A Warrior's Path

Chapter 112

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Mei was having a great day until Ryu told her it was time to go to his house. Her face turned red in an instant she stuttered while asking

" Isn't..... isn't it..... too fa.... fast?? "

Ryu was confused " We are just going to see my parents, what's so fast about that? "

Hearing his reply Mei was startled but her face blushed even harder.

' Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Mei, Don't have weird thoughts!! '

Mei spoke, she still had that blush on her face " Will they like me? I am older than you by a decade."

Ryu gently held her hand " Don't worry. They are cool. They are even more excited than I am."

Mei nodded, their age difference always bugged her but Ryu's passion for her caused her to fall in love with him.

Ryu lead her to his home, along the way he held her hand. Both of them didn't speak, they just enjoyed each others company. After few minutes Uzumaki house came to their view.

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Mei's heart was pounding, Ryu walked upto the door and opened it. He then turned to her and said

" Come in."

Mei steadied her heart and went inside. After she entered a beautiful women with red hair came to her view, she seemed to be cooking. A man having the same colour hair was sitting on a chair reading something.

Hearing the door close Akane looked back, she saw Mei standing with her son, this sight brought stars in her eyes. She dropped everything she was doing and walked upto Mei.

Akane had a beautiful smile on her face " You must be Mei, Ryu didn't lie when he said you were beautiful."

Hearing Akane's casual words Mei's heart settled down, she spoke " You are more beautiful Akane san."

Akane laughed " Hahaha, please don't. Come inside, we have a lot to chat. All these years this brat never showed any interest towards any of these beauties around him, I was really worried but now.... "

Mei was embarrassed, she looked at Ryu who had a wide grin plastered on his face. Akane led Mei inside her room, don't know what they were talking about but both Hiro and Ryu could hear giggling from time to time.

Hiro and Ryu were sitting across each other.

Hiro " Not bad brat. You actually bagged a beauty. I never expected a kage to love my son."

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Ryu grinned " Haha, before a kage she is a women. That title shouldn't hold anyone back, I certainly wouldn't let her."

Hiro agreed " That's good."

They spend the rest of the day getting to know each other. Mei got very comfortable within Ryu's home and this delighted her. When it was about to get dark, Ryu brought her back. He took a detour to a nearby lake.

Ryu " Mei, I have a secret. Only my mom and dad knows this. I love you and I want you to be my side for eternity."

Mei walked upto Ryu and hugged him " No matter what, I will always be with you."

Ryu grinned, he asked her to sit down. He also sat beside her " I don't practice chakra, Mei. I am a cultivator."

Mei " Cultivator? "

Ryu nodded, the next half hour he explained what a cultivator is, hearing Ryu's words stunned her but few seconds later she was ecstatic.

Mei was excited " So if I cultivate I will have longer lifespan !!!???."

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Ryu understood why she was asking this, his eyes softened " Mei, to a cultivator age is but a number. There are higher level beings who are married having few hundred years difference in their age. So never take our age difference as a problem, ever."

Mei nodded, his words were really kind and caring. After explaining all about him except of course his Rebirth and Navii, he brought her back to her village.

Before he left, he pulled Mei into his embrace. His lips pressed against hers, Mei was shocked but she didn't resist. Ryu greedily sucked on her lips, they only parted after few minutes. Mei was panting, her face was deep red.

Ryu grinned, he got close to her ears and whispered " Good night and sweet dreams."

His figure vanished after saying that. Mei stood there dumbly, her fingers touched her lips, a smile gradually formed on her face.

' Good night, Ryu."

Ryu didn't immediately head back, his figure appeared inside the forest of death. After he got there, he looked towards a direction and said

" It's time."

A figure came out from the shadows. This person had wrinkled skin on the left side of his face. His right eye was a Sharingan.

Ryu " Obito, where is Nagato? "

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Yes. This person before Ryu was Obito. Ryu had already made contact with him years ago, with his strength Ryu beat him into a pulp and explained what happened all those years ago. At first Obito didn't accept but Ryu told him he will give him the truth as long as helped him.

So Obito did what he had to do. When it was finally time to awaken the ten tails Obito skillfully escaped. Madara didn't bother with him since Obito didn't go far.

Ripples formed as a person materialised Infront of Ryu. Nagato was skinny like before but he still had a bit of life force left. Ryu placed his hand over Nagato's chest, a weird symbol was branded onto Nagato's chest. Obito sensed carefully and he could sense Nagato's vitality get stronger very very slowly.

Ryu was done with Nagato, he took out a scroll and unfurled it. Smoke emerged as a body was summoned from space. Obito watched as Madara's body laid before him.

Ryu took out an orb from his Inventory. it was placed in a white container. Ryu opened it and took out the white orb. Chaos energy flooded his hand as he covered that orb. He used chaos energy to wrap Madara's body as well.

He used his energy to bring Madara's body and this white orb together. The process was slow but still he completed it in one hour. Ryu was slightly tired but not by much. He placed his hand over Madara's head and used his consciousness to finish the final touch.

Few minutes later, Ryu opened his eyes and stood up. He waited as he looked at Madara. Obito was also looking intently, he wanted to see how this man was going to bring someone back to life. Time passed but Madara didn't respond. Just as he was about to ask Ryu, he felt tremendous amount of chakra surge from Madara's body.

His Sharingan rotated as he stared at Madara's body. Slowly Madara's eyes opened and he stood up. He was confused at first then recalled many things, after he remembered them his face showed a lost expression.

Ryu " Congrats on your revival, Madara Uchiha."

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