The auction was intense but Su JianAn’s mind was almost not into it.

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She had been bowing her head to send a text message to Su YiCheng.

Lu BaoYan looked at her coldly and wait until when she could remember him.

“Next, our auction item is a bracelet donated by Mrs. Su” the auction continued and the picture of the jade bracelet appeared on the big screen. The auctioneer began to explain the value of the jade bracelet to the people in the audience.

Soon the jade bracelet was brought onto the stage, but Su JianAn still did not receive a reply from Su Yicheng.

As a last resort, she had to dial Su YiCheng’s phone number, but only heard the notice that his phone was shut down.

At the moment, the bracelet has already shouted a price of 400,000.

Su JianAn squinted her head and swung her head. In any case, today she could not let the bracelet fall into the hands of others.



The price has been raised higher and higher, Su JianAn was in a hurry, just at this time –


The sound of the voice was not low, and the whole venue was quiet.

The texture and luster of the bracelet was indeed really good, but it not worth the price of 3 million.

Su JianAn looked at Lu BaoYan – why did he shoot this bracelet at such a high price? Paying for it?

“Three million three times!” the bidding was finalized as auctioneer banged the small hammer “Congratulations Mr. Lu!”

Listening what the auctioneer had said, yet Su JianAn did not let out a sigh of relief.

Lu BaoYan bought the bracelet. Was it better to let it fall onto other people hands?

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The finale was a small antique, which was taken at a high price. The charity auction party raised nearly 10 million donations. Tang YuLan announced that it would be used to support poor college students and support mountain education.

The charity auction party ended, and the next celebration was the reception.

Su JianAn walked close to Lu BaoYan, sneaked at him twice, thinking about how to ask him about his bracelet.

Lu BaoYan let her hold his hand, but still, she did not take the initiative to take the bracelet.

She don’t know how to ask for help, but she know how to open her mouth to talk right?

After awhile, Lu BaoYan was called away by several acquaintances. Su JianAn saw Su HongYuan and Jiang XueLi.

She suddenly lowered her face and walked straight toward Jiang XueLi.

Su JianAn’s mother’s bracelet was discovered by Jiang XueLi when she entered the Su family and secretly hid it. She knows why Su JianAn came, and it was inevitable that she has some guilty conscience. She hides behind Su HongYuan and secretly asks Su HongYuan for help.

Su HongYuan stared coldly at Su JianAn, “She is your aunt, not your enemy!”

“I finally know why both of you get married.” Su JianAn stopped and sneered at their faces. “People are divided into groups and similar people are grouped together. You both are despicable without any sense of shame, no wonder that both of you stinks.”

Su HongYuan’s face changed abruptly, and Jiang XueLi was angry “Su JianAn, the jade bracelet is already,.. your mother has been dead for so many years!”

If not because of Jiang XueLi, how could her mother die unexpectedly?

Su JianAn’s little handcuffs became a fist. Tang YuLan came over and noticed that the atmosphere was stiff and pulled Su JianAn’s hand “Jian An, what happened?”

Jiang XueLi intentionally became friendly towards Tang YuLan, she smiled “Jian An’s mother-in-law, it’s nothing, we are here to chat with Jian An.”

Tang YuLan looked at Jiang XueLi “Jian An, is Mrs. Su not your mother?”

“My mom has been dead for years.”

Tang YuLan frowned, her tone was polite yet was full of alienation “Mrs. Su, I am thankful for your generous donation on behalf of the children in the mountain areas. However, you should not make others confuse, my son’s wife is not your daughter. Excuse me.”

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She left with Su JianAn.

Jiang XueLi screamed angrily “These people enjoy bullying others too much!”

Although she and Su HongYuan held a wedding certificate, and the law also recognized their husband and wife relationship, but for so many years she has not been able to integrate into the so-called noble circle. The people in the circle did not regard her as Mrs. Su, yet they secretly calling her ‘Su HongYuan’s surface wife’, and the most annoying thing in the circle was those ‘surface wife’.

She thought that being friendly towards Tang YuLan would make her future social life  changed, but now it seems that Tang YuLan gave her zero hope.

Jiang XueLi rushed to find Su YuanYuan and told her about the incident.

Su YuanYuan’s beautiful face was still looked innocent and simple, but her facial expression looked fierce “When Su JianAn was surrounded by the high schooler, she managed to escaped. The previous defeat has yet been recompense. Well now, the new hatred and old hate are count together!”

Jiang XueLi was shocked “Yuan Yuan, what do you want to do? Don’t mess around, Su JianAn now has a backing!”

“Turning her backing into me, isn’t it alright?”

Su YuanYuan was fixing her makeup, and her skin was more blown. She looked at her reflection on the mirror and squeezed a smile that no man can resist, and left the bathroom with a small step.

Outside, Su JianAn still felt suffocated in her chest. Tang YuLan sighed and let her stay on the sofa, and then walked away.

Not long after, Lu BaoYan, who had just stood with a few middle-aged men, suddenly sat next to her “Give me your hand.”

Su JianAn looked over at him with a sullen look “What for?”

Lu BaoYan never likes to talk a lot, he can’t help but pulled Su JianAn’s hand and put the bracelet that he just bid to Su JianAn.

Her skin is white and the green bracelet looked more beautiful on her hand. The jade bracelet also seems to be born for her, circled on her wrist, extra quiet and peaceful, like people who have been wandering for many years, finally found the final destination.

Young girls, some can just wear the simple and unadorned jade bracelet but still look so beautiful.

Su JianAn was completely confused, she looked at Lu BaoYan “You… you bid for this.. is it for me?”

“I don’t want Aunt Ning’s things to fall into others hand.” Lu BaoYan said like it was nothing more than that “And, you just sent a text message to Su YiCheng, don’t you want to get the bracelet back?”

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“You saw?” Su JianAn was even more surprised. “I thought you wouldn’t notice what I was doing.”

The person who didn’t pay attention was obviously her, if she just turned her head, she could see him watching her.

Lu BaoYan’s eyes changed its color “Su JianAn, you really forgot what I’ve said?”

Su JianAn failed to understand so she just blink “You, you told me a lot. What are you referring to?”

“I clearly told you that if anything happen in the future, the first person you think of should be me. Not Su YiCheng.” Lu BaoYan was clearly feeling disappointed “I was sitting next to you all the time, but why do you still have to call a phone that has been turned off.”

That sentence, she remember it clearly, but… the situation was special.

“If I need money, I should ask for it from my brother.” She said, “But being blocked or surrounded by people, I’ll surely come to find you… your bodyguards look very powerful!”

“…” Lu BaoYan gritted his teeth. “Later if you need money, you should come to find me too!”

Su JianAn blinked – I don’t even want money from YiCheng ge, but I don’t want money from Lu BaoYan more than anyone else. Besides, if we get divorce in two years, it would be very troublesome to count all the debt.

Lu BaoYan seemed to know what Su JianAn was thinking,  “You are already Mrs. Lu, and you still have to ask Su YiCheng to get back the bracelet. Do you think Su YiCheng will not doubt anything?”

Su JianAn reacted, yes, if he asked why I didn’t use money from Lu BaoYan, then how should I answer him? 

“You think very thoughtfully.” Su JianAn nodded. “If I need to use money in the future, I will borrow it from you. Rest assured, I will pay you back.”

Lu BaoYan pulled up Su JianAn’s hand and played with the jade bracelet that he had just gave her “There is three million worth of bracelet on your hand, and your annual salary is only 100,000. Seems like you will pay me back until your next life.”

“You can rest assured, I can think of a way to pay you back?” Su JianAn said calmly, “When I am not Mrs. Lu anymore, I can just ask my brother for money. I have been receiving money from him for so long, so he must be willing to give some money to me. Even if he don’t give me, I will just sell some of the houses that he bought under my name.”

Lu BaoYan moved closer towards her “What about the interest? Hm?”

Su JianAn was surprised by his words – What? Wait, I never thought about it.

She looked at Lu BaoYan “How do you want to count them?”

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“Of course–” Lu BaoYan bowed his head and kissed her lightly on her lips. “This way.”

Su JianAn still did not respond, Lu BaoYan suddenly kissed her again, she widened her eyes. Lu BaoYan was just lightly kissed her and swept past her lips, like a feather sweeping her lips.

She blinked her eyes and stared at Lu BaoYan.

“There are too many people.” Lu BaoYan said with a smile. “This kind of thing, we should look for a place with few people to do it better.”

Su JianAn returned to the world and touched her lips “Lu BaoYan, you are playing rogue this time!” Who is going to have interest like this? Who is counting interest like this!!

Lu BaoYan hooked his lips and said “What about it?” With his tone, no one could question him.

Su JianAn became speechless.

Standing so close to each other, they looked into each other’s eyes. In other peoples eyes. they looked like a loving couple, so intimate and nothing can come in between them. Some people really admire the deep affection of a newly wed couple, but some people have their eyes on fire.

Su YuanYuan lived for a long time under the light of Su JianAn. She didn’t have a moment to be willing. Now, as long as she can take Lu BaoYan, no one will look down on her anymore. Did everyone think that I am not as good as Su JianAn?

She went straight to Su JianAn and looked at her with sorrowful eyes, then she suddenly started to cry.

“Sister, how can you do this?”

Her voice was small and pathetic, but it was still can be heard. People in the banquet halls cast their sights over towards them.

For a time, Su JianAn and Su YuanYuan were very eye-catching.

This was the attention that Su YuanYuan want. She wanted to let everyone know that Su JianAn is not so kind like on the surface!

Today, she is going to destroy the image of Su JianAn who has always been high!

Su JianAn did not know what medicine was sold in Su YuanYuan’s gourd, but she was looking forward to it.

She would like to see if there is any improvement in Su Yuanyuan’s IQ compared to the last time.

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