A Warrior's Path

Chapter 167

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Aizen was always composed mainly because of two things.

One, his calculative mind.

Second, his strength.

But now.... his powers were useless against the man infront of him. He tried to increase the strength of Kyoka Suigetsu but to no avail, Law was still able to dodge his attacks. Gin was the only able to hold him down due to the nature of his Sword.

Law was moving around according to what he saw through his mind, Kyoka Suigetsu can manipulate a person's five senses and put them in a perfect hypnosis but is it necessary for a person who have learnt Observation Haki to see to dodge?

Observation Haki does use five senses but only to enhance its powers, it's root lies in the fact that it can use instincts to ' see through ' movements. How else can Observation Haki allow a person to see the future?. Hypnosis is useless to anyone practicing Observation Haki, atleast to an expert.

The fight against several Captain class opponents was taxing for Law. His body was drenched in sweat, it's not been that long since he started to cultivate so his Qi reserve wasn't that large. Moreover he was using ' Room ' to keep the rest in check.

With Gin's Zanpakuto's ability to travel more than five hundred times the speed of sound, Law found this ability pretty annoying. Even if he dodged the latters attack, he would still be attacked by his sword.

Law dodged Gin's attack, his figure appeared miles away but Gin's attack still followed. He raised his fingers and made a grabbing motion.

" Switch! "

Just as his body was about to be pierced by Gin's sword he vanished and Aizen appeared in his place. Gin was startled but it was too late to stop his attack, Aizen raised his hand and grabbed Gin's sword thus neutralising his attack.

Law was panting, he was standing were Aizen stood a moment ago. His Qi reserves were almost burnt out and yet he couldn't take down one of them, just when he was about to remove one, the others will block him, so frustrating.

Aizen smiled " You are immune to Kyoka Suigetsu's hypnosis. You are a threat therefore you must die."

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Aizen released his Riatsu and was about to attack when a voice interrupted him.

" Hey brat, what's taking you so long to take care of few pests? "

Aizen was startled, he turned towards the origin of that voice. He saw a man with long spiky hair having a sword on his waist sit above a building. He ignored all of them and spoke to Law.

This wasn't what made Aizen shocked, he wasn't able to sense the other party at all until the latter spoke. Not just him, the rest of his subordinates were shocked as well.

Law replied bitterly " Come on, it was five against one."

Madara sneered " Don't make any excuses! Cultivate harder! "

Law could only nod silently, he knew he was lacking when compared to this monster Infront of him but he wasn't disheartened. His path was long, he will one day get as strong as Madara.

Madara focused his gaze on Aizen, his Sharingan flared to life " Atleast try to entertain me for some time."

Like a ghost he vanished as he appeared behind Ulquiorra. Before Ulquiorra could react Madara punched him hard, like a loose cannot Ulquiorra crashed through several buildings and yet he showed no signs of stopping.

By this time, Grimmjow was able to get rid of Law's poison with the help of Aizen's Riatsu. He specialised in speed, he moved at insane speeds and attacked Madara but all he saw was a blood red eye stare at him. He froze for a second before falling down.

Madara used Genjutsu on Grimmjow, with how strong he is currently, putting someone like Grimmjow in a Genjutsu was child's play for him. He kicked away Grimmjow like a scarp metal. Suddenly Madara raised his hand and caught a sword in his hand.

Gin used this chance to attack Madara but sadly he failed. Madara's hands lit up in flames, the moment Gin's Sword touched these flames it started to break. Gin quickly took back his Sword, his face showed immense fear.

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' Just a mere touch of those flames did this? What kind of flames are those!!? '

Kaname released his Bankai, this took away Madara's senses but he was doomed to be disappointed. Like Law, Madara also practiced Observation Haki to a high level mastery just a step away from its pinnacle.

Actually Ryu made a decision to have every member of Titans to learn Observation Haki and Armament Haki. These techniques maybe from lower realm but they were unique, especially Observation Haki.

Madara didn't beat around, he enjoyed fighting but if it's against weaklings he would rather crush them all at once and be done with it. His Sharingan was stronger than ever with the potential to evolve even further, so Kyoka Suigetsu or any form of hypnosis or illusions are useless against him unless they are far above his current strength.

Kaname soon hit the ground, he was bleeding all over. His entire right shoulder was missing, Madara ripped away his shoulder that was injured by Law. Only Gin and Aizen remained having any fighting capability.

Aizen for the first time lost his composure, he was a calculative man. No details escaped his eyes, this can be seen from how he was able to even deal with Yamamoto despite knowing the disparity between their strengths in the original story but now that he met with Madara... he felt that his plans were useless.

Madara turned his sight to Gin and Aizen " I don't particularly like to fight against weaklings but as a Titan I can't just sit around when someone attacks one of us. For that you must die."

Gin and Aizen felt a bone chilling murder intent locking them. Their faces showed horrified expression when this pressure fell upon them.

' How can he release such pure murder intent!!?? How many has he killed before!!?? '

By this time every soul reaper in the vicinity had already gathered. Toshiro, Rangiku, Yorouichi, Kisuke, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Ichigo, Rukia, Chad, Uryu, Inou were all looking at Madara with fear and Awe.

Yorouichi exclaimed " What powerful movements!! He is faster than me!! "

Kisuke nodded " To have pushed them to such extent, it was right to have made that deal with them."

Toshiro " I was a bit disgruntled when I heard such a deal but looking at it now..... it seems like we made a good choice."

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Yumichika wiped the sweat away from his forehead " Yup! Definitely! Imagine if we had refused, these monsters may have killed us! "

Among them only one person was looking at this fight with concern. Rangiku looked at Gin, her eyes showed helplessness as well as sorrow.

Madara attacked, since Kyoka Suigetsu was useless Aizen could only go with other abilities. He churned out Kido and Hado back to back, he tried to imprison Madara, he tried to attack him, he tried to immobilize him. Madara was attacked with every method Aizen had up his sleeves.

Aizen's battle style focused around Kyoka Suigetsu, without it his fighting capability would decrease tremendously. Gin was trying his best to attack Madara but a glint flashed past his eyes from time to time. Noone knew what he was thinking.

Madara was covered in atleast dozens of restraints from Hado and Kido. Aizen was in the midst of chanting a Hado when a Sword pierced through his heart, he turned around to see Gin showing a ruthless smile.

Aizen " So you finally decided to show you true colours."

Gin released a glaring murder intent " I have waited for years... that day when you hurt her I vowed to kill you!! "

Aizen shook his head " It seems you still don't get it."

Gin was about to cut Aizen's body in half when he felt a sting on his chest. He looked down to see a sword sticking out from his chest.

Gin spat out blood " When.... did.. you...

Aizen sneered " Did you really think I wasn't using Kyoka Suigetsu just because it wasn't effective against these two guys, how naive can you be? "

He pulled out his Sword, Gin couldn't hold on much further and fell down.

" GIN!! "

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Rangiku rushed to Gin, the rest of them followed. All of them heard Aizen's and Gin's conversation, they understood what was happening. It was apparent that Gin betrayed Gotei 13 so as to wait for an opportunity to kill Aizen.

Rangiku caught Gin's body, she was crying as she yelled " Don't Die! Gin, you idiot! don't you dare leave me!! "

Gin's wound was serious, Rangiku was already drenched in his blood.

" Ha..haha.... guess.... I failed."

He spat out blood after speaking those words, Rangiku was anxious, her face paled "Don't speak! Kisuke, please help him!! I beg you please save him! "

Kisuke had already checked Gin's condition, Aizen had severely wounded Gin. He couldn't be saved.

Seeing Kisuke silent Rangiku felt as if she fell into an icy hole. She watched as Gin's Riatsu slowly wither. Suddenly Ichigo said

" Can they help? "

He pointed towards Law and said again " It's worth a try. We got four favours, so why not use it? "

Like a drowning man receiving a shot at life Rangiku looked at her Captain. When Ryu said he would Owe four favours, he had given Yamamoto three seals and Zero Squad a seal as well. As long as they break the seal, the closest Titan would aid them.

Toshiro hesitated but ultimately he sighed. He took out the sign and broke it, the moment he did so Madara and Law looked in their direction. Madara understood in one look what they wanted, he told Law

" That's your forte."

Law nodded and he appeared beside Rangiku.

" You want me to save him? "

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