Above the Skies

Chapter 17.2

“Woo woo wu!” Yu Jin suddenly exclaimed.

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Ju Que understood beast language and immediately followed Yu Jin’s gaze.

“Senior, look, there’s writing on the wall!” Ju Qie was amazed.

Sure enough, numerous words were engraved on the wall facing the Plum Immortal.

“Eh? This inscription was authored by Wang Hong? Eastern Prince, Wang Hong? Isn’t he your father?” Regional Princess Qinghuan looked towards Wang Xiong in amazement.

Father’s last words?

Wang Xiong furrowed his brows.

Turning his head towards the wall, sure enough, there was writing on it.


Great Qin human empire, Eastern Prince, Wang Hong, bows to Immortal!

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Previously, at Pillbirth Holy City, Wang Hong met Immortal by fate. Out of charity, the immortal wanted to make Wang Hong his disciple. Wang Hong did not know the immensity of heaven and earth and declined Immortal’s grace.

Unexpectedly, the parting on that day would become an eternal parting.

Ten years ago, Wang Hong looked everywhere for news of Immortal, not sparing any means. It wasn’t until recently that I discovered that as it turned out, the immortal resided in our Great Qin and established the Immortal Sect in a not so distant place.

What’s to be done? The immortal suffered from an evil disciple’s betrayal, who asked a powerful member of the tiger race to set up the Heaven Suppressing Yin Demon Formation to suppress the immortal.

This Wang Hong was stupid. After finding out which True Immortal it was, I didn’t dare to carelessly report this matter to the True Immortals. Instead, I explored the area by myself until I found this place. Yet, I had no way of destroying the walls of this Heaven Suppressing Yin Demon Formation and had no way of freeing the immortal from this trap.

Wang Hong could only gather fifty ‘Wind Rooted Spirit Trees’! I hoped that the roots of these trees could pass through the walls of this Heaven Suppressing Yin Demon Formation and reach the earth trapping the immortal, thereby allowing Him to escape!

Wang Hong sends his best wishes to the immortal for an early escape. There’s also something I would like to beseech Immortal!

I, Wang Hong, was formerly prideful, looking down upon the champions of the world, yet I did not know that I merely existed inside a whirlpool. My life and death was in someone else’s hand, how truly lamentable.

I’m caught in a deeply hopeless situation and have no way of asking anyone for help. Currently, among the people I know in the world, perhaps only Immortal has the ability to escape outside.

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I, Wang Hong, begs Immortal to rescue me, and place me under your protection.

Perhaps, I won’t be able to wait until the day Immortal escapes, before all of my cultivation dissipates and all of my treasures will scatter to him. I only beg for my son’s safety, Wang Xiong!

All of Wang Hong’s life was destined to be hopeless!

My son, Wang Xiong should not commit suicide. My son is slow witted, I beg Immortal not to abandon him, but guide him, protect him!

Wang Hong kowtows nine times!


The words on the wall was still clearly visible. Looking at the words that Wang Hong left behind, Wang Xiong was silent for a good period of time.

In his mind, he recalled how his father previously doted on him and how gentle he was. His eyes moistened. Nine kowtows?

At that time, his father should have kowtowed here nine times in front of the statue of the Plum Immortal, right?

For what reason?

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For the sake of finding someone who he could entrust his son to.

Because of him, his father kowtowed nine times!

Yet writing caused Wang Xiong to be very deeply enlightened.

Previously, before he knew what happened, Wang Xiong thought that his father died of sickness. After he started to understand properly not long ago, Wang Xiong had already deduced that his father’s death was caused by someone.

But no matter how, Wang Xiong didn’t expect that Father had already known early on that he was trapped in a hopeless situation, yet was unable to talk about it, unable to ask for help. That feeling like waiting for death, Wang Xiong suddenly exploded with fury and complaint.

Who in the world was it that caused Father’s death?

“Crack!” Wang Xiong clenched his fists, complexion frighteningly gloomy.

No matter who it was, no matter how hopeless the situation was, as long as somebody had something to do with Father’s death, Wang Xiong will have them pay a hundred times.

“So it seems that the Eastern Prince already knew early on that he’d die?” Regional Princess Qinghuan looked at the all in astonishment.

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“Sigh, a hopeless situation? Previously, at Wind Valley, several Godly Tomb Sect elders said that my father came here eight years ago. Eight years ago? This must’ve been the place that Father found eight years ago and died three years ago. These people are truly capable at controlling themselves! Good, good, quite good!” Wang Xiong’s face displayed his murderous spirit.

Qinghuan observed Wang Xiong and wanted to comfort him, but she didn’t know what to say.

“Senior, your father came to ask the Plum Immortal for help, but the Plum Immortal had already been restrained by the Heaven Suppressing Ying Demon Formation. It seems that my tiger clan came in those years to set up the formation and had also been tricked by Hei Ban. He betrayed and extinguished his master, seized the Immortal Sect, extracted and refined the Plum Immortal’s Yin demonic energy? Moreover, robbed the Plum Immortal’s heaven’s eye?” Ju Que inquired.

“Hei Ban will pay the price. Heh, suppress an immortal? No matter which true immortal the Plum Immortal is, he’s not someone that Hei Ban, this ordinary demon, can compare with. A True Immortal’s fury can turn the earth and sky upside down. He doesn’t truly know the Plum Immortal’s identity, right? A true immortal is an existence that even ruling immortals wants to rope in. Hei Ban is really courting death!” Wang Xiong exposed a trace of a cold laugh.

At this moment, Wang Xiong also finally understood were these human head trees came from. They’d all been planted by his own father. These Wind Rooted Trees were a species of precious trees with powerful roots systems which grew in the wind, and to be precise, the walls of the Heaven Suppressing Yin Demon formation is the body which compressed the wind.

It’s just that it’s a pity that these Wind Rooted Trees had extracted a large number of human heads with lamenting souls from the seal in the abyss, yet failed to rescue the Plum Immortal.

Otherwise, Father may have found a backer at that time.

From the writing on the wall, Wang Xiong discovered that the Plum Immortal formerly thought highly of Father, and the only person that Father wanted to find for protection at that time was Plum Immortal.

As a consequence, Wang Xiong’s impression of the Plum Immortal was also very good.

“Plum Immortal? This lord will extend a helping hand to you!” Wang Xiong’s eyes narrowed.

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