“Ren-kun? If you don’t get up soon, we won’t make it in time for the meeting, you know?”

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Kaede gently urged Ren, who was still sleeping despite having an appointment today, to wake up.

“It’s okay, I have ….5 minutes left.”

“Mou~, I’ll punish you for being such a bad boy, okay?”

“So scary~”

“That’s right! It’s scary! So get up early…”

“For example?”

“F-For example?…L-let’s see.”

Then Kaede started thinking. It was Kaede, she probably wasn’t thinking anything. Or rather, she was thinking how she could punish me without hurting me.

“Now, I’m going to hug you for 10 minutes.”

“That’s closer to a reward for me.”

“T-Then…I-I’ll kiss you… okay?”

I was lying on my bed and thought about getting up to see Kaede’s expression, which I couldn’t see. But the comfort of the bed was no match for my desire to see Kaede’s expression.

“…that’s also a reward.”

It was by no means a punishment. But I may not be able to hold my own.

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“Umm, if it comes to this,…I’ll skip the meal.”

“….Not being able to eat that delicious meal is going to affect the rest of my life.”

“You’re exaggerating.”

Kaede was a little taken aback. I opened my heavy eyelids, my head still flopping around.

“Now then! Go wash your face!”

“Nn, got it.”

With that said, I headed to the washroom to wash my face. After washing my face, I glanced at the mirror and my hair was a mess.

“Fufufu, what kind of sleeping habits do you have to get your hair like this!”

Kaede was smiling so much that I thought for a moment that sleeping habits were not so bad.

“Ren-kun? You do know we don’t have time for this?”

“I’m sorry….”

Kaede got a little angry at me because she found out that I was grinning.

I knew it was my fault, but I kept it to myself that the bed was too comfortable.

“Then, let’s eat.”

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“Ah, wait before that.”

I said, and took off my shirt. It was a date, so I thought I needed to dress up a little.

But Kaede, with her face bright red, said

“Why are you taking off your clothes here!?”

 “Eh? It’s the washroom….”

“At least wait until after I leave!”

Kaede’s reaction puzzled me at first, but as soon as I saw myself, I understood.

“Ah, I’m sorry.”

“I’ll go to the living room first and wait for you.”

“You can eat first.”

When I said that through the washroom door, Kaede seemed to be a little grumpy and only said, “…I understand.”

I was convinced that she was in a bad mood because I was different from usual.

When I went to the living room, Kaede was almost finished eating.

I was late because not only did I change my clothes, but I also set my hair and applied perfume, even if only a little.

“Sorry I’m late ….T-Thanks for the food”

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“Thanks for the food.”

When I was about to eat, Kaede was finishing.

(This is definitely because of what happened earlier….)


“…What is it?”

“Tonight… Do you want to eat together?”

After saying this, Kaede put the dishes she was holding in the sink and came back again.

Her expression at that time was not a little tense like before, and her mouth was relaxed.

Then she sat down next to me.

“If Ren-kun insists, then I have no choice.”

“I really want to eat with you.”

“Fufu, I understand.”

I stroked Kaede’s head. Her very soft blonde hair felt so good. I want to touch it all the time.

Then Kaede squinted, just like a cat squints when it is being caressed on the head.

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She was smiling while I was stroking her head, but when I stopped it, her expression turned sullen, which was also cute.

That’s why I couldn’t stop stroking her. But if I gave in to such temptation, neither of us would make it in time for the meeting, so I stopped.

(I’ll enjoy it as much as I want when we get back. ….)

I was absolutely determined to flirt with Kaede when we return home.

When I finished my breakfast, Kaede got up and headed for the front door.

I put my own plate in the sink and did the dishes for me and Kaede.

Kaede usually did the dishes, but when we officially started dating, I told her I’d take care of the dishes because I was leaving the cooking to her.

“Still, the water’s cold….”

“Fufufu, good job.”

Whenever I complained a little, she immediately complimented me.

Is there any other creature as cute as this?

“Let’s get going, then.”


I was a little embarrassed at the compliment, but we both headed to the meeting place.

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