Since Qin Yiheng was here, Zhou Xiao and Chu Yi naturally stopped the movements on their hands.

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Zhou Xiao paused the video on the big screen, and Chu Yi stood up.

“I’m looking at the software you made in the past.” Chu Yi said. He walked to Qin Yiheng’s side, took out his phone, and pointed to the software. “I just found out you made this. I originally thought it was made by the employees of your company. This one, this one and this one, I even used these just some time ago.”

When Zhao Zhongliang boasted to him before, he talked about this series of software, saying that it was all made by people in their network department.

At that time, he thought Zhao Zhongliang had some skills.

But unexpectedly, the real big shot was right next to him.

However, the big shot didn’t seem to care too much about it. He gave a faint “mn” and asked, “Where have you looked around?”

Chu Yi put away his phone.

“I’ve looked through all the lower floors. Maybe because it’s nighttime, there’s no people. So it was a little boring.”

Qin Yiheng raised his hand and touched Chu Yi’s bangs as Chu Yi talked. 

Only now did Chu Yi feel that his bangs had covered his eyes a little.

Thus, he tilted his head and slightly parted his hair aside before continuing, “And then Zhou Xiao brought me here to see the things you made.”

Chu Yi then raised his head and smiled at Qin Yiheng.

Those fawn eyes appeared again. Qin Yiheng stared at them for several seconds, then raised his hand to touch his bangs again.

Chu Yi realized now that Qin Yiheng wasn’t helping him part it, he was just doing it because he thinks it’s fun.

Chu Yi might as well stop moving his head. He even came a little closer and let Qin Yiheng touch all he wanted.

“How come you never told me?” Chu Yi asked him.

Qin Yiheng’s mind was not on what Chu Yi was saying, he only cared about playing with his hair, “Tell you what?”

Chu Yi, “Tell me that you made these.”

Qin Yiheng, “Why is your hair so soft?”

Chu Yi raised his eyes and looked up at the part of his hair that was in Qin Yiheng’s hand, “I don’t know. It’s natural.”

Because he raised his eyes, his eyes looked even better.

Qin Yiheng suddenly felt like he had picked up a baby.

“You done? I finished working.” Qin Yiheng played with it for a while before finally withdrawing his hand as he asked Chu Yi.

Chu Yi turned to look at Zhou Xiao and asked, “We done?”

Zhou Xiao heavily gulped before saying, “W-we’re done.”

Zhou Xiao gulped once more.

Oh god.

What did he just see?

What is this doting gaze coming from President Qin?

He’s playing with Chu Yi’s hair?

Even patting his head?


What kind of immortal is Mr. Chu?

It looks like he needs to re-examine Mr. Chu’s position.

Zhou Xiao glanced at Xu Jing and was relieved to see that Xu Jing was also a little surprised. It seems that he was not the only one shocked.

Being shocked as a group is better than being shocked alone.

So like this, Chu Yi was taken away by Qin Yiheng. The moment the automatic door closed, Zhou Xiao hurried to Xu Jing and asked, “Who exactly is Chu Yi? Is he President Qin’s relative?”

Xu Jing laughed, “This relative term is quite new.” He asked Zhou Xiao, “You didn’t ask Chu Yi?”

Zhou Xiao, “I didn’t. I thought it might be impolite.”

Xu Jing thought for a bit.

Since President Qin already acted without a care by touching the other’s hair and showing his love in front of them, he doesn’t think President Qin had the intention of hiding his marriage.

Plus, Zhou Xiao isn’t a gossipy person.

Might as well tell him.

He was sickenly sugared up by what he just saw that he also very much wanted to share it with Zhou Xiao.

“He’s president Qin’s husband.” Xu Jing said as seriously as possible.

Zhou Xiao was immediately surprised. A second later, his face wrinkled. He couldn’t believe it, “Mn?”

Xu Jing nodded to Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao, “Ah?”

Xu Jing nodded again.

Zhou Xiao felt like a mess, husband? What the hell?

He looked in the direction where the two people left.

He didn’t say anything strange tonight, did he?

Zhou Xiao, “When did they get married?”

Xu Jing calculated, “Not long ago.”

Zhou Xiao, “When did President Qin even date? So fast?”

Xu Jing, “Err.”

Xu Jing wanted to deny the dating part. After all, he did know a little about the relationship between President Qin and Mr. Chu.

However, from today, the way President Qin looked at Mr. Chu, he couldn’t understand it anymore.

Xu Jing shook his head, “I don’t know.”

What Chu Yi didn’t know was that Qin Yiheng ended his work early because he was waiting downstairs.

It’s only 8 in the evening. It’s definitely too early for bed, so when the car left the parking lot, Chu Yi asked him, “Are we going home now?”

Qin Yiheng actually understood his meaning, “You want to spend some time out?”

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As a result of being overly spoiled these past two days, Chu Yi was a little fluttered.

Therefore, he automatically deciphered Qin Yiheng’s sentence as, Qin Yiheng would accompany him wherever he wanted to go.

So he thought for a bit and asked, “Do you know how to play pool?”

Qin Yiheng shook his head, “No.”

Chu Yi, “Okay, then I’ll think of something else.”

Qin Yiheng shook his head, “Just do pool then, I can learn.”

Chu Yi let out an “wow” in his head.

Who cares whether it was managing marriage, Qin Yiheng was spoiling him!

Also, he gets to teach Qin Yiheng to play pool, which sounds quite interesting as well.

“Xiao-Chen, do you know any good billiards shops?” Qin Yiheng asked.

Chu Yi interrupted when he heard this, “No need to search. A friend of mine owns a billiard shop. Let’s go to him.”

Xiao-Chen asked Chu Yi, “What’s the name of that shop?”

Chu Yi said, “Have you heard of Fengshang Billiards?”

Xiao-Chen nodded, “I played there before. So their boss is a friend of yours.”

Chu Yi leaned forward a bit, “Yep, I met him in uni.”

“That shop’s not bad. That time, I was also recommended there by my friends.” Xiao-Chen said before asking Qin Yiheng,“President Qin, should we go there?”

Chu Yi sat properly and put his hand on Qin Yiheng’s wrist, “Let’s go.”

Qin Yiheng, who was originally a little unhappy, immediately felt better, “Okay.”

Chu Yi smiled and curved his eyes. He revealed Qin Yiheng’s favorite fawn and said, “I’ll teach you if you don’t know how to play.”

Qin Yiheng stared into Chu Yi’s eyes and said, “Mn.”

Chu Yi naturally didn’t know what Qin Yiheng was thinking at this moment. He thought that since it had come to this, if he didn’t flirt here, he would not be human.

So with his hand, he tightened the wrist he hadn’t let go of yet and said with a softer voice, “Then call me Chu-laoshi.”

Chu Yi didn’t expect Qin Yiheng to actually say it, “Chu-laoshi.”

Chu Yi felt excited in his heart, he even got closer to Qin Yiheng, “Hello, Student Qin.”

Qin Yiheng looked at how Chu Yi was getting closer and closer, his Adam’s apple moved.

Chu Yi has no idea what unspeakable things are in his husband’s mind at the moment.

The friend’s billiard shop was not far away. When they were about to arrive, Chu Yi remembered one thing.

He patted Qin Yiheng’s thigh and asked him, “How should I introduce you later? Can I say you’re my husband?”

Qin Yiheng couldn’t quite understand, “Otherwise?”

Chu Yi smiled, “Haha, no otherwise, I thought,” Chu Yi thought for a bit, “I thought you wanted to hide our marriage.”

Qin Yiheng couldn’t understand even more, “Why would I hide it? I can’t be put on the table?”

Chu Yi quickly shook his head, “No, no, it’s me who can’t be put on the table.”

Qin Yiheng, “Why can’t you be put on the table?”

Chu Yi, “Uh…” He pointed out the window, “We’re here.”

Chu Yi carefully thought about it after getting out of the car. Then he remembered what he originally thought.

Actually, he didn’t feel like this back then. It’s nothing about whether he can be put on the table or not. He just thought that since Qin Yiheng runs such a large company and got married so suddenly, his marriage partner is even someone who won’t be much help to him, it might not be that good for his career.

Then why did he forget it just now.

Maybe because their life has been too harmonious.

Not only did Qin Yiheng show that he didn’t want to be separated from him, but he also treats him very well.


Chu Yi suddenly felt kind of scummy, what’s happening.

Didn’t Qin Yiheng also introduce him openly to everyone?

Forget it.

It’s not important.

As usual, Xiao-Chen didn’t follow them in. Chu Yi took Qin Yiheng inside with familiarity.

Since he frequently visited when he was bored, the receptionist recognized him at once.

“Xiao-Yi,” The receptionist stood up, “I haven’t seen you for some time.”

Chu Yi smiled and asked, “Is Chen Jie here?”

The receptionist shouted inside, “Boss, Xiao-Yi is here.”

Before long, the one so-called Chen Jie came over. Because of their close relationship, as soon as he came over, he put his hand on Chu Yi’s shoulder and held him very brotherly.

“You’re really impressive recently, huh? Too busy for me to see you?”

Chu Yi patted him on the shoulder and then pushed him away, “Aren’t I here now?”

Chen Jie bent over and raised his eyebrows at the person behind Chu Yi, “New friend?”

Chu Yi walked to Qin Yiheng and said to Chen Jie, “Support yourself with the table.”

Chen Jie laughed, “What’s wrong? Why the table.”

That being said, he still did it, and even guessed, “Your boyfriend?”

Chu Yi shook his head, “Husband, the legal kind.”

Hearing this, Chen Jie suddenly tripped, “Damn, haven’t you seen for a while and you already got married, got yourself such a handsome husband.”

Chu Yi took it as his own praise, “Thanks.”

Chen Jie stepped up, stretched out his right hand, and said to Qin Yiheng, “Nice meeting you, I’m Chu Yi’s friend, Chen Jie.”

Chu Yi was thinking about jokingly slapping away Chen Jie’s hand, but he didn’t expect Qin Yiheng to actually shake it.

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, but because Chen Jie was present, he restrained his surprised expression.

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Chu Yi, “Open a table for us and then you can go do whatever.”

Chen Jie nodded, “Sure.”

Chu Yi didn’t let Chen Jie bring them over. He asked for the table number and left with Qin Yiheng.

On the way there, Chu Yi was truly curious. He glanced at Chen Jie who had already gone far and couldn’t help asking Qin Yiheng, “I thought you don’t shake hands with people?”

Qin Yiheng, “When didn’t I shake hands with people?”

Chu Yi exposed, “You didn’t shake my hand when we first met and didn’t shake Zhang Kai’s last time either.”

Qin Yiheng had a look that seemed like he got caught. After a brief pause, he asked back, “If you can hug him, why can’t I shake hands with him?”

Chu Yi, “Ah? When did I hug him?”

Immediately after, Chu Yi let out an “oh” and then continued, “How is that a hug? Besides, even if it is one, it’s him that’s hugging me.”

Qin Yiheng’s expression remained unchanged, “You can let him hug you, why can’t I shake hands with him.”

Chu Yi: ???

He felt as if he had been tricked by Qin Yiheng.

At first, these two things are quite related, but if one thinks carefully…

How the heck are these two connected?

Moreover, maybe because they got along for a while, Chu Yi can actually feel Qin Yiheng’s temper.

For example, right now, he seems a little unhappy.

Chu Yi suddenly halted in his steps.

It can’t be, right? Just because he hugged Chen Jie?

Chu Yi suddenly felt a little elated.

If it’s actually so. 

T-then Qin Yiheng is jealous because of him.

Oh god.


However, Chu Yi only dared to think about this idea for a few seconds.

Qin Yiheng being jealous or something, it sounds like a fantasy.

It’s as fantasy-like as liking him.

The only truth is that he’s the one that ended up liking him instead.

Chu Yi didn’t know whether Qin Yiheng put ‘learning new skills’ from his husband into managing his marriage or something. He was studying it way too seriously.

Qin Yiheng said that he wouldn’t play the first round. He’ll watch and observe Chu Yi play a match with himself. Then he’ll come play the next round.


Since the break shot, Qin Yiheng has been staring at Chu Yi no matter if he was hitting or scoring.

His gaze was burning, and it was too obvious.

He kept looking at him that Chu Yi thought he must’ve wanted to also learn his expression while hitting the balls or something. 

Fine, look then. But Student Qin, at least take a look at my hands and my cue stick, this is where you should be focusing. Staring at my face all the time isn’t really going to solve anything.

However, Chu Yi only kept this in his head and didn’t say it out loud. Based on his understanding of Qin Yiheng, Qin Yiheng is a xueba[1] that even developed his own software after graduation. What if he has his own set of methods.

If Chu Yi actually said it then wouldn’t it count as his own self-indulgence?

So like this, one stood still and one moved around and finished the game.

Chu Yi explained the rules while playing. The colored balls are one team, the striped balls are another team and you’re on the team of whichever ball you pocket first.

“In addition, the No. 8 ball must be played last.” Chu Yi put the No. 8 ball into the hole, “If you played the No. 8 ball before you finished playing your other balls, you directly lose.”

Chu Yi stood up his cue stick, “Do you understand?”

Qin Yiheng nodded, “Mn.”

Chu Yi took this as the honor student Qin Yiheng already knows how to play now and brought over the triangular rack, “Now play a match with me?”

Qin Yiheng, “Okay.”

Chu Yi walked to the shelf of cue sticks and said to Qin Yiheng, “Pick one. Some are light and some are heavier. It depends on your preference.”

Qin Yiheng glanced around and finally landed at the one on Chu Yi’s hand, “Can I use yours?”

Chu Yi was a little stunned, but he quickly sent it over, “Sure, I prefer heavy ones.”

Qin Yiheng said, “I also like heavy ones.”

Chu Yi laughed, “Then you can use this. I’ll choose another one.”

Chu Yi took out the balls from the pockets and arranged them. In the passing, he also explains how to place the balls to Qin Yiheng. Then they started.

Chu Yi asked, “Do you want to try doing the break shot?”

Qin Yiheng picked up the cue stick and said, “Okay.”

Qin Yiheng then stood at the table, picked up the stick, and leaned down.

With such imposing manners, it looked like he had already learned how to play. Chu Yi stood aside, looking at Qin Yiheng like this, he’s actually quite handsome.

He licked his lips and looked forward to seeing Qin Yiheng’s first goal.

Qin Yiheng raised his hand and the blue tip hit the white ball. It made a crisp sound.


He missed.



Chu Yi picked up his cue stick and walked over. He half laid on the table while pointing to Qin Yiheng’s stick, “This part should hit in the middle of the white ball. Not too low, otherwise the ball will slip.”

Qin Yiheng nodded, “Mn.”

Then Qin Yiheng began again.

The white ball flew out really well and fast this time, it was even lucky enough to score a striped ball.

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Qin Yiheng turned his head and smiled at Chu Yi. Chu Yi immediately gave him a big thumbs up.

Then Qin Yiheng stood aside.

Chu Yi, “Continue?”

Qin Yiheng wondered, “It’s still me?”

Chu Yi, “Yeah, because you scored, it’s still you.”

Qin Yiheng nodded.

This time he got the hang of it a little, he quickly found the ball and scored.


Chu Yi, “Um, why did you score a colored ball?”

Qin Yiheng, “What colored ball?”

Chu Yi, “…”

So he explained again, colored and striped…

Chu Yi was puzzled. He had clearly said all this just now.

So when Qin Yiheng stood there for so long, looking like a good student and watched him carefully. What exactly did he hear and what exactly was he looking at?

But fortunately, more goals were scored ​​gradually and Qin Yiheng became more proficient.

Because it was Qin Yiheng’s first time, Chu Yi deliberately went easy on him to keep the gap between them at two goals.

But he didn’t expect that when Qin Yiheng only had 3 balls left, he suddenly stopped.

Qin Yiheng asked Chu Yi, “Did you go easy on purpose?”

Chu Yi immediately said, “I didn’t.”

Qin Yiheng was very unconvinced, “You were much faster when you played by yourself just now.”

The honest boy Chu Yi, doesn’t usually lie. So his brain crashed at this moment and he didn’t know how to let this matter pass.

He could only admit, “I went easy on you a little”

Then he saw Qin Yiheng give him a helpless look, “There’s no need.”

Chu Yi nodded immediately, “Okay.” Then he added, “We can play longer like this, or else I would’ve already pocketed everything.”

On the contrary, Qin Yiheng laughed when he heard it, “Come here.”

Chu Yi didn’t understand so he did as told and walked over. Qin Yiheng rubbed his hair, “Why are you so well-behaved? Hm?”

Chu Yi raised his eyes to look at him, he thought for a long time, he didn’t know how exactly he was well-behaved.

Admitting one’s own mistake?

He isn’t a child. Isn’t it reasonable to admit your mistake? Why should he be praised?

Chu Yi can only answer, “Mn.”

Then the tips of his ears grew red.

Qin Yiheng was teasing him again.

Chu Yi obviously won the first game. After the first game, Chen Jie also came over, brought two bottles of liquor, and put them on a table on the side.

“How’s it going?” Chen Jie first opened a bottle for Chu Yi, “You haven’t been here for so long, are you rusty?”

“I’m alright.” Chu Yi took the bottle and pointed to Qin Yiheng. “He’s new.”

Chen Jie smiled and clinked the glass with Chu Yi, “Bullying newcomers.”

Chu Yi shook his head, “No, I’m teaching him.”

Seeing that Chen Jie was about to help Qin Yiheng open a bottle, Chu Yi quickly grabbed Chen Jie’s hand and asked Qin Yiheng, “Are you drinking? Or do you want water?”

Qin Yiheng stared at the hand Chu Yi was holding Chen Jie with. His voice became lower, “Water.”

Chen Jie, “Ah.” Then he put down the bottle, “I’ll get you water.”

Chu Yi picked up the triangular rack again and asked Qin Yiheng to arrange the balls for the second game.

One by one, he picked up the balls from the pockets but suddenly heard Qin Yiheng ask, “How many close friends do you have?”

Chu Yi thought for a bit, “What do you mean close?”

Qin Yiheng, “Those like Chen Jie.”

Chu Yi, “A lot.”

Qin Yiheng frowned slightly and asked, “Do you guys often put your arms around each other’s shoulders?”

Chu Yi thought again.

In Chu Yi’s view, putting arms around shoulders isn’t really anything. We’re all men after all, isn’t physical contact normal?

But since Qin Yiheng specifically asked.

“Yes.” Chu Yi said.

He felt that for Qin Yiheng, who is a little mysophobic and aloof, it’s probably a little difficult to understand putting arms around other people’s shoulders.

So Chu Yi added, “All friends are like this.”

Qin Yiheng let out a faint “mn”.

Chu Yi was a little confused about this man, so he simply asked, “What’s the matter?”

Qin Yiheng, “Nothing.”

Chu Yi thought for a bit, he probed out in a soft voice, “If you feel uncomfortable, I can pay attention and restrain myself a bit.”

After all, he is a married man. Chu Yi thinks that Qin Yiheng probably wanted him to pay attention to his words and deeds?

Sure enough, after hearing this, Qin Yiheng’s hand suddenly halted. He turned to look at Chu Yi and said, “Okay.”

Chu Yi nodded twice.

Therefore, the same living habits between legal partners are also included in Qin Yiheng’s marriage laws?

Chu Yi tilted his head as he thought about this.

It’s not like it can’t be understood. If your living habits are the same, life conflicts will be reduced.

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It isn’t bad.

When Chen Jie came back, the second match between Chu Yi and Qin Yiheng had already begun.

He put the water on the table, looked at the pool table, and said, “Is this really your husband’s first time playing? He’s playing well.”

Chu Yi smiled, “He’s always quick at learning, he’s very clever.”

Chen Jie, “Damn, look at you showing off.” He approached Chu Yi a little closer, “Did you go easy on him?”

Chu Yi shook his head, “I didn’t.”

After speaking, Chu Yi noticed that Qin Yiheng was looking at him. Then he realized that the distance between himself and Chen Jie seemed to be a little close.

So he quietly stepped back.

Chen Jie didn’t notice anything unusual. He watched Qin Yiheng play seriously and appreciated it, “Not bad.”

Chen Jie walked to Chu Yi, “All of you guys haven’t been coming lately. Everyone’s busy.”

Chu Yi, “It’s the end of the year. I might be free during the beginning of next year.”

Chen Jie, “We’ll call everyone for a get-together then.”

Chu Yi, “Sure.”

Chu Yi has scored three goals in a row while talking and is currently playing the fourth ball.

Chen Jie looked at the increasing gap and couldn’t help saying, “You really aren’t going to go easy on your husband?”

Chu Yi leaned over and glanced at Qin Yiheng, who was drinking water, “He won’t let me.”

Chen Jie laughed and raised his voice a little as he comforted Qin Yiheng, “Chu Yi’s very good at pool, there’s not many people that can beat him.”

Qin Yiheng nodded and smiled slightly at Chen Jie.

Chen Jie walked to Chu Yi again and quietly said to him, “Your husband is so cold.”

Chu Yi thought for a bit, “But he’s a good person.”

Chen Jie laughed, “Yes yes yes, I really can’t say anything.”

Qin Yiheng came over after drinking water. Chu Yi’s continuous scoring finally ended and was waiting for Qin Yiheng.

However, Qin Yiheng didn’t hurry to pick up the cue stick, he said to Chu Yi, “I haven’t heard you mention that you can play pool.”

Chu Yi said, “I don’t play often after graduation.”

Qin Yiheng asked him, “If you want to play, we can buy a pool table and put it at home.”

Chu Yi flapped his hand, “That’s not necessary.”

“Buy one and put it at home?” Chen Jie was surprised, “This awesome?” He turned to Qin Yiheng and said, “This one from your house loved playing pool during university.”

After hearing this, Qin Yiheng turned to look at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi answered, “I did like it very much at that time.”

Chen Jie continued, “Later, not many people could beat him so he felt it was boring and switched to playing table tennis.” Chen Jie asked him again, “Are you still playing table tennis now?”

Chu Yi shook his head, “I rarely play.”

Chen Jie sighed, “Everyone has their own life now.”

Chu Yi laughed.

In the process of their chatting, Qin Yiheng took the cue stick and took aim absently.

He seemed to have something on his mind and didn’t hit the ball for a long time.

Because it got quite late, Chu Yi and Qin Yiheng played three games and ended it there.

Chu Yi said goodbye to Chen Jie and made an appointment to meet next time.

On the way back, Chu Yi had a strong feeling that Qin Yiheng seemed unhappy.

But because of Xiao-Chen’s presence, Chu Yi didn’t ask nor say anything.

So the entire way back, they didn’t talk and went home in silence.

When they got home, Chu Yi closed the door and turned on the light, then Qin Yiheng finally spoke.

“Come with me to the study.” Qin Yiheng said.

Chu Yi had a very ominous premonition, but he still responded with an “mn” and followed Qin Yiheng upstairs.

What’s the matter?

In the study, Qin Yiheng took out an envelope from the bookshelf and handed it to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi took it with uncertainty and heard Qin Yiheng say, “Open it.”

Chu Yi opened it and took out the piece of paper inside.

It turned out to be the paper about his preferences he filled out before.

And here he was thinking what it could be, since it was so grandly packed in an envelope.

Chu Yi looked up at Qin Yiheng, “What’s wrong?”

After Chu Yi asked, he opened the paper. Qin Yiheng said, “You didn’t write playing pool.”

Chu Yi paused for a bit.

Qin Yiheng, “And table tennis.”

Qin Yiheng added, “But I think you like playing pool.”

Chu Yi gulped, “Because I haven’t played for too long, I forgot at that time.”

Qin Yiheng asked, “What about table tennis?”

Chu Yi lowered his head and admitted his mistake, “I forgot that too.”

Qin Yiheng seemed a little unhappy, “Fill it in now, think them over again and try to be as comprehensive as possible.”

Chu Yi nodded obediently, “Okay.”

Qin Yiheng sighed softly, “Chu Yi, I don’t want others to know you better than I do.”

↑1 straight A student

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