Chapter 33 You Look Lovely When You Are Sleeping

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After Lu BaoYan had finished eating, he had two more hours of video conferencing with the senior staff of the overseas branch.

It was already past eleven when he was lying on his bed.

Su JianAn was still sleeping while holding his pillow. Half of her face was buried in a soft pillow, like a child seeking for security.

Lu BaoYan carefully took the pillow back from her arms. She screamed feeling dissatisfied. Her little hand grabbed around in the bed and finally caught. Like a child who had found her favourite toy, she hugged Lu BaoYan with her legs pressing him, and slightly rubbing her legs on him.

She didn’t wear a sling pajamas like she did last time, just buried her face on his chest, and her warm breath was sprayed on his chest. Lu BaoYan’s feeling was more intense than last time – his whole body was boiling, forming a force that gathers somewhere in the body.

She fell asleep as purely and ignorantly as a child. Lu BaoYan sighed, looking down, he had the urge to get a revenge on her collarbone, sucking it, but he immediately leave her and went for a cold shower.

After calmly coming back, Lu BaoYan’s pillow was already occupied again. He reluctantly took it back. Su JianAn suddenly cried. He immediately took her into his arms and patted her on her back. Like appeasing a frightened child, it took a long time for her to finally loose her brows and regain her sleep.

This little monster, always seems to have endless courage, but why is she so sensitive and afraid when she’s sleeping?

Lu BaoYan looked at her through the dim light. The more he look at the little monster, the more he saw her as a poor little animal. He couldn’t help but tighten her tightly.

The little monster seemed to be feeling comfortable. Her little hand roamed on Lu BaoYan’s chest before finally grabbed his waist and fell asleep peacefully.

Lu BaoYan was trapped by her, and the things that were pressed down had started to became restless, but in order not to scare the person in his arms, he still resisted.

That night was the most difficult night for Lu BaoYan to fall asleep.

* * *

Early in the morning on the next day, Su JianAn finally regained her consciousness. She felt like she had slept for a long time. She had a very good night sleep.

After her mother died, she seemed to have never slept with such peace of mind.

However, she felt something weird, she could feel a very familiar breath next to her…

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She opened her eyes and caught the view of a man’s chest. Looking up, it was Lu BaoYan!

They had already been lying on the same bed before so she was not surprised. But why am I hugging Lu BaoYan’s waist? Why did my whole body sticking to Lu BaoYan? Why am I in his arms! ! !

For a few moments, Su JianAn’s brain could not working, and her whole body froze.

How can we be in this intimate position?

After a few moments she finally reacted. Like being shocked by an electric fence, Su JianAn suddenly loosened her hands on Lu BaoYan and bounced.

Lu BaoYan who was still asleep was awakened by Su JianAn’s sudden movements. He opened his eyes and looked at her.

The robe on his body was very loose, and his sturdy body was slightly exposed. His action of waking up had a deadly elegance and laziness, like a slowly awakened aristocrat.

Su JianAn looked at him, almost unclear with the situation, she was fascinated by Lu BaoYan’s current condition. Fortunately she finally found her voice, she just opened her mouth, but was stunned by Lu BaoYan.

“Lower your voice, Mom is sleeping at next door to us, she came over yesterday afternoon.”

Su JianAn tried to think about it. Her last memory of yesterday was in Lu BaoYan’s car. She didn’t know how did she ended up on Lu BaoYan’s bed, let alone Tang YuLan.

Am I having a selective amnesia?

“Lu BaoYan, how did I get here?” she asked with a look of uneasiness.

“I carried you here.”

Su JianAn’s face slightly blushed.

“What did you eat lately? You’ve become heavier than last time. Also, I asked Old Xu to temporarily lock your room.”

Saying that, he walked gracefully and went to the bathroom. Su JianAn finally understood that she had fell asleep up until now, so she did not know that Tang YuLan came, but –

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She didn’t gain any weight. He definitely was just playing with her, you filthy liar!

“Wait a minute!” She rushed towards Lu BaoYan and said with a smile. “Lu BaoYan, I heard that you are very particular about cleanliness? Let me tell you something, I didn’t take a shower yesterday and even lied on your bed for the whole night. ~”

Lu BaoYan was stunned by her. Su JianAn proudly walked passed him and rushed into the bathroom, and made a face to him before closing the door.

There was a sound of water coming from the bathroom. Lu BaoYan suddenly thought of something, he hooked the corner of his lips, sat down on the sofa, and had a leisurely posture.

After fifteen minutes, Su JianAn pitifully poked her head out “Lu BaoYan…”

Lu BaoYan looked at her lazily “What?”

“I was wrong…” Su JianAn’s attitude can’t be more sincere. “I am really wrong. I will never sleep in your bed without taking a shower anymore. So… can you help me with my clothes?”

Lu BaoYan tried to hide his smirk. Just now she wanted to make him felt uncomfortable, but she forgot that she didn’t have change clothes with her, and the clothes she was wearing were all wet…

Lu BaoYan elegantly folded his legs “Your door was locked, I can’t get in.”

“Call Old Xu to open the door!”

“We will be suspected.”

Su JianAn wanted to cry “Then what should I do?”

Lu BaoYan looked at her “You didn’t wear anything right now?”

Su JianAn’s stupidly nodded and reacted again – what kind of question he asked just now!

Her face was burned red in an instant, and she screamed “You don’t want to help me!”

Lu BaoYan smiled and decided: “Don’t want to help you. What? You dare to come out?”

“…” Su JianAn did not dare.

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A good woman would not admit defeat that easily. She used her brain and decided to acted soft.

“Bao Yan ge…”

She was so eager to gain sympathy from Lu BaoYan. Her white cheeks revealed a shallow pink, squinting her innocent eyes like a little white rabbit who was wronged while looking at him.

Watching her like that made Lu BaoYan thought… I want to bully her.

Lu BaoYan couldn’t help but to imagined the scene behind the door. He gulped. He tried to concealed his feeling so he rose up and went to the cloakroom to get a shirt for her.

Su JianAn did not even have time to thank him. She quickly closed the door and put on Lu BaoYan’s shirt.

His shirt was long and wide making Su JianAn felt quite safe. She pushed the door open.

There was no woman that had ever touched Lu BaoYan’s clothes. However, Lu BaoYan felt that in front of her, he was willing to let her wear it all his life.

Only in front of him!

The long, wide white shirt clasped her slender body. She probably felt that the sleeves were in the way, so she folded it up to her elbow. The top two buttons were undone, revealing her beautiful collarbone. The shirt was only able to cover her slender body. Her hips and her long straight legs were dangling in front of him, and the shirt swayed with the curve of her body, which was simply challenging his strength.

A knock on the door sounded just in time, and Tang YuLan’s voice was heard “Bao Yan, are you getting up?”

Su JianAn looked down at herself, worried that she would be seen by Tang YuLan. She hurriedly asked Lu BaoYan with her mouth “What should I do?!”

Lu BaoYan took Su JianAn’s hand and stuffed her back into the bed. He wrapped her tightly in the quilt and opened the door.

Tang YuLan smiled from outside the door “Have you wake up, Jian An?”

Su JianAn nervously uttered “Mom, Good Morning!”

“Good Morning.” Tang YuLan looked inside, and her eyes were smiling “I woke up early today so I prepared some breakfast for us.”

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Su JianAn nodded. Tang YuLan saw her shrinking in the bed, and looked at Lu BaoYan’s messy clothes. She revealed a mysterious smile, and turned to went downstairs.

Old Xu was very thoughtful. After Tang YuLan went downstairs, he sent a maid to brought clothes for Su JianAn. She simply thought Old Xu as her life savior. She waited for Lu BaoYan to go to the bathroom to take a shower before she immediately sneaked into the cloakroom to change clothes.

The time showed at 7:30 when both were ready. Su JianAn thought it was still early so she closed the door and had a serious talk with Lu BaoYan. “Just like the last time, I did not deliberately hold you, and this time I also don’t know that I was actually sleeping with you.”

She pinched the area between her eyebrows – Is there anything wrong with saying this? … No matter what, I need to clear this misunderstanding

“I said, when I was asleep, I used to hold things closer to myself. In other words, even if a stone lay beside me, I would hug it! Do you understand?”

Lu BaoYan frowned and pulled his hand to rub Su JianAn’s long hair “You look lovely when you are sleeping.”

Su JianAn was confused – did he understand or not?

“Lu BaoYan?”

Lu BaoYan grabbed Su JianAn’s hand and took her down the stairs. Su JianAn was afraid that Tang YuLan would hear anything so she naturally did not speak out. She obediently followed Lu BaoYan downstairs. With the appearance of a small wife, Tang YuLan simply smiled.

Su JianAn saw Tang YuLan and her mood became brighter. She suddenly remembered the thing yesterday afternoon “Mom, I don’t know that you came over yesterday.” She looked at Lu BaoYan with resentment. “Why don’t you wake me up?”

Lu BaoYan handed a sandwich to Tang YuLan as he took a look at Su JianAn “You sleep like a pig.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Tang YuLan smiled. “I just came to tell you something. I hosted a charity auction at the City Garden Hotel this evening. And I want you, Jian An and Bao Yan to come together.”

Su JianAn nodded “I understand.”

“There is one more thing.” Tang YuLan’s face became a little dignified. She looked at Su JianAn. “Su Hong, Su YuanYuan and her mother may also come.”

She was afraid for Su JianAn, because the three people would have a great influence on her. Su JianAn smiled “Mom, do you want me to help you receive the guests?”

Tang YuLan was stunned and suddenly laughed. Lu BaoYan’s lips also briefly touched a shallow smile.

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