Zatiel was gathering all of the bandits in the center of the camp, he even went for the lookouts that were thrown outside.

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All the bandits were unconscious but although most of the bandits were severy hurts and some of them were missing limbs every single one of them was alive.

When all of them were put together Zatiel picks up a jar from the captain tent and with his sword cut his arm and fulled it with his blood, when there was about 10 litter of blood Zatiel stoped and sit down to rest.

A normal person has just about 6 to 7 litter of blood in their system and losing a fifth of that can kill you, but with his physique of almost 3 points, it only makes Zatiel very tired and week.

Zatiel was sitting and focusing on getting in his optimal condition when he felt someone closing in.

"So you are strong enough to walk already, good".

The person that was closing in was a little boy with a hand and eye missing, of course, he was Ezequiel whose body has already healed enough to move, after all the potion that Zatiel gave him was potent enough to heal a Warrior, and since the stronger you are the more energy is needed to heal you, vice versa also applies.

While Ezequiel was looking at Zatiel and the huge amount of blood by his side he was a little startled but after a moment he calms down.

´I should not try to understand a monster like him, at least not yet´.

Ezequiel stop looking at Zatiel and focus at the bandit, but as he did he started to get confused, even though as an assassin he has excellent control over his body language and he seems perfectly fine how could that he hope so trick Zatiel.

"You are wondering why I didn't kill them," Zatiel says as if he could read the boys through.

Ezequiel could just nod, already accepting that he could not hide anything from his new master.

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"They have a purpose and you will soon find out which one it is," As Zatiel says those words, for a moment coldness shows up in his eyes as he looks at the bandits.

" Anyway you are my subordinate now, so I need to ask you a few questions, first of all, let's introduce ourselves, I am Zatiel, what is your name?"


"Second question, since we are leaving this place very soon, do you have a loved one that you need to find or someone you need to make sure they are safe, before that"


Ezequiel was a little surprised about that question but he answers without much through, after all with his previous identity as a slave he knows that caring for someone, just put them in danger.

"Ok, that is all," Zatiel says casually.

Ezequiel was a little startle after all, who would have a subordinate with a past that you know nothing about.

"Master I.." Equeliel was about to speak when he saw how Zatiel just raises his hand to stop him.

"I don't care about your past, since the moment you decided to become my subordinate your life started over, the only thing I need from you is your loyalty, as long as I have it I will always be there to help you, but you need to remember something." Zatiel made a pause as he looked at the boy's eye while a coldness and savagery radiate from him.

The feeling was so suffocating that Ezequiel could sware that he was drowning in mercury, he felt like in front of him there was not a man but a nightmarish lifeform that could swallow him at any moment, if it wasn't for his incredible will he wold have blackout already, but even so he could not stop himself from kneeling.

" Never betray me, If you even think of doing that I will know, and when that happens you will never know the release of death"

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After Zatiel stops speaking the pressure vanished like it never existed.

Ezequiel state was understandable, after all, if you put a normal man in front of a tiger, even if the animal does not attack the pressure that it generates can put him in a terrified state, and even though Zatiel was no longer a powerful being his years of slaughter were still with him.

Ezequiel star to stand up slowly as he looked at Zatiel, when his breath was normal again he kneeled in one knee.

"I have chosen to follow you, and I will never regret the decisions I made in my life." Determination radiated from his eye as he spoke.

Although words of eternal loyalty were easy to say, they were rarely true, but with his knowledge, Zatiel could see that the boy spoke with absolute resolution in his soul.

"Hahaha, I didn't make a mistake with you!, since Ezequiel is a bit long I will call you little EZ" As Zatiel laughed, a trace of warm could be seen in his eyes.

´This feeling is not bad at all,´ Although in his second life as an Abyss Lord, Zatiel had millions of underlings, all of those demons would have stabbed him in the back the first moment the got if that means some profit, so having a person that will give you true loyalty and friendship it his a feeling that he didn't have in a very very long time.

And as for the now ´Little EZ´, although he could not help but feel awkward about the childish nickname, a little smile was made of his face.

After a par of hours, Zatiel was finally in his peak condition again and it was ready to begin with the ritual

"Ok then little EZ, what I am about to do is very complex and incredibly dangerous for normal people, so now I need you to back out 1000 meters, and no matter what you can under any circumstance come closer before I call you," Zatiel says with a serious face.

Ezequiel could see that this what something very important and delicate, and he didn't dare to misbehave and cause an accident, so he immediately move away.

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Seen that Ezequiel was at a safe distance Zatiel pick up the jar and start to inscribe weird symbols made of his blood in the ground surrounding the bandits.

Weirdly enough although every moment was skilled, Zatiel never looked directly at the symbols.

´I have to be careful, if I see this abyss runes directly with how weak my soul is in this moment, blacking out will be the best scenario´

Runes are the language of the laws, a way of using the energy of the universe, they are a set of symbols that put in the correct order and using the right material can bring incredible effects, they are so incredibly complex and full of variations that understanding and activate them before being powerfull enough is a dream.

A rune inscribed in a weapon like a sword can make this sharper or having the ability to produce flames if a source of energy is fueling them, but the more incredible use of runes is putting them in the body of a person, this can make someone having incredible abilities. Knowledge of high-level runes is incredibly hard to get, and the ones that have them are powerfull groups that will never reveal them.

What Zatiel was drawing was a set of runes that will allow him to communicate and make a direct sacrifice to the Abyss!.

This was 1 of the 2 more important pieces of information in the first set of memories.

To make runes work two core things cannot be missing, first the right materials to make the rune and second the source of energy to activate them. For the materials of this runes is necessary having blood tainted with the abyss aura and although Zatiel was no longer a demon, his True Soul will always carry the abyss aura from his second life.

The hard part was the source of energy, luckily the Abyss is a plane that takes any chaotic and evil soul that dies, and the bandits check easily the last part, so the only thing that Zatiel has to do was activating the secondary runes, that will create a chaotic state of mind in the life forms that are inside the array and make the bandits kill each other making the Abyss himself come for the souls and activating the runes . Although the sub-array will take energy with his current Spirit Force will be barely enough.

Without wasting time Zatiel activates the sub-array runes, his face became pale and he almost fainted from the extreme depletion of spirit force.

A small part of the runes started to activate making a red glow cover the bandits. After a moment all the bandits started to wake up, but their eyes were completely red, without wasting a moment they start to attack each other, they madly attack anything in their sight without regard for nothing, it was a truly bloody and crazy scene, if their hands didn't work, they used their feet, if their feet could not move ,they used their teeth, one way or another the dismembered each other apart.

After a couple of minutes almost every single one was dead, even the captain now with only half of his face remaining was in his last breath.

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The moment the last bandit dies the rest of the runes star to activate and an immense pressure descended on the camp, it was so chaotic that just being close will make someone a crazy killing machine if their will was no strong enough. Even Zatiel felt difficult to be calm in front of it.

´So He finally arrives´. Zatiel thought with a solemn expression.

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The one Zatiel was sacrificing the soul of the bandits was no demon, after all doing deals with demons are one of the most stupid things you can do, just getting a tenth of the worth of your sacrifice will be a miracle, and most of the time the demon will just kill you and take everything for himself.

So the one Zatiel was communicating was the consciousness of the Abyss himself!.

Every Plane or World has a consciousness that it develops slowly through the years, although most of the time, this consciousness is very basic some are incredibly complex even being able of achieving self-consciousness meaning that they consider themselves an individual.

Although the Abyss was an immense plane due to his chaotic nature his consciousness was very basic, so it makes the perfect trading partner, of course only someone as Zatiel with his knowledge could communicate with the Abyss consciousness before being strong enough.

As the Abyss consciousness was taking the souls of the bandits, Zatiel started to use the runes to communicate what he desires. Although one hundred and so mortals were insignificant for the Abyss and it will not give anything of true value, what Zatiel needs right now was something the Abyss has to spare, he needs Abyss Aura, the one of the highest quality from the deepest part of the abyss.

The bodies of the bandits started to melt creating a black liquid that started to gather in the center of the array. When all of the bodies were gone a 1-meter orb in diameter was left, it was so dark that it looks like it could consume all light and everything in his surroundings was beginning to decay ,even the ground, after all, Abyss Aura is the source of energy for demons but poison to any other life-form.

Zatiel could not help but get excited as he saw the liquid concentration of Abyss Aura.

´Finally, it is time for the most powerful life-form to be born!´

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