A Warrior's Path

Chapter 241

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The spectators were stunned. They looked at Ryu and King with their mouths open wide and eyeballs nearly popping out.

King remained indifferent and cold upon hearing Ryu's words but an involuntary sigh left his mouth.

He withdrew his hands and stood still, Ryu's sword was pointed at his throat slightly breaking his skin.

King didn't understand how but at the last second Ryu's sword suddenly reached him, it was way too fast for him to react.

God Slaying Spear!

Gin Ichimaru's Bankai, able to travel at 500 times the speed of sound and can extend upto 8 miles.

Like King, Ryu was also waiting for an opportunity and he won.

" Finish it."

Ryu looked at King's indifferent face, respect rose for this man infront of him. He took back his sword, ready to leave.

King frowned, before he could speak Ryu said

" You are a good man. Our enmity started with your brother, he wanted to use my life to breakthrough so I killed him. As his brother it's normal for you to seek revenge regardless of whether he was good or evil, that is your duty as an elder brother.

When you found my friends you didn't attack them nor did you force them, either way you wouldn't have succeeded but you didn't do so. For that you have my thanks.

You are righteous, I don't want to end a life like that with that trash of a brother as reason. Whatever enmity we had shall end here, if you still pursue revenge..... then come."

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King was silent. All his weapons disappeared, he didn't reply to Ryu and was about to leave.

" Eventhough your brother was evil he was still your brother, thus here."

Ryu tossed out something, King caught it.

It was a token, round in shape and brown in colour. Silhouettes of several figures were embedded within. King felt a mysterious power lay within this token.

" That's the token of us Titans. If you are ever in trouble crush it, all of us will gather where you are. And please don't reject, I don't know how else to compensate for your brother."

King held the token for sometime, his aid that old man came beside him and muttered several words.

King accepted the token and flew away.

Ryu sat down exhausted. He felt his body ache all over, King didn't pull out on his punches. He held the right side of his rib, a soft glow enveloped his gut as a snapping sound was heard.

" Damn! A golden Immortal is no joke! "

" Lucky you! Kenny was trying too hard to breakthrough if he did he would have fought him, although he would be beaten black and blue."

" Shut it! "

Merlin smiled and said.

" You gave away a Token."

Ryu shrugged.

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" I wouldn't be able to kill him anyway, if I did I doubt how many of us will leave here alive. So it's better if we befriend him, and don't you think he is worth befriending? "

Merlin smiled.

Ryu ignored her. He circulated his Qi and tried to heal his wounds. While doing so he looked at Madara and asked.

" How did your training go? "

Madara emitted a dangerous vibe, he looked at Ryu with his Sharingan activated.

" Brat, answer me honestly. Did you fill that woman's head with all those crazy ideas!?! "

" Huh?..."

A question mark appeared above Ryu's head. He looked around and saw everyone looking at him, he turned to Merlin for an answer.

Not wanting to anger Madara any further she send him a mental message.

' She said she took a bath with Madara.'


Ryu uncontrollably laughed but soon shut up. Murderous intent was brewing within Madara as Ryu tried to explain.

" Wait! wait! I didn't know I swear! I swear on my kids!! "

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Madara looked at him suspiciously before snorting and flying away. Esdeath immediately took off after him, Madara sped up and disappeared from sight.

Esdeath didn't stop and sped up as well, Madara would return to the manor so all she needed to do was to go there.

Merlin took back her vision and asked Ryu

" Your injuries? "

" It's alright. A day's rest would be enough, luckily I brokethrough otherwise I would have died."

" If you are alright then let's head back."

She snapped her fingers, a huge spell circle enveloped them and they disappeared.


King was flying silently, his aid was faithfully following beside him.

They reached Rockwell city and went directly towards the central hall. Several huge doors were present once they went inside.

An attendant immediately went towards them and led them towards one of these doors. King threw a beast core towards the attendant who caught it immediately before placing a token in his hands on a depression near the door.

The door's surface rippled like water. King and his attendant walked through the door and disappeared.

The door turned back to its previous state after they left.

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Swallow city....

This was one of the major cities under the control of Heaven Alliance in this world. A single family was in control of this city and it was the Luo.

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Within a grand building, several large doors like the ones present in Rockwell city stood silently. Suddenly one them rippled and two people came out.

It was King and his aid Glaze.

" Welcome back Young Lord."

A beautiful woman greeted King.

King nodded and walked out calmly. He walked through the busy streets of swallow city, his thoughts were a mess.

Without him noticing he was already infront of a large gate. The word Luo was carved out on top of it. King snapped back and entered.

The guards bowed to him as he walked past.

He nodded from time to time towards everyone and walked towards the inner parts of his house. Very soon he was standing infront of a room, hesitant to enter.

Before he could make up his mind a voice echoed from inside

" Come in King."

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