TL: snaggletooth

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It was a cold winter night, the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

In an alley in City A, many people were standing around. In addition, there is a man in tattered clothes who is being pressed by two men in black suits, kneeling on the ground in the posture of a lowly person.

Chen Jianshi trembled as he panted for breath and the rainwater splashed into his eyes. He wanted to shake his head and get a clear look at the man in front of him. But if he moved even a little, he would be clamped more tightly.

“Wh-who are you to Chu Yi?” Chen Jianshi asked.

Qin Yiheng stared at Chen Jianshi’s eyes and did not answer the question. Instead, he tilted his head and moved his line of sight below Chen Jianshi’s ears.

“You hurt him.”

Qin Yiheng’s voice was very quiet. After saying this, he aimed the piece of fragment in his hand under Chen Jianshi’s ear.

Chu Yi’s injured expression suddenly appeared in his mind. Qin Yiheng frowned and plunged the broken vase inwards.


Chen Jianshi screamed. At the same time, the clamping force on him became heavier.

“Shit, fuck you, fuck!”

It wasn’t too long nor too short, Qin Yiheng retracted his hand when it was just the right length matching of Chu Yi’s scar.

Chen Jianshi shouted, “You’re that brat’s boyfriend, aren’t you? I’m his father! How can you do this to me! Let go of me! You’re impudent! You’re all impudent!”

Qin Yiheng laughed faintly and said to Chen Jianshi, “Hire a lawyer.”

After the voice fell, Qin Yiheng picked up the fragment again and strongly stabbed it down.


When Qin Yiheng came out of the alley, Xu Jing immediately came forward and handed him a tissue.

Qin Yiheng took it and wiped the blood off his hands, “Take care of the paint, it’s so dirty.”

Xu Jing, “Yes.”

Qin Yiheng looked at the door of Chu Yi’s studio and said, “Go back home.”

Xu Jing, “Yes.”

Qin Yiheng didn’t spend much time on this trip. Chu Yi’s sleeping position didn’t change when he returned.

He changed his clothes, quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then went to bed.

Chu Yi seems to have felt his existence in his sleep. As soon as he lay in, Chu Yi came over and glued to him.

Qin Yiheng first touched Chu Yi’s hair, then the scar under Chu Yi’s ear, then hugged him, and fell asleep together.

Qin Yiheng didn’t sleep very soundly that night, he was worried that Chu Yi would suddenly wake up.

Chu Yi also didn’t sleep well that night, he dreamed of many things.

He dreamed of his childhood, and also dreamed of Qin Yiheng.

The dreams came and went, but he just wouldn’t wake up.

When the alarm from real-life rang, Chu Yi still felt heavy-headed, he opened his eyes but did not move. He could only watch Qin Yiheng move across him, pick up his phone from his bedside and turn off the sound.

Chu Yi’s throat felt very dry and couldn’t make a sound.

Qin Yiheng put his phone back and inadvertently touched Chu Yi’s face.

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“It’s burning.”

Qin Yiheng instantly woke up. He touched Chu Yi’s forehead, which was also burning.

Chu Yi let out a quiet “mn”, sounding very uncomfortable.

Qin Yiheng, “You seem to have a fever. I’ll go get the thermometer.”

Chu Yi feeling heavy-headed, “Mn.”

The thermometer was in the bedroom, it didn’t take long for Qin Yiheng to come back. He took off the case and then beeped it in Chu Yi’s ear.

Qin Yiheng frowned tightly, “You have a fever, 37.8 degrees.”

Chu Yi closed his eyes, “Mn.”

Qin Yiheng looked at the time, leaned down, touched Chu Yi’s forehead, and said quietly, “I’ll go out to buy you medicine. You can sleep for a bit longer. Call me if anything happens.”

Chu Yi, “Mn.”

After Qin Yiheng left, the bedroom quieted down again.

Chu Yi flipped over and found his phone.

Since he went to bed early yesterday, he had slept for nearly ten hours.

After he sent the message that he wouldn’t be coming to work to the studio’s group chat, he asked Xiao-Zhan whether he saw his father at the door. Only after Xiao-Zhan said no, did Chu Yi put away his mobile phone feeling relieved.

After lying down for a while, Qin Yiheng came back.

Chu Yi opened his eyes and saw Qin Yiheng come over and put two bags on the table.

Qin Yiheng, “I bought porridge, you go wash up first, then take the medicine after eating.”

Chu Yi helped himself sit up with the bed frame.

Qin Yiheng asked, “Can you walk?”

Chu Yi laughed, “It’s not that serious.”

Even though he said that, Qin Yiheng still watched Chu Yi at the door throughout his whole washing process.

After washing his face, Chu Yi didn’t head out right away. Instead, he opened his arms, hung them over Qin Yiheng’s neck, and hugged him for a long time.

Qin Yiheng’s unshaven stubble itched his neck, but he was reluctant to leave.

Chu Yi, “What time are you going to work?”

Qin Yiheng, “Not going, I’m staying at home with you.”

Chu Yi chuckled, “It’s just a low fever.”

Qin Yiheng insisted, “I’m staying with you.”

Qin Yiheng helped Chu Yi prepare the porridge before he went to wash up. When Qin Yiheng came out, Chu Yi had already eaten most of it.

Chu Yi looked at Qin Yiheng and said, “Your facial hair grows so fast. It doesn’t take long for it to be prickly.”

Qin Yiheng smiled, “I remember you like it when I prick you.”

Chu Yi lowered his head, “Sure, sure.”

After eating porridge, Qin Yiheng watched Chu Yi take his medicine, and then watched him lay back in bed.

Chu Yi, “So do I just lay down for the whole day?”

Qin Yiheng handed over the tablet, “Watch some TV.”

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Chu Yi, “What about you?”

Qin Yiheng looked at the time and then at Chu Yi.

Qin Yiheng, “My lawyer will be here at 9:30.”

Chu Yi, “Mn? Why?”

Qin Yiheng, “I need to deal with the matter about your dad.”

Chu Yi paused for a bit, “My dad, he-, what are you planning to do with him?”

“Yesterday, my lawyer looked at the case of his crash and said it wasn’t difficult. Your dad, who is Chen Jianshi.” Qin Yiheng stopped.

He could see Chu Yi’s eyebrows frowning tighter and tighter, he thought of what Chu Yi said that day, that he didn’t want to mention Chen Jianshi at all. He asked Chu Yi, “It’s a little complicated. Do you want to hear?”

Chu Yi thought for a bit, “Will you be in danger?”

Qin Yiheng shook his head, “It has nothing to do with me and you, it won’t interfere with me.”

Chu Yi couldn’t help grabbing the quilt, “I don’t want to hear.”

Qin Yiheng nodded, “Okay, then you don’t have to worry about this.”

Chu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Yiheng looked at Chu Yi and continued to ask, “Do you want him to apologize to you?”

Chu Yi quickly shook his head, “No, I don’t want to see him again.”

Qin Yiheng nodded, “Okay, I will solve everything. You will never hear from him nor see him again.”

Chu Yi stared at Qin Yiheng’s eyes. After a long while, he took a deep breath, and then slowly let it out.

He hugged Qin Yiheng once again, feeling like he was about to cry, “Thank you.”

Qin Yiheng patted Chu Yi’s head, “There’s no need for thanks between us.”

Chu Yi shook his head, “It’s needed, thanks are needed.”

Qin Yiheng laughed, “Okay, if you want to thank me, then thank me.”

Chu Yi didn’t hug him for long, because very soon, the doorbell rang.

For the following time, Qin Yiheng stayed downstairs in the living room. Although Chu Yi seemed to be watching TV. In fact, his mind had already drifted far away.

Nearly two hours later, Qin Yiheng came upstairs again.

“What would you like for lunch?” This was the first thing Qin Yiheng asked when he opened the door.

Chu Yi looked at Qin Yiheng and only replied after a while, “Anything.”

Qin Yiheng took out his phone, “Let’s order from the one we ate before.”

Chu Yi nodded, “Okay.”

After ordering the meal, Qin Yiheng walked over, touched Chu Yi’s forehead, and took the thermometer on the bedside to measure Chu Yi again.

The fever subsided a lot and his body wasn’t so hot anymore.

“Are you feeling better?”

Chu Yi nodded, “A lot better, I can go to work now.”

Qin Yiheng shook his head, “You can’t.”

Chu Yi laughed, “I’m kidding.”

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Qin Yiheng said, “It’s alright.”

Chu Yi nodded and smiled with ease, “Okay.”

Qin Yiheng sat down by the bed. He rubbed Chu Yi’s face and softened his voice, “You turn so frail when you’re sick.”

Chu Yi shrunk his head and said, “Not really, how am I frail.”

Qin Yiheng, “After eating, sleep for a bit. I have to go to the company this afternoon. It won’t be long, I’ll be back in an hour.”

Chu Yi’s pupils turned, “What time are you leaving?”

Qin Yiheng, “Half past one.”

Chu Yi rounded his mouth, “Oh.”

The time seemed to be perfectly calculated, it was 1:20 after eating. They cleaned up together. Chu Yi glued to and hugged Qin Yiheng for a while, then watched Qin Yiheng leave.

The moment Qin Yiheng left the house, Chu Yi immediately called Rongrong.

“Send it over right now. Hurry up, my husband will be back in an hour.”


After hanging up the phone, Chu Yi fell back on the sofa.

In the morning, he still denied it when Qin Yiheng said he became frail. But just now, he was so reluctant to let him leave.

If that wasn’t frail, then what was it?

When did the usual Chu Yi ever act like this?

And last night.

Chu Yi flipped over.

At the thought of him crying and wanting hugs last night, he couldn’t help but laugh at himself.

Although it was like that, but.

He thought he might do it again in the future.

Rongrong’s mother was very efficient. Not long after the phone call, the girl working in the store came to the door.

What Chu Yi bought today is a different bouquet from yesterday. The weather is great today and the flowers are blooming vigorously.

There’s nothing in life that can’t be passed. He will never have troubles about Chen Jianshi in the future.

If his flowers are gone, he can buy another bunch.

It’s Qin Yiheng who’s his future.

Chu Yi stood on the porch and appreciated the flowers alone for a long time. He rehearsed the scene of giving the flowers to Qin Yiheng in his mind. Then he turned back to the living room and continued to watch TV.

Chu Yi opened a slit in the curtain close to the entrance, but he couldn’t see the outside when sitting on the sofa. Chu Yi watched TV for a few minutes and was so distracted he simply stopped watching. As soon as he turned off the tablet and put on his slippers, he sat directly by the window and waited.

It wasn’t very difficult to pass time. Chu Yi looked at the sky, the flowers, the grass, and the road. Time passed quickly.

Qin Yiheng always kept his word. He said an hour, then it would be an hour. At 2:28, he saw Xiao-Chen’s car.

He quickly stood up, closed the curtains, picked up the flowers, hid them behind him, and walked to the door.

Before long, he heard movements outside the door.

It was also at this moment that Chu Yi’s heart began to beat wildly.

When Qin Yiheng opened the door, Chu Yi was so nervous that his hands trembled.

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Then he saw Qin Yiheng come in.

“Mn?” Qin Yiheng was surprised to see him, “Why are you standing here?”

Chu Yi stuttered an “uhh”, then suddenly laughed, “Waiting for you to come back.”

Qin Yiheng nodded, “Then perfect.”

After Qin Yiheng said this, he suddenly took out his hand from behind him.

Chu Yi’s nervous mood changed into a surprised mood within a second. He widened his eyes to look at Qin Yiheng, “Flowers?”

Qin Yiheng nodded and walked over a little, “For you.”

Chu Yi’s hand trembled again.

Between taking out the flowers now and taking them out later, he chose the latter.

Because he thought, maybe, perhaps, Qin Yiheng, he also?

So Chu Yi asked probingly, “Are you just giving me flowers? Do you have anything to say to me?”

Qin Yiheng nodded, “I do.”

Chu Yi was so nervous that he turned numb. He freed one hand to receive the flowers, then raised his head to look at Qin Yiheng, “What do you want to say to me?”

Qin Yiheng lowered his head to stare at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi blinked.

Qin Yiheng asked, “Can you tell that I like you?”

Chu Yi blinked again, “I, I…” Chu Yi hesitated for a few seconds and asked Qin Yiheng, “Do I answer I can or I can’t?”

Qin Yiheng was amused by Chu Yi, raised his hand, and knocked on Chu Yi’s forehead, “You’re asking me whether you can tell or not?”

Chu Yi, “Then, then I guess I can tell.”

Qin Yiheng touched Chu Yi’s chin, “Guess you’re not dumb.”

Qin Yiheng looked down at the bouquet in Chu Yi’s hand and continued, “If you also like me, pick one out to give to me.”

Chu Yi’s hands and legs turned weak, and his body felt like it melted.

Coincidentally, the bouquet Qin Yiheng gave him also had nine flowers.

Chu Yi hesitated and shook his head at Qin Yiheng, “No.”

Qin Yiheng was immediately confused, “No?”

Chu Yi raised his head and smiled at Qin Yiheng, “I don’t want to pick out one. If I pick out one, the meaning won’t be right anymore, it won’t be everlasting anymore.”

Chu Yi then took out the flowers hidden behind him, “I’ll give you this.”

Chu Yi could see that Qin Yiheng was visibly stunned.

He was stunned for a while before he finally laughed and received the flowers.

Chu Yi, “I’m also giving you flowers. Do you know what this means?”

With a smile on his lips, Qin Yiheng suddenly stepped forward and approached Chu Yi, “I don’t know, you have to say it.”

Qin Yiheng was flirting with him in the open!

Chu Yi felt that he was about to set off fireworks in his heart, but he still held it in and finished his words first.

“It means,” Chu Yi met Qin Yiheng’s line of sight and revealed his curved fawn-like eyes, “I also like you.”

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