Chapter 6: Daddy~

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April 24, 2022

He fell more than 100 meters without falling to death or being disabled, there are two reasons for this. First, he has a very soft dragon meat cushion. Second, he is a samurai after all, he won't fall into death. But still, there is a feeling of his ass blooming.


But what's even worse is, as soon as he got up, he saw the culprit standing a meter away from him, staring at him expressionlessly. The brand-new gorgeous white clothes and the silver hair complement each other, the cold face seems to be covered with a layer of ice, but the pale red eyes are calm, as if the anger just now was a illusion.


Han Zhiyuan suddenly felt a pain in the ass and regardless of the stupid dragon that was still rolling around on the ground, he patted the leaves and branches on his clothes seriously and then faced the Peacock King solemnly and said, "We need to talk."


Han Zhiyuan saw the Peacock King raised his eyebrows and then looked down at him condescendingly, no, to be exact, Han Zhiyuan was half a head taller than him, but he just gave Han Zhiyuan a feeling of being looked down upon.


Han Zhiyuan didn't bother to care about this. After all, he was the supreme Peacock King. When he first entered this world yesterday, the shocking image of the Peacock King crossing the tribulation was still lingering in his mind. And thinking about how he made several great martial masters disappear in the blink of an eye, Han Zhiyuan would not be stupid enough to try his divine light. 


From the tribulation of the Peacock King to inexplicably being affected and fleeing into this ghost place, then to the encounter with the Peacock King, black egg and the five great martial masters and now, being frightened and fled to this place, it was thanks to his psychological quality, he was able to take it all. Now that he calmed down, he has to take a look at the current situation.


He never thought that the remnant soul of the Demon King would be associated with this powerful Peacock King, so the most critical question now is how to unlock the seal? And the person in front of him, did he even know about this?


The Demon King didn't leave him any clues. Han Zhiyuan was like a headless fly, so they needed to have a good talk. Of course, he had to remind him, can he not just cross the river and demolish the bridge like this every time? Holding him and running, he kicked him out four or five meters, hugged him naked and gave him a human-shaped quilt, he kicked him down more than a hundred meters, is it really fair?


But Han Zhiyuan said something else when he opened his mouth, "It's all men, isn't it too much to react like this just now? Cough cough" 


He regretted it after saying that, because he saw a crack on the peacock king's cold face. So he can only say dryly, "Anyway, I saved you a few times."


"What do you want to say?" The pale red eyes were dark, and he spit out the words coldly, as if a little impatient, but in the bottom of his eyes, a trace of doubt was hidden. Naturally, Han Zhiyuan didn't know that what this person had been wondering was why the human being in front of him was clearly the weakest ant, but his unusual body temperature had a fatal attraction to him and even attracted god-level dragon eggs that had not hatched for thousands of years and in the depths of his soul, something seemed to be calling him, making him want to get closer.


This feeling is too mysterious. It is a mystery that cannot be easily touched by the power of the demon emperor. Moreover, his primordial spirit is in danger of being broken. Yesterday, he forcibly gathered his primordial power to protect the dragon egg and the result is even worse. His soul was almost wiped out and finally had to transform into the main body to save his life, but he was only warmed in the arms of this human race for a night and he actually improved a lot and he could even transform into the human form. Looking at the little dragon that has hatched, the Peacock King's eyes became more and more red. What secrets does this man hold?


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Han Zhiyuan was interrupted by a milky voice before he could finish speaking. Although the word daddy was vague, the meaning was very clear. Han Zhiyuan was stunned by the sudden voice. Startled, he looked down and saw that his legs were tightly hugged by two claws.


"Daddy~" The little dragon stared at Han Zhiyuan with big eyes. The two small horns that looked like deer antlers on top of his head were tender. He was about two meters long and half a meter tall. On the top, the two front legs hugged Han Zhiyuan tightly, the back half of the body was dragged on the ground and the tail was wagging.


Han Zhiyuan: Can someone tell me, this is the most mysterious and noble dragon in the legend?


Seeing that Han Zhiyuan didn't speak, little dragon called out "Daddy" again, this time it was obviously much clearer and then he crawled up on Han Zhiyuan's legs and he simply covered his entire body with Han Zhiyuan and his four claws hugged him tightly.


The little dragon's two big dark green eyes kept rolling and he stared at Han Zhiyuan so eagerly. Not only was the little eyes not scary, but rather watery and pitiful, Han Zhiyuan was immediately dumbfounded and then smacked him mercilessly. In this way, he narrowly escaped the big wet tongue of this guy.


"Aren't you ashamed of acting cute!" What about the majesty of the dragon? What about the domineering image? Also, although he never believed in the existence of dragons, Han Zhiyuan always thought that dragons should be viviparous, how could they be oviparous? So, this is a chick plot? But fortunately he wasn't called a mother, else it would be embarrassing.


"Mother~" The stupid dragon turned his head and his eyes lit up when he met the Peacock King.


Han Zhiyuan almost bit his tongue, only to see the little dragon, who was smacked by him, roll twice on the ground and then roll to King Peacock's feet and then clawed his paws on King Peacock's shoes, raising his head and making a milky voice. Just called mother, this guy is sensible and the claws don't dare to climb up.


Han Zhiyuan was immediately stunned, this guy was still sensible?


But he was really worried that the Peacock King would kick it 120 meters away, but unexpectedly, the Peacock King just frowned slightly and then looked down at the stupid dragon condescendingly, with a bit of sternness in his pale red eyes. 


"This is your thousand-year-old wisdom?" 


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The dragon is a natural king and can be said to be the royal family of the demon clan. Once born, it has a supreme status, but the dragon clan is very secretive and reproduction is even more difficult, not to mention hundreds of years, no dragon has been born for thousands of years and even a dragon egg takes hundreds or even thousands of years to hatch. This is why the Peacock King was so desperate to save it before. However, even if the dragon has not hatched, it is still wise, and with the passage of time, the wisdom will get higher and higher, but this... is it possible that it is a mentally retarded dragon?


"Mother~" The little dragon blinked his big eyes, turned his head in a circle and looked at Han Zhiyuan, "Daddy~" and then tilted his head to look at the Peacock King, "Mother~" going back and forth like this, never getting tired.


Han Zhiyuan: ...


Peacock King: ...


"Black Egg." Are you mentally retarded? Do you think which of them two can give birth to a dragon like you? Han Zhiyuan supported his forehead.


What a crazy world, suddenly to be a father, the son is a mentally retarded dragon, the key is the mother is Peacock King who is also a man? This encounter, no one else would have experienced.


Probably because he was used to being called by Han Zhiyuan as black egg before, the little guy's eyes lit up when he heard the word black egg. Obviously, he likes this name.


"You'll be called black egg in the future, but don't be foolish anymore, ok?"


For example, couldn't pull the break on time and pushing him again and again. Han Zhiyuan perfunctorily touched the dragon head, but the peacock king on the side slightly raised his eyebrows, so bold, a small samurai, a dragon called you father, you dare to agree?


"What the hell is this place? How do we get out?" Han Zhiyuan swept through the densely packed branches, always feeling that this place was very dangerous and the breath here always sent chills down his back involuntarily.


But he didn't expect the Peacock King suddenly frown and said anxiously: "Leave!" After saying that, he didn't care about Han Zhiyuan, turned around and was about to leave, but he staggered and was about to fall down after taking a few steps. Han Zhiyuan hurriedly went up to support him. "What's the situation?"


"Someone is here." The Peacock King looked gloomy and his eyes were dark red. Han Zhiyuan flashed a bit of surprise at the Peacock King's intense reaction. Last time when they met the five grand matial masters, he wasn't so tensed.


"Who?" Han Zhiyuan helped him walk and turned around, there was no one, only the black egg jumped behind him, "Can you make it clear?"


"Humph!" The Peacock King's face turned even paler, but his voice was terrifyingly cold, "A bunch of people who don't know how to live or die!"

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Han Zhiyuan was startled, thinking of the few human powerhouses who shot at the critical moment of the Peacock King's tribulation. That old daoist said those people would not let the Peacock King succeed in transcending the tribulation. Now that the Peacock King is injured like this, those people probably won't let such an opportunity pass. Thinking of this, Han Zhiyuan immediately felt a pain in the butt. He was not even an ant in front of them, so what should he do? Running away decisively is the only way, right?


However, at this moment, the voice that had been silent for a long time suddenly echoed in Han Zhiyuan's mind again, "If he dies, you will die!"


"Damn it!" Han Zhiyuan shuddered, this cold, frantic and tugging voice, isn't it the demon king?


As soon as he turned his head, the pale and bloodless face of the Peacock King just happened to be facing him, his eyes seemed to be scrutinized with doubts.


"Quickly become a peacock!" Han Zhiyuan made a decisive decision. A big man was too heavy to hold and turning into a peacock was at best the weight of a chicken, so he could run away.


There seemed to be a hint of anger flashing in the eyes of the Peacock King, but the next second he really turned into a peacock. Han Zhiyuan stretched out his hand and put it under his arm and ran desperately, with the black egg chasing after him.


"Hahahaha" Suddenly, laughter full of arrogance and ridicule came from all directions, "Hahaha Peacock King, I didn't expect you to have today hahaha!"


Han Zhiyuan slammed on the brakes, but he didn't stand still yet, he was hit by a strong force on his butt, making him fly out. Han Zhiyuan turned his head while he flew and roared at the innocent-looking black egg, "Why are you still doing the same after hatching!" Then he banged against a big tree, but fortunately, the Peacock King was still protected by him in his arms.


"Long time no see, Peacock King."


As soon as Han Zhiyuan got up, he saw an old man riding a flying horse looking down at them, more precisely he was looking at the peacock in his arms.


Even if he was held in his arms, even in the form of a peacock's body, his arrogant posture was not reduced by half, especially the cold light from his pale red eyes, which made people tremble unconsciously. 


"Humph!" The old man snorted coldly, "Twice in a thousand years, the Peacock King's astonishing talent has never been seen before, but it is a pity that he failed twice. In Imperial Mountain Range, where the cultivation base is forcibly suppressed in the realm of the Great Martial Master, it is really going to be the death of you."


At this time, Han Zhiyuan was shocked, the other party was too strong and he was too weak, although he extracted key information from the old man's words, such as in Imperial Mountain Range, the cultivation base will be forcibly suppressed to the Great Martial Master, but it is of no use to the weak chicken like him.


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The old man saw that the Peacock King, who had reached this point, still had a noble and arrogant posture and did not say a word to him from beginning to end, which was a kind of contempt, a kind of naked contempt.


The old man was immediately furious, a sharp spear appeared in his hand and in the next round, a blue light was drawn in the air, pointing directly at the Peacock King in Han Zhiyuan's arms.


Han Zhiyuan immediately made a loud noise and blurted out in a hurry, "Go black egg! Bite him!" 


The black egg, who was lying at his feet, heard Han Zhiyuan call it and jumped up suddenly and then excitedly opened its mouth and rushed to the old man in the air.


"Green Dragon!" The old man had all his attention on the Peacock King and had just ignored the long worm lying at Han Zhiyuan's feet. Only now did he see what it was and his turbid eyes immediately filled with fire. Turning the spear, he suddenly took out a small golden net from out of nowhere and threw it at the black egg.


Han Zhiyuan was shocked, "Black eggs come back soon!" 


However, it was too late. As soon as the black egg heard Han Zhiyuan call it, it hurriedly turned its head in the air. As a result, the small golden net suddenly became dozens of times larger, swallowed the black egg  and then quickly shrank.


"Daddy! Mother!" Seeing that he was caught by the net, black egg immediately shouted. Han Zhiyuan panicked and the eyes of the Peacock King in his arms became blood red.


"Hahaha. Baby Dragon! This is baby Dragon!" The old man was so excited that he was incoherent, holding a black egg in one hand as if looking at a peerless treasure.




Suddenly, at this moment, a roar resounding through the sky pierced the sky, resounding through the sky like thunder and then the entire sky suddenly dimmed and the black clouds rolled in and instantly turned day into night.




There was another roar, the darkness was so heavy that people couldn't see and the black clouds above the head revealed a strong pressure, which made people's legs tremble involuntarily and feeling like their body and mind were torn apart.


Han Zhiyuan swallowed unconsciously, "The end of the world?"

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