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Shan Yi sent a message right on time.

Most of the colleagues in the office had left. Zhang Huan, who had been talking about her and Manager Tian in the bathroom, was still pacing around the office door. She looked at her watch from time to time as if she was waiting for someone.

Shen Tiantian told Shan Yi to leave first.

“Tiantian, do you want to eat together?” Lu Xiaochun walked up to her with her bag and asked, smiling cheerfully, completely unconcerned about Shen Tiantian’s rudeness from earlier.

On the contrary, Shen Tiantian felt quite embarrassed. “I’m sorry about this morning.”

Lu Xiaochun tilted her head and looked confused. “What happened this morning?”

“I spoke so loudly to you.”

“I thought it was something serious. It’s okay, who wouldn’t be angry about such things? It’s normal for you to be in a bad mood~”

Shen Tiantian smiled. “Thank you, Xiaochun. I have an appointment today, let’s eat lunch another day.”

“Alright, then I’ll leave first.”


Ten minutes later, the office was completely quiet. Shen Tiantian slowly packed her things and went out.

At the same time, the door to the manager’s office was opened from inside.

Shen Tiantian looked up and met Tian Jing’s eyes.

Shen Tiantian looked away first. “Manager Tian, are you going to go eat?”

“Yes, do you want to go together?” Tian Jing said lightly.

Shen Tiantian was silent for a while before replying, “No, thank you, Manager Tian.”

Tian Jing had already expected this answer. After all, Shen Tiantian’s lover was the CEO, and if they were going to have a meal, it had to be with their lover. 

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She made a sound of acknowledgement and pondered for a moment before saying, “You don’t need to pay too much attention to their words.”

Shen Tiantian was stunned for a moment and then understood what she meant. She nodded. 

Originally, she had wanted to wait for Manager Tian to go downstairs first and then take the next elevator herself. But upon hearing her words, Shen Tiantian pursed her lips and silently followed behind her, sharing the elevator ride. 

Tian Jing exited at the cafeteria on the seventh floor, while Shen Tiantian pressed the button for the upper floors. She took out her phone from her bag and unsurprisingly received a message from Shan Yi. 

—Parking lot, eighth row.

Shen Tiantian smiled foolishly at the screen and quickly replied with an OK emoji.

The elevator opened on the first floor and she quickly walked out and followed Shan Yi’s instructions to the eighth row. Almost at first glance, she saw the white Mercedes-Benz.

Having learned from last time, she looked at the license plate first before getting into the car.

Even though it wasn’t her first time riding in Shan Yi’s car, she still felt a bit nervous, afraid of accidentally being seen by her colleagues.

Shen Tiantian complained inwardly. ‘Why did she feel like she was having an affair?

They were really dating.’

Watching her cautious behavior, Shan Yi did not know whether to laugh or cry.

She leaned her body closer, and Shen Tiantian immediately tensed up, subconsciously trying to create some distance. However, there was only so much space in the car that there was nowhere for her to retreat. 

Shen Tiantian held her breath and could clearly feel Shan Yi’s breath on her neck and left ear.

“W-what are you doing?” It was broad daylight.

Shan Yi chuckled softly. “Buckling your seatbelt for you.”

Shen Tiantian’s face turned visibly red to the roots of her ears. “I thought …”

“That I was going to kiss you?” Shan Yi continued her words.

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Shen Tiantian’s face grew even redder.

There was probably nothing more embarrassing than having your own thoughts seen through.

“But …” Shan Yi deliberately paused, cupping Shen Tiantian’s face with her hands and whispering softly, “What I’m about to do next is indeed kiss you.”

Shen Tiantian: . . . .

Before she could say anything, Shan Yi had already kissed her.

It was a gentle kiss, devoid of any obscenity.

Shen Tiantian’s eyelashes fluttered, and obediently, she closed her eyes, with only one thought in her mind: Shan Yi was really bad.

After the kiss ended, Shan Yi started the car with a satisfied expression on her face.

Shen Tiantian snapped back to reality and looked out of the window. Her heart suddenly felt heavy.

In just a day, she had fallen head over heels in love. 

At this rate, she knew that she and Shan Yi would have a relationship beyond kissing sooner or later, and it would surely be discovered. How should she explain it to her then?

Although she was already accustomed to such situations, she still felt somewhat guilty towards the CEO.

As she still had to work in the afternoon, Shan Yi had chosen a nearby private dining restaurant, only about a ten-minute drive.

Shen Tiantian snapped out of her trance and realized that they had already arrived.

She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt, got out of the car and took a deep breath. She decided to put aside those things that had yet to come and enjoy her time with the CEO.

Even if they were to break up in the future, at least the memories wouldn’t be regrettable.

Shan Yi was very observant and she could feel the change in Shen Tiantian’s emotions.

She was waiting, waiting for Shen Tiantian to open up to her.

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After getting out of the car, she naturally held Shen Tiantian’s hand.

Shan Yi undeniably stood out, and while Shen Tiantian may have been slightly less remarkable, her liveliness was equally captivating when compared to Shan Yi’s aloofness. The sight of them holding hands drew all eyes towards them, becoming the focal point of attention.

The waiter hurried forward and asked if they had made a reservation.

Shan Yi gave them a name and they were led to a quiet private room.

While Shen Tiantian had some ideas, she was taken aback by Shan Yi’s level of attentiveness, which exceeded her expectations. When Shen Tiantian mentioned her craving for delicious Hunan cuisine, Shan Yi promptly made a reservation without requiring any further input or arrangements from her.

Shan Yi glanced at the menu and handed it to Shen Tiantian.

Shen Tiantian received it with a blank expression. “Am I ordering?”

Shan Yi nodded with a smile.

Shen Tiantian didn’t know what to order and time was limited, so she simply followed the waiter’s recommendation and placed the order directly.

After the waiter left, Shen Tiantian looked at Shan Yi. “Why does the CEO suddenly want to eat Hunan cuisine?”

Shan Yi paused for a moment and replied. “Just wanted to give it a try.”

Although Shan Yi hid it very well, Shen Tiantian still caught a fleeting moment of unnaturalness in her eyes.

‘So, the CEO could also feel embarrassed?!’

Shen Tiantian felt like she had discovered something incredible. “Don’t tell me that the CEO hasn’t eaten it before?”

Shan Yi: . . . .

Shen Tiantian couldn’t help but burst into laughter, causing a hint of blush to grace her cheeks. 

Shan Yi’s expression darkened as she turned her head to look at her and said calmly, “It’s the third time today.”

“What?!” Shen Tiantian didn’t understand at first.

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Shan Yi didn’t say anything and simply looked at her quietly, waiting for her to remember on her own.

Shen Tiantian blinked in confusion and then remembered. Before she could escape, Shan Yi had already lifted her chin and kissed her hard.

“!!!” Shen Tiantian allowed Shan Yi’s tongue to enter her mouth and only released it when her lips had become numb.

Shan Yi looked at her with a faint smile and said. “There are two more left. Are you going to take the initiative or do you want me to help you?”

She remained silent as the door to the private room swung open, and a staff member entered to serve the dishes.

Shen Tiantian blushed and looked away. She only looked up slowly when the door was closed again and glared at Shan Yi angrily.

Shan Yi was truly bad.

At first, she seemed cold and restrained, but how did she suddenly become a pervert?!

Shen Tiantian’s had a round face with large, bright eyes. Her angry expression lacked any intimidation, and her eyes shimmered with moisture, only arousing one’s playful nature.

Shan Yi gently wiped her lips with her thumb and smiled. “I’m just teasing you.”

Shen Tiantian pouted, feeling both embarrassed and helpless.

“Alright, let’s quickly eat. We’re running out of time.” Shan Yi had already returned to her seat.

Shen Tiantian sighed and nodded.

As the room fell into a hushed atmosphere, Shan Yi suddenly spoke up, saying, “By the way, I’ll be going overseas tomorrow. It might take about half a month.”

Shen Tiantian paused with the food in her chopsticks, surprised by the sudden news. She tilted her head and asked, “Is it a business trip?”

Shan Yi nodded. “The chairman asked me to go back for a while.”

Shen Tiantian’s eyes flashed with disappointment, but she looked up and smiled. “What time tomorrow?”

“The flight is at three in the afternoon,” Shan Yi said.

Shen Tiantian silently noted it in her heart. “Okay.”

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