
In the evening, the beach was crowded with people. Shen Tiantian lifted the hem of her dress, ran barefoot among the colorful crowd, and held a pair of beach sandals. Shan Yi’s gaze darkened as she quickened her pace to catch up. With her tall stature and long legs, she quickly locked onto her wife, and in a matter of seconds, she caught up to her. She put her hand on Shen Tiantian’s protruding belly, which was carrying their unborn child, while the other hand gently circled her neck.

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“Why are you running? Don’t you know your own condition?”

Her hoarse voice whispered into Shen Tiantian’s eardrums, warm breath washing over the nape of her neck, leaving a delightful, tingling sensation. Shen Tiantian shivered for a moment, her entire demeanor transforming into one of meekness.

With the tip of her chin, she gently caressed her shoulder, allowing her to step on her foot arch, guiding her with careful steps: “Tell me,” Shan Yi said, “What kind of punishment do you want?”

Shen Tiantian lowered her neck and asked, “Can I not have one?”

“If I indulge you any more, and you’ll get carried away,” Shan Yi rejected her with a cold tone, but there was a strong sense of doting in her voice.

“How could that happen? If I get carried away, who will pamper you?” After spending a long time with Shan Yi, she didn’t hold back on saying affectionate words. After saying this, though, she was a bit embarrassed by her own words.

Unlike her, Shan Yi’s lips almost stretched to her ears, “Alright, considering your words, I’ll forgive you this time. But if you run like that again next time, I’ll have to punish you severely.”

Shen Tiantian trembled slightly and curiously asked: “Give me a hint about the punishment, how are you going to punish me?”

Shan Yi replied mysteriously: “I have my own plan, but don’t worry, I won’t be able to bring myself to actually hurt you.”

For some reason, she seemed to sense some conspiracy and shivered, saying, “I’m so scared.”

Shan Yi chuckled and kissed the back of her neck, gently adjusting her thin sun protection shirt, “Being scared is a good thing. It’s a bit chilly; let’s head back.”


“Then let go of me; I want to go ashore.”

Shan Yi released her but wrapped her arm around Shen Tiantian’s waist. Whether intentionally or not, she occasionally massaged her abdomen. There was already a noticeable curve, a little one, a blend of their bloodlines, growing slowly in her belly. Every time she thought of it, Shan Yi couldn’t contain her joyful emotions.

Sensing that Shan Yi was smiling, Shen Tiantian raised her head slightly and indeed saw the corners of her mouth lifted. She gently touched her belly and her eyes sparkled, “CEO, have you ever thought about the baby’s name?”

Shan Yi paused for half a second, “No, have you?”

There hadn’t even been time for them to enjoy each other’s company, let alone think about the name for their little rival. “Do you have any ideas?” 

“I’d like to see what our parents think. What do you think about Shihan?” Whenever she had some free time, Shen Tiantian thought about the baby’s name. She had her favorite characters in mind, but she cared about her parents’ opinions.

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“It’s not bad,” Shan Yi nodded.

“What about Leya?”


Shan Yi also nodded, “Yeah, it sounds good.”

“Too casual,” she complained, “As the baby’s mother, you still haven’t thought about the baby’s name.”

Knowing that she was in the wrong, Shan Yi touched her nose, “I’ll think about it properly when we get home.”

Once they entered the room, Shen Tiantian didn’t continue the conversation, and instead went to the bathroom with her pajamas. She was covered in sand and felt quite uncomfortable. Shan Yi followed her in.

Because they had spent one day in the hospital, the four days of shooting were squeezed into three and a half days. The schedule was still quite tight. On the third day, they had to shoot four sets, and on the last day, they started shooting their wedding photos.

After frequent outfit and makeup changes the previous day, Shen Tiantian was feeling a bit tired. However, when she saw the wedding dress she had chosen, her fatigue seemed to vanish. The wedding dress looked even more beautiful than it did in the photos. There were two sets in total, and the more she looked at them, the more she liked them. She was a bit afraid that she wouldn’t be able to do them justice. 

“Both of you have great taste. This style looks very elegant, and I’m sure it will look wonderful when worn…”

“Go ahead and try it on,” Shan Yi said.



Shen Tiantian nodded and was about to enter the fitting room when she saw Shan Yi following her. She blushed and asked: “What are you doing?”

“I’m helping you. You can’t put it on by yourself,” Shan Yi smiled: “I’ll help you put it on, and you can return the favor for me later. Or do you want the staff to do it for me?”

Just the thought of someone else seeing Shan Yi’s perfect body made Shen Tiantian feel uncomfortable. She looked at the two heavy-looking dresses behind her, pursed her lips, and didn’t say anything. When the staff pulled the large red curtain closed, Shan Yi immediately stepped forward to help her take off her clothes.

Shen Tiantian stiffened for a moment. Although it wasn’t the first time, she always felt a bit embarrassed when it happened in public. She crossed her arms, and despite the air conditioning inside, the temperature was just right, but the sweat on her hands seemed to appear one by one.

Due to her pregnancy, Shen Tiantian’s breasts had grown larger, and her areolas were slightly darker than a young girl’s. The little red mole in the middle had also grown a bit due to the upcoming baby.

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Shan Yi’s breath caught, and she suddenly lowered her head to gently nibble on the soft skin.

“Ah!” Shen Tiantian exclaimed in surprise, remembering that there were people outside. She quickly covered her mouth and glared at Shan Yi with a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. “You…”

Shan Yi smiled and slowly knelt down, wrapping her arms around her waist before she could retreat. “I just wanted to say something to the baby.”

As she finished speaking, a warm kiss landed on her belly.

Shen Tiantian’s face grew even redder. While Shan Yi often touched her belly, it was the first time she had kissed her so devoutly in that particular area. The visual impact at that moment was more heart-stirring than all the sweet words she had ever spoken.

A surge of electricity rushed through her body from her abdomen, and for some reason, her legs suddenly felt a bit weak. A strange sensation traveled from below to her brain, startling her.

“Don’t do this…” Shen Tiantian quickly moved back, and even her ears turned red, her face flushing with embarrassment. “It’s so strange.”

Shan Yi’s heart stirred, and a mischievous smile played on her lips. She whispered: “Tiantian, do you want it?”

Shen Tiantian’s face grew even redder, and she frantically stopped her from saying more, saying, “Ah Ah Ah, don’t say anything. Quick, we don’t have much time.”

“Alright, alright, you take off your pants yourself, and I’ll help you put them on.”


“What about the bra?” Shen Tiantian asked with great reluctance, feeling something surging from below. She was pregnant, so it couldn’t be her period, and she wasn’t a young girl anymore. Once she realized what it could be, her face changed.

She couldn’t let Shan Yi discover her anomaly; it would be embarrassing, and getting her excited while unable to actually do anything would be even worse.

It had been over a month since the last time they had been intimate, right? Shen Tiantian was startled to realize what she was thinking, but she wasn’t sure why this had suddenly crossed her mind. It must have been because of Shan Yi’s kiss.

She shook her head vigorously, not wanting to entertain those thoughts any further.

“Just put on the bra in a moment,” Shan Yi said as she brought the wedding dress from the rack. Seeing her blushing and suddenly shaking her head, she asked softly: “Why haven’t you taken them off? What’s on your mind?”

Shen Tiantian took a deep breath, and her words came out in a stutter, “N-nothing.”

Shan Yi didn’t press further but instead said, “Take off your pants.”

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Shen Tiantian responded with an “Oh,” and slowly removed her pants, leaving her in just a white pair of underwear, looking as shy as a flower.

It wasn’t the first time Shan Yi had looked at Shen Tiantian’s body like this, and every time she felt the urge to pin her down. However, the thought of her wife being pregnant made her suppress that urge time and time again.

Her legs were slender, and due to rarely being exposed to the sunlight, they were both straight and fair. The mysterious region was enveloped by white underwear, and the subtle contours of the hills could be vaguely seen. Shan Yi didn’t want to lift the wedding dress to cover it; at this moment, she only wanted to be intimate with her wife on the big bed.

“Lift your foot,” Shan Yi said, holding her breath, her voice slightly hoarse.

The wedding dress was quite heavy, and it was more convenient to pull it up from below. As she did so, it followed the curves of her body. When she reached her belly, it got stuck for a moment. Shen Tiantian looked a bit embarrassed, “The baby seems to be growing quickly lately.”

Shan Yi chuckled and, with a bit more force, pulled it up and over.

Shen Tiantian blushed and reached her hand through the gauzy sleeves. She found that the wedding dress lifted up perfectly, not too tight around her waist, covering her protruding belly just right. “Does it look good?”

In response to her, Shan Yi’s eyes burned with a naked desire. After a while, she heard Shan Yi say: “Beautiful, so beautiful that it’s making me all hot and bothered.”

Hearing this, Shen Tiantian felt like her head was about to explode. This person had no sense of decency when speaking!

Shan Yi let out a laugh and lifted her chin with her index finger. “Really, I want to kiss you.”

“No, hurry up and change your clothes and go out,” Shen Tiantian pushed away her hand, feeling both embarrassed and annoyed. “Stop fooling around.”

“Just one,” Shan Yi was very persistent.

“You’re so annoying,” Shen Tiantian shot her a glance but complied. Because she needed to change into the wedding dress, her shoes were left outside. She only wore socks on her feet, and Shan Yi was taller than her. She tiptoed slightly, gently pecking her lips.

“Turn around; I’ll help you zip it up,” Shan Yi said.

Shen Tiantian obediently turned around. They took their time changing for nearly twenty minutes. Finally, Shan Yi pulled back the curtain, and the outside fell silent instantly.

They were like a spotlight, and everyone’s gaze was fixed on them, their admiration evident in their eyes.

The makeup artist was the first to react, with an exaggerated expression, exclaiming: “Oh my goodness, you both look stunning. This wedding dress suits you perfectly.”

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Shen Tiantian blushed a bit from the praise and glanced at Shan Yi. Their eyes met, and her face turned even redder.

“Please wait for a moment; the photographer will be here soon,” the business manager approached them as well, his eyes still fixed on them. He echoed the makeup artist’s sentiments, “You both look fantastic, and your height difference is adorable.”

After praising them, the business manager got to the point. He mentioned that the photography studio didn’t have any same-sex wedding dress displays and asked if they would be willing to have their wedding photos placed in the display window, offering them an advertising fee.

Shen Tiantian didn’t mind at all, as no one would recognize her once they left this place. However, it was different for Shan Yi. She remembered that there was a Yue Feng branch in City W, and it’s possible she hadn’t been there before, but she might go in the future. So, Shen Tiantian looked at Shan Yi.

Receiving her wife’s glance, Shan Yi smiled and agreed.

With the cheerful decision made, the photographer was ready, and another day of shooting was about to begin.

The wedding-themed shoot took place in a nearby ancient town with a vintage atmosphere and beautiful scenery, perfect for daytime photos. It offered the opportunity to capture two distinct time periods.

The last set of photos was taken at the beach as the sun was nearly setting, painting the evening sky a soft orange.

“You two don’t need to stand so close. Miss Shen, please look at your wife with a softer gaze….yes, just like that…”

Shen Tiantian initially felt a bit uncomfortable but had grown used to it. The photo session came to an end as the day turned into evening, and both of them let out a sigh of relief. 

After having dinner and returning to the hotel, Shen Tiantian noticed that Shan Yi had changed her profile picture at some point.

She opened it and found the wedding photo they had taken that afternoon. In the picture, they were holding hands, facing the setting sun. Shen Tiantian used her hand to shield her forehead from the sunlight, leaning slightly against Shan Yi’s shoulder with her gaze fixed on the distance. The image hadn’t been retouched yet, but the lighting was perfect, and it looked very beautiful, needing almost no editing.

Shen Tiantian blinked and handed the phone to her wife. “How did you get this?”

“The photographer sent it to me,” Shan Yi replied casually.

Shen Tiantian frowned. “Why didn’t I get one?”

Shan Yi smiled, opened WeChat, and sent her a similar but distinctively couple-like photo as a profile picture. “I’ve already asked for you. Go ahead and change it.”

Shen Tiantian looked puzzled. “I was just curious why I didn’t have it. I didn’t say I wanted to change.”

Shan Yi immediately adopted a stern expression, as if the prelude to a storm was brewing. Shen Tiantian, with a strong survival instinct, instinctively shrank her neck. “I’ll change it.”

“You’re so obedient,” Shan Yi said with a kiss to her lips, watching her switch to the new profile picture, feeling incredibly happy.

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