Shan Yi sent a message to Shen Tiantian as soon as she got home. When she didn’t receive a reply, she sent another message. The chat screen showed that the other person was typing, but she didn’t receive a reply for a while.

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She guessed that Shen Tiantian was probably organizing her thoughts or didn’t know what to say.

Shan Yi felt a twinge of helplessness as she realized that the distance between them hadn’t diminished after their kiss.

—Would you like to have dinner together next time? 

She sent another message, but the other party was still typing.

Two minutes later, she finally received a reply.

Shen Tiantian: Okay.

She agreed.

Shan Yi smiled and sent her a kissing GIF. 

Looking at the kiss, Shen Tiantian blushed and suddenly felt that the steak in her mouth was a little too sweet.

She swallowed the last bite of steak and returned to the group chat to tell them that Shan Yi had asked her out for dinner.

Kang Jiaya: Seize the opportunity.

Liu Wanjun: Don’t be too proactive.

Shen Tiantian chuckled softly and replied that she knew. After chatting with them for a while, she slowly cleared the table and got ready to shower.

Shen Tiantian didn’t know if it was because she was too happy, but she couldn’t sleep.

The image of the CEO’s face kept popping up in her mind repeatedly, making her wonder why she was feeling so strange.

Although Shen Tiantian had never interacted with the CEO and had only met her a few times since they first met half a month ago. Why did she like the CEO so much?

Was it love at first sight?!


She couldn’t figure it out, so she decided not to think about it.

In an attempt to fall asleep, Shen Tiantian tightly closed her eyes and started counting sheep, hoping to push the CEO’s face out of her mind.

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She didn’t know when she fell asleep, and when she finally woke up, the sound of the alarm clock made her reluctant to get out of bed.

Shen Tiantian’s eyes were sore and tired due to staying up late. She rubbed them sleepily and stumbled towards the bathroom with her hair in a disheveled mess. Upon catching a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror, she was startled by her own appearance.

After washing up, Shen Tiantian had a sudden urge to put on some light makeup and style her shoulder-length hair. 

She rarely wore makeup and only did so for important occasions.

Shen Tiantian was a naturally striking beauty, the type of person who stood out effortlessly. Even without makeup, she looked beautiful. With makeup, her skin became even more smoother and fairer, and when she walked into the office, she immediately caught the attention of many people.

Lu Xiaochun arrived a little later than Shen Tiantian and was curious to see several male colleagues looking in her direction.

“What are they looking at?” Lu Xiaochun mumbled to herself as she patted Shen Tiantian’s shoulder. “Good morning, Tiantian.”

Shen Tiantian raised her head and smiled, “Good Morning.”

Lu Xiaochun covered her mouth in surprise and blinked several times. “Tiantian, you look really good with makeup.”

Shen Tiantian touched her face. She remembered that she had put on light makeup, was there really that much of a difference? 

Lu Xiaochun bent down and asked with a smile. “Are you going on a date today?”

“No.” Shen Tiantian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“If not, why did you put on makeup? Are you trying to charm me to death?! “Lu Xiaochun did not believe it.

Shen Tiantian: …..

Wasn’t it just putting on makeup? Was it that excessive?!

“I’m going to the restroom.” Shen Tiantian said, standing up.

Shen Tiantian looked at herself in the mirror and felt that her makeup didn’t make much difference. She couldn’t understand why everyone was so stunned by her appearance.

After a brief hesitation, Shen Tiantian washed her hands and returned to the office.

When she was about to get off work in the afternoon, she received a message from the CEO asking her to have lunch with her.

She was a little hesitant.

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After all, the CEO was too popular and the news of her going out to eat with her would spread throughout the office in less than half an hour.

Shan Yi seemed to have guessed her concerns and sent another message after a while.

—Come to my office.

Shen Tiantian: ….

Why did it seem like they were having an affair when there was nothing going on between them?!

After thinking for a few minutes about being able to have lunch with the CEO, Shen Tiantian agreed. When everyone had left, she secretly took the elevator to the 18th floor.

The office on the 18th floor was quiet at this time.

“Miss Shen?”

Just when Shen Tiantian thought that there was no one, a clear female voice suddenly sounded, startling her. She looked in the direction of the voice.

She knew that the office was full of gossip. If she bumped into someone, she would immediately want to press the button for the elevator.

“Are you here to see the CEO?”

Yang Li was a perceptive woman. She could easily deduce the nature of her boss’s after-work meetings with just a bit of thought.

Shen Tiantian decided to play dumb. “No, no, I’m on the wrong floor …”

She really wasn’t here to have an affair!!!

Assistant Yang was taken aback, and she quickly explained, “The CEO asked me to pick you up.”

Shen Tiantian stopped and slowly turned around.

“This way please.” Assistant Yang nodded to her and gestured sideways.

Shen Tiantian quietly followed behind Assistant Yang and found that the structure of the 18th floor was different from that of the 17th floor. After two turns, she arrived at the CEO’s office.

When she arrived yesterday, Shen Tiantian’s mind was preoccupied with thoughts of how to avoid the CEO. She kept her head down and trailed behind Manager Tian the entire time, oblivious to her surroundings.

Shen Tiantian pouted. No wonder Assistant Yang had to pick her up.

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Assistant Yang knocked on the door and heard the CEO’s pleasant voice.

“Come in.”

Assistant Yang pushed the door open and let Shen Tiantian in, officially ending the morning’s work.

It was Shen Tiantian’s first time entering the CEO’s office. She walked lightly, afraid of breaking the floor beneath her feet. Her bright eyes glanced around and finally landed on the woman at the computer, who was propping her chin with one hand and looking at her with a smile. Shen Tiantian averted her gaze quickly, like a guilty child who had been caught red-handed.

“You’re here.” Shan Yi smiled and pulled her to the sofa to sit down.

Shen Tiantian nodded, but then realized that something was off. The tone of the CEO’s was a bit too familiar.

“Are you hungry?” Shan Yi asked softly. “I ordered delivery from Four Seasons Hall. It’ll be here soon.”

“I’m fine.” Shen Tiantian replied, feeling a little uneasy.

They were too close. She could clearly see the faint cleavage beneath Shan Yi’s collarbone.

Shen Tiantian: …..

‘When did she become so perverted?!’

Shan Yi seemed to have noticed her gaze and chuckled.

Shen Tiantian instantly blushed. “Sorry!”

She really was too rude!!!

“Why are you apologizing?”

“…” Why did she always ask the obvious?

Shan Yi smiled even more sweetly and decided not to tease her anymore. Just then, her phone rang and she picked it up.

Shen Tiantian didn’t know what was being said on the other end, but she heard the CEO say something about being delivered and then hung up.

Shen Tiantian suddenly remembered that Four Seasons Hall didn’t do delivery!

Four Seasons Hall was quite expensive, but the food was worth every penny. Shen Tiantian and her friends had been there a few times.

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She remembered that the restaurant was always busy, no matter what time of day it was. She also recalled that the reservation number on their business card was marked specifically for dine-in only, not for delivery.

However, with Shan Yi’s status, she might be an exception …

At the thought of this, Shen Tiantian felt that the distance between her and the CEO had widened a little.

‘How could such an outstanding person like her?!’

Shan Yi vaguely heard a sigh and leaned closer to Shen Tiantian. “What are you thinking about?” she asked.

Shen Tiantian didn’t notice Shan Yi’s approach. When she looked up, she accidentally bumped the tip of her nose, and suddenly both of them stopped moving. 

Shan Yi reacted quickly and chuckled in her original position. “You look really beautiful today.”

Shen Tiantian’s face flushed with embarrassment when she heard the CEO’s compliment, causing her to turn even redder than she already was. Even her earlobes started to burn.

It wasn’t the first time she had been complimented, but when it came from Shan Yi’s mouth, it made her feel even more embarrassed.

So cute.

Shan Yi couldn’t help but recall the night when Shen Tiantian had pleasantly surprised her while being drunk.

Just like now, she was so cute that she wanted to eat her up.

As Shan Yi leaned forward slightly, her cleavage became more pronounced. Shen Tiantian felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment and she didn’t know where to look. She held her breath, hoping that the CEO would pull away, but couldn’t find the words to apologize.

In the end, a knock on the door saved her.

Shan Yi gave her a deep look before rising slowly to open the door.

Three servers wearing Four Seasons Hall uniforms entered one after the other and laid a white disposable tablecloth on the transparent low table in front of her. They carefully took out the dishes from the three insulated boxes, which contained only six dishes in total. Despite some of the juices spilling during transportation, the dishes still looked appetizing as they were arranged on their original plates.

The staff whispered something to Shan Yi and left in the same order as they came in.

Shan Yi closed the door and slowly walked towards Shen Tiantian.

The sound of high heels on the floor grew closer and closer, making Shen Tiantian’s heart beat faster.

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