Go Seobang, who was walking silently, asked Geom Woo-bin. “Sabak. Can we be good people too?”

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“If you are already a good person, how can you become a good person again?”

“Oh my God, really good people will swear when they hear it.”

“If you are worried about whether you can be a good person, think that he is already a good person. Has he ever thought of that before?”

When was Gangseo Samak? The three stopped walking and at the same time remembered the past. It seemed that he was just thinking about how to live a luxurious life while drinking with a pretty woman. Looking back on those days, it felt like living in a narrow, long cave, seeing only the narrow hole.

If one were to go through that hole, there was such a wide world, and Samak Gangseo didn't even think to come out of that hole.

Geom Woo-bin showed her smile towards them. “Priests wouldn’t have been so bad in the past. If I had been a really bad person, I wouldn't be able to change like I do now.

And the mistakes of the past can't be helped. If the sins of that time return to the present punishment, is it any different? So, from now on, you just have to be careful and live your life.”

“What if the sins of the past are too great to bear now?”

“Ask the priests.”

“To the masters?”

“You are a Blood Lion. It's wrinkling in front of the pupa."

Samak Gangseo had no choice but to nod his head. After returning to the Oh Seon Manor, Kang Seo Samak treated Oh Tongsu and dealt with the work that was delayed. He couldn't get the job, so he had the workers do the work again, or broke the jar he was carrying.

After such a disturbing day, Go Seobang went to the pavilion with a bottle of fraudulent liquor. He had never been so desperate for a drink like today. Why had he forgotten the past so completely? No, could he have forgotten? After all, living with a Blood Lion, it might be natural. When his cup was emptied for the second time, Galmapyeong appeared.

He also had a bottle of wine in his hand. “If you drink alcohol without snacks, you will be upset.”

“You are not like that.”

“To be deceived.” Oh Tongsu, who was lying in the hospital bed when their respective glasses were full, joined in.

“Men and horses! What if the patient drinks alcohol? The wound is fading.”

“If I just lie down, my stomach will burst and die before the wound heals.”

Karma Pyung, who drank his drink at once, said. “Did we do a lot of bad things?”

“Starting with Oryeon’s skirt pulled up?”

“Then, while running away, the west got hit by the jjang stone thrown by you and Oryeon.”

“When the weather is cloudy, the back of my head still tingles. Mapyeong says that you are a watermelon frost, is it Mr. Na? You ruined all the watermelon farming, didn't you?"

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“Man, it’s because you wanted to eat watermelon!”

“Did I have measles back then?”

“I thought you were going to die. I said I would grant a wish to someone who would die soon, but only Uncle Na was ruined…”

They talked about something from a very long time ago, and as the years of memory passed, their words became less and less. “It would be nice if the masters were there. Couldn't they have done a lot worse than us?"

“How do you compare to a pyramid like us? It’s a bloodbath.”

“Still, thanks to Master and Saba, we won’t die like kendo doubles. At least it's trash."

“Right. If we didn't see each other for five minutes, we'd still be living like kendo doubles."

“Why did we live like that?”


“You should also make good friends.” The three looked at each other's faces and sighed for a long time, then burst into laughter.

“It’s good to have ugly friends like you!”

“It would have been better if there were masters too! Where the hell are they? There is no such thing as dog dung to be used for medicine...!”

With that, Do Pyeong-su’s voice interrupted Galmapyeong's voice. “Who is dog poop?”

Samak Gangseo, who was excitedly holding a glass of wine, froze. “A drink by the pond on a moonlit night. The years are good.”

“Even the scammers we made up.”

As they slowly turned their heads, a Blood Lion was caught behind their backs. It was definitely a situation where he had to fall apart, but it was nice to see his dead parents come back alive.

“Master!” After a month or so, they ran and embraced the Blood Lion. So, the one who was bewildered was the Blood Lion.

“Did these guys drink good alcohol?”

“Why are you here so late?”

“What happened? Will you be sentenced to death?”

"No! If something happens to Sabaek, are we drinking alcohol?”

"Yeah. Then we're half-dead by our hands. Oh Tongsu, you are already like that.”

Samak Gangseo talked about what happened that day. Sperm was about to go out with a sigh that came out in the middle. “What should we do?”

Do Pyeong-su replied sarcastically. “What do you do? Just living.”

"Yes? Like nothing happened?”

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“The three of you killed the one who couldn’t win even if they attacked, so you should live happily.”

‘Of course!’ A Blood Wind Lion was a Blood Wind Lion!

“These bastards are slowing down the execution time with such a frivolous thing. Hurry up and go to sleep.”

The Blood Lion then went to meet Geom Woo-bin, and the remaining Samak Gangseo looked at each other's faces. When he saw two people with the same expression as himself, he felt reassured.

‘I think I have to live with those two for the rest of my life.’

As Geom Woo-bin said, they seemed to be friends after all.

Geom Woo-bin woke up and got out of bed, and she was startled. The Blood Lion, who suddenly returned last night, talked about what had happened in Moorim. They lamented their incompetence, saying that they had only earned two thousand two hundred nyang, and ended with an oath that they would never fight each other again and destroy their house.

And so, they occupied Geom Woo-bin's room for two examinations, but in the end, they did not return to their room. Geom Woo-bin left her room, avoiding the sleeping Blood Lions spreading here and there. It was a time when the morning sun was at its peak, but the inside of the manor was busy. The workers employed by Sehwa were clearing the rubble of the collapsed building.

A middle-aged man who appeared to be in charge then asked Sehwa. “How did the building become like this?”

“Were there any quarrels?”

“A little quarrel?”

"Yes. If not a little, but a lot, the entire Wu Seon Manor would have collapsed.”

Sehwa found Geom Woo-bin and ran to him with a happy face. “Did you say that the masters came last night? I didn't even know you came here to sleep."

“It’s good to sleep without knowing.”

Geom Woo-bin looked at the workers carrying the rubble of the building out of the manor, and she had a worried expression on her face. “Why are you making that face?”

"There's something important in that wreck."



“What about the contents?”

“The most precious thing to me.”

“You have to tell me what it is.”


Oh Tongsu’s voice was then heard. “I’m curious because Sabaek-nim is blatantly saying it’s a secret.”

She drank late but was forced to get up early because the Blood Lion returned. “Everyone has a secret. You know?”

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Of course he knew. He was particularly curious because it was Geom Woo-bin's secret. "Oh! There it is!”

What Geom Woo-bin had retrieved from among the rubble was a brown wooden box about two characters tall. Even in that difficult situation, she did not break easily and was fine with only scars.

"I'm glad." Shortly after Woo-bin, the sword with her box in his arms returned with a relieved expression, the Blood Lion appeared.

“Ahh! Why can't I see the death penalty?"

“Did you just go here?”

"Okay? Dress up a little bit this morning. I ran all day yesterday and I am hungry.”

The Hangzhou Incident stopped talking to the Blood Lion about Geom Woo-bin. If it was a secret of Geom Woo-bin that even the Blood Lions did not know, he thought that it should still be kept.

'I'm really curious. What is Sabaek-nim’s secret?’

“Are you saying that the three workers in Ohseon Manor are Gangseo Samak? They said it was Yuyusangjong, and as expected.” So Ki-cheon said to Noh Dae-sul, who nodded.

“Aren’t they such bad people?”

“You shouldn't judge people by their outward appearance. So Kang-ho's experience is important. Did you find out anything else?”

“What do you mean?”

“About Oh Seon-won and Geom Woo-bin.”

“Aren’t you monitoring Woo-bin hyung? I already told you.”

“Isn’t there something that I found out by chance like this time, even if I didn’t have to watch it?”

Sogi Chun asked, narrowing his eyes. “What does Master want to know? Why are you so interested in Jangwon Oh and Woo-bin hyung?”

“You don’t know yet.”

“What can I find out without knowing anything?”

“You know? Are you going to monitor Geom Woo-bin and report it to this master?”

So Ki-cheon's answer came without hesitation for a moment. "No. I never sell my friends.”

“Then what do you want me to know?”

“I’m curious.”

“What I am curious about is why Wolhagiru no longer sells fraudulent liquor.”

When he talked about the scammer, saliva dripped down the beard of the old man. “After the original owner of Wolhagiru died, my son inherited it, and that son is an idiot. The owner has changed and the success rate of Dongnyang is zero, Young!”

So Ki-cheon, who trembled all over as if in anger, continued. “The owner is a chaplain, and there is no way for Woo-bin hyung to continue trading.”

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So Ki-cheon gave a particular strength to the word ‘good.’

“Hangzhou without fraudulent spirits is an ignorant gyoza.”

“Do you have this disciple in Hangzhou? Although twenty-two. Was it the 23rd?”

Noh Dae-sul lightly ignored So Ki-cheon's words. “The amount of liquor that’s the size of a chick’s urine in the world’s best gaekjak cup is not enough. Is there no way?”

Noh Dae-sul let out a cry and looked into So Gi-cheon's eyes. “I have one close disciple with Geom Woo-bin of Jangwon Oh, who makes sagi-ju, but that guy is young….”

“I don’t take more than one coin from Woo-bin hyung. That is our unwritten rule.”

“The unwritten rule is a bitch! For the sake of this master, you can ignore that much!”

“You are the one who told me to stick to the principle no matter what!”

“That principle did not speak of that principle! You were talking about human morality!”

“For me, that principle is that principle!” Noh Dae-sul, who was looking at So Ki-cheon with enthusiasm, abruptly stood up.

“Now that you are here, let’s see how much the disciple’s martial arts have increased.”

“Sir, Master….”

“It is the principle of this master to find out the achievements of discipleship.”

'Damn it! I'll be sick for three more days.'

"Why are you making such a mysterious expression?"

“Oh, no! I'll go right now all!"

At this, Oh Tongsu took a quick step towards Geom Woo-bin's room. But the closer he got, the more his heart swelled.

Actually, there was no need to be nervous, was there? If Geom Woo-bin was in his room, he couldn’t see the contents even if he wanted to.

‘Why is this guy’s liver so shrunken?’

Oh Tongsu, who stood in front of Geom Woo-bin’s room, even self-harmful, spat out a cautious voice. “Sabaek, are you inside?”

No answer. Pounding!

“Sabaek, Master Do, and Master Jang are looking for you.”

In addition to this, there was no response or popularity.

Oh Tongsu swallowed a thick saliva. Geom Woo-bin was definitely not in the room. If she was enjoying the sewage, she could hear the sound of breathing in her erect ears. As usual, she would have just turned around. However, Oh Tongsu was unwittingly holding the doorknob.

A foreboding feeling passed through her.

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