A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1006: 1006

Chapter 1006: Chapter 1006 — master’s Benevolence!

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In a daze, Wang Baole followed his fifteenth senior brother in front of him. His thoughts were in a mess as he walked into the distance. He saw his fifteenth senior brother walk normally at first, but as he walked, he started jumping up and down in front of him. The way he jumped up and down.., it was indescribably strange. After all, his bean sprout-like body made his fifteenth senior brother jump up and down like a golden needle mushroom..

He even sang an even more strange song..

“The raging flame galaxy is good, the raging flame galaxy is wonderful, and the raging flame Galaxy Croaks…”

The song was filled with magical power, causing Wang Baole’s mind to become even more confused. He gradually felt that there was an indescribable sense of absurdity in this world… deep in his heart, he could not help but think of how he had felt when he saw the old bull.., he then summarized everything that he had felt since arriving here.

In the Raging Flame Galaxy, there is an old bull who is so strong that even his master has to treat him with respect… this old bull is obviously sullen. He said that the raging flame galaxy doesn’t like the culture of flattery, but he is more enthusiastic than anyone else to hear such flattery..

In the raging flame galaxy, I have a shifty-eyed fifteenth senior brother who seems to have a problem with his head. This senior brother talks in a weird way, and his catchphrase is, you know… he likes to look around and speak quietly, but… he can clearly send voice transmissions, so why does he need to speak so directly? After all, even if there is no one around, speaking directly still carries the risk of being spied on..

I still have a fourteenth senior brother in the raging flame galaxy. There seems to be something wrong with his head. He cultivated an illusion technique and turned himself into a fake mountain. In the end, he can’t turn himself back… Wang Baole thought, and his head started to hurt, he couldn’t help but raise his hand to knead it. However… when he followed his fifteenth senior brother to the tower where his thirteenth senior brother was, Wang Baole felt his head hurt even more.

He had already made preparations after arriving, focusing on whether there were any rocks or other objects outside his thirteenth senior brother’s tower. When he didn’t see any rocks and only saw three to five withered trees, he subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief, however, his heart quickly trembled, and he suddenly looked back at the withered trees..

“That can’t be…”as he looked at the withered trees, Wang baole muttered to himself. His fifteenth senior brother, who was beside him, had already taken a few quick steps forward. He arrived in front of a withered tree and bowed deeply.

Seeing this, Wang Baole slapped his forehead and immediately went over to pay his respects.

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“Greetings, thirteenth senior brother!”

The withered tree did not respond, but fifteenth revealed a gratified smile. He was about to speak, but before he could do so, Wang Baole spoke in advance.

“I understand, fifteenth senior brother. This tree is thirteenth senior brother. Did He also cultivate fourteenth senior brother’s illusion technique? He also had an accident and couldn’t change back after turning into a withered tree.”

“Sixteen, you are indeed talented and intelligent. You can infer from one example, and your mind is extremely sharp.”Fifteen’s gaze became increasingly gratified. He turned to look at the withered tree that they had worshiped and sighed.

“You are right. Senior Brother Thirteen and senior brother fourteen have a close relationship, but they also like to compete with each other. Therefore, after senior brother fourteen practiced his illusion technique, senior brother thirteen took the initiative to find his master and asked him to practice the same technique. In the end… you know, he naturally couldn’t change back. However, for senior brother thirteen, this is where his fun lies. Now, the two of them are competing to see who can change back first.”

Wang Baole didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He felt his head ache even more. He was about to speak, but before he could do so, another withered tree beside the withered tree that the two of them had met suddenly spoke..

“Fifteen, you’re looking for a beating. It’s one thing if you’re worshipping the wrong tree, but you’re actually badmouthing me!”

The moment the withered tree spoke, Wang Baole shuddered. He quickly turned his head to look at the withered tree that had spoken, and he couldn’t help but look at the tree that he had worshiped previously..

“Stop looking. The tree that you are worshiping is a real tree…”thirteenth senior brother’s calm voice rang out slowly. Fifteen hurriedly greeted him once again.

“Congratulations, thirteenth senior brother. You have successfully defeated fourteenth senior brother. Senior Brother’s skills are unparalleled and unrivaled!”

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Wang Baole took a deep breath as well. His chaotic thoughts were slightly better. He thought to himself that he had finally met a fellow disciple who spoke normally. He hurriedly greeted him once again.

“Sixteen greets senior brother thirteen!”

“You’re little sixteen. Little Sixteen, let me tell you something. Don’t listen to that flatterer, fifteen, spout nonsense. What do you mean, me and fourteen will compete to see who can transform back first? What nonsense!”The withered tree’s voice was filled with righteousness, it contained a sense of lesson, and Wang Baole’s heart was filled with respect. He was just about to agree when..

“How can that trash fourteen compare to me? His consciousness is already asleep, but mine is much stronger than his. I can send out my consciousness, and I can also appreciate the changes in the sky and feel the joy of the breeze blowing my branches and leaves.” The withered tree seemed to be very pleased with itself, and its entire body trembled a few times.

Wang Baole saw this and couldn’t help but fall silent.

“Little Sixteen, you’re not bad. You’re very good. Senior Brother will give you a welcome gift.”As he spoke, the trembling of the withered tree intensified, and it became even more intense. The entire tree gave off a feeling that it was about to collapse on its own, wang Baole’s heart skipped a beat as he watched. He had a vague feeling that if the other party had acted like a human, he would have used all his strength. His face had even turned red. Then, the withered tree finally let out a comfortable moan. On one of the tree branches.., a half-withered leaf condensed.

When it fell down and landed in front of Wang Baole, there was still a hint of heat that drifted away from the leaf.

Wang Baole was once again dumbfounded. He stared blankly at the leaf. Fortunately, he could feel the shocking spirit qi fluctuation from the leaf, which prevented any misunderstanding… however, the strange feeling in his heart grew stronger, and in the end, he could only brace himself, he took the leaf and thanked the withered tree.

“Fourteenth senior brother is biased. Sixteenth, this is fourteenth senior brother’s natal item. If you encounter any danger in the future, you only need to bring out this withered leaf. It will instantly attract the projection of thirteenth senior brother and fight for you!”Fifteenth took a deep breath, after exclaiming loudly, the withered tree let out a joyful laugh.

“Alright, you can go and pay your respects to the other senior brothers and sisters.”

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With that said, the withered tree stopped swaying and returned to its calm state. Fifteen hurriedly pulled Wang baole away. Halfway through, Wang Baole couldn’t help but ask.

“Senior brother fifteen… um… have the other senior brothers and Sisters of ours all cultivated this illusion technique…”

“Shh!”Fifteen immediately turned his head when he heard that. He put his index finger to his mouth and signaled Wang Baole not to speak. Then, he led him a distance away and looked around before speaking in a low, mysterious voice.

“Sixteenth junior brother, you’re thinking too much. Among our fellow disciples, you know… Only the thirteen and fourteen senior brothers have some problems in their heads. They believed master so easily and cultivated this illusion technique. As for the others, why would they cultivate this technique?”

As soon as fifteen said that, a glint flashed across Wang Baole’s eyes. He hesitated for a moment before speaking in a low voice.

“Senior Brother Fifteen, why did you say that you believed master so easily? Could it be that master can’t be trusted?”

“I didn’t say that. You said it!”When fifteen heard that, his expression changed. He quickly looked around and quickly cleared his name. He pulled Wang Baole and quickly left the spot. Just as Wang Baole was feeling increasingly confused and confused.., fifteen pulled him to a corner and spoke in a low voice with a mysterious look on his face.

“Little Sixteen, you can’t just say things like that. Let me tell you… Master is an open-minded and magnanimous person, and he loves his disciples dearly. That’s why he likes to search for strange cultivation techniques in the ruins in the starry sky and let us cultivate them. He wants us to gain the strengths of the various families, and he wants us to be like dragons and phoenixes among humans, growing to a level that reaches the heavens.”

When Wang Baole heard that, his expression immediately turned solemn as he spoke loudly.

“Master is benevolent!”

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“Yes, Master is benevolent!”Fifteen blinked and spoke in an even lower voice.

“But I advise you… If Master has given you a similar cultivation technique, you have to wait for the other senior brothers and senior sisters to finish their cultivation and confirm that there is nothing wrong before you cultivate…”when he heard that, Wang Baole could not hide the strange look on his face, after fifteen finished speaking, he suddenly looked into Wang Baole’s eyes and asked meaningfully.

“Sixteenth junior brother, after coming to the raging flame galaxy, I saw thirteenth and fourth senior brothers and heard what I said. I know that you must feel that master is a little unreliable now, right?”

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