This mistake would not make the rune useless, but it will definitely hinder his prowess and that was something Zatiel could not afford since it must be created perfectly, or else his use will be almost null, so he just put it on the side and closes his eyes to rest.

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After a couple of hours, being back in his top condition and after reviewing the rune in his head and identifying the mistakes he made, he took another piece of beast skin and a set of raw materials to start working.

Just like the first time, Zatiel starts the inscribing process with great concentration, creating the rune lines and forms with absolute precision and when he reached the part in which he made a mistake the last time, he was able to overcome it, yet when the rune reached 85% of completion he makes an error.

As he saw the small flaw in the rune, Zatiel eyes become cold, filled with anger and annoyance, but after a few seconds, he breathes deeply before going back to normal. Although in his old memories the difficulties he had to suffer were way greater than this, he as never been someone with a great patience for this type of things, after all, demons were known for their short temper, and the reason he was always able to maintain control over his emotions, during his time on the Abyss, was the fact that at the beginning he was basically and automaton directed for the chip, and when he became strong enough to have clear and conscious thought, his soul was strong enough to maintain absolute control over his feelings.

"Haaa, even with the chip, inscribing this rune is too complex since after 60% is accomplished, the lines and form are so small and in such a great quantity, interconnecting in so many different ways that using the illusion on my mind is not fallible enough, as trying to pass what I see in it to the beast skin is almost impossible."

Zatiel could only sigh as he put the rune to the side and starts to meditate to improve his condition. As he rested, he used the connection of the cores to send a small part of his consciousness and see what Sophia and Ezequiel were doing in order to distract himself a little and clear his mind.

The first one he saw was Ezequiel, the boy was in the laboratory of his house, and in a surgeon's table was the three-meter tall automaton that Zatiel defeated when he advanced to Rank 1. Ezequiel was dismantling the automaton piece by piece in an organized and careful way, always scanning every part of it and making notes trying to figure out how this part worked with the rest.

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"Reverse engineering, very smart, he is going to disarm it piece by piece and when he is finished, he would try to put it back together, giving him an idea how it works and figuring the secrets of Magic Creator behind the manufacturing of the humanoid weapon. By the annotation and conjectures he is making, I can take that he is advancing at a frightening speed, this must be the famous wisdom and intelligence that made Storm Titans so remarkable, that plus his hard work will make his abilities as a magic creator equal to mine as runemaster," Zatiel was truly happy for the boy, after all, the strongest he becomes the greater the help he would be able to provide to him and the rest of the race.

Having seen enough, he was going to check on Sophia next, but become a little hesitant, as the woman had warned him that he must notify when he wants to see her, and the moment his consciousness reached her, he realizes the reason for the secrecy and Zatiel didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The mighty Neo-Demon woman that has assimilated the bloodline of the infamous and terrifying Styx dragon, a race so powerful that could make demons and devil felt fear, was sleeping over a pile of food cubes in a completely relaxed state. By his condition, it was apparent that she has been in this state for days, but despite doing nothing the amount of power in her body was continuously growing and the meat was melting into energy that was going straight to his body enhancing her.

"So this is the reason she is always so well-rested, enhancing her power so fast and forbid me to enter her room without permission, she is able to use Dragon Sleep," Although the woman was literally doing nothing more than sleeping, she was technically training, so Zatiel didn't really know how to react.

Dragon Sleep was an ability powerful breeds of dragons can use, it allows them to enter a sort of hibernation state and absorb the energy in their surroundings at a very high rate. This was one of the reasons dragons were known for always stock pilling their wealth and sleeping with them.

Seeing her in this state so calm as he and Ezequiel were breaking their mind working, Zatiel couldn't do anything but shake his head and smile. But as he saw the two of them improving their power or skils, by using their racial traits, an idea came to his mind.

He took the last rune and bring to his face, opening his third eye.

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One of the abilities of the Eye of Life and Creation, it's allowing Zatiel to see the flow of energy on everything at his surroundings, no matter whether it is organic or not, and he was going to trie and see if it was capable of showing him the runes lines, that even with the chip help, bring him trouble with his work.

When he was seen the rune with his normal eyes he could only see some lines and forms but now, the palm-size rune illuminated like if it was the starry sky, showing him all the thing he could not see before, and even more impressive was that when he uses the eye to see the rune, for some reason his perception of it was enhancing as he was able to understand better how the channels of energy connected and why it was so important that it do it this way.

"Hahahaha, this is awesome! let's see if this good damn rune continues eluding me." Whit a smile on his face, Zatiel took another pice of beast skin and start inscribing,


The inner areas of the Endless Forest had trees that reached kilometers of high and were ruled by truly powerful magic creatures. Whenever humans reached this place, they would do it quietly and stealthily, or else the only thing that awaits them, was to be persecuted by horde of furious magic creatures, but today those mighty beings were running like if their life depends of that and those imponent trees were crashing to the ground as two humans were fighting.

The two men were moving with such an incredible speed that they created sonic blast due to their momentum breaking the sound barrier and the only thing you could see was a red figure fighting a dark one.

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The power they released was so great that they altered the landscape, destroying mountain and creating crevices so depth tan you could not see the end, and even when the spell vanished the area was flooded with a type of energy that corroded everything in his reach. They were generating such great collateral damage that hundred of meters around them everything was being destroyed.

"Sword Oblivion!" The red figure made his energy outburst as from his sword an arc of energy a hundred meter long came crashing against his enemy.

The dark figure saw this attack and his eyes filled with shock as he feels the power that it carried and the sensation he get from it, was like it wanted to erase or ´kill´ his existence, forcing him to immediately making his energy burst and launching a spell.

"Underworld Hand!"

A cadaveric hand almost the same size that the humungous sword energy was materialized, and surrounding it was dark and cold energy that made all the living being in a radius of a kilometer wither.

The cadaveric hand reached for the sword energy and grab it, trying to compress and destroying it, but the first one was so potent that made the bones start to shatter and in the end, both attacks nullify the other, generating an explosion that destroys everything in a radius of 500 meters.

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After the explosion, neither one of the men continue fighting and they remained still, with a safe distance between them, showing their appearance.

The man with the red glow was young and carried a black sword filled with all sorts of inscriptions, this weapon discharged an aura that gives the impression it was used to kill millions of individuals. In his arms, some runes were inscribed, which made his extremities look like they were made of pure blood.

As for the dark figure, It was an old man of two-meter high and bald, his face was common except for the fact that two extra eyes were in his forehead, these eyes were smaller than regular ones and for some reason matched perfectly with the man adding a certain charm to his face. From those two extra eyes, if you were strong enough you could feel the laws of death and a great amount of negative natural energy concentring in them.

"Heinz, since when the princes of the Empire have become so shameless to trie and steal what rightfully belongs to others. I found this mineral deposit first and everything inside should belong only to me, Sebastian, an Eye Tyrant," The face of the old man was filled with anger, but behind that was a small amount of fear.

´We are in the same Rank, but I have been at this level for hundreds of years already, enhancing my power greatly over time, yet in our confrontation, this Sword Cultivator had the upper hand during the entire battle.´

"Hmph, I don't care for your excuses, you are a long away from the Dynasty, and when you crossed the border from the Empire, you were obligated to inform us of your arrival, as any individual of our rank must do when reaches foreign land. Since you failed to do that, It is my right to take everything here with me," Heinz's eyes were cold and his body exuded killing intent as he looked at the old man.

Heinz would really like to kill the old man and take everything for himself, but although he was more powerful than the enemy, all those at this rank have life-saving tricks, so he needed to opt for another way of handling this.

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