Above the Skies

Chapter 13.2

Chapter 13 (part 2):

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He saw an elder dressed in black rushing in, a face full of anxiety.

“Where’s the live pill tiger (previously tiger dan)?” Hei Ban lowered his voice as he spoke.

“Eight elders brought two thousand disciples to catch the pill tiger and has been trapped in Wind Valley (previously Valley of Wind) at the base of the mountain. Moreover, they are seriously injured and can die at any moment!” That elder responded anxiously.

“Then why are you not going there to save them? Hei Ban glared.

“They can’t be rescued. Currently, no one can enter the area. Sect head (previously Sovereign), only you can……!” That elder replied bitterly.

“Who’s our opponent?” Hei Ban’s complexion darkened.

“Five hundred demonic wolves from the Heaven’s Wolf pack, also the demonic tiger, Ju Que, and also a male and female couple! They captured the pill tiger!” That elder stated anxiously.

“Demonic wolves? That pack of trash at the border of the Spirit Sea realm? Ju Que? He’s barely just reached the Martial Ancestor (previously Martial Lord) realm, what can he be worth! A man and a woman? Are they very strong? They obstructed all of you?” Hei Ban’s expression was grave as he spoke.

“No, that male and female couple is Great Qin’s Regional Princess Qinghuan (previously Qinghuan Province Lord's daughter, or Qinghuan Province heir), who you know, and also Wang Xiong!” That elder replied impatiently.

“Regional Princess Qinghuan? From the human country of Qin, that madman’s daughter? However, that lass is not very old, and should only be at the Spirit Sea realm. She can’t be considered anything. Wang Xiong? What Wang Xiong? How difficult to deal with can he be?” Hei Ban’s complexion darkened as he spoke.

“Have you actually forgotten? A few years ago, when we went to the human country of Great Qin and visited the Eastern Prince’s Mansion, we met that Wang Xiong!” The elder replied impatiently.

“What Wang Xiong? Besides that Wang Hong in the Eastern Prince’s Mansion, is there some other outstanding character? How come I don’t know about him?” Hei Ban’s face looked cold.

“Wang Hong’s son, Wang Xiong!” The elder replied impatiently.

“Wang Hong’s son? Wang Xiong? The one that’s a blockhead? That trash?” Hei Ban revealed an expression of disbelief.

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“That’s him, that’s indeed Wang Xiong. He alone obstructed all of us and even made the eight elders and thousand plus disciples stuck in Wind Valley, life and death unknown!” The elder stated bitterly.

“You dare to trick me? That Wang Xiong’s in fact a trash. How can he entrap so many people?” Hei Ban’s face immediately showed a murderous aura.

“It’s true. I don’t know how, but Wang Xiong unexpectedly controlled the wind inside Wind Valley. The wind blades unendingly shot out of the underground wind tunnels. The entire Wind Valley already became a scene of minced meat. Sect Head, we simply don’t dare to enter. Those storms, those wind blades, only Sect Head can deal with them easily!” The elder exclaimed impatiently.

“Control the wind blades inside the wind tunnel? You’re not pulling my leg?” Hei Ban glared as he spoke.

“I’m not. This subordinate guesses that he may be able to control the Heaven Suppressing Demon Formation (previously temple of the gods array/Lunar Sky Protection array). Therefore, we ask that Sect Head make a move!” The elder implored impatiently.

A color of complete disbelief flashed by Hei Ban’s eyes. It it were some unknown person, then forget it, but that Wang Xiong was someone who Hei Ban had probed before. That kind of trash could control the Heaven Suppressing Demon Formation? What kind of a joke was that?

However, the elder before him was someone that he trusted, who wouldn’t lie to him.

Could it be true?

“Ha, haha haha, Hei Ban, it would seem that your wish may not necessarily be fulfilled!” The trapped Ju Men laughed a big mournful laugh.

Even if he could no longer hope to ensure the safety of the living pill tiger, as long as it did not fall into Hei Ban’s hands, Ju Men would always feel happy, because Ju Men hated Hei Ban.

Incomparable hatred!

He previously helped Hei Ban get rid of his enemy, yet Hei Ban unexpectedly wanted to completely exterminate him, destroying his corpse and wipe out all traces.

How could he not hate him?

Getting betrayed by the person he trusted was truly a most enraging affair.

“Sect Head, let’s leave quickly!” That elder encouraged impatiently.

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“No, Sect Head, you need to control this Pillfire Formation (previously Fire Dan Array). If you leave, and Ju Men and the others escaped, it will be even more terrible!” The elders who wanted to make use of the formation immediately objected.

“But if Sect Head doesn’t go to Wind Valley, Elder Hong and the others may……, moreover, there may be changes to the pill tiger at any time!” The elder who brought news responded anxiously.

“But Ju Men and the others are going to escape. That will be an even greater disaster!” Elder Zhong anxiously rebutted.

Hei Ban’s complexion was incomparably unsightly.

“Haha haha, Hei Ban, do you want to kill us, or do you want the pill tiger?” Ju Men laughed loudly inside the trap.

Hei Ban’s face revealed a trace of malevolence. “I want both!”

“You want both? But how can you leave?” Ju Men sneered.

While Ju Men was ridiculing him, Hei Ban’s face betrayed gloominess as he stomped his foot.

“Boom!” A big gale rocketed into the sky above Godly Tomb Palace Hall (Previously Temple of the Gods) and suddenly condensed into a three thousand meter black cloud. Once the black cloud shot forth, a vast breath of air shot straight down.

“Humm!” Part of the black cloud parted and a huge eye suddenly opened in the middle.

“Ninth ranked Heavenly Eye?” Ju Men’s complexion changed.

“You guys...I’m going to kill! Pill tiger, I also want! My physical body is unable to go to Wind Valley, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t make a move on Wind Valley, humph!” Hei Ban revealed a trace of malevolence.

“Boom rumble!” Inside the rolling black cloud, a huge eye shot black rays of light, as if the tribulation descended as it shifted its gaze in the direction of Wind Valley.

A heavenly power followed along the mountain downward towards Wang Xiong’s position in Wind Valley.


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At the entrance to Wind Valley!

More and more Godly Tomb Sect disciples received the signal and quickly assembled. However, standing at the edge of Wind Valley, nobody dared to set foot into that Wind Valley that’s reeking of blood.

They heard their fellow disciples’ miserable cries from inside. That’s a kind of great horror.

More and more of the crowd assembled, and inside a not so distant underbrush, Ying Sheng’s (previously Yu Sheng) eyelids were actually twitching wildly.

“Wang Xiong can truly control Wind Valley’s gales, Marquis!” A subordinate’s complexion turned ugly.

“Nobody dared to step inside, but Wang Xiong also can’t run away! Slowly wasting away, Wang Xiong won’t be able to last for long!” Another subordinate frowned as he spoke.

“No!” Ying Sheng’s complexion was unsightly.

“What?” Everyone was unconvinced as they looked towards Ying Sheng.

“Wang Xiong is going to escape!” Ying Sheng’s voice sunk.

“Escape? How can he escape? It’s true that he controls Wind Valley and no one dares to set foot in it, but he can’t escape from there. This Wind Valley’s strong winds are formidable, but Hei Ban previously ascertained that if he entered a place with no people, those wind blades simply wouldn’t be able to injure Wang Xiong. Where can Wang Xiong run to?” A subordinate asked in puzzlement.

“The Wind Tunnel!” Ying Sheng’s expression was unsightly as he replied.

“What wind tunnel?” Everyone asked in confusion.

“Regarding the Heaven Suppressing Demon formation, I’ve heard a human emperor mention it before. When they set up the formation, actually, all around the Godly Tomb Mountain Range, they dug up countless numbers of tunnels, which served as passageways for the wind to move. The wind paths formed an interconnected whole. Only the person who set up the formation knew where these passages led to. Moreover, during the time it was set up, these wind paths changed quite a bit on their own due to wind forces and continued to become more complicated. The airflows inside also continually became stronger. At present, even the person who set up the formation may not necessarily know specifically how the winds moved inside. However, none of this is important. What’s important is that Wang Xiong can escape into the wind tunnels!” Ying Sheng replied with an unsightly complexion.

“That’s impossible, right? There are countless numbers of wind blades inside those wind tunnels! If he were to enter, he’s going to cross paths with them!”

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“I don’t know, but this marquis can’t take this risk. Wang Xiong already is no longer the Wang Xiong of yester-years. He’s still weak. If we don’t eliminate him now, he’ll inevitably bring us no end of troubles. This time, heaven is giving us a good opportunity. He has to die in this Wind Valley!” Ruthlessness flashed through Ying Sheng’s eyes.

“But Wind Valley is his playground. We won’t be able to stop him, right?”

“No, we can. We can enter and kill him. Even if he doesn’t die, as long as we can disrupt his control of the air, Wind Valley’s threat is sure to vanish completely. At that time, Godly Tomb Sect disciples can then enter and execute him!” Ying Sheng spoke gloomily.

“Huh? We’re entering?”

“Marquis, we also can’t go in there. There are too many of those wind blades. There had already been some hundreds of thousands of them!” A subordinate exclaimed in alarm.

“We can go in there. Moreover, even casually go in there!” Ying Shen exposed a trace of confidence.

“What?” Everyone looked confused.

Then they saw Ying Sheng slowly pull out a little box from his bosom.

The little box opened to show a fist sized green sphere inside. The green sphere radiated a strange aura which made everyone’s complexion change.

“This, this is……?”

“Minor Wind Vanishing Sphere?” Someone recognized it.

“That’s right, Minor Wind Stabilizing Sphere, in fact, I spent a lot of effort in order to obtain this sphere. I can guarantee that any gale lower than a saint rank within thirty meters of this sphere will instantly vanish!” Ying Sheng revealed complacently.

“Gales at saint level or lower? How can these gales within Wind Valley reach saint level. Marquis, with this Wind Vanishing Sphere, can we truly step into Wind Valley like stepping on level ground?” Everyone immediately brightened.

“Come in with me. Remember, this Marquis only wants Wang Xiong to die. He must die!” Ying Sheng spoke gloomily and coldly.

“Yes!” Ten people replied.

“Woosh!” Instantly, under the stunned gazes of countless Godly Tomb Sect disciples (previously tomb of the gods soldiers), eleven figures charged into Wind Valley!

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