A Warrior's Path

Chapter 122

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While Ryu enjoyed delicious food and Sengoku concerned about Ryu, Madara was having a different experience.

Currently Madara stood atop a ship, when Ryu gave him ' Flame Emperor's Mantra ', he also gave him a body refining technique, ' Celestial Body Forging '. This too had Nine layers. Madara took Ryu's words seriously, if someone that strong said that his body is too weak for higher realms then weak it is.

For the first two layers Madara could use his flames to forge his body but for remaining seven layers he need to gather several Heavenly materials.

' Celestial Body Forging ' is a lot like weapons forging, this technique use fire to temper their bodies. As Madara had ' Flame Emperor's Body ', this technique best suited him. Madara constantly revolved ' Celestial Body Forging ', each passing second his body got stronger, but this progress was so miniscule that it was almost undetectable. Cultivation was never a one day trick, it took time, accumulation leads to success.

Madara's eyes coldly scanned everyone on this ship. His body flicked as he crashed into them, he sealed his senses and fought them relying only on Observation Haki.

At first they got many attacks on him, but his body only had some scratches and those were healing fast. Madara was dubbed ' Ashura ' on battlefield, he figured the best way to train Observation Haki as well as his Body Forging was to fight.

His figure danced through them, swords came from all directions, some cut him but he dodged most of it. Bit by bit he was getting hang of Observation Haki. He wasn't like Ryu who was a Genius in all aspects but comparing to those Geniuses from other realms including higher ones, Madara topped their ranks.

He was using these pirates to train, he didn't kill them, he blocked their attacks and deflected them.

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Madara ' To get a basic understanding, these ants are enough but to go further I need stronger opponents.'

" Don't falter! Kill him!! "

" Oooooh!! "

Pirates swarmed towards Madara but his movements got smoother each second.

Some distance away from they fought, a Navy ship anchored. Someone with a captain rank watched Madara fight those pirates through a binocular. At first he was scared when he saw someone land from air but he sneered when Madara fought them. But his contempt didn't last long, he identified what Madara was doing.

' To train Observation Haki like that where a slightest mistake could lead to his death.... Lunatic!!! '

Navy captain had cold sweats stream down his cheeks as he watched Madara's battle. When the fight started Madara was injured continuously buy as time passed more and more attacks missed him, what made the captain terrified was he saw Madara's wounds heal. It's not obvious but after sometime one would surely notice this anomaly.

One of his subordinates asked " Captain, should we interfere? "

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His voice interrupted him " No! We will watch from a distance. Anyway they are pirates, so it's a good thing."

Madara slowly got accustomed to the fight, he didn't get a full hang of it but..... he wasn't far. His body moved around each attack, before an attack could hit him Madara dodged. His entire body was riddled with small wounds but he seemed full of energy.

After half hours of fighting, to the Captain's astonishment Madara dodged every attack.

' He..he.. damn!! what a Monster!! He actually mastered basics in one fight!! '

Madara who was blocking and dodging all this time suddenly attacked. He deflected one pirates attack, he grabbed his arm as he pulled. The pirate lost his balance and was thrown towards Madara, who grabbed his neck and twisted it like a bottle cap.

Everyone froze, the Captain's face twisted, he has seen murder before but not like this. The man did it like nothing, it's like what he did was normal. He continued to watch but soon his face went pale.

Madara who killed the first pirate didn't stop, he started his slaughter. Pirates swung their swords at him, Madara used one their comrades to block the incoming strike, he grabbed the sword and cut off his head.

Madara jumped up, his body twisted in mid air as he kicked one of them, the sword In his hand drew an arc as it sliced through another one. Blood spilled everywhere, heads rolled around, severed limbs lay scattered. Strangely not a single drop of blood got on Madara's body.

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His actions were smooth and fluid. If Madara before the start of this fight was like a docile cat then the one before them was a raging tiger. Pirates started to flee but before any of them could take three steps forward their eyes lost colour as they fell down.

Madara didn't use energy or his eyes, he only uses Observation Haki and yet he dominated this Crew. The Captain who watched this from afar was numbed, his face was pale as paper.

Madara finished off this entire crew in a matter of minutes. His lone figure that stood among corpses like a demon from hell casted fear inside the hearts of those marines. Madara turned his head, he opened his eyes. This time his pupils were red, three magatamas spun inside his pupils as he looked in the direction of those marines.

The Captain who saw Madara's eyes was scared, his hair's stood up. Every fibre of his body trembled when he saw those eyes. Madara took back his vision, his hand produced a spark of flame as small as a grain of sand.

' Heavenly Flame Mantra

Pure Yang Incineration!! '

That speck of fire fell on the ship floor, like an ink drop falling on white paper fire instantly spread all around. The corpses were burned to ashes, nothing remained. In a matter of seconds the entire ship was covered by pale yellow fire and burned to ashes.

That speck of Pure Yang flame continued to burn sea water. Vapour started to rise, the captain's eyes nearly fell of it's socket as he saw this scene.

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' Impossible!! Which fruit did he eat!!?? What kind of flames were those!!? '

Madara waved his hand, that speck of flame got extinguished. After Ryu learnt about him reaching first layer of ' Heavenly Flame Mantra ', Ryu gave him one of the true fires, Pure Yang Fire.

Madara had cultivated this flame during these last few hours. As it's only been a few hours Madara could only control a speck of it. He had already mastered the first layer, so it's only a matter of time before he can fully control it.

The navy Captain promptly ordered retreat, he knew what kind of ability one needed to have to destroy a ship as large as that in mere seconds. He didn't want to become enemies with someone like that.

Madara's figure flew towards the Navy ship. The Captain's face was pale, he ordered his men to stand down. Madara landed on its deck and asked

" Do you have a Log pose to the nearest town? "

The Captain quickly got one and handed it over. Madara said thanks and flew off. After he left every Marine kneeled down, the Captain was no exception, his body was drenched in sweat, he didn't have the courage to stand upto that man.

' I need to report this! He is dangerous!! '

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