Shen Tiantian urged Shan Yi to hurry up and change clothes. She couldn’t wait to see what she looked like in a dress.

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Shan Yi flashed a mischievous smile. Before Shen Tiantian could react, she quickly grabbed the hem of her shirt, smoothly lifted it up, and took it off right in front of her.

She was not accustomed to wearing underwear, and her perky bosom was completely exposed in the air.

Shen Tiantian was completely stunned, staring wide-eyed at the naked body in front of her, until Shan Yi put on yesterday’s underwear and then the dress. Only then did she belatedly react.

“Ah!” She exclaimed and quickly covered her eyes, turning away.

Shan Yi was amused by her reaction and teased, “Do I look good?”

Shen Tiantian was too embarrassed to respond.

Shan Yi couldn’t help it and walked over to embrace her. “Alright, what I have, you have too. Why be shy?”

“It’s different.”

When she used to live with Kang Jiaya and the others, there were situations where they changed clothes, but they would voluntarily turn away. This was the first time she directly saw someone’s naked body.

“Don’t suffocate yourself.” Shan Yi smiled wryly. She didn’t expect that simply changing clothes would scare her like this. “My heart aches for you.”

Only then did Shen Tiantian slowly release her hand, her face still red.


“Do you like it?” Shan Yi asked.

She usually dressed in suits, and even when she reluctantly attended some occasions, she was accustomed to solemn black dresses. It was her first time wearing such a fresh color.

It felt pretty good.

Shen Tiantian stole a glance at her and was stunned. She couldn’t take her eyes off her.

She had always known that Shan Yi was very beautiful. Perhaps wearing professional attire would create a sense of distance, but when she put on a dress, she became approachable. It was an old design that cost only a few hundred yuan, but when worn by Shan Yi, it had a dazzling sense of sophistication.

Indeed, it’s all about how one carries themselves.

She still remembered when she first wore this dress, Kang Jiaya laughed at her for not being able to handle it, saying her chest was too small and her height was insufficient.

But despite the laughter, Kang Jiaya, seeing her fondness for it, secretly bought it and told her that it would look great if she had it shortened a bit. At that moment, she didn’t feel any resentment.

She never had time to get it altered, and before she knew it, autumn had arrived, and she still hadn’t worn it.

“It looks really beautiful,” Shen Tiantian couldn’t help but sigh.

Shan Yi smiled and casually brushed her hair from her forehead to the back of her head, revealing her smooth forehead, and her beautiful eyebrows came into view.

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Shen Tiantian accidentally caught a glimpse of the mole at the end of Shan Yi’s eyebrow and couldn’t help but sigh again.

The world is really small.

Shan Yi glanced at herself in the mirror, then turned to see that Shen Tiantian hadn’t changed yet. She lifted her chin and said, “Okay, it’s your turn to change now.”

Shen Tiantian was taken aback, blushing as she looked at Shan Yi. “Then you go out first.”

“I’ll face the other way, I promise not to look,” Shan Yi said, seeing her skeptical expression and finding it amusing. “Really.”

“I’d better go into the bathroom.” Although they had already done more intimate things, she didn’t have any memories of those moments. She didn’t have the courage to undress in front of Shan Yi while being sober.

Shan Yi smiled and didn’t stop her, watching her enter the bathroom.

A few minutes later, when Shen Tiantian came out of the bathroom, she had already changed into a pair of casual jeans and a white T-shirt, giving off a particularly obedient vibe.

She tugged at the waist of her pants. For some reason, she felt a bit tight, and it made her uncomfortable around the stomach area.

Seeing that she seemed a bit distressed, Shan Yi walked over. “What’s wrong?”

Shen Tiantian innocently looked at her and said, “The pants are a bit tight.”

Shan Yi couldn’t help but laugh and rubbed her head in a bemused manner. “Silly, did you forget that you’re pregnant?”

Shen Tiantian:…

Her waist had indeed become slightly thicker recently, but she hadn’t gained enough weight to the point where she couldn’t fit into her pants.

“Aren’t you going to wear a dress with me?” Shan Yi chuckled softly.

Shen Tiantian lowered her head to look at her outfit and then glanced at Shan Yi’s. She felt instantly outshone.

It was too devastating. Why did she have to look so good even when there was no special occasion? And her figure was also so amazing.

Shen Tiantian rarely went out, and she mostly wore jeans for work. She had very few dresses, only wearing them occasionally.

But Shan Yi looked incredibly stunning in a dress. Shen Tiantian felt that even if she wore a gorgeous gown and stood next to her, she would still be overshadowed.

She pouted and nodded. At least she shouldn’t look too shabby.

With that in mind, she opened the closet and took out a white waist-cinching knee-length dress. She turned around and asked Shan Yi with her eyes.

Shan Yi raised an eyebrow and nodded.

Shen Tiantian held the dress, ready to go to the bathroom, but Shan Yi pulled her back, reluctantly saying, “Just change here, I’ll go out.”

She didn’t refuse and watched as Shan Yi left. She immediately took off the uncomfortable jeans. She lowered her head and glanced at her soft belly, poking it with her finger.

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It seemed like she had gained a little weight.

Shen Tiantian wrinkled her nose and quickly put on the dress.

When she came out, Shan Yi had already tidied up outside and was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, waiting for her.

“I’m ready,” Shen Tiantian said.

Shan Yi turned around, a hint of amazement flashed in her eyes.

The first time Shan Yi saw Shen Tiantian in a dress was at Lin Haozhi’s wedding. Shen Tiantian was wearing a strapless powder-white gown, with a simple updo and a bridesmaid tag pinned to her chest. After half a cocktail, her face turned red. Whether it was from being too happy or from being a little drunk, she even toasted to Shan Yi, praising her beauty. Her flushed face looked particularly adorable…

Shan Yi snapped back to reality and redirected her gaze back to the person in front of her, carefully taking in every detail.

Her shoulder-length hair was casually draped, and beneath her beautiful neck lay an enchanting collarbone. Her perky bosom may not be large, but it was attractive. Despite being over a month pregnant, her waist still looked slender and easy to hold, and her rarely sun-exposed legs were fair and straight.

“You should wear dresses more often,” Shan Yi couldn’t help but walk towards her, her eyes devouring her as if wanting to consume her.

Shen Tiantian blushed under Shan Yi’s gaze and instinctively took a step back as she approached.


Her words were completely sealed by Shan Yi’s lips, and Shen Tiantian gasped for air, conveniently welcoming the other’s invasion.

The air in the room grew hotter with the kiss, and Shen Tiantian couldn’t help but let out a soft moan. Finally, Shan Yi mustered the courage to release her, breathing slightly as she said, “I really want to devour you.”

“You…” Shen Tiantian scolded her with a glance, quickly pushing her away, and holding her bag, she left the house first. “It’s going to get dark if we don’t leave.”

Shan Yi glanced at her wristwatch and realized it was already past eleven.

She didn’t expect the morning to pass by like this.

She chuckled lightly, always feeling that time spent with Shen Tiantian went by particularly fast. She really wanted to be with her every day.

Thinking so, Shan Yi picked up her bag and quickly caught up with Shen Tiantian, dominantly taking her hand and entering the elevator together.

Shen Tiantian tilted her head slightly and looked at their intertwined hands, a trace of sweetness flickering in her heart.

“Should we go straight to the Nalan Department Store?!” Shen Tiantian asked.

Shan Yi replied, “Let’s go to the hospital first.”

Shen Tiantian felt a little helpless. She wanted to say that there was really nothing wrong, but she didn’t refuse in order to avoid worrying Shan Yi.

“What do you want to do tonight? Go to a hot spring?” Shan Yi suggested.

Shen Tiantian thought for a moment, unsure of what to do, but considering it as a date, she nodded in agreement.

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The two of them walked to the parking lot, with Shan Yi opening the car door for her and getting into the car from the other side.

The air inside the car, which had been parked for the whole night, felt a bit stuffy. Shen Tiantian felt a bit nauseous and quickly pressed the window button, letting in the cool breeze. She took a deep breath.

“Are you feeling carsick?” Shan Yi expressed concern.

“No, it’s just a bit stuffy. I feel better now,” Shen Tiantian chuckled. “You’re too nervous, CEO.”

A hint of bitterness flashed across Shan Yi’s face, and she remained silent for a moment.

Perhaps due to spending more time with Shan Yi, Shen Tiantian occasionally noticed her shy gestures, like touching her earlobe, which was quite adorable.

Shen Tiantian gently rubbed her abdomen and couldn’t help but vent a few complaints to the baby in her heart.

The Central Hospital was not very far from where Shen Tiantian lived, but on weekends, there were more people and cars, causing a traffic jam of over ten minutes.

Shan Yi frowned and turned the car in another direction.

Shen Tiantian asked, “Where are we going?”

“To my aunt’s place,” Shan Yi explained. “She works at a private hospital. We’ll get there faster.”

Shen Tiantian became even more nervous. Meeting the parents?!

“She works at a private hospital,” Shan Yi explained. “We’re going there to save time.”

Shen Tiantian grew even more anxious. This was not just about meeting the parents, but also letting them know that she was pregnant?!

Come to think of it, Shan Yi hadn’t mentioned her own family much. What if her family didn’t like Shen Tiantian? After all, she had no parents, no career, and the two of them came from different backgrounds.

Although it was a little late to be thinking about these things now, it was human nature to not think too much until things reached a certain point.

Shan Yi seemed to sense her unease. “Don’t be nervous. It’s just a check-up, and once it’s done, we’ll leave.”

Shen Tiantian blushed and softly replied, “Mmm.”

The hospital where Shan Yi’s aunt worked was called St. Heart. Although it was private, its scale and patient flow were similar to that of a central hospital.

After making a phone call, Shan Yi took her directly to the seventh floor.

Shen Tiantian felt embarrassed as everyone else registered, while she sneaked in through the back door.

Her brain imagined all sorts of scenarios, and when she finally met Shan Yi’s aunt, all the images turned into awkwardness. She had expected an average middle-aged woman, but instead, she was faced with stunning beauty. She appeared to be around the same age as Shan Yi and bore some resemblance to her. The black-rimmed glasses and the doctor’s white coat softened her sharp features.

She pushed her glasses up and looked at Shen Tiantian, then shifted her gaze to Shan Yi. Her voice sounded somewhat chilly as she spoke, “Do your parents know about this?”

“I will tell them,” Shan Yi replied calmly. “Could you please check on her? Tiantian has severe morning sickness. Is there any way to alleviate it a bit?”

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Shan Yue chuckled. “Morning sickness is quite normal, and there’s no way to completely suppress it because the hormones in the body undergo changes. However, it also depends on the individual constitution. Some people don’t experience any nausea.”

Shan Yi glanced at her calmly. “You haven’t seen it yet, right?”

Shan Yue snorted coldly. “I’ve seen more pregnant women than you’ve had meals. What do you think?”

Shen Tiantian felt embarrassed and tugged at Shan Yi’s clothes.

She had just said it was normal.

Although Shan Yi and her aunt were technically aunt and niece, their way of speaking resembled that of friends.

In the end, under Shan Yi’s insistence, Shan Yue performed a simple examination on Shen Tiantian and gave her some advice.

Shen Tiantian nodded, as she had already read about some of these things in books.

As another mother, Shan Yi remembered almost everything without missing a single detail.

On the way to Nalan Department Store after leaving the hospital, Shen Tiantian cleared her throat and said, “Your aunt is really young.”

“She was a late child. She’s thirty years younger than my father,” Shan Yi casually mentioned.

“You have a good relationship, right?”

“Because we’re only one year apart in age, we grew up together from a young age, so there’s no sense of hierarchy.”

Shen Tiantian smiled, with a hint of envy in her words. “That’s nice.”

Shan Yi turned her head to look at Shen Tiantian and said earnestly, “She will soon become your aunt, and of course, she can already be considered one.”

Shen Tiantian nodded without saying a word.

Family, it was something she had always yearned for but could never attain. Now, it seemed like she finally had it.

Soon, they arrived at Nalan Department Store.

On a Saturday, there were more people and traffic, but Shan Yi tightly held Shen Tiantian’s hand, trying to keep people from getting too close to her. Despite her delicate appearance, she was fiercely protective at this moment, giving Shen Tiantian a strong sense of security.

Shen Tiantian let Shan Yi lead the way throughout the journey, and they took the escalator to the third floor.

This floor was the jewelry section, mainly featuring well-known brands. Shen Tiantian furrowed her brows in confusion and pulled on Shan Yi’s hand, reminding her, “The baby supplies are on the sixth floor.”

“We have time. We can go up later,” Shan Yi replied.

“Oh,” Shen Tiantian quietly followed behind Shan Yi, her eyes unconsciously scanning the surroundings. 

The CEO said she wanted to buy a ring. She felt nervous.


A familiar voice sounded behind them, and Shen Tiantian turned around, her face instantly changing color.

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