A Warrior's Path

Chapter 136

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Waves crashed onto the shores of Sabaody Archipelago, Ryu was walking along the edges of Sabaody with a beautiful mermaid sleeping soundly beside him.

Ryu didn't put these trashes in his eyes, he always did what he thought was right. He sat near on the edge of a groove and gently placed Shirahoshi to his side, he straightened his thoughts about the future.

' Once Navii finish gathering the required energy, I can travel to the next one. Things here has been settled, I have already marked this world's coordinates. All I need to do is gather that guy when the time comes.'

Shirahoshi who was sleeping beside him rubbed her eyes and yawned before waking up. Ryu watched in amusement, Shirahoshi may be a grown up girl but she was still a child inside and that's what's good about her. Children has the most pure heart of all, untainted by others.

Seeing Ryu she remembered what happened and teared up " Ryu....hick....Ryu san...hick.....you got hurt.....waaaah"

Tears flowed like a never ending stream, Ryu didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw this.

' Maybe a bit too childish.'

Ryu spoke calmly " I am fine. Look, not even a scratch."

With watery eyes she carefully looked at Ryu, seeing no wound on him her expression softened. She wiped away her tears and settled down.

Ryu smiled " Let's go back. If you ever want to come back up use this."

He threw a medallion with the Titan insignia engraved on it. Shirahoshi was captivated by the Titan insignia, she could feel majesty from it but at the same time a sense of comfort arose inside her heart.

Ryu " That's my Team's insignia. If you are ever in trouble just ask for help, alright."

Shirahoshi nodded like a good kid. Ryu picked her up and submerged into the water. Their figure descended into the Sea, Marines watched from distance. They were given orders to watch their movements but was also told to not make any contact.

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Neptune and his sons were a bit worried but knowing who was with Shirahoshi they calmed down. As they were pacing around water split apart and two figures landed beside them.

Shirahoshi had a wide smile on her face, apart from that small incident her journey to the surface ended on a good note.

" Father!! "

She rushed to Neptune and like a child told everything that happened. Neptune was patient as he listened to his daughter's words, he didn't rush her but stood their with a gentle smile. Fukaboshi and the other two expressed their gratitude towards Ryu, they have never seen their younger sister this happy.

Shirahoshi did speak of someone trying to hurt Ryu but seeing Ryu didn't bother to explain he thought it was just some puny pirates. If he knew Ryu tortured and killed a Celestial Dragon, he would have a pretty interesting expression.

Neptune saw a medallion on Shirahoshi's neck. He could faintly feel something but couldn't point it out. Shirahoshi explained it was a gift from Ryu to her.

Neptune bowed to Ryu "Thank you sir Ryu. I don't know how we could repay you for what you did."

Ryu waved his hand " Don't worry about it. I just do what I want and that's all. If you are ever in need of help use that medallion, it's spiritually connected to Shirahoshi. Also it will help her in controlling that power within her."

Neptune bowed again, Ryu and him were strangers. He knew that the only reason Ryu helped him was because of Shirahoshi, if she didn't have a pure heart he wouldn't even care.


Sengoku had just received a report about the matter regarding the Celestial Dragon. His face was grave, if Ryu had just killed him then that's that but he tortured him and killed him. Some even transmitted the video as well. The whole world watched as a Celestial Dragon died.

To the proud Celestial Dragons this was infuriating. They immediately ordered the capture of Ryu and that mermaid. Sengoku had a headache when he thought about their orders.

' How the heck am I supposed to catch him!!?? it's even a question whether I could live after I fight him!!! And they are hollering about capturing him!!! Capture my ass!! '

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Three people sat before him, Aokiji had already recovered, but Akainu and Kizaru still had bandages over their body. Their complexions were slightly pale. It's evident that they just recovered.

Aokiji sighed " There is nothing we can do. Just report back that he escaped."

Garp nodded " That should do, they wouldn't know anyway."

Sengoku gripped his fist. Never has he ever had such a situation before, to think that two people would put Navy in such a situation.

He sighed and made the call.

Meanwhile in Mariejois.

Five elders were in conference. The subject was of course Ryu and Madara.

" We made a rash step."

" Yes, we shouldn't have attacked that Madara but it's too late now."

" Both of us are now enemies. We should avoid any further confrontation with them, Navy and CP division are incapable of defeating them."

" But their powers..... that Madara showed fire type powers but his strength burned through Akainu's Lava and even burned away Kizaru's ability."

" The most troublesome enemy is that Ryu Bastard. Until now he has shown Fire, Water, Space and Sword techniques. His abilities are versatile."

" We should avoid them as far as possible. Anyway our stronghold is here, as long as Mariejois stand we can still rebuild all we have lost."

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" Agreed."

" I second that motion."

" Agreed."

" Sounds good."

The world went about its own way, Ryu killing a Celestial Dragon did cause shock for days but it slowly faded. Meanwhile Strawhat pirates did some amazing feats as well, they stormed Judiciary island and burned the world government flag. Slowly they were making a name for themselves.

Not only them Madara had been dubbed the same name as in Naruto world ' Ashura ". He was a nightmare to pirates, any he came in contact he would use them to grind his Haki and kill them off.

During these days Sabaody was visited many times by Shirahoshi, people there was very warm towards her. She was beautiful and her personality was so bubbly. Some did ignore Ryu's presence and tried to capture her but strangely enough all of them were burned to smitherines when they attacked her.

Shirahoshi was scared but as time passed she learned may things including the danger the world had on her. She decided to become strong but her expression when she told her father was so cute that Neptune and his sons were on cloud nine.

With Ryu as a symbol Fishmen were not attacked and mermaids surfaced near Sabaody but noone dared to touch them. Some Celestial Dragons did wanted to capture Shirahoshi but the fate of the previous one halted their greedy heart.

Time passed as usual but these few days Ryu was having a headache. He never thought that an action he did would bring about such a result.

" Why do you run away!?? "

Ryu smirked " Run? Woman you aren't qualified to make me run."

Opposite of him stood a beautiful women wearing a Chinese dress, her dress had a slit extended from the bottom to just below her waist. Her skin was so supple and soft, she had beautiful dark pupils and long silky hair extending to her waists.

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This was the ruler of Amazon Lily, also known as pirate empress Boa Hancock.

" Then why are you avoiding me!?! "

Ryu spoke defeated " Why else? Because you are following me. I killed that trash because I felt like it not because of you. Moreover I already have someone I like."

He was helpless when it came to this women, he did get away from her but she used every means possible to find him. Hell she even went to Shirahoshi to find him, as an innocent kid Shirahoshi was captivated by this women's beauty and called Ryu.

Hancock " It's not unheard of strong men having multiple wives, I know I can't keep you all to myself but... Why are you avoiding me!!?? "

Ryu was stunned he sighed " Your love towards me is because I killed a Celestial Dragon and nothing else."

Hancock's eyes misted, she was about to cry. Shirahoshi who was beside her got worried when she saw her cry.

Ryu sighed again " Do you truly love me? "

She nodded while blushing, Ryu spoke defeated " Fine! let's test that, time is the ultimate solution to everything. If your love is true then give it time. If in two years you still have the same feeling for me then I will accept your feelings."

Hancock raised her head, all these years no man has ever been able to resist her charm but Ryu was different, his eyes didn't contain any form of lust or obsession. When she heard he killed a Celestial Dragon for a mermaid her mind was thrown into chaos.

At first she just wanted to see him but when she met him that longing to just see him turned into something else. Unknowingly her heart started to beat faster when she saw him later she found out that this was love. She decided to test this man to see whether he was worthy for her to dedicate her life to him.

She revealed her closely kept secret only known to her sister and two other people. Even when Ryu heard her his face didn't look surprised, he plainly stated

" That's just a mark, it shows nothing."

Her eyes teared when she heard that, she decided then and there to love and dedicate her life for this man. But he seemed to avoid her, only until today did she know why but she didn't care, she accepted his challenge and looked deeply at him one more time before saying goodbye and leaving.

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