Ch 4 - First Class(2)

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After the class ended, it was lunchtime and the cafeteria was filled with countless students. Despite the crowd, I found myself sitting alone with no one to eat with. In fact, no one dared approach me. Before I went to grab my lunch, a few guys did come up to me. Three of them, with colorful hair, approached me after class. As if on purpose, they were guys with red, orange and green hair. Intentionally or not, they had red, orange, and green hair. Their eyes were slanted, and they looked like thugs. They seemed to be mere background thugs, holding positions A, B, and C. "Master Rudy, the way you introduced yourself was so cool," "You truly showed the dignity of a high-ranking noble!" "That's right!" The three of them came up to me and tried to flatter me. I looked at them and grinned. "Get lost." "What?" "I said, get lost." I needed to avoid troublemaking guys the most, not the supporting actors or main characters. They were my top priority to evade. Criticizing and belittling others in class, as I had done earlier, is something I have to tolerate to some extent. It's an unavoidable action to follow the plot. The current level of dislike was even cute In comparison to the villains that will appear later, so I could easily brush it off later. However, I knew that trying to get along with these guys was not an option. While they might act subservient in front of me, they were not under my control. They caused trouble and acted like troublemakers when I wasn't around, so it was best to keep my distance. Hanging out with these troublemaking guys was not an option for me. They could harass the heroines or cause a big incident that would be difficult to fix. If I were to associate with them, people would criticize me more than them. Even if I explained that I didn't do anything, no one would listen. If people saw me with them, they would assume that I was their leader. I would think so too. Let's say there's a group of troublemakers, and there's one guy who's the most successful among them. If the troublemakers caused an accident but that successful guy wasn't there, what would people think? They would probably assume that he had ordered the troublemakers to do it. Therefore, it was important not to get involved from the start. Sigh... I picked up the spoon and reluctantly put the rice in my mouth. Despite pushing people away for survival, it was still lonely. Unlike modern society where eating alone is developed, most people gathered closely together to eat. There I sat, eating alone in a restaurant surrounded by groups of people. The first-year students wearing red scarves around their necks murmured and looked at me. It seemed that word had spread about my actions in class. This made me feel even more bitter. How could there not be a single friend among all these students to eat with me? I wondered if I should at least look for an extra friend to eat with. After hurriedly finishing my meal and stepping outside, I saw a woman drinking water in the distance. She had ordinary brown hair that was tied into two braids. Compared to the hair colors of the academy students, it wasn't a noticeable color, but her pure appearance drew attention. It was 'Luna Railer'.


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Raei Translations


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Luna is a young woman from a poor noble family. As the only daughter of a noble house, she discovered her magical talent through a passing mage. However, her talent seemed very ordinary compared to the students of the Academy. Luna's talent in magic theory shines as she learns more, but it was not noticeable at first. As a result, she receives no support from the academy due to her low entrance exam scores. Coming from an already poor family and without any support from the academy, paying for tuition was also a difficult task. She might have been drinking water to fill her stomach because she couldn't afford to eat. Since I have more than enough money, I wanted to take her out and feed her. Knowing Luna's situation well, I felt pity for her as she held her hungry stomach. However, I couldn't do that. At least not until that 'incident' occurred. The reason it was so difficult to pursue 'Luna Railer' was not anything extraordinary. It's just that the related event happens too early in the story. To conquer Luna, you need to pay more attention to her than studying at the beginning. You have to approach Luna, gain her trust, and assess the situation. However, if you spend too much time on it, you'll neglect your studies and perform poorly on the midterm exam. The early part of the story related to Luna can be ignored since it's a problem that Luna can overcome on her own, even without the protagonist's help. The main story involving Luna appears in the middle part of the narrative. It is possible to build favorability in that story and pursue Luna. However, to fully pursue Luna, I couldn't ignore this story. It is a hidden story that can happen but doesn't need to be involved. I plan to use that hidden story. Even after drinking water, Luna frowned and sighed, still feeling hungry. "..." Poor girl. I turned around and headed towards the cafeteria.


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"Ugh... I'm so hungry." Luna was filled with regret. She wondered if she had made a mistake enrolling in this place. Her family was poor, but she had never gone hungry like this before. "But I have to hang in there! I came all the way here to attend the academy." Luna came to the academy with the hope of reviving her family, which had not produced a talented individual in a long time. The Railer family had a rich history dating back to Luna's great-great-grandfather, but their financial struggles had pushed them to the brink of collapse. As the Railer family's territory was just a small rural village, they couldn't extract money from the residents. Of course, they could have squeezed every last penny from the villagers, like 'making broth out of dry squid', the head of the Railer family was not that kind of person. Luna met a passing wizard while worrying about the future of her family. The wizard recognized Luna's talent for magic and gifted her a book on the subject. The magic book contained difficult content that beginner Luna couldn't handle. Nevertheless, she cherished the book as a precious gift that could potentially benefit her family in the future. "Will I die of hunger before that, though?" Luna held her growling stomach, knowing she had to be careful with the money her family had given her. She couldn't predict when she might need it, so she made a promise to only have a modest dinner. "It's better for my diet anyway! Hmm!" she joked to herself. Luna tried to think positively, but her hunger didn't disappear. "Excuse me...?" Luna turned around and saw two female students standing behind her. "Who.. are you?" The students wore green scarves, indicating that they were second-year students. "Some freshman asked me to give this to you," as they handed Luna a small package. The senior handed Luna an envelope containing a basic type of bread sold at the school store. Although it might be considered an ordinary bread that the wealthier commoners could dismiss, for the hungry Luna, it was nothing less than a saving grace. She looked back and forth between the bread and the seniors with rounded eyes and asked, "Who brought this...?" Luna began to feel uneasy. She had left her friends to have lunch, so it didn't make sense that one of them had given the bread to her indirectly. She asked the senior, "Who asked you to give this to me?" "It was a kid over there... Huh? Where did they go?" The senior replied that it was someone over there, pointing to a direction. However, the person was gone by the time Luna looked. "What did they look like?" Luna needed to find out who it was, as it wouldn't be good if the fact that she had no money spread. "It was a boy... Blond hair and slightly slanted eyes? That kind of kid." "A... guy?" Luna repeated, surprised. Luna had made several female friends at the academy, but she had never even exchanged greetings with a boy. Growing up in rural areas, Luna had no immunity to men. Her father's overprotectiveness played a role, as did the limited number of peers in her country environment. Interacting with boys was a foreign concept to her. So, the person who gave her the bread wasn't someone she knew. "We'll be going now." "Oh, thank you!" Luna composed herself and bid farewell to the seniors. She looked down at the bread in her hand, given to her by a stranger. "I wonder who it was from," she pondered. Luna carefully removed the bread from the envelope and took a bite. "It's delicious." And as she chewed, she wore a happy smile.


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Raei Translations


My dorm room. Today was an extremely tiring day. Despite staying up late to prepare and waking up early for class, my physical condition was still okay. What I said in front of many people kept bothering me. It drained me mentally throughout the day. "I can't afford to not study," No matter how tired I am, I still have to study. I can't put it off. I glanced at the schedule the academy had provided me. My classes tomorrow are Imperial History and Magical Practice. While history is a general education course, I need to prepare in advance for the magical practice. I have a high magical ability, but I've never really tried to use it before. It's like having a good tool but not knowing how to use it. It makes it useless. I need to practice how to use magic in advance. I opened a magic theory book and skimmed through the basic spells. These basic spells weren't any different from those in the game. In 'Academy's Top Magician,' magic was divided into three levels. Magic can be divided into three categories: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. If we delve into the details, magic can be further classified by attributes. Beginner magic can be divided into four elementals: fire (火), water (水), wind (風), and earth (土). These are the basic elemental spells. Moving on to intermediate magic, we can learn specialized spells such as spatial magic and more refined elemental spells like ice (氷) and wood (木). However, advanced magic is a different story. It doesn't involve learning specialized attributes, but rather expanding the scope and power of magic itself. There are spells that can summon a typhoon, control nature to make it rain, or set a battlefield ablaze. In short, advanced magic is nothing but a disaster. It can obliterate an entire village without leaving a trace. "First, let's start with basic magic..." I'll start with these basic spells that don't require drawing a magic circle. I looked through the basic spells that I could use. These are spells that can be cast without drawing a magic circle, using the mana in my body. The standard method is to instantly activate the mana, but there is also a method of using magic circles. However, since my knowledge of magic was still lacking, I couldn't use the magic circle method. "Let's start with this one." As I flipped through the book, a spell caught my eye. "Ignition." As I spoke, a small flame flickered in my hand. The most basic magic in the fire element. Since my proficiency in fire magic was the highest, I could use it quite effortlessly. "Wow..." I stared at the small flame in my hand. It was not only fascinating to see the flame rise from my hand, but also the sensation of creating it. It felt like when you drink water and can feel it going down your throat, something inside my body was flowing towards my hand, igniting the fire. As soon as I thought about stopping the magic, the flow I felt in my hand ceased, and the flame went out. I practiced using fire and wind magic to hone my sense of magic. After gaining a certain level of mastery, I lay down on the bed with a satisfied smile. However, I would come to regret it the next day. .. Why did I fall asleep? I should have remembered that the professor for magic practice was really eccentric. I should have stayed up all night studying.

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