A Warrior's Path

Chapter 217

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Ryu looked at Monspeet and Deririe. He didn't understand what happened but seeing Deririe protecting Monspeet like that..... Ryu couldn't bring himself to kill them. He dispelled Kenpachi's energy and told them to leave.

Deririe took Monspeet and left. Meliodas said

" They have always been close. Monspeet would not hesitate to give up his life for her."

Ryu nodded. All of them went back to Camelot, now all that was left is to kill the Supreme Deity. With that everything will be settled.

Meliodas and Elizabeth bid goodbye for now, he was heading for the druids to get back his powers. With Drole and Gloxinia here Diane and King will be busy as well.

So Ryu was left with two people, one is Gowther the other is Estarossa. Ryu's eyes changed to Chaos, he saw lines extending from Estarossa's head and connecting towards Gowther.

These lines were laws of sort, according to Ryu's calculations a large scale magic has been done. And it seemed to have affected reality, he just didn't know what reality it changed.

Ryu placed his hand over Estarossa's head and sunk into his consciousness. But even then it was all blurred, that law seemed to be affecting his mind so Ryu went deeper. He searched his soul and he found what he was looking for.

' So that's how it is. I never expected him to be the strongest among Arch Angels but how did he turn into a demon? Moreover Sunshine belonged to him? Interesting.'

Ryu stopped his search and looked at Gowther. He was astonished when he saw Gowther for the first time, he knew Gowther was a doll but such exquisite craftsmanship... that's what amazed him.

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Ryu tried to jolt awake Gowther's memory but.....

" Aaaahhhh....

Gowther wailed loudly, his magic flared and started creating havoc. A part of it went inside Ryu, his vision changed. He found himself inside a castle. Gowther and a beautiful woman were sitting together and enjoying each others company.

' A memory? '

Ryu watched on, he felt sad when he saw Gowther trying hard to bring her back to life. In the end he even tried to transplant his mechanical heart inside her but even that couldn't save her.

Ryu sighed, he now understood why Gowther erased his own memory. He didn't want to live knowing she wasn't there.

The magic was dispelled, Ryu sighed and spoke to Gowther who was now shrinking in a corner.

" Whatever happened is in the past Gowther. The memories you have of her isn't something that should be forgotten, they are to be treasured. Live your life to its fullest Gowther that's what she would want."

Ryu left after saying his part. When reading Gowther's soul he understood what happened and how Estarossa was turned into a Demon.

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Gowther cried silently in a corner. He felt his heart ache remembering that day, his whole world crumbled when she left him. But Ryu's words woke him up.

' She shouldn't be forgotten, I shouldn't forget her..... she will live through me... '

Every sin was doing there part and realising their true strength. Ryu made a quick visit to Heaven, like the Demon king the Supreme Deity was also a Peak Half Immortal character. She was haughty, arrogant and had no idea about Ryu's strength.

Her fate was a foregone conclusion, Ryu turned her to ashes. And thus the holy war was over.

Ryu tracked down the several Arch Angels and revived them. He gave them two choices, Death or Submission. They felt their connection with the Supreme Deity being cut off, this could only mean one thing.

The Supreme Deity was Dead.

The three Arch Angels submitted to Ryu, they felt no ill intention from them and thus decided to follow him. Estarossa's Commandment was stripped from him. As he had jolted his memories, everyone connected to that particular memory manipulation remembered what happened years ago.

He placed all the Archangels unde Elizabeth and left.

Finally his part was over. Merlin is now free of worry, both her and Escanor was given the Titan insignia and corresponding manuals. Merlin was amazed when she got this new knowledge. She immediately secluded herself in her laboratory and started to ponder on it more.

The world was moving towards a good place. Malice was exterminated, demons and holy finally began to understand each other and live in harmony.

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Ryu took Arthur as his disciple and started to instruct him. He was acknowledged by Excalibur but he still wasn't strong enough to use its full capabilities. Ryu made a storage ring for him and told it's functions.

Arthur was so excited to receive such a precious gift that he kneeled to Ryu and spoke solemnly

" Be at ease Master!! I will make sure that this treasure is passed down as a family treasure!! "

Ryu didn't want to burst his bubble by saying " I could make hundreds of those with ease."

So he let it be. A week had passed since then, Ryu felt like he forgot someone. It wasn't until Arthur asked did he remember

" By the way master when will Sir Ban's training be over? "

Ryu thought ' Ah... so that's what I forgot.'

" Today."

Ryu opened a rift to Purgatory and dragged Ban back. Ban immediately started assaulting Ryu the moment he got out.

" The f**k Bastard!! I was in there for thousands of years, when were you planning to get me out!!?? "

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Ryu " Hey calm down would you? You are here aren't you? Anyway let's talk about Elaine."

Ryu quickly diverted Ban's attention by saying about Elaine.

Ban " What about Elaine? "

Ryu " Don't you want to see her again? Alive? "

Ban " What!? "

Ryu " Well I can bring her back to life."

Ban forgot about Ryu abandoning him inside Purgatory. His heart raced hearing Ryu's words.

Ban's voice quivered " Can..... can you really do it? "

Ryu " Well yeah. According to king her body is perfectly preserved, so all I have to do to bring her back to life is to find her soul. And I am guessing you know where to find her soul."

Ban " Yes! Let's go! Let's go now! "

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