
She unfolded the slip of paper, which was densely packed with names—definitely more than just a “few” as Father Shan had said.

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Names like Shan Yun1Meaning inner strength, Shan Jin2Meaning brilliancy, Shan Yi3This Yi means virtuous, Shan Tian4This Tian means calm/tranquil, Shan Yan5This Yan means speech, to talk… 

Shan Tang6Means cherry-apple, Shan Yu7Means to fish, Shan Mu8Means to admire, Shan Yu9This Yu means elm…

Each name sounded quite elegant. Shen Tiantian had always thought their daughter’s name would have two characters, but it turned out to be a single character. However, she wasn’t too disappointed by this. Single-character names were nice too.

Shan Yi glanced over at the paper. Since her wife had previously mentioned wanting a two-character name, and seeing her staying silent, she thought Shen Tiantian might be too considerate of her father-in-law to bring it up. So she asked on her behalf, “Why are they all single-character names?”

Father Shan was taken aback by the question. Before he could respond, Mother Shan walked over and explained, “Because your father and the three generations before him all have single-character names, so we instinctively used single characters.”

Shen Tiantian tugged on her wife’s sleeve and whispered, “Single-character names are nice too.”

Father Shan quickly understood and nodded thoughtfully, “Shall we think of more names tonight?”

Shen Tiantian hurriedly waved her hands, “No, no, I truly think single-character names are great.”

“It’s okay, we are happy to do it. After all, it’s about our first granddaughter’s name, so it’s good to be thorough,” Mother Shan said with a smile, showing no displeasure.

“No need to think more. Just combine some of these names,” Shan Yi suggested.

Shen Tiantian silently listened and nodded in agreement with her wife’s suggestion.


Father Shan looked over the list again, picked up a pen from the table, and occasionally wrote something down.

After about five or six minutes, he handed the paper back to the couple, who were sitting closely together. “Take a look.”

Names like Shan Yunhan, Shan Jinfan, Shan Yitong…

Each name had a good meaning. Shen Tiantian couldn’t find any flaws. She handed it to her wife and whispered, “You decide.”

Shan Yi smiled, “Which one did you see first?”

“Shan Yunhan…” Shen Tiantian muttered to herself, thinking it was normal to read from the top.

“Then shall we go with that one?”

Shen Tiantian looked at her in surprise. After all the effort her father-in-law had put into thinking of names, she felt it was too casual to make such a quick decision.

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Shan Yi quickly reassured her, “Yun means accumulation and gathering, and Han means to contain and include. It implies we hope she will grow to be a steady and open-hearted girl.”

Shen Tiantian didn’t fully understand these meanings, but she trusted that her father-in-law’s chosen names would be good. She nodded, “Okay.”

“Yunhan, Hanhan… This sounds nice,” Mother Shan agreed from the side.

“Alright, it’s decided,” Father Shan nodded, a smile of delight spreading across his face. After all, his granddaughter would bear the name he had chosen, and he was eager to add it to the family register.

Shan Yue, waking up from her hangover, came downstairs. Seeing the family gathered together, she walked over curiously, “What are you all talking about?”

Mother Shan’s eyes were nearly closed with her broad smile, revealing her bright white teeth, “We’re discussing the baby’s name.”

Shan Yue: “…So, have you decided?”

“Yes, we’re calling her Yunhan.”

“Two characters?” Shan Yue was a bit surprised. The family had used single-character names for generations, so she hadn’t expected this one to have two characters.

She thought of her and Tian Jing’s daughter. Tiantian had Tian Jing’s surname and the single-character name Si. Si means “to think of,” but who was she supposed to think of? Though Tian Jing never said, Shan Yue narcissistically thought it referred to herself—Tian Siyue. She didn’t know Tian Jing had indeed considered this name, but after Shan Yue disappeared, she had dropped the character Yue…


“Is there a problem?” Shan Yi asked.

Shan Yue, looking dazed, shook her head. Her temple throbbed, and as she raised a hand to press it, she stumbled backward.

“What’s wrong?” Shan Yi noticed her pale face and quickly caught her. Feeling the heat radiating from her, Shan Yi’s expression changed, “Are you going into heat?”

Everyone present was stunned. Father Shan was the first to react, calmly instructing his wife, “Go get the suppressant.”

“Oh, oh… okay,” Dan Mom snapped out of her daze, took a few steps back, then turned and ran.

Only Shen Tiantian stood there, dumbfounded, staring at Shan Yue, whose face was unnaturally flushed. Is this what it looks like when someone in their family goes into heat? Like being drugged with an aphrodisiac.

“Tiantian, call Manager Tian,” Shan Yi said, struggling to support Shan Yue as they headed upstairs. Shan Yue weakly protested, “No, just give me the suppressant.”

Shan Yue’s voice was beginning to sound hoarse. Shen Tiantian made a quick decision, pulled up Tian Jing’s phone number, and dialed without hesitation.

Tian Jing was in the middle of a meeting, delivering the key points, when Shen Tiantian’s name flashed on her screen. She cut the call, continuing the meeting.

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The call was abruptly cut off, leaving Shen Tiantian pacing anxiously.


Mother Shan returned with the suppressant, saying to her husband: “Why did Xiao Yue suddenly go into heat? Taking too much of this stuff is harmful to the body…”

“Just give it to her first,” Father Shan said. After all, as a man, he couldn’t do much to help when the women in the family were in heat. Standing up, he added, “I’ll head back to the company.”

“Eat before you go…..Alright, have lunch with Xiao Xu at the company,” Mother Shan said.

Harmful to the body?!

Shen Tiantian, her heart racing, called Tian Jing again, feeling anxious.

Manager Tian, please answer the phone!!!

Her silent plea went unanswered as the call was cut off once more. After a moment of mental freeze, she called Lu Xiaochun, who also didn’t pick up.

Guessing they might be in a meeting, she kept calling persistently, hoping to signal it was an emergency. She followed Mother Shan upstairs while making calls.

Mother Shan, abandoning her usual composure, hurriedly approached, holding the medication to Shan Yue’s mouth and opening a bottle of water for Shan Yi, “Quick, give it to Xiao Yue.”

“Don’t tell Xiao Jing…” Shan Yue, her body weak and soft, reluctantly accepted her niece’s help, resisting Tian Jing’s presence but yearning for it deep down.


Their heat cycles had two phases: some in March and April, others in June and July. Shan Yue’s was in the latter. Likely, the drinking last night triggered an early onset.

“Shut up and take care of yourself first,” Shan Yi said sternly.

Shan Yue fell silent. After swallowing the medication, she buried her face in the bed, letting out a low moan as her hot skin touched the cool sheets.

“Leave me alone,” Shan Yue, not wanting others to see her in this state, rasped out.

Shan Yi nodded at her mother, then guided her wife out.

Shen Tiantian, looking worried, asked, “Will auntie be alright?”

“She’ll feel better after taking the medication,” Shan Yi replied uncertainly. “Did Manager Tian answer the phone?”

“No, she might be in a meeting.”

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Shan Yi subtly furrowed her brow. “Then there’s no need to keep calling. We’ll give her an injection later. She’ll be better by tomorrow.”

“Will she really be okay?” Shen Tiantian was unconvinced, her face full of concern. “Mom said this stuff is very harmful to the body.”

“We don’t have a choice. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before,” Shan Yi’s tone was indifferent, but a hint of worry was detectable.

Shen Tiantian lowered her eyes, saying nothing more.

Shan Yi sighed, “Come on, let’s go downstairs and eat.”

As Shan Yi held her, Shen Tiantian couldn’t help but feel a pang of sorrow knowing that Shan Yi had also relied on medication and sedatives to suppress her heat in the past.

That night, she was so drunk that she had no memory of Shan Yi in heat. This time, it was her first time seeing it so clearly and up close, how they went into heat, changing like the weather. Sitting in the dining room, Shen Tiantian was still in a daze. Mother Shan thought she was scared and tentatively asked, “Tiantian, you know about our family’s situation, right?”

Shen Tiantian paused, then slowly nodded, honestly saying: “It’s just my first time seeing…..heat, and it’s like this.”

Just as she finished speaking, her phone, which she had been holding, suddenly vibrated, and a second later, it rang. It was a call from Lu Xiaochun.

“Sorry, Tiantian, I was in a meeting just now,” Lu Xiaochun said. “Why did you call me? Is something wrong?”

Shen Tiantian, a bit excited, straightened up and said: “Yes, is Manager Tian there?”

“She is…..Manager Tian, Tiantian seems to have something urgent to tell you.” Lu Xiaochun, tidying up the table, saw Tian Jing passing by and quickly called her over, then handed her the phone.

Tian Jing glanced at the phone in her hand and brought it to her ear, “I was about to call you back. What’s the matter?”

“Auntie is in heat. Can you come over?”

Tian Jing’s body stiffened, her lifted leg lowering again, “What did you say?”

Shen Tiantian repeated herself.

“Where is she?”

Although she hadn’t directly agreed to Shan Yue’s request yesterday, after hearing her explanation and seeing her behavior over the past few days, she admitted she had softened and planned to take another step back and see how Shan Yue would behave. She wanted to give Tiantian a complete family.

“At home.”

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Tian Jing hesitated only briefly, “I’m on my way.”

Shen Tiantian hung up and told Mother Shan and Shan Yi what had happened. Mother Shan asked, “Is it that girl from last time?”

Shan Yi nodded, not mentioning that the other had given birth to Shan Yue’s child, but hearing that Tian Jing was coming over made Shan Yi feel a bit more at ease. It seemed Tian Jing did have feelings for Shan Yue; maybe she had hidden them after being hurt deeply.

“Should we send a driver to pick her up?”

Shan Yi said, “She has a car.”

Hearing this, Mother Shan turned to Shen Tiantian: “Then call her and tell her that Shan Yue has already taken the medicine, so she shouldn’t rush and be careful on the road.”


They ate slowly, but Tian Jing arrived quickly. Shan Yi went to open the door.

“Where is she?” Tian Jing asked.

“On the second floor. I’ll take you up,” Shan Yi said. “She just took the medicine, so she should be cooling down a bit now. Still, thank you for coming.”

Tian Jing nodded and pushed open Shan Yue’s door.

It wasn’t her first time at the Shan residence, but it was her first time entering Shan Yue’s room. However, she had no time to admire the room’s style, her eyes were fixed on the bulge under the light yellow blanket on the bed.

Shan Yi left the room, quietly closing the door behind her. Turning around, Shen Tiantian approached, “Do you think… something might happen between them?” Like what happened between her and Shan Yi the first time.

“Do you really think your wife is a clairvoyant who can predict the future?” Shan Yi, half-amused and half-exasperated, pinched her increasingly round cheeks, “Let’s go to the Lin family.”

Shen Tiantian rubbed her slightly sore cheeks. This person always loved to pinch her face. What if it got bigger?

She gave the culprit a resentful glare but still followed her.


A dull sound came from the room.

Shen Tiantian stopped in her tracks, quickly turning around, “Did you hear that sound just now?”

“What sound?” Shan Yi shook her head, “No, I didn’t.”

1Meaning inner strength2Meaning brilliancy3This Yi means virtuous4This Tian means calm/tranquil5This Yan means speech, to talk6Means cherry-apple7Means to fish8Means to admire9This Yu means elm

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