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An apprentice with a magic robe way to big for her body and cover in bandages was running to Zatiel. Her whole body was covered and the only reason you could know it was a woman was for the tone of her voice.

Zatiel will usually ignore this type of scenario, but when he assesses the apprentice body, his curiosity was piked. It wasn't that she had an alluring body, all the opposite, she was releasing a rotten smell and although her bandages were very tight on some occasion pus was leaking through it.

`Contamination due to a failed experiment?` Zateil looked at the apprentice and identified the possible reason for her state.

The body of someone mutating in some horrible way due to some mishap is most common that it seems, it usually happens when a Magi trie some new elements and use apprentices like guinea pigs. For the Magi, the mutation is only a source of information but to the apprentices is the beginning of a living hell.

The apprentice came in front of Zatiel and start to look at him as if trying to identify something.

"In what can I help you?" Zatiel face was immutable even though he was so close to the apprentice that he could see the parts of mutated skin that were visible through the bandages.

Seeing that the expression of Zatiel didn't change at any moment the apprentice relax and adopted a respectful attitude as she expresses her intentions.

"Are you possibly a runemaster?" The voice of the apprentice was trembling, but her eyes were full of hope.

When she made this question a lot of apprentices that were around all focus on them, even old Hal was waiting for the answer.

Zatiel didn't respond immediately, after all, inscribing runes and being a runemaster is not the same, but since his ability was already in the open he knows that the rest of the tower will find out eventually so he nodded to the woman.

The moment he did, the rest of the apprentices immediately started to whisper among themself, as for old Hal, he was full of smiles, after all, collaborating with a runemaster, even a rank 0 one, is something truly profitable.

"AWESOME!, I need you to create this for me" The apprentice was excited as she throws a parchment to Zatiel.

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Zatiel caught the parchment but he didn't look at it and focus on the apprentice.

"It's that an order?" His eyes became cold as he looks at the woman. The reason he was being so patient with her was that she remembers him when he became a demon for the first time and his body a true monstrosity, but if she thinks she can give him orders, then she is making a serious mistake.

The woman notices the change in attitude and all her enthusiasm was replaced for worry.

"I'm sorry, I was too excited, it is just that I have been waiting for this opportunity for so long that I got carried away. I know I can't force you to do anything but I can repay you for your work" The apprentice start bowing and adopted a compliant position in front of Zatiel, hoping that this one listens to her.

After hearing the apology of the woman and seeing the sincerity in her action Zatiel coldness vanished and he started to see the contents of the parchment. When he saw what it was in there he understood the reason for the woman's hope.

"I must say, you are overestimating the abilities of a rank 0 runemaster a little," The contents where a diagrams for the rank 1 rune `Transfiguration` that allows to the wearer to take the form of anything that they want, and even though Zatiel could create it, it will take an immense amount of energy with his current abilities, and that was just for him, to any other rank 0 runemaster it will be impossible after all this rune is a high-grade rank 1 rune.

"It is... really impossible" The woman's voice was filling with desperation, after all, finding a rank 0 runemaster is very difficult between the apprentices, and as for doing business with a Magi runemaster, in the best scenario they will only take everything from her and say that they tried to create the rune but failed. It wasn't wrong to say that this was her only chance.

Seeing the expression of the woman, Zatiel sighed.

"Fine, stop making that face, I can do it but you better have something truly valuable to pay for it or else you can forget about the rune"

"Really!, don't worry I have something that will definitely satisfy you," The apprentice again became full of excitement and under her bandages, a smile could be seeing.

"Follow me, this place is not suitable for negotiations."

The place was full of people and they were the center of attention so it was better is they left before continuing.

"Yes," The woman follows him and the three enter the portal to the second floor.

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Once in there, Zatiel speaks to Ezequiel.

"Little EZ, you should continue with your creations, I don't have a lot of advice to give you but I will provide you the matrix for a weapon, you should practice it," Zatiel transferred the information through the core to Ezequiel.

Ezequiel started to go through the information and was surprised, the weapon not only was useful to rank 0 lifeforms but even rank 1 could use it.

"I will start right away!" Ezequiel leaves for his house immediately, excited about the chance to create such a powerful weapon.

"That brat," Zatiel only smile at the enthusiasm of the boy.

The woman saw the care in Zatiel eyes but chose not to ask about their relationship for fear of annoying him.

"Follow me," Zatiel and the woman enter his house and headed for the laboratory.

The laboratory was full remains of items or magic creature skin in all the places, there was some equipment lying on the floor and the room was full of dirt. The place was a complete mess.

"You were rob!" The woman came to this conclusion seeing the state of the house, after all to her it is impossible for a runemaster, someone who takes pride in their precision, to be this sloppy.

When Zatiel heard those words, even though it was just a little, he blushed. The reason for the state of this place was simple, he was just messy person, of course for important stuff he was incredibly dedicated and organized, but to thing like keeping his place clean, that was his soft point, a habit of his time like a demon, after all, when have you heard of a demon keeping his house clean?.

"What robbery are you talking about?, this is just how I do thing. Anyway, you have not even told me your name yet." Zatiel changed the subject immediately.

"Oh, yes, my name is Sophia," She gives her name and didn't dare to bring the subject of the mess again for fear of angering Zatiel.

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As for only giving her first name, Zatiel didn't think much about it, after all, unless your family was a powerful clan with official Magis in there, most people just give their name.

"Ok, Sophia, let get to business. The rune that you want is a very difficult rank 1 rune, and although I can do it, it will take me a huge amount of time doing it so the price is equally large," Although Zatiel had a good impression of the woman, he was no hero that helped the needed, so unless she can give him something worthy he would not waste his time.

Sophia knows that this was the moment of truth so she became very serious.

"I have the whereabout of the laboratory of a very powerful ancient Magi" Sophia was concentrate in Zatiel face trying to peak something form him, but she was disappointed at seeing how his face keeping his usual relaxed expression.

"I hope you understand that I can't take just your word" Actually with Zatiel experience he could see that the woman was telling the truth but even if she thinks that the owner of the laboratory was powerful, it may be just because of her little knowledge.

Sophia makes a struggle face for a moment before her eyes show determination as she took from her robe a tube with a droop of blood floating inside.

"This should be proof enough." But just as she finished speaking, it vanished from her hand.

`What happened!` Sophia was started, but a moment later she saw the reason. The tube was in Zatiel hands, and this one inspected the blood with emotion in his face.

`Too strong! if he wants to kill me..` She became fearful of the idea.

Zatiel didn't note any of this as he was too focused in the blood. After a moment the chip finally reaffirms his suspicion.


Analyzing blood.

Most accurate match: Lightning Giant.

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Lightning Giants: Members of the Giant race, that has the blood of Titans running trough them. When they reach adulthood they become Rank 4 lifeforms. They can use the lighting energy to achieve an incredible speed that combined with their immense strength gives them monstrous battle power."

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"Hahaha, good, this is perfect" Zatiel laughed as he held the tube. `The place where she found this is exactly what I need to advance to rank 1`.

When Zatiel finally calms down, he notices the expression that Sophia was doing and he realizes the mistake he made.

"Sorry I was too excited, and you were right this is more than enough proof" Zatiel trows the tube to her, at which the apprentice almost do not catch it due to the surprise.

"You are... giving it back," Sophia was truly surprised, after all for the reaction she saw, she now knows that this blood is much more valuable than she tinked.

"I have not done the job yet, anyway I recommend you to keep that very well hidden, if a Magi sees it, they will kill you and take it" Although the blood was useful to Zatiel, the place where she took it is much more alluring.

Sophia immediately hides the tube in the safest place that she could thing.

"Thanks" She knows that had he wanted, she will be dead an the blood will have been his.

"Don't worry about it. So the localization of the laboratory and the blood for the rune, I must say that it still falls a little short, you will have to help me when I perform my experiments," Zatiel speaks and unknown to the woman a smile was creating in his face.

When she heard those words, Sophia feels fear running all over her body. Experiments where what they bring her to her current state.

"What.. do I have to do" Her voice was full of fear as she asked. She knows that this is the only chance she has to change her body so even if it means going through hell she will do it.

"Easy, you will clean this place."

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