Above the Skies

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Wang Xiong

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“Zhou High Lady!” Wang Zhongquan brought her the divorce letter that had been stamped with the seal.

A divorce letter, though a bit hard to listen to, still helped to clear up some knots.

Zhou Tianyin looked at the divorce letter carefully once again before putting it inside her sleeve.

“Now Zhou High Lady, please summon Heaven Eye, shoot Sirius!” Wang Zhongquan knelt to beg.

The Fourth prince, Zhou Chi all looked at Zhou Tianyin curiously to see her walk one step forward.

With a step forward, a strange flow of gas borne out of thin air flowed around Zhou Tianyin, there were strong winds suddenly appearing and rolling up rounds of sand and rocks into the air.

“Rumble rumble!”

Strange dark clouds gathered up in the sky in huge groups that spanned thousands of feet. In a blink, they covered the whole military camp. A flow of breathtaking air fell down from the sky, which was several times stronger than the arrogant aura exuded by the Fourth prince just now. It quickly suppressed numerous soldiers and made them feel alarmed and strangely terrified.

Zhou Tianyin respectfully carried out he ritual with the black clouds: “Zhou Tianyin, worshiping to the sky, would like to summon Heaven’s gate to open its eyes and shine to break the mountains and rivers!”


With a loud rumble, all of a sudden, the black clouds that spanned thousand miles unfolded a bit, like an eyelid slowly opened. Inside that split, there appeared a thousand-feet long eye with a purple pupil and it was no less than a hundred times more powerful than before.

“Rumble rumble!”

In the camp. thirty percent of people knelt closely down on the ground and seemed to be suppressed by such tremendous heavenly power from that purple eye that they couldn’t raise their head. Other people, though it wasn’t to the point of kneeling, felt so tensed and terrified that they didn’t dare to breath loudly.

“So the ninth-ranked Heaven Eye of Zhou family?” “You really did keep it?” The Fourth prince looked at Zhou Tianyin with surprise.

“Sis.. sister, from when…?” Zhou Chi also showed astonishment.

“Ninth-ranked Heaven Eye? Ninth-ranked Heaven Eye! Young master, you must hold on!” Wang Zhongquan bowed with his fist tightened and said in a nervous tone.

“Summon Heaven Eye to break the God Killing holy wind, and to shoot directly into the Sirius Cave!” Zhou Tianyin carried out the ritual with respect for the second time.


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The ninth-ranked Heaven Eye suddenly turned its direction and directed the eye towards the area surrounded by sandstorm at the Southern sky.

The sandstorm covered everything and made the scene so muddy. The hurricane was raging and became like a huge barrier that prevented contact from inside out and vice versa.

Wang Zhongquan sent a huge group of servants to charge inside there but to no avail. At this moment, the purple Heaven Eye suddenly shot out a ray of heavenly beam.


The heavenly eye pierced through the cloudy mist and separated the sandstorm so easy like breaking a twig. Just in a moment, it had thrusted inside the sandstorm area.

In a blink, the beam had come through to Sirius Cave, which Wang Zhongquan was expecting.


Zhou Tianyin raised her hand and the Heaven Eye refracted with the next light. That light veil was the area where the purple Heaven Eye shone to. Whatever scenes the purple Heaven Eye saw, people could see the images of it clear.

“Sirius Cave?” “Young master, young master!” Wang Zhongquan looked at the pictures worriedly.

The Fourth prince showed an unrecognizable hint of a faint smile

“Look for yourself, Wang Xiong has definitely been eaten cleanly by the wolf pack!” Zhou Chi smiled coldly.

Zhou Tianyin’s face was hidden behind the veil. Though it was hard to see her facial expression clearly, at this moment she was also staring intensely at the pictures.

Inside was a cave partly collapsed with debris everywhere. On four sides of the cave, there were huge evidences of a big loss in a fight as the ground was littered with hundreds of soldier’s corpses.

It was just that most of these corpses had completely been changed: they were bitten and munched until only broken bones left.

Only three days, none could be recognized.

It could be that there were more than five hundred blue wolves idling back and forth in the cave right now. Their eyes were bloody red and still munching off their big surprise feast.

“Tomb of God’s servants have carried their own disciples’ corpses away and left our soldiers here to feed the wolves?” the Fourth prince said coldly.

Some soldiers around there immediately got bloodshot eyes to see those that used to be their comrades were becoming food for those blue wolves. Each showed a sense of anger and they couldn’t stop the rage.

“Wang butler, are you sure that Wang Xiong was killed right at this Sirius Cave?” Zhou Tianyin asked.

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“Sister, no need to look. Our guards have already seen that Wang Xiong was shot right in between his eyebrows with an arrow at Sirius Cave. He couldn’t have been respawned!” Zhou Chi said out loud.

Zhou Tianyin nodded solemnly and she looked suspiciously at the Fourth prince, who showed a kind of faint and satisfying smile.

Getting hit in between the eyebrows, then munched by the wolf pack would leave no room for survival. Even his corpse might have been eaten away.

“Young master!” A group of servants behind Wang Zhongquan started their incessant cry.

Wang Zhongquan didn’t stop staring at the images for one second. Suddenly, the whole body of Wang Zhongquan shook and he showed an indescribable joy.

“Young master, young master, I saw him!” Wang Zhongquan stood up agitatedly.

“What?” Everyone froze.

“Over there, there, he was surrounded by the wolf pack! Young master, it really is him!” Wang Zhongquan called out excitedly.

Everyone opened their eyes widely to look.

Indeed, there was a group of more than ten blue wolves surrounding under the pile of large rocks. Among them was the largest Wolf King whose size more than double the usual wolf. Each of them bared their teeth and rolled eyes looking at the young man in the center.

This young man with the look of about seventeen, eighteen years old. His face may appear innocent yet his eyebrows were sharp and eyes shone brightly, his lips pinkish with white teeth; in general, he was extremely good-looking.

At this moment on his white shirt, there was a large puddle of blood. However, he seemed just to be unconscious since it could be observed that his chest was still moving; he wasn’t dead yet.

From all corners, the wolves seemed so impatient to rush in and tear away this young man, yet it was unclear which force had kept them unable to approach further. All they could do was to stand waiting not so far from there, bared teeth and wailed towards the guy’s direction.

“Not dead? Impossible!” A guard behind the Fourth prince shouted out frighteningly.

“Huh?” Everyone directed their gaze towards the guard.

“I saw it with my own eyes: an arrow right in between his eyebrows. How could this be possible, as there was no wound at all, and where’s the arrow? Where’s that arrow in between his eyebrows?”

“Right, I also see the puddle of blood on Wang Xiong’s chest could come from the wound between his eyebrows caused by the arrow. Yet how come it appears unscarred?”

Some guards couldn’t stop their surprise.

The Fourth prince’s expression gloomed as his eyes stared fiercely at the unconscious guy without saying a word. Obviously, he didn’t think that Wang Xiong didn’t die.

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“Wang Xiong?” Zhou Tianyin’s voice seemed rather curious.

“It’s strange. I remember clearly that between Wang Xiong’s eyebrows there was a cherry blossom shaped birthmark, so that’s why we call him sissy. Wheres that mark now?  He didn’t have that cherry blossom birthmark, so is this really Wang Xiong?” Zhou Chi showed a bit of suspicion.

“Cherry blossom shaped birthmark?” Everyone was astonished.

Even Wang Zhongquan was also stunned. He looked back intensely and indeed, the birthmark between Wang Xiong’s eyebrows had disappeared inexplicably.


When everyone was doubting, Wang Zhongquan showed a sense of delight: “Blessing from the Wang family’s ancestors, blessing from Wang master from above, the young master’s misfortune birthmark was gone, completely gone! Completely gone!”

“Less unfortunate?” Everyone looked at Wang Zhongquan.

Wang Zhongquan with streams of tears coming down, looked at Wang Xiong in the images.

Since young, Wang Xiong was a bit dim-witted. He trained or studied much slower than normal people. Thus everyone jeered at him. When the master was still alive, he prayed to the supreme healer to help his son. Eventually the healer stated that the cherry blossom mark was the cursed thing that refrained all the qualities of Wang Xiong. Only when this mark was ridden, would Wang Xiong resume to be normal human. The master prayed to the supreme healer yet they couldn’t remove it. No one in Wang family knew about this, only Wang Zhongquan due to his devotion.

Then, the birthmark that even supreme healer and master surrendered had now disappeared. It seemed that the young master was about to become like normal people?

Wang Zhongquan couldn’t stop his joy.

It was just that for other people, Wang Zhongquan didn’t explain.

“Please Zhou High Lady, save my young master back!” Wang Zhongquan once again looked to Zhou Tianyin.

Zhou Tianyin shook: “Superior Heaven Eye could only see through God Killing holy wind, but it couldn’t bring a living person out!”

“!” Wang Zhongquan for a moment showed a sense of worry.

“Isn’t that frog Wang Xiong still alive? What do you worry for! However, back and forth since, I could see the wolf pack all wanted to eat Wang Xiong, yet they didn’t dare to approach?” Zhou Chi opened his mouth.

Zhou Tianyin shook: “Heaven Eye can only see the pictures from that place, but it is unable to sense other things!”

The Fourth prince’s eyes looked coldly and gloomily at Wang Xiong in the picture.

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He was just sleeping soundly like that in the middle of the wolf pack, while they couldn’t stop their slow rumble though none dared to move further.

It was so strange in there.

“Is there any treasure on Wang Xiong’s body, or his breath so suppressing that scared the wolves?” Zhou Chi was curious.

“Impossible. Those wolves reached the Qihai level, though having a low intelligence level, that huge Wolf King definitely has an intelligence level no less than human’s. If Wang Xiong has a treasure inside him, those wolves wouldn’t be so scared as to not coming closer, but they would want to plan all sort of things to steal it for themselves!” The Fourth prince spoke in a low voice.

“No treasure, so what is it?” Zhou Chi said uncertainly.

“There’s once chance!” But. Thế nhưng.!” Zhou Tianyin said under her breath.

“What possibility?” Everyone looked Zhou Tianyin.

“It could be due to the soul force. Those with a strong soul could exude a sense of murderous aura. This murderous aura could be felt by the wolf pack as danger!” Zhou Tianyin explained.

“Not possible. That cripple might just reach the first level of Qihai level, so what murderous intent could it be? Any blue wolf in the pack could eat him, not necessary the Wolf King. It seems there were a group that reached the third of Qihai level, so they dared to stay far away?” Zhou Chi said confusedly.

Zhou Chi couldn’t explain and none could. They uncontrollably turn to Wang Zhongquan.

Wang Zhongquan then was also quite surprised. But he didn’t show it out.

No one knows clearly. Wang Xiong, although unconscious, still definitely expressed out a beam of murderous intent gas. This gas only spread out bit by bit, yet still shook out some dust on his body.

The wolves from all around wanted to swallow Wang Xiong alive, yet that murderous aura made the wolf a sense of suppression, which made everyone feel like kneeling down flat onto the ground.

The pack growled softly incessantly. As they move forward just a step, the pressure seemed to increase twice. It seemed so dangerous that if they just march forward, they may lose their life just seconds later.

The wolf pack didn’t approach, as everyone outside felt inexplicably.

At this moment, Wang Xiong was unconscious for three days and nights. His eyelashes suddenly moved.

Just a move like that.

“Oh oh!”

The surrounding wolves had their fur curled up like bird scared of bent twig. In a blink, they retreated three time and couldn’t stop low growl as they bared their tooth to keep watch of Wang Xiong.

“His eyelashes moved a bit. Wang Xiong is going to wake up?” Zhou Chi’s eyes brightened up from the outside.

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