A War Between Spies

Chapter 64: 64

The first ones to take a shower were the most powerful inmates. This was because the hot water supply became unstable as time went by. Even cold water was quite normal towards the end of the showering period.

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Yang Yi wanted to enjoy his shower but after looking at the lower rung inmates taking turns to shower, his desire to shower had finally overcome his fear.

Thus, he entered the bathroom sneakily.

Although most of the inmates only glanced when they saw Yang Yi, there were still a few inmates who actually stared at Yang Yi. These few inmates chose to shower last because of their unique orientation.

Yang Yi was extremely uncomfortable being looked at by those inmates. So, he glared back at them and moved his hand in a throat cutting gesture. There was no way for him to keep a low profile after such a hostile gesture.

Once the inmates took into consideration that Yang Yi had caused someone’s eye to go blind, his threat wasn’t entirely ineffective. Nonetheless, he still couldn’t entirely eliminate their desire.

Thus, he could only shower quickly.

Though the water had started to turn cold, the slightly warm shower was still a rare pleasure for Yang Yi.

Yang Yi remained vigilant while he showered and didn’t dare to close his eyes. Shortly after, he saw four or five Black men rushed into bathroom and the Boxing King was amongst them.

Oh crap!

It seemed like the Boxing King and his men were waiting for him to take a shower. Although Yang Yi was confused, he immediately retreated.

There were many pillars in the bathroom and shower nozzles were installed all around each pillar. Unfortunately, the bathroom only had a single entrance.

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As Yang Yi started to run, the Boxing King’s men spread out around Yang Yi in all directions to surround him. It made escape practically impossible.

“Out of the way!”

It was impossible for Yang Yi to not be afraid. Since he was out of options, he could only be courageous.

“Catch him!”

“Charge! Catch him!

Whistling sounds could be heard everywhere but it wasn’t made by any of the Boxing King’s men. Although the Black men weren’t exactly fit, Yang Yi was caught soon since there was nowhere to run.

Yang Yi was forced to be merciless and eliminate anyone who got near him.

He immediately attempted to dig out the eyes of the man who had caught him and the Black man reacted by lowering his head. Therefore, Yang Yi moved his hands above the Black man’s head.

He then balled his hand into a fist and smashed it down into the back of the Black man’s head.

Very few men could endure a hit to the head. The Black man who had caught Yang Yi immediately lost control of his body and stumbled before falling towards the ground. Although Yang Yi was no longer immobile, his situation had turned for the worse.

Both his arms were immediately caught by two different men and he was lifted off the ground. Sometimes, resistance was futile. Yang Yi couldn’t break free even after struggling with all his might.

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“Little fella, you’re out of luck!”

The Boxing King took off the towel wrapped around his waist and sneered, “Turn him around and push him against the wall. I’m going to teach him a lesson!”

Yang Yi continued to struggle desperately but he was unable to break free. He suddenly stopped struggling. As he was being turned, he revealed a surprised expression and exclaimed, “Sir! Save me!”

Yang Yi’s acting was very believable when he spoke. Thus, the Boxing King was disconcerted when he turned his head to look.

Although the two men holding Yang Yi didn’t loosen their grasp, he had finally found an opening. Yang Yi immediately kicked out with all his might and thankfully his aim was true.

The Boxing King shouldn’t have gotten near Yang Yi before he was fully turned around. The Boxing King let out a pain-filled howl as he used both his hands to support his crotch. His eyes almost popped out due to the pain.

Both of the Black men holding Yang Yi finally loosened their grip when they witnessed the misery the Boxing King was in. Since Yang Yi couldn’t break free, he turned his body sideways instead.

The two Black men holding Yang Yi were huge and Yang Yi couldn’t find an opportunity to attack them before since they were standing on either side of him. However, Yang Yi finally found an opportunity while they were distracted by the heavy blow he delivered to the Boxing King.

Using the two men holding him as a support, he jumped up with all his might and kicked backwards. He had originally wanted to kick both the men holding him but out of concern that he might not jump high enough, he dismissed the plan.

Yang Yi was lucky enough to hit his target. This caused the man clutching him on the right to loosen his hold even more.

Although he wasn’t entirely free yet, he could now use his hand to attack the man to his left. However, he knew it would end badly for him.

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A human’s potential would erupt out when they were forced into desperation. Thus, Yang Yi didn’t attack with his fist. He had planned out every single step of how he would proceed since he feigned seeing a guard.

Most people wouldn’t have been able to plan properly under such circumstances because they wouldn’t have been able to think of a solution fast enough. Unlike others, Yang Yi was able to keep a sharp mind even during life-threatening moments. Although he had come up with a plan, Yang Yi could only execute the plan to find out if it was actually going to succeed.

Yang Yi used his head to attack the man clutching him on his left but it ended in failure. After being shocked for a moment, the Black man moved his head to avoid the strike while subconsciously increasing the strength he was using to hold Yang Yi.

Yang Yi had wanted to strike the nose of the man on his left but his attempt ended in failure. Since the attempt to headbutt the Black man on his left didn’t produce any results, the Black man tried to force Yang Yi to the floor.

Although Yang Yi’s right hand was finally free, he couldn’t use it to attack in time. The situation had now turned into melee combat. He was out of ideas now that he had used up all his tricks.

As Yang Yi couldn’t use his right arm, he could only turn towards the Black man on his left and bit his neck.

Yang Yi felt resistance when he took the bite and then a metallic smelling liquid filled his mouth.

A lot of jaw power was required to bite into raw meat. However, biting off a piece of meat from a living person wouldn’t be difficult when your teeth were your only weapon.

The man holding Yang Yi immediately let out a scream of pain. The Black man used all his might to push Yang Yi aside thus giving him his freedom.

Yang Yi immediately turned around to flee. The last man brought by Boxing King immediately stood in front of Yang Yi and attempted to punch him.


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Yang Yi spit out the flesh and blood in his mouth at the Black man who had intended to stop him. Witnessing the bloody state of Yang Yi’s mouth, the Black man immediately lifted his hands to block it and looked sideways.

Yang Yi jumped up and hit the Black man in the stomach with his right knee.

Another opponent was incapacitated by Yang Yi. At this time, the first Black man that Yang Yi had smashed in the head started to get up slowly. Thus Yang Yi walked by him and hit his head again without hesitation. The Black man collapsed on the floor again.

As Yang Yi rushed out of the bathroom, he encountered two more of the Boxing King’s men. Both of them just stood there foolishly because they couldn’t believe their own eyes. Yang Yi had actually rushed out of the bathroom.

Yang Yi’s path was actually blocked by these two men. Thus, he could only stop. Yang Yi immediately raised his hands and bellowed at the two Black men who were still in shock.


Yang Yi’s mouth, chin and chest were covered in blood. Even his teeth were stained red.

Yang Yi didn’t clench his hands into fists and left both of them open. It was a pure instinctive action but this was definitely baring fangs and brandishing claws.

One of the Black men collapsed on the floor because he lost the strength in his legs.

There was also another Black man who had fled screaming in horror. The man had crashed into a locker after taking only two steps and fell on the ground. He immediately got up and continued fleeing.

Now, there was no longer anyone left to block his path.

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