Artemis woke up from her rest faster than expected.

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Ever since she said [Give me time], Artemis reverted to her original form of a bow and has not moved since then…but after what seemed to be about 19 hours, Artemis has once again returned to the form of a girl.

Since the Ruyi Staff has been moving according to the rotation of the planet, as long as it has not approached us once more, it’s certain that 24 hours have not passed.

[Have you recovered your strength?] (Varius)

[Yeah. It is now possible to grant you my strength.] (Artemis)

Artemis said that…..and extended her right hand.

[I’ll be transferring my power, give me your hand.] (Artemis)

I wordlessly gripped her hand.

As I did so……the feeling of something warm flowing in is transmitted to my entire body.

[So warm……what in the world is this?] (Varius)

[This is called divine power. How do I put it…well, it’s something that only existences like mine have the right to possess.] (Artemis)

To my question, Artemis gave such an answer.

[……That kind of power, is it all right for me to receive it?]

[No problem. The aforementioned [Right to Possess] implies that one is born with the divine magical circuits. The act of making such circuits in someone else’s body is not forbidden. ] (Artemis)

As soon as she finished her sentence, that warm feeling that was flowing in me had stopped.

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[That being said, originally, humans are not able to wield divine power… The circuit was created without any issues, but I was only able to transfer a miniscule amount of power over to you. Any more and the divine power in your body would go out of control.] (Artemis)

Artemis had a somewhat vexed expression.

[However, if you continue to train your divine powers from here on, you should one day achieve a level where it will become usable. Please do your best to master it.] (Artemis)

Artemis gave a thumbs up as she said so.

My heart danced at this unexpected boon.

To think that I would obtain a special power by coming here.

Although I’m still completely unsure on how to use it.

…… Guess I’ll ask.

[Regarding this divine power, how do I use it?] (Varius)

[Oh right. First, I mentioned an offensive skill using divine arrows, didn’t I? Besides that, one can interfere with space-time as well as revive the dead. Finally, and this isn’t exactly a feature of the divine power, but rather a byproduct of when I imparted the power to you, Varius……you can communicate with me, without regards to distance and with zero latency.] (Artemis)

…… What a ridiculous power.

It is impossible to carry out space-time interference or revival of the dead using magic.

The usage of the divine arrows depends on my training method…but seeing how the other 2 skills are, it should be stronger than the average magic at the very least.

I’m getting excited all of a sudden.

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[Thank you. Regarding how useful this divine power is, I’ll be sure to give a report every so often through our communication.] (Varius)

[Ahh, I’ll be looking forward to it.] (Artemis)

With this, Artemis’ [Thanks] to me has safely concluded.

…is what I thought but…Artemis made one more suggestion.

[There’s a limit to how much divine power I could give you, however…… Varius, you originally came to collect the Luna Metal did you not? Since there’s more than enough Luna Metal on the moon, it’s fine for you to take as much as you want.] (Artemis)

[……Thank you?] (Varius)

[Ahh] (Artemis)

To think that coming here would help me fulfil the gathering request which I had already given up.

[Well then, I’ll be taking them.] (Varius)

Saying that, I began storing whatever Luna Metal I could using storage magic.

However, when I’ve stored about 4 tonnes’ worth of Luna Metal…

[Wa…Wait a minute!!] (Artemis)

Hearing Artemis’ call, I stopped.

[What’s wrong?] (Varius)

[Varius…exactly how much can you store…] (Artemis)

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…… Crap. I may have taken too much.

[…… Sorry. If I had taken too much, I’ll return them.] (Varius)

[It’s fine, I don’t mind what you have stored. The moon seems to produce Luna Metal when it collides with comets, so the amount here is actually more than before. I was just a little shocked, that’s all…] (Artemis)

It seems that it’s fine to hold on to what I have stored so far.

I’m grateful. Since it’s a resource one can’t get much on the surface, I was thinking of bringing back about one crater’s worth but…even around 4 tonnes’ worth can be considered a big boon.

Even if I sell just half of it, I’d get 4 billion Zol……well, I’m pretty sure they won’t allow me to sell that much.

Well, I’ll just take my time in finding an effective method.

Since we were at it, the 4 of us (A person, 2 monsters, and an equipment?) took a stroll after that to kill some time.

Soon after..the tip of the Ruyi Staff which made a full revolution finally entered our view.

[Well, this is where we say our goodbyes.] (Varius)

[Ahh. …… Give me a call every once in a while, promise?] (Artemis)

[What is that bright light?] (Varius)

[Ah, this? I thought of transferring you all over to that staff. Well, think of it as an example of space-time interference.] (Artemis)

The light in Artemis’ hands enveloped the entire Nimbus Cloud, along with its environmental shield and us……the next thing I knew I was gripping the Ruyi Staff.

Caucasus and Beelzebub are with me too.

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The Nimbus Cloud is safely held between Caucasus’ horns.

[It was fun, Artemis!] <a id = “ref_1.1″ href=”#ref_1.2”[1](Varius)

[Ahh, thanks for helping me~!] (Artemis)

I wasted no time in using the divine powers to communicate with Artemis……and began shortening the Ruyi Staff.


A few days have passed since then.

[Caucasus, I’ll leave the defrosting to you.] (Varius)

[Yeah.] (Caucasus)

Caucasus’ horns once again let off a flash of light…and as the light is absorbed into the surface of the lake, the ice melted without leaving a trace.

Just to be sure, I used detection magic to probe the inside of the lake.

…… Yep, everything seems to be alive and well. 

Relieved, I returned to the guild using the Nimbus Cloud.

…… Now then Luna Metal, I wonder how much of you will be bought. I’m looking forward to it.


[1]: From now on, conversations with Italics will mean that the communication is done telepathically, to differentiate from normal conversations.

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