Across Time and Space

Chapter 146

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The door to the treatment room opened before dawn. Chief Ye walked out, and both Ah Zhen and Ying Yi entered the room to attend after the Princess. Chief Ye raised a brow as she noticed the strange air around her grandson and Jiang Xiao Tian.

"What is it with you two?" Chief Ye asked her grandson.

Prince Lu Wei shook his head. "It's nothing." He was relieved that his grandmother had come out of the room, or else, Jiang Xiao Tian would not stop staring at him as he waited for his answer. Prince Lu Wei had chosen to keep his mouth shut in response to Jiang Xiao Tian's question about the clan. He made a mental note to discuss the matter with his grandmother when they were alone.

Jiang Xiao Tian chose to look away when Chief Ye turned to him with a questioning gaze. Soon, an assistant walked in with Han Zhenting. When Chef Ye saw the physician, she immediately went to him and explained the Princess' condition.

Han Zhenting sighed in relief upon hearing that the treatment had completed. He frowned when he looked at the jar of glass with odd-looking bugs. It was the first time Han Zhenting get to see the cold bug with his eyes. He had heard stories of how the venom from the creature can be used as a poison. However, he had never known that the bug could live in a human body and laid eggs.

Not long after, Princess Lingchen walked out with Ying Yi and Ah Zhen beside her. The room went silent as everyone's attention turned to the Princess.

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Han Zhenting was the first one to speak, "Come, let me look at you."

Princess Lingchen went to her grandfather's side and let him check her pulse. Han Zhenting's expression shifted between shocked and admiration. He asked the Princess some questions, and when he finished, there was a smile on his face. "I could not trace any abnormalities from your pulse."

"Yes. Ying Yi had checked and said there was nothing wrong with my body," Princess Lingchen said.

Previously, Ying Yi had stayed in the room to check on her body condition. Other than some redness behind the Princess' body which caused by cupping technique, there was nothing unusual with her.

Chief Ye stroked her chin in respond. "The poisonous bug has been extracted. Later, I will give you a prescription to nurse Her Highness' back to health."

Han Zhenting nodded as he laughed. He was a bit disappointed when he could not join to look at how Chief Ye treat the poison. However, he had forgotten about his unhappiness once he saw that his granddaughter's condition had gotten better.

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"I will be staying in Da Cheng for another week," Chief Ye announced. Then she turned to the Crown Princess. "If you have any discomfort, you can look for me."

Han Zhenting invited everyone else to have breakfast. Then, before the sun rises, Princess Lingchen left with Jiang Xiao Tian and her maidservant to head back to the palace, while Chief Ye and Prince Lu Wei headed back to the inn, escorted by a man assigned by Jiang Xiao Tian.

It was early. The temperature was cold, and there were not many people on the street. Once they returned to the inn, Chief Ye summoned a few of her people from the clan to discussed something. The meeting did not take too long before it adjourned. Before Prince Lu Wei could head over his room to get some rest, Chief Ye stopped him.

"Grandmother, what's wrong?" Prince Lu Wei asked.

"I have asked a few of them to head back to Sui Country first," Chief Ye said. "It would not be good to leave the others for too long without news. The clan will only get anxious."

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Prince Lu Wei nodded as he listened to his grandmother's planning. When he finished, Prince Lu Wei asked, "Grandmother, is the Princess' poison is really gone?"

"Un," Chief Ye nodded.

"Then, why do you plan to stay here for another week?"

"Of course we're staying for precaution. The others did not fully trust us that I could cure the poison. Choosing to stay another week in Da Cheng was only because we need to ensure them that I am not pulling tricks to harm Her Highness. If we left quickly and something happened to the Crown Princess, they will surely blame us." Chief Ye looked at her grandson and laughed. "Wei Wei, are you anxious?"

Prince Lu Wei forced a smile. Then, he told Chief Ye of Jiang Xiao Tian's suspicions about their identity.

"That man beside Her Highness is not a simple person to deal with," Chief Ye muttered. However, instead of worry, there was a look of admiration on her face."He has investigated so much to look for us to find the cure for the Princess."

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"You're not worried that they will find out about our identity? What if they expose of the clan's existence?"

"Why would I worry? What can they do to us?" Chief Ye waved a hand to dismiss whatever thought her grandson had his head. "This meetings, all happened because of fates allowed it. Since they did not say anything, there was nothing we can do. All they have right now is their suspicion and nothing else. I have cured the poison inside the Princess' body. They don't have any other reason to come and look for us after this."

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The Prince opened his mouth to tell his grandmother of the other reason why Jiang Xiao Tian was looking for their tribe. Then, he decided against it.

Forget it.

Prince Lu Wei knew that even though the tribe had knowledge which others did not have, there was no way that they could help the Jiang's family to bring back the young physician.

If the clan knew the way to bring back others from the other world, then the war between the imperial family with the Nanlin Tribe could be avoided.

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