Absolute Resonance

Chapter 188: Chapter 188: Birthday

Chapter 188: Birthday

Li Luo managed to control himself.

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After unceremoniously stuffing the little bottle into his pocket, he heard Jiang Qinge pulling out her own badges.

Ill have one too, she said.

The mentor repeated the extraction process, handing her another drop of Royal Sap.

Jiang Qinge took it and casually passed it to Li Luo.

Thats all I can get with the points I just earned. Dont worry, well get more eventually. You still have time, she said.

Li Luo stared at it and shook his head quickly. I cant. It must be very useful to you too.

Royal Sap couldnt even be bought outside, even if one had the cash to splurge. Since Jiang Qinge was on the verge of reaching the Heavenly Dipper General Stage, she definitely needed Royal Sap desperately.

I can earn points much faster. Besides, I hear the Umbra Cave is opening this year. Thats the real source of points. Dont worry about me. She dismissed it.

Alright, enough nattering, lets go. She shooed them away.

Yan Lingqing gave him a sickly sweet smile. Are you overcome with gratitude?

Li Luo sighed. I would dedicate my body to her if only I were given a chance.

Yan Lingqing rolled her eyes. In your dreams.

Now lets go. The others look ready to swallow you whole, Royal Sap included, she pointed out.

Li Luo noticed that many students were cracking their knuckles ominously in his direction and eyeing his Royal Sap. They had never imagined that something so precious could just be given as a gift.

Li Luos life was surely too sweet.

And it was a gift from Jiang Qinge, no less!

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The engagement was enough to stoke their jealousy to the maximum, but after witnessing her hand him the Royal Sap that had been bought with her hard-earned points

They were surely going to go crazy.

Not just the students, but the mentor as well. He was a man too, and he was once an Astral Sage College student as well, so he understood what incredible fortune it was to have the favor of such a girl.

This Li Luo had he saved the world or something in his past life?

Feeling the heated glares, Li Luo decided to bail with Yan Lingqing before their emotions got the better of them.

Out of the Bank of Points, Li Luo, Jiang Qinge, and Yan Lingqing left the Astral Sage College, moving towards the vehicle prepared by House Luolan.

House Luolans finest bodyguards flanked it.

Once out of the Astral Sage College, all safety measures were up to the individual. And it was always better to err on the side of caution.

In front of the House Luolan carriage was a busty figure in a skin-tight qipao. She was looking sexy enough to warrant the security detail even without Li Luo around.

Who else was it but Cai Wei?

She smiled when she saw the three, waving her fan at them.

They waved back.

Cai Wei first greeted Jiang Qinge and Yan Lingqing, then turned to Li Luo with an impish smile. Well, young lord, how is school treating you?

I just wanted to cultivate in peace, Li Luo said blandly. But things happened and I ended up first place in the monthly battles.

Wow! Congratulations.

But also, can you also settle up the shortage of secret watersource? Suncreek Villa, both Tianshu and headquarters, have been chasing me daily. She said sweetly but firmly.

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Li Luo shuddered. Damn, holidays had just started, and already she was planning to squeeze him dry?

Sister Cai Wei, do not worry. Ill get it done. He replied.

Young lord, she said coyly from behind her fan. A young man like yourself should be firm and vigorous. You wouldnt be going limp on me, would you?

Im not limp at all! Li Luo said outraged.

Jiang Qinge felt the conversation was derailing quickly, and intervened. Enough teasing, Cai Wei.

Aww, Qinges so caring. Cai Wei tittered.

Li Luo rolled his eyes. He looked around but Lu Qinger was nowhere to be seen. Strange didnt they agree to head off together?

Looking for Lu Qinger? She was waiting here for you, but the Golden Dragon Bank people came, and she had to leave first. Cai Wei said.

Li Luo nodded. Well, lets be off too then.

They departed.

Far behind, there was a luxurious carriage with golden dragons painted on it. A beautiful matron in red was eyeing the young girl by her side.

Qinger, you wouldnt have fallen for that Li Luo, would you? She asked.

Lu Qinger carefully masked the jolt in her heart. Mother, what are you on about? Li Luo and I are just friends. He helped me a lot back in Southwind Academy.

Yu Hongxi narrowed her eyes. That kid attracts beauties like a harem. Hes definitely a playboy. Stay away from him.

Lu Qinger wasnt too happy about that. Wasnt she one of the girls around Li Luo as well?

Thats nothing to do with Li Luo. Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing are both Jiang Qinges friends, and they also work at House Luolan. Its normal, isnt it. She replied.

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Well, who knows.

Li Taixuan was no good, and his sons definitely no good as well. Yu Hongxi said primly.

Lu Qinger looked at her, astonished. Mother you liked Li Taixuan? And so what? Li Taixuan might be a rotten character, but hes very skilled. Back then there were many high-born girls chasing him.

Lu Qinger pondered this. And they all lost to Tan Tailan? Even a great beauty like you? Yu Hongxi reached out an ungracious hand to pinch Lu Qingers cheek. Making fun of your mother?

Lu Qinger laughed and hugged her. I just find it unbelievable. Youre beautiful and extremely capable. Xia Kingdoms Golden Dragon Bank is run so properly. The accounts are flawless.

Yu Hongxi was mollified. Well, I just had a soft spot for Li Taixuan back in the day, that is all. Theres nothing much to regret there. Besides, Li Taixuan and Tan Tailan came to Xia Kingdom together. If I had gotten to Li Taixuan earlier, she wouldnt have stood a chance.

And what about mentor Cao Sheng from Astral Sage College? Lu Qinger suddenly asked. Mother, you know that he took me as his student right?

An admirer who failed to woo me. He only reached a Duke because of my help as well. He tried to court me after that, but I rejected him. He was heartbroken and went to Astral Sage College to be a mentor. Ive not met him for many years.

He looks like a slovenly and coarse character, but is sensitive to even the slightest setback. Like a child.

Suddenly her mentors reputation seemed to darken a little.

But hes not a bad person, and I guess he has a good eye, since he took you in as a student. Otherwise I wouldnt even bother with him again. Yu Hongxi continued.

If not for mentor Cao Sheng, a 7th-grade like me probably wouldnt have a Violet Vibrance mentor. Lu Qinger said dully.

Yu Hongxi patted her head. 7th-grade? Your birthdays in a few days time. Mother here hasnt been stinting on the spirit liquids and purifying lights. By my calculations, your ice resonance should be close to the 8th-grade now.

Lu Qinger perked up, pleased. Really??

Back in Tianshu, her 7th-grade resonance had been exceptional, but now at Astral Sage College, she was again a small fish in a big pond. It was hard to do anything amazing with it.

Lu Qinger didnt mind too much, except that Li Luo was shooting far ahead now, and she didnt want to fall too far behind.

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Besides, Jiang Qinge was a 9th-grade!

Ive been giving you plenty of quality spirit liquids and purifying lights ever since your resonant palace was opened. Its no surprise that youre reaching the 8th-grade, Yu Hongxi said with a satisfied tone. Also, it will be your birthday present.

Yu Hongxi was the anchor of Xia Kingdoms Golden Dragon Bank. The resources at her disposal eclipsed House Luolans by far. And for her precious daughter, there was no expense too great.

Thanks, mum!

Lu Qinger hugged her fiercely. Still, there was one last shred of hollowness in her eyes. What she really wanted to talk to her mother about was her father.

She only had vague impressions of him from when she was a child. Her father had left, and then there had been no more news. However, the proud Yu Hongxi had treated him as dead, and ignored him thereafter.

All these years, Lu Qinger had never dared to press the issue. When she did, her mother would fly into a temper, and so finally she had buried the issue deep within her heart.

Mother, can I invite friends for my birthday? Lu Qinger whispered into her ear.

I bet its Li Luo.

He helped me a lot before! You cant be biased against him just because of what happened in your generation.

Yu Hongxi shook her head, bothered. She was tempted to refuse, but it was Lu Qingers birthday.

As you wish.

She saw Lu Qingers face brighten, and her own mood darkened in response.

This was an ill wind that could not be encouraged.

Li Taixuan had broken her heart, and so be it. Was her daughter to suffer the same fate at his sons hands?

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