A Warrior's Path

Chapter 212

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Escanor's pride took a hit. He raised his Axe again and striked out but...

Ryu only raised a single finger and kept deflecting all of his attacks. No matter how hard he hit, no matter how fast he hit, it was all useless.

Escanor felt like he was striking upon water. His attacks were deflected and made useless. Ryu didn't move an inch, Escanor's attack destroyed everything around him but Ryu was unharmed.

Ryu slowly got up and flicked his finger. Escanor's Axe and his finger collided.


It felt like metals collided. Escanor was blown away, he tore through several houses and was send far away. Ryu's figure disappeared and reached Escanor.

He lightly kicked down onto Escanor's gut. Like a meteor crashing down, Escanor was planted inside the ground.

Unlike how his grandiose appearance from before Escanor was now heavily wounded. His clothes were torn and his body was bloodied.

He lifted his Axe to strike again but Ryu got Infront of him and sunk his fist inside Escanor's gut.

" Arrgghh....

Escanor spat out a mouthful of blood. Ryu grabbed his neck and started to float. His eyes changed to Chaos and said

" You have a power anyone would desire but you are like a monkey with a bouquet. Do you know what it means to harness the power of Sun, a Heavenly body.

Did you really think the Sun simply brings light upon the world. Fool!

Sun is a Star, it is a Heavenly body!! It brings warmth to a world, without it life can never grow, without it any world is cold and dead. A Sun not only possess the power to give life it also possess the ability to take it away.

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You don't understand the true destructive nature of a Heavenly star!!

You don't understand the true graciousness of it!!.

With this measly strength you want to join us? Never! "

Escanor was powerless to escape Ryu's grip. The pride he possessed was starting to wane but then he remembered her face and said with a resolute face

" I must come with you!!! This fight isn't over!! "

His body started to release great amount of Magic. Ryu looked up....

' I see, peak of noon.'

Escanor's Sunshine ability allows him to increase his strength along with how brightly the sun shines.

Escanor pulled back his arms and threw then forward. A blazing inferno covered Ryu.

" Cruel Sun!! "

Escanor's magic kept increasing without limit. The others witnessing this scene were dumbfounded. They never knew Escanor would be this strong.

Ryu wasn't the least bit interested in these cheap tricks. He snapped his fingers and Escanor's attack was dispersed.

Seeing his attack being useless Escanor held out his right hand and straightened his fingers like. He did a karate chop in Ryu's direction, at this instance Escanor's magic was at its peak.

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A thin but utterly terrifying line of attack went towards Ryu.

Ryu stretched out his arms and grabbed. Like pinching out a weak flame from a dying candle, Escanor's attack was made useless. Ryu suddenly appeared infront of Escanor and punched his gut.

Escanor didn't fly back, Ryu's fist sunk deep into his gut. Escanor spat out a mouthful of blood and kneeled Infront of you. Blood continued to trickle down from his mouth.

Ryu looked apathetically at Escanor " You can't win."

Escanor coughed out blood and said " I don't care. I must win, I must come with you!! "

Ryu " For what? "

Escanor " To protect Merlin!! "

Ryu disdained at his words " Protect her? What makes you think you are qualified? Titans currently have seven members including me, apart from one person the rest are strong enough to kill Demon King calibre opponents.

Why is there a need for you when we are more than enough to protect our friends? "

Escanor was stunned " I.... I.....

Ryu waved his hands " Don't waste your breath. You can't join us."

He left after saying those words. Escanor sat there without uttering a word. His power diverged and he turned into his weak version. His eyes looked lost, he got and left without saying a word.

Elizabeth wanted to say something but Meliodas held her shoulder and shook his head.

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" He needs to cool down. Merlin didn't say a word until now, she must have something in mind."

Elizabeth looked at Merlin, she was looking at the fading shadow of Escanor and was in thought.

Ryu returned to his dwelling, Madara who was meditating asked

" Why go that far? He isn't important."

Ryu smiled " His magic Sunshine is far more stronger than you think Madara. You Cultivate fire and thus have control over true flames but him.... he is the incarnation of a Star! You will come to know of his powers in the near future."

Madara " You plan on making him join us? First that women..... I understand her since she is resourceful and talented but him?.... you better be right."

Right laughed and didn't reply. He sat down and made some tea. He enjoyed it while waiting.

Night came. Ryu was sitting on his bed and meditating when a knock was heard outside of his house. He looked through the window and saw Escanor standing there.

Ryu curled his lips and grinned. He jumped out landing near Escanor scaring him.

" Why are you here Escanor? "

Escanor didn't reply. His mind went back to when Merlin spoke to him.

Few hours ago...

Escanor was lost in thought and standing near a river. He had walked without a destination and ended up inside a forest. He looked down to see his reflection and asked himself

" What qualifications do I have to protect her? "

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Suddenly a voice rung near him " You walked quite far Escanor."

Escanor turned around hastily " Merlin!"

Merlin crossed her arms over her chest " Are you sulking Escanor? "

Escanor put up a strong front " Of course not! I ..... uh..... i am just walking around to see a good place for my bar."

Merlin smiled " Inside a forest? "

Escanor felt his face heat up " That... ahaha. Anyway why are you here? "

Merlin " Nothing. I just came to tell you something. When you fought Ryu, he said something about you being able to harness the power of a Heavenly star. Don't know what that mean but I am guessing he knows a lot more about your powers."

Escanor " So? "

Merlin cracked into a smile " So ask him how it works. If you can find out how to use your powers then you can exceed you limits and get even stronger.

Well that's all. Good bye."

Escanor watched as Merlin turned around to leave. He looked back at his reflection and lamented. Suddenly Merlin's voice rang out again

" If you get stronger then you can come with me."

He turned around but no-one was there. His fists were clenched as he looked in Camelot's direction.

Escanor stared at Ryu and asked

" Please tell me what my powers are."

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