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A young boy of five years could be seen laughing 'maniacally' before a pond. He had a light skin tone. Deep black eyes which contained wisdom far above average. His facial is not really defined because of his little age.

He wanted to laugh maniacally but it became a cute laugh made by a young boy. He stopped after good twelve-thirteen seconds. He looked at the shattered pieces of woods near his feet and the one on his hand.

[Enchanted Wood +1

An enchanted piece of wood.]

This is the information transmitted to his head. He tried this with around 100 woods but they all broke at the 2nd upgrade.


After Duanmu Shen lost his consciousness, he entered in a mysterious space. It looked completely white as far as his eyes could see. Many profound knowledge and information started rushing into his brain. It was as if he opened a mystery gate and this endless knowledge was his reward.

"What's this? They seem so bizarre." Duanmu Shen couldn't figure them out as they all seemed so bizarre.

Very soon he started to understand them. It was a strengthening technique! Although not same as Qing Shui's, he believed it should be higher than his.

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Why 'should'? That's because he didn't get any information about this technique's origin, nor did he get how this technique worked in every layer but he got a feeling, this technique will change his life.

Shen wanted to call himself an idiot for trying run so much just to find his cheat but he buried those thoughts inside him. He will be cool... for his future girls!

Dismissing those thoughts, he focused on the other things on his dreamscape. He has many mystical and profound runes in his head but they are all obscure. He can only hope to figure them out slowly.

"THIS!!!... THIS IS…" suddenly he came to something that made his expression take 180 degree turn.


When Duanmu Shen was having the best time of his life. Yu Ruyan and the Elder both was panicking. They didn't know what happened.

In his first try, he was able to touch meditative state. His talent was truly monstrous if he really entered that state within 30 minutes. But as soon as they felt he was nearing the meditative state he actually passed out.

Normally something like this only happens when someone suffers Qi Deviation but obviously, this child didn't even start cultivation. How can he suffer from Qi Deviation?

Yu Ruyan was already at her wit's end. She quickly took Shen on her arms and headed toward their room. On the way, she ordered a maid to call the medic elder.

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"Mmmm~... dis feeling iz the best~" suddenly she heard a soft voice. When she looked at Shen, she saw the boy sleeping with a peaceful smile... hugging her soft breasts. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Here, she was worried for this child and he just took a peaceful nap. Did he just get bored while meditating and fell asleep? Even Yu Ruyan felt speechless. Sometimes, this child can be really too much.

When she left the child on her bed, he made another annoyed expression. Obviously annoyed because he lost his soft buns, which earned another wry smile from Yu Ruyan.


What Shen found in his dreamscape were many different runes. And in the center, he found another rune. This rune was different from all the others and the color was also different.

It looked a little Golden-Bronze while the others varied from different colors to colors. Although he didn't know why but he knew what this rune meant. Upgrade. ABSOLUTE UPGRADE!!

When he 'touched' the rune with his illusory 'hand', he got a small amount of information on his mind.

[Absolute Upgrade

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Can upgrade any non-living to +10]

Duanmu Shen couldn't believe it so he decided to check it out. He successfully upgraded these piece of woods to +1 but every time he tried to upgrade them again, they broke. Strangely enough, he knew when they will break.

He tried to find the cause and later noticed if he upgraded something that was inherently strong like a normal piece of stone. He can upgrade them to +2, but if he tried to upgrade them again, they crumble into pieces.

He really wanted to upgrade something and find out the special effect from +10 upgrade. But looks like this has to wait. He was more or less sure he can upgrade the Yin-Yang Pendant to +10. Artifacts are naturally far stronger from normal items and Yin-Yang Pendant is the cheat item of the whole novel so he didn't even doubt it.

Finally, he thought its time. Time to start his journey and get the Yin-Yang Pendant. He knew he was more or less older than Qing Shui still he didn't want to take any risk.

Tonight, he told his 'mother' about his intention.

"Why would you want to leave now? You are still a child. You have a long time, what's the rush, dear?" Yu Ruyan stayed silent for a moment before finally inquiring him.

"There's nothing here and I don't like to be cooped up in this place. Plus look at these peoples, they always have a grumpy look on their face." a cute pout appeared on Shen's face.

"Still, won't you think about it again? Mother will be really sad without you-"

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"Where's brother going? I wanna go too!!" suddenly Lingshuang appeared inside the room.

"Lingshuang, you silly girl, come here. This brother of yours going to teach you a lesson." Shen facepalmed. The current him seriously can't take care of this sister.

"Eeeeeh!~ Mother look, Big brother is being mean~" Lingshuang hugged her beautiful mother as she complained about Shen. She was always spoiled by Shen and Ruyan... not like there was anyone else to spoil her.

Yu Ruyan thought for a moment before finally opening her mouth, "You can go but there are a few conditions. First, I and Lingshuang will accompany you. Secondly, if we go, we have to more or less break ties with Duanmu Family. So, probably you can't get any help from Duanmu Family. Thirdly…"

"There's still more?!" Shen slightly raised his voice. He personally didn't think much of Duanmu Family. Comparing to Violet Jade of Immortal, the support from Duanmu Family amounts to shit.

"Yes, you will decide where to go and we will just follow you along the way." at the end of the sentence, a smirk appeared on her face.

Evil, that's not what came to Shen's mind. Charming, Absolutely Charming! He was sure he fell in love with this woman again.

"I don't know any places, I was planning to head towards a random direction." Shen turned his back, trying to hide his face.

"Oh, you rascal, you think I will believe that?" hearing her, Shen sighed a little and shook his head inwardly. He was really not used to talk like an adult in this child body.

"Greencloud Continent, Hundred Miles City…"

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