Across Time and Space

Chapter 104

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In one of the Da Cheng's guest house near the palace, Prince Lu Wei stood up with the help of a cane and headed to the window. The Prince held his stomach as it began to hurt. His forehead began to sweat as the pain intensify. He took a few deep breaths and recovered. Then, he poured himself a cup of tea and looked out the window as he sipped his tea leisurely.

Almost half an hour later, a small bird appeared at the window, chirping happily.

Prince Lu Wei grabbed the bird with one hand and untied the small paper attached to its leg. He set the bird free and read the letter from one of his men. After a while, Prince Lu Wei frowned. It seemed that his father was ill. The Crown Prince of Qian Rong had convinced a few more ministers to join the Crown Prince side and cause more trouble for him back home.

His follower ended the letter with advise that the Prince not to return to Qian Rong for a while for fear that the Crown Prince will do something to harm him.

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Prince Lu Wei crumpled the paper and tossed it into the brazier. The ember caught the paper and slowly burned the paper into ashes.

His man was right. He cannot return to Qian Rong without a plan, or he will lose his life. At this moment, Prince Lu Wei was glad that he was under Da Cheng's Emperor's protection, even if he was injured. But at least, he will have his life. Prince Lu Wei was sure that once he steps out of Da Cheng, the Crown Prince men will be waiting for him.

Perhaps, he should find his maternal grandmother to help him? However, he quickly removed that thought. Prince Lu We knew that, unless if he had no other choice, he should not contact his grandmother.

When Jiang Xiao Tian arrived at the Crown Princess' palace, her maidservant, Ah Zhen made him wait at the receiving area as the Princess was undergoing her treatment.

Almost an hour later, Princess Lingchen showed up with her face paled and Ying Yi was beside the Princess to support her.

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Immediately, Jiang Xiao Tian stood up and knelt on the floor to greet her. Only after the Princess permitted him to stand up did he rise. Princess Lingchen sat down and waved her hand to let the servant retreat.

"Your Highness," Jiang Xiao Tian spoke. "I came back once I received news about my sister."

The Princess lowered her gaze. "I'm sorry. I will do whatever I can to help and search for Mingyue. If you need any resource, don't hesitate to come and see me."

Jiang Xiao Tian smiled and nodded. "I heard Mingyue had gathered the last herb needed for the potion before she vanished. How was your treatment?"

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"It's bearable," the Princess forced a smile as she answered. Only she knew how painful it is every time Ying Yi gave her the pill and started the treatment with acupuncture and moxibustion to her body. She had to undergo this agony for a few more months before the poison will be neutralized. "Grandfather said that the poison should vanish from my body after five months of treatment."

"The Emperor and Empress must be happy with this news," Jiang Xiao Tian commented. "We should be cautious before you are fully healed. It won't be good if someone does something to trigger the poison in your body. I will talk to General Jiang to add a few more guards around you."

The Princess nodded. "I will listen to your arrangement."

"Your Highness. I heard you had declined to marry any of those princes and His Majesty had sent them home." Jiang Xiao Tian watched the Princess' expression as he spoke. "What do you plan to do now?"

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"Naturally I do not plan to let go of anyone who wanted to harm me," Princess Lingchen said. "Since the poison in my body will be neutralized soon, I don't see the point to marry one of the princes in a hurry. I do not want a hasty decision to cause Da Cheng later on."

"I understand," Jiang Xiao Tian said. "I assigned a few of my men to continue to investigate Chancellor Chen. A few days before I return to the capital city, I received news that one of Chancellor Chen's man, Xiao Bai met with Tang Xin, an envoy of Western Zhou."

"Tang Xin?" Princess Lingchen frowned as she heard the name. "A man in his early thirty with a mole under his right eye?" Her frown deepened when Jiang Xiao Tian replied her with a nod. "I remember him accompanying Prince Huo during the Spring Hunt. Tang Xin was always by the Prince's side, advising him. I remember him."

"I saw Tang Xin with Xiao Bai a few months ago in the city, but failed to trail after them," Jiang Xiao Tian said. "However, it seemed that the two keep in contact. According to my investigator, the two met two weeks ago with both Chancellor Chen and Prince Huo appearing together."

"Two weeks ago… it must be around that time when Prince Huo returned to Western Zhou. It wouldn't be strange for Chancellor Chen to sent the Prince as he was going back home."

"It would not be strange," Jiang Xiao Tian admitted. "However, Prince Huo seemed to argue with Chancellor Chen. My investigator was not close enough to listen to their conversation, but he could see that Prince Huo left with anger. After further investigation, there are records that Prince Huo received an amount of gold, silvers, and valuables from Chancellor Chen. Now the question is, why would Chancellor Chen send valuables to the Prince of Western Zhou? What are they planning?"

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