Chapter 8: Serpent Attack

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April 27, 2022

The warm sunlight shone on him, his body, his limbs and even his hair became warm. After a lot of hard work, they finally walked out of the central area and came to the periphery and stopped near a small lake with green grass. The clear lake surface almost reflected the entire sky inside. The reflecting sky and the outside complemented each other, giving people a relaxed and happy feeling.


Han Zhiyuan lay on his back on the grass, lamenting that he was so lucky that he didn't encounter a single demon beast and lamented that black egg is not so useless, at least it can lead the way. The black egg imitated Han Zhiyuan's appearance, lying on his back on the grass, with his feet on the sky, both funny and cute, so stupid that Han Zhiyuan sneered.


On the other hand, a certain bird king, neither lying down nor sitting, just stood firmly in the distance. Han Zhiyuan glanced sideways and saw the Peacock King at this moment slightly raised his delicate and noble head, revealing his fair neck and adam's apple that was much more delicate than Han Zhiyuan, facing the sun, his eyes slightly narrowed and he seemed to be enjoying himself very comfortably.


Han Zhiyuan suddenly thought of the flock of chickens raised by his grandmother in the countryside. At that time, when his grandmother was still alive, he was not alone and would go back during the holidays. Those flocks of chickens, when the sun is hot at noon every day, they will raise their head, with slightly closed eyes, dozing lazily in the sun, the chicken heads will fall little by little, some will also fall down, then shake their feathers, get up and continue bask in the sun.


So, does all birds like to bask in the sun? Or only chickens and peacock?


The Peacock King, who was so comfortable that he wanted to conjure up his body and shake off his feathers and even open the most beautiful tail of the entire demon clan, naturally didn't know that he was compared to a chicken by a human ant.


"Hey" Han Zhiyuan suddenly put his hands behind his head, then turned to look at King Peacock, "Do you have a name? I can't call you Peacock King always, right?" Isn't it like telling the person is here to all those who are looking for him everywhere.


Peacock King's eyelashes trembled slightly and then a gleam of light flashed in his pale red eyes. He seemed to have not expected such rude behavior, but he didn't say anything, after all, this person was not normal.


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However, a trance flashed in the eyes of the Peacock King, name? His name has not been called since he became the Demon King seven hundred years ago and it has been so long that it has become blurred in his memory.


After a long while, just when Han Zhiyuan thought he was being ignored again, the peacock king opened his thin lips slightly and spit out two words clearly, "Feng Yu."


Han Zhiyuan raised his brows, "Very nice name." Its just a bit girly. Of course, the second half of the sentence Han Zhiyuan did not dare to say.


Regarding peacocks, Han Zhiyuan has seen them at the zoo. To tell the truth, they are really beautiful. Whether they are blue peacocks or green peacocks, they are all very beautiful. Of course, the female peacocks are not mentioned and the relatively rare white peacock is even more stunning, after opening the screen, it is simply beautiful beyond words.


There is a legend that the peacock is the descendant of the phoenix, so it seems that this statement is not false. Feng Yu? Han Zhiyuan thought of the only two times he had seen the peacock king's real body, thinking about him opening the screen, it seems simply amazing. Needless to say, this name is really a match for him.


Unexpectedly being praised, Feng Yu was stunned for a moment and then continued to enjoy the sun.


"Feng Yu, are we really going to that holy site next?"


Just as they were escaping from the central area of ​Imperial Mountains, they learned a piece of news. Recently, in south of the central area of ​​Imperial Mountains, a relic of a saint suddenly appeared out of thin air. Those who break through the realm of Martial Emperor and successfully survive the calamity and step into a higher realm are called saints. They are powerful beings who can live for tens of thousands of years. It is conceivable how shocking a saint is. The holy relics of the saints not only contains the treasures of the saint's life, but also the high-level cultivation techniques that are difficult for ordinary people to find and even the enlightenment of the saints when they cultivate... All of these represent great opportunity that no one wants to miss.


The most important thing is that this holy relic happened to appear in Imperial Mountain Range and everyone's strength will be limited to the realm of Great Martial Masters. As a result, thousands of people are given a chance for no reason, and it is conceivable lively it would be. This is also the reason why they had not met anyone when they came out.


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Considering the original owner's rookie cultivation base, Han Zhiyuan naturally doesn't want to go and seek death. It's not that he doesn't want to improve his cultivation base. After all, in this world, he must obey the rules of this world. Since the strong are respected, he has to make himself stronger no matter what. But in that kind of place where the strong gather, there is a high probability for him to become a cannon fodder.


"If you dare not go, wait for me here." Feng Yu said lightly.


Is this aggressive tactics or unabashed contempt? Han Zhiyuan touched his nose with a dark face, most likely it was the latter. The two had just communicated about the mysterious seal on Feng Yu's soul. Han Zhiyuan said that he was forced to help him to unblock the seal by someone, but he had no malicious intentions. As for who it was, he said he did not know, but he was very strong.


Although Feng Yu had many doubts in his heart, no one knew better than him how powerful his seal was and it was difficult for a character like Han Zhiyuan to be associated with that kind of power, so he didn't ask any more questions. Moreover, this person is very strange, with excellent luck and he has some wonderful power in his body. Maybe he can help him unblock himself. Thinking like this, he has a little more expectation in his heart.


But at this time, although he had recovered 30% of his strength with the help of Golden Dragon, the heavy damage of primordial soul was difficult to heal. Now he urgently need the spiritual elixir to refine and in the imperial mountain range, everyone's cultivation was restricted, so he was not without a chance, he was bound to take a trip.


Moreover, Feng Yu was slightly distracted. This person's luck is really very good. In such a dangerous place in the central area, the road was so peaceful and the strange temperature on his body actually allows the black eggs that have not hatched in a thousand years to hatch, not to mention, it was also of great help to the recovery of his own primordial soul. Luck is often a manifestation of a person's ability. A person with good luck, his opportunities must be amazing, so this trip, especially worth taking.


Han Zhiyuan naturally didn't know what Feng Yu was thinking. Since the bird king was going, he had to go. However, at this time, Han Zhiyuan was full of entanglements, he was thinking, how to make this Peacock King emotional? Looking at him, he is basically a heartless person. Moreover, with his disdainful attitude, can he like ordinary people?


Han Zhiyuan suddenly got up and walked to the edge of the small lake, and the clear water of the lake reflected his whole person in the water, "Let me drink some water, then we can start the journey." The black egg saw Han Zhiyuan's appearance and he climbed up and walked over and stretched out two front paws to scoop water and wash his face, making Han Zhiyuan laugh.



Feng Yu was involuntarily attracted by the laughter of the two over there, but at this moment, Feng Yu suddenly frowned and then shouted to the two of them by the lake, "Come back!"


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"Bang!" At this moment, the calm lake surface suddenly exploded like a bomb and the splash was more than ten meters high. Han Zhiyuan only felt blind and deaf in an instant, and there was a silvery white splash in front of him. At this moment, a large mouth with a width of two or three meters suddenly penetrated through the water and rushed towards Han Zhiyuan.


"Fuck!" Han Zhiyuan was horrified and in the flash of light, he hurriedly took out the Xuanqing sword, his natal weapon, raised his hand and waved it out. However, when the sword qi collided with the mouth, it had no effect at all. Han Zhiyuan was shocked and hurriedly swung his sword while running, but the legs that were weak were as if they did not grow on his body and he saw that the big mouth was about to swallow him in one bite.


"Bang" at this moment, a powerful pillar of qi slammed into the fangs that were half a meter long, only to hear a crisp sound, the fangs actually broke and the bloody mouth slammed shut. It seemed to be very painful and then Han Zhiyuan saw its two huge green eyes and its his huge head plunged into the water, splashing the water several meters high. At this time, Han Zhiyuan was shocked to find out that the thing turned out to be a huge snake!


"Run!" As soon as Han Zhiyuan turned around, he saw that Feng Yu was bending over in pain with one hand on his chest in the distance and at this time, the black egg had already run to the side and the speed of this guy was not slow.


However, Han Zhiyuan didn't run two steps, suddenly felt a pain in his stomach and then he was suffocated and couldn't breathe, his whole body was like it was about to explode and he couldn't even move. He found that he was coiled by the snake and it was getting tighter and tighter, he felt like he was strangled and about to faint.


"Boom!" There was another loud noise. Han Zhiyuan barely saw that Feng Yu was attacking the big snake, but he is helpless because his cultivation base was limited due to the restriction of the mountain.


Damn, I feel like I'm going to die, but Han Zhiyuan just feels aggrieved to die like this. Why? Although he is a lonely man but this way of death in this world is not something he want. 


Han Zhiyuan, whose consciousness gradually became blurred, scolded the eighteen generation of the demon king in his heart to no avail. Suddenly, in a trance, Han Zhiyuan only felt a looseness in his waist and without even thinking about it, he raised his sword and inserted it fiercely. You beast, you want Lao Tzu's life! Lao Tzu will kill you!


The confused Han Zhiyuan naturally didn't know that just as he was about to be strangled to death by the big snake, a red light suddenly flashed in his eyes. The big snake, which was tightening its body, immediately trembled and then suddenly bounced away like it got electric shock. Immediately, it fled desperately as if it had seen a ghost, but was caught by Han Zhiyuan.


The snake twisted and rammed for a while, but Han Zhiyuan didn't lose his grip on the sword. He felt like he was riding a roller coaster, with a speed that was almost fatal, but he was holding the sword as if he wouldn't leave until the snake is cut into two pieces.

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Black egg and Feng Yu, who was unstable because of using him cultivation before, were stunned and stared at this scene, a seventh-order Emperor Lake Serpent was cut over by a human who was only a Samurai. Finally Han Zhiyuan cut it into two pieces and in the end he was covered in blood.


A look of surprise finally flashed in Feng Yu's calm eyes, while black egg was stunned. The two non-humans looked at Han Zhiyuan who had turned into a bloody man, staggered and rolled in the water a few times, and then walked towards them drenched. When he came, he was scolding something like, "Kill you beast!" And the Emperor Lake Serpent that he had cut into two pieces had already disappeared into the bottom of the lake.


"Are you... okay?" Feng Yu asked hesitantly.


"Yes." Han Zhiyuan replied subconsciously. He only felt that his body was unbearably hot and he didn't know whether the blood of this snake was poisonous or not. Anyway, he didn't know what he had just done, nor did he know what he was going to do now, his brain had become very sluggish, everything seemed to be in slow motion, but the feeling of dryness and heat was extremely strong.


The moment he cut off the giant snake, Han Zhiyuan pulled out a shiny object from the cut. At this moment, he was holding it tightly in his hand. For some reason, he involuntarily shoved the thing into his mouth.


"Stop!" It seemed that Feng Yu's voice sounded in his ear, Han Zhiyuan looked over suspiciously and suddenly felt his mouth becoming dry by looking at the Peacock king who was very good-looking, with a perfect body and face.


Then, he pounced on the Peacock King unconsciously, pressed him down directly and kissed his face which is filled shock and disbelief and other complicated emotions.


"Daddy, don't fight!" Black egg cried out anxiously.


Han Zhiyuan: ...

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