gonna ask you to introduce me to a girl anymore! I'm not doing it! ”

At that point, he suddenly lowered his voice and spoke quietly, taking his mouth to his ear.


Maybe right now, Kang Shin-hyuk is the first to hear the white man's truth!

“After the exam, let's go hunt for supergirl sister, Cole? Ow!”


Kang Shinhyuk stretched out his hand silently and slapped the white man's lips. He then taps his cheek to regain consciousness.

Another week after that, the final exam began.

Kang Shinhyuk passed all handwriting courses gradually...

Next, a formal duel was waiting for him to be reflected in the live-action test and graduate rankings.

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