Across Time and Space

Chapter 174

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Yang Yun tugged on the clothes on his body uncomfortably. These few days, Xue Yi Ming had lent him some shirt and jeans. Although Yang Yun found that the clothing was strange, it was comfortable, and it was easy for him to move around.

However, a few minutes ago, Xue Yi Ming told him to wear the suit he had brought for him a few days ago. Yang Yun thought that these clothes were not as comfortable as the usual T-shirt.

"Are you done yet?" Xue Yi Ming's voice came from outside.

Yang Yun glanced at the clothing again before he walked out the door. "Is this fine?"

Xue Yi Ming gave him a look over and nodded. "Alright." He frowned when he saw Yang Yun's long hair tied with a string. "What do you think about getting a haircut?"

Instinctively, Yang Yun took a few steps back. "No."

Noticing Yang Yun's apprehensive gaze, Xue Yi Ming held both hands up. "It was only a suggestion. Relax. I won't touch your hair if you don't let me."

Only after he heard Xue Yi Ming's words and saw his sincere gaze did Yang Yun lowered his guard.

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It was custom for men in Da Cheng to have long hair. If he cut his hair short like the men in this world, then, how was he supposed to return to his world after finding Mingyue?

Xue Yi Ming took a deep breath. "Come on. Let's go. We don't want to be late for the party."

Yang Yun followed after Xue Yi Ming into his car, and soon, Xue Yi Ming drove towards General Lin's house. It took them almost an hour before they arrived at Lin's mansion. Once the guard saw Xue Yi Ming, they immediately let his vehicle pass.

"When we get inside, you should just stay close to me," Xue Yi Ming said. "If anyone asks, you should just say that you're with me."

Yang Yun nodded. Once they entered the house, Yang Yun looked around and gaped at the scenery before him. The people around him dressed in smart and neat clothing. The men were wearing clothes similar to him, and the women were dressed in luxurious clothing. When a woman dressed in a sleeveless, knee-length dress walked beside him, Yang Yun immediately lowered his gaze.

When Xue Yi Ming explained that they would be attending a birthday banquet, Yang Yun initially did not agree to come along. However, when Xue Yi Ming told him that he was going to meet some people who can help him to find his wife, Yang Yun changed his mind.

Yang Yun followed after Xue Yi Ming's words and stuck closer to him. Just as they walked through the door, a woman dressed in emerald green qipao walked towards them.

"Lin Tian Yu," Xue Yi Ming's eyes sparkled, and a smile appeared on his lips when he saw the woman.

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"Hey, you're here." Lin Tian Yu greeted and peeked at behind him. "Your dad didn't come along?"

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"We come separately. He should be here later," Xue Yi Ming said.

Lin Tian Yu glanced at the man beside Xue Yi Ming curiously. "And who is this?"

Xue Yi Ming put a hand on Yang Yun's shoulder. "This is my friend, Yang Yun. Yang Yun, this is Lin Tian Yu."

"Hello," Yang Yun bowed politely. After more than two weeks in this world, Yang Yun had learned a lot through his interaction with Xue Yi Ming and through the thing they called the TV. He no longer clasped his hands whenever he greeted someone.

"Yang Yun," Lin Tian Yu greeted with a smile. "You have really nice hair. I never thought that a man with long hair would look cool wearing a suit. Later, you should tell me what brand of shampoo you're using."

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Xue Yi Ming glanced at Yang Yun and frowned. "Should I grow my hair long too? Would I look cooler? What do you think?" he asked Lin Tian Yu,

"No way. If you grow your hair long, you probably look like a ghost," Lin Tian Yu laughed. She stepped aside and said, "Well, come in. Make yourself at home. My parents are still getting ready. They should be out soon."

Xue Yi Ming stepped in and paused. "Your sister's not here yet?"

"She was still on duty last night. She should be coming home anytime now."

Xue Yi Ming nodded. He dragged Yang Yun inside and grabbed a drink for both of them. He was about to hand a glass to Yang Yun when he thought of something. "You're good with drinking?"

"I'm alright with it," Yang Yun answered. He took the drink from Xue Yi Ming and took a sip. Then he followed Xue Yi Ming where he was introduced to his circle of friend.

"I didn't expect you would be here. Didn't you hate attending an event like this?" Xue Yi Ming said when he noticed his friend, Li Ran, standing at a corner of the hall, away from the other guests.

Li Ran adjusted the glasses on his nose bridge. "You told me about your new friend and never found a chance to introduce him to me," he spoke in a low voice so only the two could hear. "Since I know your plan today, naturally, I have to come and see whether your assumption was true or false." Li Ran stood up straight, adjusted his suit, and turned to Yang Yun. "Hello. I'm Li Ran, Xue Yi Ming's friend."

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Yang Yun stared at Li Ran's hand before he shook hands with him. "Hello. I'm Yang Yun."

Li Ran turned to Xue Yi Ming and whispered. "He looked normal to me."

"Of course, he looked normal. If he wasn't, would I start doubting myself?" Xue Yi Ming rolled his eyes.

"Didn't you say you were going to test him? How is it going?" Li Ran asked.

Xue Yi Ming sipped on his drink. "Not good. It's either this guy is not who I thought he is or he is just too careful. Right now I'm not too interested in finding out who he really is. I'm only interested in finding out whether he knows General Lin's adopted daughter."

Li Ran nodded. After some thought, he turned to his friend. "But what would happen if he recognized her and she didn't? I mean, she did lose her memories when you found her. Then, wouldn't he start acting crazy at this party?"

Xue Yi Ming looked at his friend with wide eyes. "Shit! I haven't thought of that." He turned to Yang Yun and wondered if he should drag Yang Yun away and arrange for another meeting.

But at this time, a sweet and mellow voice greeted them.

"Brother Xue, Brother Li, you're here."

The two men turned around and saw that it was the person they were talking about, Lin Mingyue. They watched each other in horror before their gaze turned to Yang Yun.

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