A Warrior's Path

Chapter 138

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Ryu didn't set off with them, this was their problem. Moreover he knew nothing would happen to them as a staggering amount of destiny was swirling around them.

' Guess it's about that time. I better look for Madara, he would love this.'

Ryu told Shirahoshi to enjoy and left.

Somewhere far away from Sabaody. A lone island stood there, waves raged across its shores as if trying to swallow it.

The entire island was crowded with trees and other vegetations. Animals of varying size and shapes could be seen moving around, weird fruits hanged above trees. This was an island completely devoid of any civilisation or rather it's almost impossible to live in such an environment.

In such an island a man with long black spiky hair was sitting near a bone fire. He had a large piece of meat in his hands, he held it above the fire to roast it. Oil dripped from the meat as it produced sizzling sound. A sake bottle rested near his feet.

Suddenly a voice came from his back.

" Using one of the nine True fires to roast meat.... you would be the first."

This person roasting the meat was Madara Uchiha. Ryu was stunned when he saw Madara using Pure Yang flames to roast meat, he was even more stunned when he saw Madara's control over the fire. Pure Yang flames burned anything it touched to ashes and yet here he was controlling the flame perfectly to roast meat.

" Why the sudden visit? "

Ryu " Nah, just came by to tell that some interesting events will happen in the near future."

Madara tossed the sake bottle to Ryu " What events? "

Ryu took a sip and said " War. A father trying to get back his son."

Madara " Oh? Who? "

Ryu " Whitebeard."

Madara thought for a bit " It's the same guy you asked me to not fight until I reached second layer in body forging."

Ryu " Correct. Anyway you beat the crap out of two Admirals, nice."

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Madara plainly stated " They were not bad. That yellow Monkey had speed but that's all he had, the other one had an overbloated arrogance. No skill, they completely rely on their fruit abilities."

Ryu " Hahaha, to someone like you they may be unskilled but to others they are powerhouses."

Madara scoffed " Trash will be trash."

Ryu shrugged " Anyway this war will be interesting to watch."

Madara " Hmm, when do we move? "

Ryu pondered " I will come when it is time. And try to relax, Observation Haki can go a long way if you let it take its course. Training has a limit, certain chances and time are needed for further improvements."

Madara growled " I know! Don't need you to teach me! "

Ryu laughed and left.

" Damn brat! But..... he had a point."

Madara put this thought on the back of his mind and continued his roasting.

Few days later the while world received news about Fire Fist Ace being captured and will be executed publicly. People had various opinions about Navy's reason for such a thing but those in power absolutely knew the reason for doing such a stunt.

Luffy and his crew somehow sneaked into Impel Down but Megallan was there to stop them. Luffy and Zoro were seriously injured and poisoned. But luckily their fight was noticed by Ivankov, an officer from Revolutionary Army.

He saved both of them in the nick of time, when he understood Luffy was Dragon's son he resolved himself to break out of Impel Down. The prison was thrown into a mess, prisoners took this opportunity to escape.

Luck was always on Luffy's side, he got help from various sides and finally got to Ace but he was too late. Sengoku had removed Ace when he received report about Luffy and his crew breaking in. Recently this crew had been a headache for the Marines.

War was approaching, Marines were prepared for any sudden attack from Whitebeard pirates.


Every higher authority in Navy seated inside a room. Kizaru and Akainu had already recovered, with Navy's treatment plus some other unknown factors their recovery was faster than expected.

Sengoku " Any news from our scouts? "

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A marine reported " No sir, they have been quiet for some time."

Sengoku nodded, he and Garp had fought with Whitebeard before, he wouldn't be dumb enough to believe Whitebeard didn't prepare anything.

Suddenly a Marine barged in " Sir! We have lost contact with our scouts, none of them are responding!! "

' He has begun! '

Sengoku ordered " Prepare for war! Since we have lost contact then their attack isn't far behind!! "

Very quickly Marines assembled, thousands of Marines stood in line. All of them were prepared to fight for their justice, Vice Admirals and below took stage as well. Only Admirals stayed behind, when the fight starts it's of outmost importance to preserve your strength.

Sengoku took stage, Garp followed behind him. He seemed to have aged quite a bit in these few days, Ace was like a grandson to him but their standings have brought them to this fate. As a Marine he is supposed to do the right thing but as a parent he must protect his family, caught between Garp could only sigh at his fate.

Ace was kneeling on podium, he was cuffed with Sea stone. His heart clenched in pain when he saw Garp's appearance but..... he chose this path or rather this was the only path for someone like him.

Garp sat near Ace " Is this your path? If you had just listened...

Ace scoffed " Then what? The Navy will never accept me given my birth, anyway I would rather be a pirate."

Garp went silent. He closed his eyes and silently sat there. Sengoku stood beside them and said

" I am going to announce his origin."

Garp " Do what you want."

Sengoku took a snail speaker and said " I have an announcement to make."

Everyone's attention was on Sengoku, the whole world listened.

" Portgas D Ace, the death of this man today has great significance.

Ace, What's your father's name? "

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Ace said without hesitation " Whitebeard."

Sengoku " No! "

Ace shouted " No. My father is Whitebeard! I have no other!! "

Sengoku " Wrong! Years ago we spend huge resources to find a man, we suspected him to have a child on a certain island. We relied on this possibility and Cipher Pol's Information.

Children who were just born... children who were about to be born..... we thoroughly investigated every mother but came up with nothing, well that's to be expected. Your mother risked her life so that you could be born safely, she used a special trick to pull that of through sheer will.

She deceived our eyes..... no, the entire worlds eyes. There is a small town in South blue, Baterilla. Your mother's name was Portgas D Rogue.

She defied common sense with sheer willpower to protect her child. She carried her child in her womb for nearly twenty months. She used all of her strength and as soon as she gave birth to you... she died.

A year and three months after the father's death, a child was born carrying the blood of the most evil man in the world.

That child was you. I am sure you already know,

Your father is.....

The Pirate King!


Sengoku's words caused an uproar throughout the world. Everything happening here was being shown all over the world.

" He is the Pirate Kings son!?? "

" Cursed Bloodline! Good thing he is gonna die soon! "

Curses rained upon Ace, the whole world rejoiced for his capture. This was exactly what the Navy wanted, they wanted to regain people's trust in them.

Without anyone noticing two figures were watching this scene from high above. This was ofcourse Madara and Ryu.

Madara spoke coldly " Such an elegant way to show such Shamelessness."

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Ryu sneered " To judge him because of his birth parents.... indeed they are trash."

Sengoku had no idea that two people he didn't want to meet under any circumstances were watching them from above.

Madara and Ryu's eyes shifted to the Sea.

" He is here."

Sengoku watched intently, he know Whitebeard will come but just not sure how. There isn't a singly ship in sight, suddenly his eyes shrunk.

Ships popped up from the distance.

' How!!?? '

A marine pointed right Infront of the plaza " There is something beneath the water!! "

Sengoku finally understood " He coated his fleet and travelled underwater!! "

A huge ship popped out of water, it's front was shaped like a whale, this was Whitebeard's ship

Moby Dick.

Every single marine stood silently, they could hear footsteps from that huge ship. Each step seemed to strike their heart.

A huge man holding a Bisento now stood Infront of thousands of Marines and yet it was them who felt pressure. It's like a huge mountain stood before them, their hearts wavered, fear birthed within their heart.

This is the strongest Man alive


" Gugugugu, Sengoku.... how many years has it been,

I hope my son is still doing well."

Every single marine gulped hard.

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