Because Mother Qin was waiting outside, Chu Yi didn’t give himself too long to calm down. He quickly lifted the blanket, picked up his pants from the ground, and put it on.

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Chu Yi’s face was red from shame. He sat on the sofa and looked at Qin Yiheng, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment.

What the fuck is this.

The door is facing the back of the sofa. Looking from the door, in fact, everything is blocked by the backrest and nothing can be seen.

Well, this comfort doesn’t help at all.

Whether it was blocked or not, you can still see what they were doing just now from a single look.

Chu Yi also made some strange sounds.

Gasping for breath and stuff, auntie must have heard it all.

Chu Yi’s face got redder and redder, then redder and redder, it wouldn’t go down at all.

He lowered his head, thinking that Qin’s mother was outside, he said to Qin Yiheng, “It’s quite cold outside, aren’t you letting your mother in?”

Qin Yiheng handed the water to Chu Yi, “Have you calmed down?”

Chu Yi, who hasn’t calmed down at all, said, “It’s fine now. Call auntie in.”

When Qin Yiheng went to open the door, Chu Yi took a deep breath and drank all the water in the cup.

It didn’t matter whether his face was red or not, when Qin Yiheng opened the door, Chu Yi stood up.

From far away, Chu Yi heard Mother Qin’s thin voice.

“Mom didn’t mean to.”

“Who knew you guys would do this kind of thing downstairs in the morning.”

“I thought you guys didn’t get up yet.”

“This early in the morning, look at the time.”

“I’ll call you before I come next time.”

“Now that you’re married, change the password of the door to save me from bumping into things.”

“Aiya, mom’s so embarrassed.”

Qin Yiheng said, “It’s all right. Stop talking about it.”

Mother Qin, “Fine, fine.”

Mother Qin still likes Chu Yi very much. In addition to what happened just now, another layer of embarrassment was added towards Mother Qin’s good feelings towards him.

So because of embarrassment, she suddenly became enthusiastic, “Xiao-Yi, good morning.”

Chu Yi nodded and smiled, “Good morning, auntie.”

Mother Qin came over and asked, “Have you eaten? You guys got up so early. Let me make breakfast for you.”

Chu Yi, “No need, auntie, we have eaten.”

Qin Yiheng added, “Chu Yi made porridge, we just finished it.”

Mother Qin laughed dryly twice, and the phrase ‘when full from food and warm from clothes, the heart of lust arises’ suddenly came to mind.

Mother Qin laughed again and heard Chu Yi ask her, “Did auntie eat?”

Mother Qin nodded, “I’ve eaten.” She asked, “Why did you guys get up so early?”

Chu Yi said, “Qin Yiheng is going on a business trip later. His flight is at 9 something.”

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Mother Qin sighed and looked at Qin Yiheng unhappily, “You’re going on another business trip, how long will it be this time?”

Qin Yiheng, “More than ten days.”

Mother Qin complained, “You and Xiao-Yi are newlyweds. Why are you always going on business trips? How many times have you been on business trips already?”

Qin Yiheng thought for a moment and turned to Chu Yi, “Is there a problem?”

Chu Yi quickly shook his head, “No problem, work is important.”

Mother Qin sighed again, “Only Xiao-Yi is considerate of you, otherwise, since you’re always on business, who can bear this?”

Mother Qin then lowered her head and took something out.

Chu Yi took this time to shake his head at Qin Yiheng and mouthing silently, “It’s alright”.

Mother Qin raised her head and suddenly coughed twice, “Why did I come so early and didn’t even say anything beforehand?” Mother Qin asked herself and replied to herself, “Isn’t this because of your Aunt Chen, remember? The Aunt Chen that came over last year for New Year.”

Qin Yiheng, “Who?”

Mother Qin was helpless, “Forget it, you don’t remember.” She patted the thing in her hand, “She told me that this supplement is very good for you youngsters. Her son often eats it. She drove a car full of it early this morning, which is why I also went there early and brought it to you on the way.”

Qin Yiheng frowned, “What is it?”

Mother Qin took the things out of the box, “Herbal medicine, you have to stew it.”

Chu Yi went over and looked at it, “I know this. My mother bought it for me before.”

Mother Qin smiled after hearing that Chu Yi was also familiar with it, “Right? It’s good for your health.”

Chu Yi nodded, “I used to work overtime a lot, so when I came home, my mother would make this for me.”

Mother Qin smiled and turned to look at Qin Yiheng. With a look of satisfaction from getting recognition, “You hear this? Xiao-Yi had this before, his mother made it for him.”

Mother Qin asked Chu Yi, “Do you know how to make it? It’s very simple. You can put a little when stewing ribs.”

Chu Yi nodded, “I know how to.”

Mother Qin was even more content, “That’s great, this will save me time to serve him.” She took a box of herbal medicine, complained, “Qin Yiheng isn’t very willing to eat these things I buy, nor does he like to make them himself. How hard could stewing ribs be? He just doesn’t listen to me. He’ll only have a few mouthfuls when I come over to make it for him.”

Chu Yi couldn’t hold it in and laughed at how Qin Yiheng suddenly got complained about.

Mother Qin turned her head and looked at Qin Yiheng. “You guys eat it together.” She said, patting Chu Yi on the shoulder. “Persuade him to eat more.”

Chu Yi nodded, “Sure.”

Mother Qin picked up the bag again, “I have to go home. The old man is still waiting for me to cook.”

Chu Yi asked, “Does auntie have a car?”

Mother Qin nodded, “It’s parked outside, there’s no need to see me off.” She thought for a bit, and added, “You guys continue.”

Chu Yi’s ears turned red instantly.

He didn’t know if he should respond “okay” or not.

Before leaving, Mother Qin said to Qin Yiheng, “Don’t delay anymore. When you come back from the business trip, let the two families meet, we’re all waiting.”

Qin Yiheng nodded, “Got it.”

After the door closed, Chu Yi and Qin Yiheng looked at each other.

It’s impossible to continue. With this scare, it’s already pretty good that it didn’t wither. How can they continue?

Chu Yi collected herbal medicine and asked Qin Yiheng, “When will Xu Jing and Xiao-Chen arrive?”

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Qin Yiheng looked at his watch, went back to the sofa, and turned on his laptop, “15 minutes.”

Chu Yi nodded, sat down beside him, and waited together with him.

After thinking about what Mother Qin had just said, Chu Yi asked Qin Yiheng, “You don’t like to eat those herbal medicines?”

Qin Yiheng, “I don’t like the bitter ones.”

Chu Yi, “You don’t like the bitter ones?”

Qin Yiheng, “Mn.”

Chu Yi, “Oh.” No wonder he doesn’t drink tea or coffee.

Chu Yi thought for a bit, “But good medicine all tastes bitter.”

Qin Yiheng, “I’ll eat it if it’s necessary, but if it’s not, I won’t eat it.”

Chu Yi thought about the task assigned by Mother Qin and found an entry point, “But the one your mother brought today isn’t bitter. It’s just a very normal taste and tastes quite good actually. I’ve had it.” Chu Yi tempted, “When you come back, I’ll make it for you?”

Qin Yiheng nodded, “Mn.”


The task is half-done.

He said 15 minutes, and it was actually 15 minutes. Chu Yi was bored so he looked down and counted the time. When it was time, the doorbell rang.

He stood up and strode to open the door. As expected, he saw Xu Jing standing at the door.

“Hello, Mr. Chu.” Xu Jing smiled at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi gave way, “Good morning.”

Xu Jing shook his head, “I won’t be going in, we need to get going.”

Just after this sentence, Qin Yiheng came out.

Xu Jing gave way for Chu Yi, and Chu Yi walked out first.

As soon as he walked out, Xiao-Chen opened the door of the car and gave Mr. Chu his greetings.

Chu Yi smiled back and said good morning, then got in the car.

After waiting in the car for a while, Xu Jing and Qin Yiheng slowly came out.

Xiao-Chen still stood by the door of the car. When Qin Yiheng came over, he respectfully gave President Qin his greetings as well.

As expected of subordinates who had cooperated with him all year-round. The entire way from when Chu Yi walked from the house to the car, the two people in front didn’t question why he was there as well. They even tactically accepted that he was going with them.

After the car started, Chu Yi asked Qin Yiheng, “Which city are you going to this time?”

Qin Yiheng, “City W and City Q.”

Chu Yi, “So busy.”

Qin Yiheng shook his head, “It’s not that bad, we’re not that busy this time, just going to discuss some things, it’s not very difficult.”

Chu Yi nodded and let out an “ah” in his mind.

President Qin’s busy and his busy may not have the same concept.

In his eyes, going on business trips so frequently and even having to travel to two cities. No matter what he’s doing, it’s busy.

In the eyes of President Qin, doing things that don’t require thinking, might not be busy.

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After getting in the car, Qin Yiheng took out the laptop again. He sorted out the files he had just downloaded at home and then opened a video.

Chu Yi knows that this video is a video of another company’s new products from the last quarter.

It was rare that Qin Yiheng had something he could understand, so Chu Yi leaned over.

When Qin Yiheng saw him coming, he moved the laptop and put it between them.

Because at home, Chu Yi boasted that they can chat in the car.

So now, he felt that he had to force out one or two topics to talk about.

From the principle of proximity, he decided that this video will do.

Chu Yi, “I’ve seen this.”

Qin Yiheng, “Mn.”

Chu Yi, “It’s a newly developed software.”

Qin Yiheng, “Mn.”


This topic seemed to be difficult to chat about.

Then he’ll switch to the next closest topic, Qin Yiheng’s mother.

Chu Yi asked, “Your father should also know that you are married, right?”

Qin Yiheng suddenly smiled, “He knows.”

Chu Yi asked, “Is he not curious about me?”

Qin Yiheng, “He has been waiting for me to arrange dinner.”

Chu Yi said, “Ah, so can you arrange it when you come back from your business trip this time?”

Qin Yiheng, “Yeah.”

After Qin Yiheng said this, he raised his head, “Xu Jing, after I come back this time, arrange a meeting between mine and Chu Yi’s family. You can book a restaurant in advance.”

Xu Jing nodded, “Okay.”

Chu Yi suddenly felt the benefits of having an assistant.

Isn’t this just like a moving note?

At the end of this topic, Chu Yi thought for a bit, and then he thought of a new topic.

“Your mother said today that the password at home should be changed.” Chu Yi said. “I’ll go home and change it this evening. Do you have any ideas on what to change it to?”

Qin Yiheng asked him, “Do you have any ideas?”

Chu Yi shook his head, “I don’t. My passwords are all my mother’s birthday.”

Qin Yiheng suddenly smiled and looked at the two in the front row, “You said it out just like that? What about safety awareness?”

“Er…” Chu Yi paused and whispered, “There are other numbers as well.”

Qin Yiheng smiled, and motioned with his fingers at the phone Chu Yi was holding.

Chu Yi, “You have an idea?”

Qin Yiheng, “Mn.”

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Chu Yi quickly unlocked his phone and opened WeChat.

“Wait.” Qin Yiheng suddenly spoke and stopped Chu Yi from clicking into the chat, “Who are these two people?”

Chu Yi said, “My clients.”

Because almost all the client’s orders in the past two days have been completed, there were only three people pinned at the top of his WeChat chat page, and Qin Yiheng lies at the bottom of his pins.

Qin Yiheng, “What clients?”

Qin Yiheng’s tone seemed to be interrogating Chu Yi.

What clients dare to stand with him in the center position?

Chu Yi explained, “I’m used to putting clients whose orders I haven’t completed on the top and remove them after I’m done.”

Qin Yiheng was deep in thought.

A few seconds later, he took out his phone, found Chu Yi, and tapped into the chat page, and pinned Chu Yi on the top.

After doing this, Qin Yiheng handed over his phone to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi seemed to hear Qin Yiheng’s WeChat talking.

Chu Yi is the only one pinned on the top for me.

Chu Yi gulped, laughed dryly, and then tapped into Qin Yiheng’s chatbox.

Now, Qin Yiheng’s eyes were attracted by something else.

“What’s this background?” Qin Yiheng asked.

Chu Yi was so used to seeing it that he didn’t feel anything. But being asked by Qin Yiheng so suddenly like this, his face turned red again.

The corner of this background is Qin Yiheng’s writing.

Making love with Chu Yi.

Chu Yi quickly tapped on the typing box and used it to cover these small characters.

He laughed, “Nothing, just a picture.” He said and quickly asked, “What’s the new password?”

Qin Yiheng took the phone over, switched to a number keyboard, and typed, “101303”.

Chu Yi leaned over and asked, “What does this mean?”

Qin Yiheng switched to Pinyin and typed “Qin Chu Yi[1]” after the numbers.

Then he tapped send.

In the car, the phone belonging to Qin Yiheng rang.

Ding Dong.

It knocked on Chu Yi’s heart.

Qin, Chu, Yi.


↑1 In case you forgot the meaning of the password, it’s the number of strokes: 秦(Qin) has 10 strokes, 楚(Chu) has 12, 义(Yi) has 3

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