Zatiel was getting deeper into the Endless Forest, heading in the direction where his mission takes place and as he was advancing through the trees he looked back.

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´The strongest ones are after me, good, the rest won't be a problem for little EZ, still, I must say they are really careful.´

Zatiel could fell that the number of people who were following him has diminished, but the overall strength has not.

´They are constantly using spells to hide from me, the one they call Arthur is a cautious person, but doesn't matter, sooner or later they will reveal themself, ´ Zatiel though with a calm face, not concerned for the threat that the group could present to him.

As Zatiel was advancing he was making sure no to draw attention from the magical creatures that make their lair in this place, the ones that find themself in this area have barely the power equal to a rank 2 apprentice and could not contribute in anything to Zatiel, except a waste of time.

Even though he will only be acting in the periphery of the forest, this one cover thousand of kilometers, after all the Endless Forest in his entirely covers hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

´With my current speed it will take me around five days to arrive at the mission zone, I will take to opportunity to practice my spells.´

As he was advancing chains materialized around him only to disappear in the next second, although abyssal chains where an extremely complex spell to master, as a Neo-Demon, Zatiel talent was amazing so he was increasing his proficiency with every minute.

After a couple hours stronger magical creatures started to show up, most of them with a strength rivaling rank 3 apprentices. As Zatiel was advancing he found himself before an Earth Rhino, this was a 3-meter tall creature with earth like armor covering his body and a weight bordering a ton, although this creature was not able to use any type of spell it has amazing strength and his resistance was incredible.

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´This beast is extremely resistant to physical damage, so It is a good target to trie the might of Abyssal Chains.´

Zatiel remained before the creature without taking his sword or adopting a fighting stance. The Earth Rino detected Zatiel and started to roar in his direction, trying to intimidate him and making him leave, even though the beast will normally attack at anyone that dares to cross into his territory, he as already developed an intellect not inferior to that of a normal person, letting him know that something was off with the human in front of him, so instead of attacking blindly he tried to scare the individual and make him leave, but unfortunately for him the person didn't react to his intimidation.

Seeing as the human did not retire the rhino finally attacked, charging with immense strength in the direction of Zatiel.

As the rhino advanced, it carries so much power that the ground was cracking, proving the amazing strength that the creature was carrying in his charge.

Zatiel keeps himself immutable before the creature and when the rhino was barely 20 meters of him, his eyes got focused and his abyss aura burst, as 4 abyss chains appear around him, and with an incredible speed and precision they launch themself to the magical creature.

The Earth Rhino felt an immense threat when he saw those chains but he was charging with such strength and the chains were so fast that he could not dodge.

The chains rotated as the headed for the creature, one headed right to his throat incrusting itself around 50 centimeters inside the creature, and another crashed against his spine, although it didn't manage to enter too much it carried so much strength that managed to fracture the first vertebra.

Even though the chains hurt the beast it was not enough to prove a threat to his life, but it manages to momentarily paralyze the rhino head letting the other two chain attack.

Each of these chains headed for an ear, managing to pierce them and reaching the brain. The pain was so much that the beast gave a thunderous scream.

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Even though the beast was done for, and his charge was diminishing his speed considerably it still manages to arrive before Zatiel with considerable momentum and although he could have easily dodged the now dying beast, he didn't moves.

´Let's see how strong my body is on his own.´

Adopting a posture and focusing all the power of his body into his fist, Zatiel lunched a punch with all his strength to the rhino head.


A bang could be heard as they collide against each other, the impact was so much that Zatiel was thrown 6 meters before he could stabilize himself and as he did he could feel how his arm was shaking and his bones were cracking from the impact, as for the Earth Rhino an indentation with the form of a fist appear in his head, as it was thrown 3 meters before crashing into ground.

After taking a moment to calm his body and making sure the Earth Rino was dead Zatiel start to assess his body.

´Not bad, although I was in the losing side, the strength of that impact was enough to severy hurt any pseudo magi even if they focus in body-refinement if it received directly and I just ended with some broken bones, and besides the creature was carrying a huge momentum increasing the strength of his impact. My bones are fractured, it is a good opportunity to see how good the Abyss Regeneration his.´

As he was thinking, a great amount of abyss aura inside his body headed directly to his arm starting to mend the bones, and before a minute these where complete healed.

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Neo-Demons like all powerfull life forms have a strong passive regeneration, but this can be hurried tremendously if Abyss Regeneration was used. This one consisted of, using the abyss aura to increase the speed at which the body healed, it was not a spell but more like a natural function of the body.

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After healing his body, Zatiel headed to the rhino and started to dissect him with his sword, taking the heart of the creature, and after having done that he left the place leaving the rest of the body.

´The sound of the fight and the smell of blood will surely attract other creatures, I should leave, besides I have already the most important part with me,´ Thought Zatiel as he looked at the heart.

Generally, the magical creatures before advancing to rank 1 have most of their energy concentrated in the heart, so they are very nutritive and the most important part of their bodies.

After a couple of minutes of moving and making sure that no beast was in the proximities, Zatiel started to cook the heart of the Earth Rhino and once it was ready he devours it.

As he consumed it, his body immediately started to digest it and the Chaotic Core begin to absorb the energy accumulated and using it to improve itself.

´I should rest for today, it will become dark soon and will be difficult to advance without deviate from the path´.

Although seeing in the dark was no problem for a Neo-Demon, trying to move in a straight path in the forest during the night will be difficult and a waste of energy so Zatiel jumped to the branch of a tree and close his eye to rest, still despite is eyes being close he was constantly assessing his surroundings.

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It was the third day of advancing to the mission zone, and during those days Zatiel keeps practicing his Abyssal Chains with some magical creatures and using them as food to improve his power.

During this day he faced a Raging Hyena, a beast that was supposed to be a threat even for some Pseudo-Magi, the beast was especially skillful in agility so it constantly dodged the attack from the abyssal chains, but he got overconfident and pounced to Zatiel trying to tear his body with his claws, unfortunately for the creature Zatiel use his Shadow Form to vanish from the beast view and appear right by his side.

The Rabius Hiena trie to take some distance but it didn't manage to do it before a sword was buried into his neck and before he could even scream Zatiel rotated the sword killing the creature. After taking the useful part of his body he left the place.

It was when the day was ending that something strange happened.

´The have stopped following me, how odd.´

Although Zatiel could not pint point the location of Arthur and his team he could always feel as they were keeping an eye on him but at this moment the feeling disappeared.

´They wouldn't have followed me three days just to leave without doing anything, they must have been tracking me to make sure of something and now that they know it they are implementing the next part of whatever plan they have,´ Zatiel thought, and after a moment he started to look in the direction where his mission would take place.

´Interesting, they are even more careful that I think, but still trying to trick me is futile.´

Zatiel started to eat the heart of the Raging Hyena with a carefree expression as if nothing was happening.

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