After giving them time so they could understand completely the information and see that they were focused again, Zatiel continues.

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"Our main advantage is his arrogance and the fact that he will underestimate us. The moment he realizes what we are capable of doing, that carelessness will transform in cautiousness and a defensive attitude so we have to take that window to make the most damage possible, after that you two will follow the plan and carry out my instructions without hesitation"

"Yes!" Sophia and Ezequiel know that any mischance could cost their lives so they were ready to act as a perfect soldier and obey orders without question.

"Lest go," Once everything was ready the three of them headed to the first floor to leave the tower.

Once they reached the first floor, the became the center of attention for almost all the apprentices there, to them, they were extremely powerful pseudo-magus and unlike the rest, they have shown no intention of joining any type of family or clan, making of them an oddity.

Among the ones that were looking them was a man at the corner of the tower, in his hand, there was a small crystal sphere, the apprentice use some of his energy to activate it and whisper at it, "Lord Magus, the target is leaving the tower accompanied by two of his companions."

At first, there was no response but a moment letter an old voice was heard from the sphere.

"Well done, I will reward you later."

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On the fourth floor, Jhon and Clive were seeing how Zatiel was leaving the tower through a crystal that was floating in front of them.

"Lord Clive by what I know Erick has been rounding this place and I think he will attack them," Jhon didn't care if Zatiel dies, but he knows that the rank 2 Magus has a use for the runes of this one, so he was seeing if there is an order to protect him.

"If they are foolish enough to leave the tower and ignore the threat of a rank 1 Magus, then there is no need to continue helping them, and in the chance they return, we will continue enforcing the contract," Clive was indifferent to the fate of Zatiel, although his abilities like a runemaster were useful to him, he will not act like a guarding.

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"But still, you have informed Erick about mi protection over them so if he kills them, trie to gather some evidence so we can demand compensation," After he finished, Clyde vanished from the floor.


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Zatiel, Ezequiel and Sophia were heading to a part of the Endless Forest where there was a frozen lake, this place was close to where the periphery ended and the area where you could start finding rank 1 magical creatures.

Close to the frozen lake was where the laboratory of the ancient Magus that Sophia found was located, she arrived at this place after running from a magical creature and she didn't dare to enter too deeply.

Zatiel chose to go to this place to hide after the fight, as for Erick following them all the way to the laboratory and founding it, he was not worried about it, at the moment they are far away from any possible witness, he was sure that the Magus will attack them.

As they advanced the three of them had the energy of their bodies ready to act and they had partially activated their most powerful spell.

Around Ezequiel's body, little arcs of lightning were moving encompassing him, improving his speed and on Sophia, a small amount of frost was covering her and in her hands from time to time blast of cold air were launched impulsing her body.

Unlike the two of them, Zatiel had two spells active, one was the Shadow form that was only covering part of his legs to enhance his speed, the other was a thin thread of black fire that was forming a ring at his back.

This new spell was the one Zatiel has choice like his Rank Spell, this was a special one, it should be a rank 1 spell but thanks to the chip he was able to downgrade it to a rank 0 so he could use it but still it had a great pull on his energy, and it was only when he was close to the peak of rank 0 and his physique has got over 19 points that his body was powerful enough to withstand the energies of the spell and was able to start using it.

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`Even now it is still difficult to control it, as expected from a spell that was previously rank 1,` As Zatiel was practicing the spell, he remembers the information the chip gave him about the spell.

Ring of Abyssal Fire: Rank 0 spell ( Downgraded rank 1). It generates a ring of black flames at the back of the user, you can control part of it to launch attacks to the enemy as well as cover a part of your body or weapon in it. This fire has special properties due to his connection with the abyss aura, the flames have a corrosive attribute and when it reaches the target it can use the energy of this one to increase the power of the flame and continue burning. There is also an effect on the consciousness of the target, harming it. Consumption: Abyss Aura-2 every minute.

It was only thanks to his proficiency in the spell that the cost was only two points a minute, when he just start to use it it could barely be active for a couple of minutes before using all of his energy. As for having it partially activated, with his basic regeneration of abyss aura, the cost was almost null.


It was on the seventh day of his travel as they were going through the forest when Zatiel feels it, it was very subtle but thanks to him reaching the peak of rank 0 and having his consciousness strengthened, he was able to detect the killing intent.

"Now!" As soon he gives the signal through their cores, the three of them ingest a black pill.

Just when they finished ingesting it, a group of flames conglomerate over them and form an old man. Erick didn't waste time and use a powerful spell that covers the three of them.

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"Fire Storm".

A sheet of flames fall from the sky and it was going to consume them, but unfortunately for the old man instead of the screams of pain he was hoping to get, he only received three raised palms.

"Abyssal Blast!!!"

Three beams of pure abyss aura, one black, one blue and another light-blue crashed against the spell of the Magus, although individually the spell was just as powerful as the flames, the three together disintegrated the flames immediately, and the blast continues his way to the Magus.

Normally Erick would have his lava shields to protect him, but to trie to make a surprise attack and believing that there is no way an apprentice could harm him, he had not defensive spell activated, and the beams were so fast that didn't give him time to react before they impact on him.

Erick was blasted away from the attack, surrounding him was a yellow cracked sphere that originated from a pendant on his neck and over his body was a cloak of flames with some broken parts. He was badly injured and bleeding all over his body, the pendant did not holds on longer and disintegrated taking the sphere with him, but still, it was thanks to it and his rank spell that was able to survive.

He manages to stop his body and conjures a ball of flames to stay in the air, his consciousness was inundated with savage and chaotic thought making it difficult to concentrate and generating a splitting pain on his head.

"Those pieces of shit, I wi.." But immediately the attack continue, from his back, Ezequiel appeared enveloped in lightning with an armor covering his body and a small sword launching an attack to his lungs, from above, spikes of ice with a dark glow were falling to his head and in front was Zatiel with a ring of flames at his back, cover entirely with chains and an armor under it, his hand`s were cover in dark fire punching where his stomach was.

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