A Warrior's Path

Chapter 107

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The ones who stood before Madara were the backbone of entire shinobi alliance and yet... it was them who felt pressure.

From Madara's eyes they didn't see any hesitation, only the will to accomplish his goal. His eyes glowed red as he stared towards everyone. All could feel the battle intent surging through him.

Suddenly his gaze wandered to Obito who was fighting Jiraiya. His body was covered with wounds, big and small. Madara disappeared and got behind Jiraiya as he kicked hard to his head. Fukasaku and Shima sensed Madara's movement and warned him.

Jiraiya used his hair to defend, he used force from that kick to retreat. Minato saw the situation and teleported towards Jiraiya, Naruto followed.

Madara didn't bother with them, he asked Obito " Is it done? "

Obito nodded. He took out a scroll and passed it to Madara.

Madara looked at Minato and Naruto " Such a shame. I wanted to awaken Ten Tails at full capacity but seems like it's not possible."

Ripples formed around them as they teleported away. Minato attacked but couldn't stop them. He had a bad feeling when he saw Madara retreat like that.

His attention turned towards the Gedou statue, he watched as Obito and Madara appear above its head. Madara dropped the scroll in his hands into the statues mouth. The statue's mouth shut after it swallowed the scroll.

Everyone was silent as they waited, the statue stood still for few seconds before grabbing it's head and screaming.


All of them retreated, the screaming lasted for few minutes before stopping. Since the statue was thrashing around, dust covered the region. After the dust settled what everyone saw sent shivers down their spine.

A colossal beast larger than any tailed beast stood before them, ten huge tails waved behind It. This beast only had one eye, but it's eye was red with circles inside, in each circle there was three tomoe.

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Minato muttered " Ten tails. So we couldn't stop it."

Madara wasn't finished, he made few hand signs. The ten tails body contracted violently, like a sponge absorbing water Madara's body absorbed the ten tails. As he did so changes appeared.

His hair changed to pale white, long robes donned his body. Behind these robes nine Magatamas were imprinted. A black scepter formed in his hands.

Sarutobi saw these changes, his complexion got ugly. All could feel that terrifying amount of chakra inside Madara's body.

" Damn!! He became Ten tails Jinchuriki!! His powers have almost reached the old man's level."

Kurama cursed seeing Madara's appearance. As they looked on Madara opened his eyes.

" So this is the power of Sage."

Madara felt tremendous changes within his body. He felt omniscient, like a god. His gaze focused onto the ones below him.

" Now the end is near. Infinite Tsukuyomi will happen and the world will be at peace."

Naruto couldn't hold back, he yelled " Tsukuyomi!!?? What do you think people are, your goal will achieve nothing. This peace you talk about is nothing but a Genjutsu, fake!!. Reality and dream are different."

Madara was calm " Peace can never be achieved in reality. Believe me, as long as shinobi exist, as long as difference in goals exist, there can never be peace. Tsukuyomi will allow everyone to have what they desire, in that way there will be no conflict and peace can be achieved."

Naruto yelled back " No!! You are wrong and I will stop you! "

Naruto placed his hands before him, huge amounts of red and blue colour gathered before him forming into a black ball.

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This Bijuudama was different from the rest, this was atleast two times bigger than the ones Naruto used before, sweat ran down his cheek.

" Bijuudama!! "

This huge black ball was launched towards Madara. Seeing the incoming attack Madara waved his scepter, Gudodama floating behind him covered his body.


Everyone was blinded by the light emitted from the blast. Few seconds after the light receeded, that black sphere was still in one piece. Slowly that sphere split apart and reverted to Nine small Gudodama.

Madara floated there without a scratch.

He spoke " Give up. You can't defeat me."

Naruto was on his knees, that last attack nearly took out all the chakra Kurama gathered but still...

The others were not about to give up. They were about to attack when all of them felt danger, as seasoned warriors they can sense danger. But they couldn't see anyone, Shisui and the others were able to see few shadows moving around with their Mangekyo but couldn't clearly see what they were.

Few of them were kept busy from attacking Madara. Ninjutsu proved useless when the rest attacked, whatever Jutsu they threw at him didn't even put a scratch on him however Taijutsu and Senjutsu was effective.

Knowing this Gai, Lee, Minato, Sasuke, Jiraiya and Naruto took lead.

Naruto and Sasuke had perfect combinations, Madara found it annoying when they attacked him. Among all of them only Naruto and Jiraiya knew Senjutsu, the others attacked him using Taijutsu.

Madara ' Those two, Naruto and Sasuke.... I feel danger from them but.... why? Especially that Naruto, from what Obito said that kid can give unexpected surprises. Better get rid of them now.'

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Madara went for the kill. His hands produced purple coloured lightning and attacked Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto used Shadow clone to doge midair. Sasuke used Susanoo to block it but still got pierced through.

This small exchange was enough for Madara, he rushed to Naruto and waved his scepter. Naruto knew he couldn't touch these black stuff carelessly. He used Hiraishin to get behind Madara.

Naruto was about to strike but his face constricted. He looked down to see a black rod piercing his heart. Blood leaked from his mouth.

Sasuke's eyes cracked when he saw this " NO!! MADARAAAA!! "

Susanoo covered his entire body, blood leaked from his eyes as he pushed on. Before Madara could deliver another attack Sasuke striked with his sword. Madara dodged, Minato's figure flashed and took Naruto away.

Sasuke kept on attacking, his heart was filled with rage. Naruto was his best friend, his brother. He vowed to never lose his family again but now...... as he watched Madara pierce his heart his mind was filled with rage.

Itachi shouted from afar " Sasuke calm down!! Damn it!! "

Seeing Sasuke not listening to him, Itachi wanted to rush to him but he was again attacked by something. One shouldn't lose their calm during a battle especially when fighting someone like Madara.

" Almighty Push "

Madara used Almighty Push to shake Sasuke's Susanoo, using this chance his Gudodama pierced through his Susanoo and striked Sasuke's heart.

He spat out blood, his Susanoo dispersed. Sasuke was free falling when Jiraiya caught him. Jiraiya sensed his pulse

" Damn!! No heart beat! "

Jiraiya quickly brought him to Tsunade. Seeing both Naruto and Sasuke like this, Tsunade's heart sunk. She tried her best to mend their wounds but to no avail. She could feel their life force slip through her fingers.

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Minato stood beside her, his eyes showed pain ' If something happens to Naruto and Sasuke.... '

Itachi, Shisui, kakashi and the others were fighting an invisible enemy. They could only dodge based on their senses. All of them pinched their fists for being weak, they were powerless to help their allies.

Gai and Lee were the only ones engaging Madara. Gai had already opened upto seventh gate his body couldn't handle the load but he still had to. Lee was much worse, he wasn't even ready to open the Sixth gate but he still did it.

Both of them couldn't hold on for much longer. Madara pummeled them to the ground, kakashi got to them and retreated.

Gai panted " We can't defeat him like this."

Lee was already unconscious, his body couldn't hold on.

Kakashi " We will figure something out."

Gai shook his head " Kakashi... take Lee and leave. I will take care of Madara."

Kakashi " Gai you..... your body can't handle it. You will be crippled for life, You may even die."

Gai looked towards Madara, his eyes showed his resolution " It's the only way."

A voice suddenly interrupted them " Says who? "

Kakashi and the rest recognised this voice, they turned around and saw a man with red hair stand behind them.

" RYU!! "

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