Above the Skies

Chapter 14.2

Chapter 14, Part 2Inertia

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Turning her head around, she looked towards Ninth Elder Brother with a face full of expectations.

However, Ying Sheng instantly poured a bucket of cold water over Regional Princess Qinghuan.

Because Ying Sheng wasn't even looking at Regional Princess Qinghuan. Rather, he was glaring at Wang Xiong tenaciously.

“Ninth, Ninth Elder Brother?” Regional Princess Qinghuan didn't want to believe it as she called out.

“You don't need to shout. He should have arrived much earlier. He originally wanted to borrow those Godly Tomb Sect disciples to exterminate us. Of course, that also includes you! However, those Godly Tomb Sect disciples were unable to deal with us, so he had to make a move himself in order to eliminate us completely, right?” Wang Xiong looked towards Ying Shen as he laughed coldly.

“It's too late even if you know this. Wang Xiong. Your being able to control the Heaven Suppressing Demon Formation is something that I did not anticipate. However, with the Minor Wind Vanishing Sphere here, you won't be able to escape calamity. But rest assured, all of the tigers and wolves here will be buried with you!” Ying Sheng responded with a cold laugh.

As he was speaking, the other ten people started to approach closer to Wang Xiong.

Ying Sheng had become a famous marquis after winning thousands of victories, so he naturally was not some thick headed person. What Wang Xiong had done previously made Ying Sheng feel an exceptional restraining fear and become exceptionally careful, so he wasn't greedy for a quick win in the least. Rather, he neared Wang Xiong bit by bit.

“Why? Ninth Elder Brother**, you want to kill me?” Regional Princess Qinghuan trembled violently from head to toe as she shouted.

(** Even though she calls him 'Elder Brother', they may not necessarily share the same parents.)

However, Ying Sheng merely cast a glance at her, then no longer bothered with her. Moreover, that one glance truly seemed as if he was looking at a dead person. His glance made Regional Princess Qinghuan directly perspire cold sweat.

“Young Lass, can you still not tell that he wants everyone to think that we've been killed by disciples from the Godly Tomb Sect? He wants to shift the blame to the Godly Tomb Sect. If you were left alive, how can he shift the blame to someone else? Therefore, you can not be left alive! For the sake of the throne, he won't hesitate to do anything!” Wang Xiong exposed a trace of the ice-cold truth.

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“The throne?” Regional Princess Qinghuan's complexion changed.

“Sure enough, you're not stupid. However, even if you're not stupid, it's useless. The winds here simply have no effect on us. Wang Xiong, the time of your death has arrived, kill!” Ying Sheng shouted loudly in a cold manner.

“Roar!” His ten subordinates suddenly roared out loud and charged at Wang Xiong.

At the entrance to the wind tunnel, the corners of Wang Xiong's mouth formed a trace of a cold smile.

Yet Wang Xiong was seen to stretch forward his hand and waved.

“Boom!” A huge gale arose abruptly and directly charged at Ying Sheng's group of people. The violent gale felt as if the Milky Way had collapsed as it arrived before all of them in a flash.

Ying Sheng's people simply paid no heed, because the Minor Wind Vanishing Sphere was present. That Milky Way like gale instantly vanished when it came within a 33 meter radius around the sphere.

Without the wind, there were naturally no wind blades, so of what use were even bigger winds?

“Ha haha, wind is useless against us......!” Ying Sheng laughed heartily as the longsword in his hand instantly chopped straight towards Wang Xiong.

However, the instant that the tip of the blade charged at him, it was obstructed by a boulder.

“Bang!” The boulder knocked against the point of Ying Sheng's sword and in a flash, the point of his sword was smashed broken to fall on the ground.


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“Not good.”





The ten large powerful cultivators' complexions suddenly changed greatly, because the sky had already darkened completely. At this moment, it was no longer big winds that came down from the skies. Instead, what appeared unexpectedly were meteors, endless numbers of huge rocks, bringing with them a huge amount of inertia as they fell and smashed towards those people.

“Rumble! Rumble!”

The sudden rumbling inside Wind Valley resembled an earthquake.

Roll roll, large rocks dropped from the sky. Although there was no more wind, still, there was inertia. The stronger the inertia, the bigger the resulting force.

Their power was not as strong as the wind blades previously, however, there was a great number of huge rocks.

It appeared as if the sky was falling apart as disaster instantly descended upon Ying Shen and his ten powerful cultivators. At this moment, how could those eleven people still charge forward?

In front of them, a wall already formed from the falling rocks, which instantly obstructed all of them.

Actually, what transpired was that the wind blades inside Wind Valley under Wang Xiong's control completely chopped up the mountain boulders all around them. When knocked against the mountain boulders above them, this caused the chopped up rocks to fall from the sky as the gales picked up each of these rocks and violently charged towards Ying Shen.

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For a moment, the whole sky was filled with huge rocks as if heaven was falling.

Ying Sheng's group of people suddenly suffered a catastrophe of being drowned by rocks. They tried to hide everywhere.

However, the wind served as Wang Xiong's vision. No matter where they tried to hide, the unending stream of rocks chased after them and smashed down at them. One of the powerful cultivators accidentally stepped out of range of the Minor Wind Vanishing Sphere and was instantly torn to shreds by the wind blades and killed. After that, he was smashed by the waves of meteors into meat paste.

“The Minor Wind Vanishing Sphere indeed suppress the winds. However, it can not control the rocks. Ying Sheng, this Lord did not kill you previously, yet you dared to be this impudent before this Lord? Since you've come, you won't be leaving!” Wang Xiong's eyes became cold.


The mountain rocks falling on the ground were picked up once more by the gale and were exploded in the air as they smashed against each other and became countless small fragments. In a split second, they shot out like ten thousand arrows and directly shot towards the direction of the Minor Wind Vanishing Sphere.

“Absolutely disgraceful, Wang Xiong!” Ying Sheng's body had already been hit with a great number of broken rocks and was even smashed on the head by a huge rock. He suffered a spell of dizziness and incomparable pain.

“Charge over there, kill him, charge over there!” Ying Sheng howled.

Even though countless numbers of mountain rocks collided against them, Ying Sheng's people were as before. They did their best to charge towards Wang Xiong's direction, wanting to thoroughly kill Wang Xiong.

If Wang Xiong didn't die, all of their efforts would go to waste in the end.


The two sides faced off against each other incomparably ferociously. Some of the broken rocks shot violently outside. The Godly Tomb Sect's disciples outside also sustained a large amount of injuries and fell back continually. They were indescribably shocked, as they didn't know what the hell could be happening inside the turbid area.

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Just when the Godly Tomb Sect's disciples were getting anxious.


A black light was launched from the summit of the Godly Tomb Mountain in the distance as an extremely strong heavenly power descended. That familiar feeling immediately made all of the Godly Tomb Sect's disciples shiver.

“Sect Head?” Everyone immediately became endlessly ecstatic as countless numbers of Godly Tomb Sect disciples kneeled down in worship.

The fact was that Hei Ban's ninth ranked heaven's eye, Godly Light, had descended.

The boundless heavenly might looked upon people as ants!


The black light shot into the center of Wind Valley, as a vast, destructive heavenly power shot straight down.

All of the gales within Wind Valley were instantly reduced to half of their strength.

Furthermore, due to the black light's suppression, the gales were also continually reduced in strength. They would be completely dissipated soon.

“What?” Ying Sheng's complexion changed.

The one controlling the gales, Wang Xiong's complexion also changed. This is the heaven's eye inside of Heaven's Demonic Wind.

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