A Warrior's Path

Chapter 31

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As Ryu spoke those last words his bloodlust further increased. Homura kneeled on the floor grasping for breath, Koharu directly fainted. Danzo was weakly laying down with blood flowing out of his arms. Sarutobi was the only one not affected as Ryu only directed his bloodlust towards the other three.

Sarutobi: That should have vented your anger, right Ryu?

Ryu gave one last look towards the three of them and left. Danzo stood up weakly, he covered his arms before leaving. Only Homura and Koharu remained.

Sarutobi: Your way of doing things will only breed hatred. I hope you won't do anything foolish in the future.

Leaving these words behind sarutobi also left. He went to his office and slouched on his chair. He took out his smoking pipe and took a long puff.

Sarutobi: Now, explain.

After he said those words, a figure slowly emerged from the shadows. Ryu looked at Sarutobi, he was slightly guilty for never telling the old man anything. All these years Sarutobi really considered him and Naruto as family. He always shielded his family from all types of danger from inside the village as well as outside. Even in Naruto's case, the reason he never made his birth parents public was to protect him. Minato had a lot of enemies, if any of them knew Naruto is his son it would only put him in danger. Ryu looked at the old man who carried all these burden for these years without complaining.

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Ryu: Old man, I am sorry for not telling you.

Sarutobi : sign...it's fine kid. Just tell me how you became so strong.

Ryu: Do you remember when my bloodline was purified overnight?

Sarutobi nodded, Ryu: You see, after that when I was three, some memories surfaced. They all pertained to seals and chakra. I was confused at first but the memories were systematic so I trained in them. As I got better and stronger, more seal formulas were unlocked. Over the years I continued training and the result is this.

Sarutobi thought for a bit before saying:' I see, so that's what happened.'

Ryu acted like he was surprised: That's it? Aren't you going to suspect me? After all what I said isn't normal.

Sarutobi chuckled at his words: What you said is correct. This isn't normal but it's not unprecedented. This has happened before.

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Ryu again acted dumb: This has happened before? To whom?

Sarutobi: Lord Hashirama. He also had bloodline memories, not like yours though. His simply showed him many Justsus related to his wood style. You are a smart kid Ryu. Just think about it, wood style itself is strong enough to hold down every tailed beasts. Any Jutsu concerning that style is not easy.

Lord Hashirama was a genius but he was not like lord Tobirama. He couldn't create any new Jutsus. Many of the wood style Jutsus came from his bloodline memories. Only a few of them were created by Lord Hashirama with his brother's help.

On the outside Ryu looked like he was surprised and was thinking about what Sarutobi said but on the inside he expected something like this. When Ryu purified his Senju bloodline he also got the Complete Wood style Jutsus. Not only that his body underwent tremendous changes. Right now Ryu's body possessed a huge amount of vitality, any wound he receives will heal almost instantly.

Sarutobi took some time to digest all of this but suddenly remembered something: Then what about the bloodlust you showed? That's not something you inherit.

Ryu hesitated but said: I went outside to train.

sarutobi: I see... wait, WHAT!!??

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Ryu: Yeah. I went outside to train. I travelled to Sand, Stone and Kumo, after that for about six years I trained by capturing or killing rogue ninjas.

Sarutobi suddenly recalled information about a person going around challenging kages of other villages, then the same person started to act as a bounty hunter. His trade mark was a Black Sword with light engravings on its handle. He asked Ryu

' Are you the one who challenged Rasa and the other kages? Also are you the one who is known by his Sword ' Kokushibyo '?

Ryu: Yes.

Sarutobi took in a deep breath and looked at him before yelling : RYU! What were you thinking. You went outside the village, what if something happened to you? Did you even think what would happen to your parents when you disappear suddenly?

Ryu was stunned, he never thought like that. In his previous life he was alone, he had no responsibilities but in this world he has a family who cares about him. If he were to disappear one day his parents would be devastated.

Ryu was ashamed for acting selfishly: Sorry old man.

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Sarutobi was still upset but he can't do anything about something that's already happened. He signed before walking upto Ryu

' Ryu, how in the hell did you manage to fight with your body. I mean, can your arm even reach your opponent.

Ryu: Like this.

Ryu made a hand sign. pufff, a man suddenly appeared where Ryu stood. This man had Ryu's exact appearance before rebirth.

Sarutobi thought ' Transformation Jutsu. But this one seems different, don't tell me he fought with other kages by using this. '

Ryu saw the confusion and doubt in Sarutobi's eyes, he explained

' Old man, my transformation Jutsu is a bit different. It actually creates a fake body around me, I can control it like my own body. More simply speaking, this fake body is like a glove. You can just put it away after use. There is no need to control your chakra to keep the Jutsu.

Sarutobi was gobsmaked. He looked at Ryu and smiled wryly.

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