Ch 9 - Luna Railer (4)

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"Luna Railer, well done." "Th-thank you!" Luna's magic circle received high praise from Professor Mcguire. It's said that using a non-circular magic circle is actually a technique in the world of magic. It's true that making a circle for a magic circle is easier. However, when seeking extreme efficiency, magic circles can be made with other shapes as well. The fact that she created such a magic circle without knowing about it holds great significance. Genius. Is there any other way to describe her? Some might say, "Anyone could come up with that idea." But to think of it without any background knowledge is not easy. She managed to do it. Moreover, the fact that her magic circle is functional is important. There might be other students who have thought of a different shape for a magic circle, given the hint of creativity in Professor Mcguire's scoring criteria. When people hear "unique magic circle," they would usually think of a magic circle with a peculiar appearance. However, most would have tried a few times and given up, as it is difficult for an ordinary person to determine whether the magic circle is efficient and what conditions are required to activate it. Most people would find it easier to stick to the established theories. Luna was different from these ordinary people. She delved into her magic circle and eventually completed it. That's what separates her as a genius. A genius isn't someone who comes up with a brilliant idea; it's someone who pursues that idea and sees it through to completion. "Now, everyone, let's applaud." At Mcguire's words, the students sent their applause to Luna. Luna blushed and scratched her head, embarrassed. Then, her eyes met mine, and she gave a slight smile. It was different from her previous avoidance. Did she finally accept me as a friend? It was a positive change in our relationship. Now, all I had to do was offer Luna sponsorship. The condition for sponsorship is not related to the magic books. It would be a condition proposed by Professor Mcguire. Instead of receiving research results, I will sponsor her. The reason I'm doing this is to prevent Luna from destroying the library. Professor Mcguire will tell Luna to produce results within a certain period. However, I plan to propose differently. Instead of setting a specific timeframe, I will just ask her to show me the results. This way, I can evaluate the shared research results to improve my magic skills, and it won't be a burden for Luna time-wise. This difference is significant to Luna, as it prevents her from reaching for 'that magic book' in haste. The punishment Luna receives for destroying the library isn't that severe, but there's one crucial point. The confiscation of the magic book Luna used. It's a natural punishment since, in reality, Luna's magic book caused the destruction. I plan to prevent the confiscation of the magic book and use it myself. There's no need to hastily obtain the magic book. First, my magic needs to be at least intermediate level to use that magic book. I will gradually improve my magic abilities and then borrow the book. I can slowly figure out how to borrow it. I'll decide when to borrow it based on the situation. My magic is currently at beginner level 6. After reaching level 9, it will grow to intermediate magic level 1. Until then, even if I receive a magic book, it won't be helpful. And my borrowing of the magic book does not affect Luna's growth. Luna's magic is still significantly lower than mine. In other words, even if I reach the intermediate level, Luna is still using beginner magic. So, there was no problem with borrowing the magic book for a short while since Luna couldn't use it anyway. "Whew…" I gathered my thoughts and composed myself. I opened my notebook that contained the rough outline of what I wanted to say. As I skimmed through the notebook, I saw a phrase written at the very bottom. "…Should I not say this?"

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Raei Translations

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It was a peaceful day with a cloudless sky. Luna sat alone in the garden and opened a paper bag. Sitting on a bench under the shade, a gentle breeze blew and tickled her hair. She brushed her hair back behind her ears and took a bite of the bread in the paper bag. With the bread in her mouth, Luna smiled happily. "Hehe…" Today was a delightful day. For the first time in her life, she received proper praise for her magic. It was not just a superficial compliment, but high praise. Luna's smile seemed like it could reach the sky. "…Hehehe…" An uncontrollable, silly laugh escaped her. Though she was eating bread alone, it tasted sweeter than the banquets she had in the mansion. Receiving such praise was all thanks to Rudy. At first, she was genuinely scared when he took her to the laboratory. It was an empty, quiet place, which was undeniably intimidating. However, her worries were unfounded. As she had observed, Rudy was a kind friend. Luna was now short on money, even for meals. She couldn't afford to buy even the relatively inexpensive 'temporary scrolls.' She had considered honestly telling Ena and asking for help, or just changing to an ordinary magic circle. To Luna, Rudy was like a helping hand. 'Does Rudy know I don't have money?' She had somewhat suspected it since he gave her the bread. But how could he know? Luna's family wasn't well-known. There was no way Rudy would know their financial situation or care about it. They were merely a small family in a remote region. "…He seems like a nice guy… but also not…" Luna tilted her head and bit her bread while pondering. "What's not right?" "Eep!" Luna was startled by the voice coming from behind her. Because she had bread in her mouth, her exclamation didn't spread elsewhere. "Ru…Rudy?" Rudy was standing behind Luna. "Is that bread tasty?" "Br…Bread? Bread… It, it's delicious!" Luna glanced between the bread and Rudy, speaking hesitantly. "Have you never tried it yourself?" "I guess you've always given it to me without having any for yourself." Recalling her previous mistake, Luna tried to maintain her composure and speak calmly. Luna knew Rudy would place the bread in her locker, but he was unaware of her knowledge. "I saw you hiding nearby and putting the bread in!" she thought, but it would be awkward to say that out loud. It seemed like stalking. "You did a great job with your presentation today. Your magic circle seems to have improved as well." "…Hehe, it's all thanks to Rudy." Luna responded to Rudy's compliment with a smile. She felt slightly embarrassed and lowered her head, scratching her head gently. Once more, she said quietly. "It's all thanks to Rudy…" Luna wasn't confident in the magic circle she had created. She couldn't be sure if it was the right path. Rudy was the one who reassured her that it was. He gave her confidence in her own path. He instilled confidence in Luna, who was lost. "If it weren't for Rudy, I might not have been able to submit it." No matter how great a magic circle she had created, it would be meaningless if the world didn't know about it. It would merely be self-satisfaction. So the magic circle was able to see the light of day thanks to Rudy. "Luna." At Rudy's call, Luna looked at him. Rudy's expression was extremely serious. "I have something to say." "Wh-What is it?" Luna's eyes widened at Rudy's words. Rudy, being serious with me? Her imagination began to run wild. Luna gazed blankly at Rudy, her mouth agape. Could it be… that Rudy… likes me? However, the words that came out of Rudy's mouth were entirely unexpected. "Would you like to accept my sponsorship?" "…Sponsorship?" "I'll support your tuition and research fees. I'll do it under my name." "…?" Luna was bewildered by Rudy's sudden, out-of-the-blue proposal. She also felt embarrassed for her wild imagination. 'Wh-What a surprise…' Luna calmed her racing heart and pondered Rudy's words. Nobles often support students. They provide financial assistance to students struggling with tuition fees or those with low overall grades but exceptional talent in a particular field. It's a way to forge connections with outstanding students early on. "But… I'm still an inexperienced student, aren't I?" Nevertheless, Luna thought she wasn't good enough. She received praise in this class, but it could have just been luck. A doubt crossed her mind. There wasn't a single thing that set her apart from other students. She was just an ordinary student. So, she wondered. "Why… did you offer this to me?" Rudy replied simply. "Potential." And he continued without hesitation. "Your hard work and the results you've shown. Isn't that enough?" "It could be a hasty decision. There's no guarantee I'll become an outstanding student." Rudy then smiled faintly. "Talent is right in front of me, it would be a waste to miss it." Rudy called me talented. Upon hearing those words, Luna's heart warmed up. She had hoped for a different kind of confession, but that was enough to make her feel good. However, Luna shook her head and snapped back to reality. She appreciated his words, but she couldn't help but wonder if there was some hidden intent. He offered her food and even sponsorship. He probably had expectations for her, but no one knew his true intentions. Did he have other thoughts behind his offer? Could he have ill intentions? As Luna hesitated, Rudy spoke up. "Um... also." "Hm?" "I have one more thing to say..." At that point, Luna felt uneasy. Was there really a hidden agenda behind his proposal? Just as disappointment began to surface, Rudy's words reached her. "Would you like to have lunch together?" "…?" "I mean, it's not a condition for the sponsorship. Just having lunch together as friends." Rudy, who usually didn't show much emotion, seemed different this time. His face was slightly flushed, and he furrowed his brows a little. It wasn't the charismatic and sharp-looking face she was used to seeing. Seeing him like that, she couldn't help but chuckle. "Heh..." It felt reassuring somehow. Luna felt that her suspicions were somewhat justified. Rudy Astria needed a friend. The thoughts of sponsorship intentions and complicated considerations flew out of her mind. It didn't make sense for him to sponsor her with bad intentions when he said such things. "Alright, I accept your offer." Luna smiled as she spoke. Upon hearing her response, Rudy's expression relaxed. "Thank you. I'm counting on you, my sponsor." Luna grinned and reached out her hand. Rudy took her hand and smiled faintly.

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