
At just past three o’clock in the afternoon, Shen Tiantian woke up. After lazing around in bed for about ten minutes, the two of them went to the bathroom together to freshen up. Once they were both ready, they followed their original plan and went to the bridal shop. It was around five o’clock when they finally finished their makeup.

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They were going to shoot a total of 10 sets of clothing, with continuous shooting throughout. Shen Tiantian rarely wore makeup, and now that she was pregnant, this was only the second time that Shan Yi had seen her wife wearing makeup. Compared to the light makeup she had on the last time, this time’s natural look was striking. Her skin looked so flawless that it seemed tempting to take a bite, and Shan Yi really did kiss her, leaving a lip print on her fair face.

Looking at the lip print reflected on her face in the mirror, Shen Tiantian gave her a glare. It was all her fault; she had spent half an hour on makeup, only for it to be ruined like this.

The makeup artist standing nearby didn’t seem upset at all; instead, she smiled and said, “This looks nice too, it appears even sweeter, we can do a set in this style, it’s very lovely.” 

Shen Tiantian: …

Undeniably, she was a bit tempted; it didn’t sound too bad. “If you don’t like it, I can use the foundation to cover it up for you.”

Shan Yi, who spent everyday together with her wife, could easily tell what she was thinking. She smiled and said, “Let’s go with a set like this.”

The makeup artist gave a knowing look and said, “Why don’t you both have a seat? The photographer will come over to arrange it.”

Shen Tiantian thanked her and then gave her another half-hearted glare, which didn’t have much intimidating power.

Shan Yi was teased by her wife’s little expression, and if she weren’t worried about leaving another mark from a kiss or messing up her makeup, she would have surely kissed her again.

Suppressing her strong desire to kiss, Shan Yi sat in the chair next to her wife, propping her chin with one hand, and smiling at her.

Shen Tiantian gave her a puzzled side-glance. “What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?”


Shan Yi nodded. “Yes.”

She instinctively touched her face and looked in the mirror, examining her left and right sides. Apart from the lip print from earlier, there was nothing else. “You’re teasing me.”

“It’s right here.” Shan Yi reached out and gently tapped her right cheek.

Unable to kiss, a gentle touch would suffice to satisfy her craving. “You’re so bored,” Shen Tiantian said with exasperation but didn’t push her hand away. Instead, she started to look at her wife closely.

The theme for today’s shoot was “daily life,” and to appear more natural, they were wearing their own clothes.

Shan Yi, who had applied a natural makeup look just like herself, was as stunning as ever. Apart from the word “beautiful,” she couldn’t find better adjectives. She was truly gorgeous, and every time she thought about how this incredibly beautiful person was her wife, she couldn’t help but feel proud.

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“Tiantian, if you keep looking at me like that, I won’t be able to resist,” Shan Yi teased with a serious expression.

Shen Tiantian rolled her eyes but leaned in to give her a kiss voluntarily. “Consider it a reward.”


“Can I have one more reward?” Shan Yi moved her face closer.

Shen Tiantian smiled lightly and was about to give another kiss when she caught sight of someone approaching out of the corner of her eye. She blushed and straightened up. “I’ll reward you tonight when we get back.”

“Alright, I’ll remember that.”

The newcomer was the photographer’s assistant, coming to inform them that they were ready to start shooting.

Shan Yi glanced at the time; it was already six o’clock. During this time, her wife’s body was already quite delicate, and she had experienced a scare yesterday. She couldn’t afford to go hungry now, as it might make her uncomfortable again.

The photographer said, “There’s a little food street by the seaside where you can eat while taking photos.”

Shen Tiantian’s eyes lit up when she heard this, and she exclaimed, “That sounds great!”

“Will it be sanitary? Considering your health…” Shan Yi reminded her.

“I promise, I won’t eat much, just a little… don’t you think it’s romantic to do a travel photoshoot like this?!” Shen Tiantian said, looking at her wife with her puffed-up cheeks.

Unable to resist her adorable expression, Shan Yi finally relented. “Just a little. Let’s fill your stomach first, and after the shoot, we can go eat hotpot.”


In reality, there was hardly anything outside that was exceptionally clean, but Shen Tian Tian simply didn’t want to argue with Shan Yi. After all, she couldn’t win against her.

The seaside in the evening was bustling, and the little food street was crowded. Shan Yi carefully protected her wife, and after buying a few delicious-looking snacks, Shen Tiantian was reluctant to return to the photographer on the street.

Documentary photography is meant to capture moments naturally, so the photographer told them to just act as they normally would. As a result, Shen Tiantian walked ahead without any reservations, eating and strolling, and even turning back to feed Shan Yi when she found something particularly delicious. The photographer’s presence was minimal, and if it weren’t for the camera pointed at them, she might have forgotten they were still in the middle of a photoshoot.

They didn’t care about how the photos would turn out, and in the end, it felt just like a casual date, relaxed and natural. Shen Tiantian was experiencing this kind of photoshoot for the first time.

By the time they finished, it was already past nine o’clock, and Shen Tiantian was already full. After bidding farewell to the photographer, they sat by the seaside.

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The sea at night was dark in the distance, and the sound of the waves filled their ears, while behind them, there was the noisy chatter of the night market. As time passed, more and more people gathered at the night market. Shan Yi said: “Alright, let’s go have some late-night snacks.”

“I’m already full,” Shen Tiantian playfully replied.

Shan Yi sighed, “We agreed to eat just a little, and now you’re full.”

“But it was really delicious,” Shen Tiantian said with a hint of regret, “Can I have a bit more tomorrow?”

This time, Shan Yi decisively refused, “No.”

Shen Tiantian muttered a playful “stingy” and stifled a yawn, saying, “Let’s head back.”

Shan Yi nodded and quickened her pace, taking Shen Tiantian’s hand.

Shen Tiantian smirked and playfully swung their hands back and forth. After a while, she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

“What’s wrong?” Shan Yi asked.

“It seems like we haven’t taken a photo together, right?” Shen Tiantian tilted her head slightly, her eyes shining. “How about we take a selfie?”


Shan Yi looked at her for a few seconds and said, “Sure.”

Shen Tiantian blushed a bit, switched the camera to selfie mode, and tried to stand on her tiptoes. However, she could only capture half of Shan Yi’s head, and she pouted in frustration, “You’re too tall. Can you bend down a bit?”

“Are you kidding? Sit down, and we’ll take a photo,” Shan Yi said, both amused and exasperated.

Ever since she took a selfie from a weird angle once and was teased by Shan Yue, she hadn’t attempted selfies again. She couldn’t let her wife know she couldn’t take selfies; it was too embarrassing.

“Can’t you hand me the phone?” Shen Tiantian hadn’t noticed Shan Yi’s intentions and looked somewhat aggrieved.

Compared to her own round face, Shan Yi had a much smaller oval-shaped face. Being in front would make her face appear larger. In their first photo together as a married couple, Shen Tiantian wanted it to look good, at least not making her seem like a mere backdrop.

Shan Yi: …

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“Tomorrow we’ll see today’s photos, how about we…”

“That’s different,” Shen Tiantian said resolutely.

Shan Yi had no choice but to confess: “I don’t know how to do it.”

Shen Tiantian stopped talking, tilted her head, and looked at her slowly. After a few seconds, she burst into laughter, tears streaming down her face. She seemed incredulous as she chuckled and said: “So, there’s something that troubles you too.”

Seeing her wife laughing uncontrollably, Shan Yi felt a bit perplexed. Was it really that funny not knowing how to take photos? Both Shan Yue and Shen Tiantian seemed to find it amusing.

Shen Tiantian, who had gradually stopped her laughter, burst into laughter again when she saw Shan Yi’s expression.

“If you laugh at me again, I’m going to kiss you,” Shan Yi said with a stern face, leaning closer with an air of annoyance.

Shen Tiantian had no fear at all. In fact, upon hearing her wife’s words, she laughed even more joyfully, as if she had stumbled upon some earth-shattering revelation. She couldn’t help but think it was a pity that her wife, who had such a beautiful face, couldn’t take photos. However, her expression of mock distress was also incredibly cute.

“I really want to see your selfies, for sure…” Shen Tiantian was about to say “very cute,” but the words got stuck in her throat as Shan Yi kissed her passionately.

As if trying to mask her own discomfort, Shan Yi kissed her urgently and fervently. Her tongue moved like a nimble snake, capturing Shen Tiantian and greedily savoring her sweet essence. When they finally pulled apart, a thin strand of saliva connected them, which snapped as they increased the distance between them. 

Shen Tiantian suddenly blushed, and she couldn’t hear any sound around her.

Shen Tiantian suddenly blushed, and she couldn’t hear any sound around her.

After a while, Shan Yi finally said: “Let’s go home.”

Since they were in high spirits, there was no reason not to take photos. Shen Tiantian wrapped her arms around Shan Yi’s neck, jumped up, and wrapped her legs around her waist. “Whether we take photos or not, if we don’t, I’ll take back the reward.”

Shan Yi squinted her eyes. “Threatening me?”

“Yes, I am threatening you.”

“Alright,” Shan Yi gave in, “How do we take the photos? I really don’t know.”

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Shen Tiantian immediately smiled and let her legs down from around Shan Yi’s waist. “I’m not tall enough, can you kneel down?”


“Then carry me on your back.”

Shan Yi fell silent for a moment, then made a faint “hmph” sound and bent slightly at the waist. Shen Tiantian smiled and hopped on, hooking her arms around Shan Yi’s neck and happily tinkering with her phone. She didn’t know how many photos she had taken, but by the time she finished reviewing them, they were already back at the hotel. Shan Yi had carried her silently all the way.

Although the hotel was only a ten-minute walk away, Shen Tiantian felt a bit embarrassed, especially with everyone’s gaze on them. She wiggled her legs and said, “Okay, put me down.”

“Don’t move,” Shan Yi pressed the elevator button and smacked her hand on the fleshiest part, saying, “How did the photos turn out? Let me see.”

Shen Tiantian let out a startled cry, but fortunately, there was no one else in the elevator; otherwise, she would have been so embarrassed. “Can you please put me down first?”

Shan Yi calmly walked out of the elevator, swiped the key card to their room, and only then released her. She quickly lay down beside her. “Let me see the photos.”

Seemingly influenced by Shan Yi’s eagerness, Shen Tiantian was also anxious. She had been so preoccupied with finding the right poses and expressions that she didn’t know how the photos had turned out. Opening the photo album, almost the entire screen was filled with the photos they had just taken. Some were dimly lit, while others were well-lit, and she had taken three shots of the same expression and pose.

“Send me all of them,” Shan Yi seemed quite satisfied.

In the photos, Shan Yi slightly tilted her head towards the camera, her eyes holding a hint of helpless indulgence. Shen Tiantian had one hand wrapped around Shan Yi’s neck, and her other hand held the camera far away from them. Her face was pressed against Shan Yi’s ear, and her large eyes formed a crescent moon shape as she smiled. Shan Yi really liked this one and slowly scrolled through the photos.

As she scrolled further back, Shen Tiantian’s face grew redder. Unconsciously, she had taken so many photos. “CEO, should we change our couple profile picture?”

Shan Yi’s hand suddenly stopped, and she opened one of the photos. She asked in a hoarse voice: “When was this taken?”

Hearing her words, Shen Tiantian looked over, and her mind exploded. Her face turned beet red, and she hastily grabbed the phone back, locking the screen in a fluster.

What Shan Yi saw was the candid photo taken on the day when they met Liu Wanjun. It was the one where Shan Yi was pressing Shen Tiantian against the kitchen counter while kissing her.  

“Didn’t expect my wife to have such a hobby,” Shan Yi teased with a mischievous smile: “But you don’t need to sneak around taking pictures. I can cooperate quite willingly.”

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