Across Time and Space

Chapter 182

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Li Ran pulled their sleeves to get their attention. Then, he placed a finger on his lips. "The target is here, get ready."

Immediately, both Yang Yun and Xue Yi Ming turned their attention towards the road.

Not far away from where they stood, Lin Mingyue was seen walking on the street, heading towards their direction. When Yang Yun saw her dressed casually in a pink blouse and jeans, he was stunned. As he arrived in this strange world, he had seen his wife in a different outfit. No matter what she wore, she always looked beautiful.

"Why are you standing there like an idiot? Get into position," Li Ran said.

"I really did not think this will work," Yang Yun said and sighed.

"Lin Mingyue had lost her memories," Li Ran reminded. "It's possible that she might forget how to fight as well."

Yang Yun snapped out of his thought and turned to Li Ran. He had momentarily forgotten that his wife did not remember anything about her previous life. Since she had forgotten everything, then, it is possible that she did not remember self-defense as well. These men might accidentally hurt her!

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With that thought, Yang Yun stood up straight and get ready.

Soon, two men emerged from a corner and started to surround Mingyue. One of them had a small knife in his hand.

"Go, it's your time to act," Xue Yi Ming said as he pushed Yang Yun forward.

Yang Yun took a few steps forward and stopped when he saw Mingyue dropped the knife in the man's hand. She pulled the man's hand and knocked the man to his friend. Then, she spun around and landed a beautiful kick. In just a few movements, the two men arranged by Li Ran passed out on the road.

"Our plan failed. But-but how did she?" Li Ran stammered.

"Shit! Yang Yun, you said, she is a daughter of a famous general?" Xue Yi Ming asked. His eyes widened with surprise.

Yang Yun noticed that both Xue Yi Ming and Li Ran stood by his side. "Yes. When she was ten, she snuck in into the military training ground and posed as a soldier. I watched her knock down an adult during one-on-one combat," Yang Yun said. His expression was brimming with proud.

Before the three of them could retreat and hideaway, Lin Mingyue had already noticed their presence.

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"Brother Xue!" Lin Mingyue waved a hand. Then, she glanced at his friends and greeted both Yang Yun and Li Ran. "Why are you guys here?"

Xue Yi Ming chuckled and pulled Yang Yun closer to him. "Well, you remember my friend, Yang Yun got into an accident last month? I thought it would be good to get him some Chinese medicine to help him nourish his body. I remember you said that there is a shop around here. But, Lin Mingyue, I did not expect to see you…" he trailed off and peeked at the two unconscious men on the street.

Lin Mingyue followed his gaze. "Right. They came to rob me. One of them even pointed a knife at me. I was scared."

Xue Yi Ming felt his mouth twitched. "Scared enough to knock them unconscious? They couldn't be dead, right?"

Li Ran widened his eyes. "No way!" He ran towards his men and checked their body. Once he found that they were still breathing, Li Ran heaved in relief.

"Brother Li, why are you so anxious?" Lin Mingyue asked.

Li Ran seemed to notice his action. He adjusted his glasses and said, "Of course I'm anxious. I'm just scared that you might accidentally kill these two men. What are we supposed to do if you got to prison?"

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"Speaking of these two men, Li Ran, you go and call the police," Xue Yi Ming hinted his friend to settle the matter and turned to Mingyue. "Lin Mingyue, since you're knowledgeable about Chinese medicine, why don't you accompany us and give us some advice? Let Li Ran settle the matter here."

Lin Mingyue nodded after a few seconds of hesitation. "Sure."

The three of them left the scene to Li Ran and headed to the shop.

"I saw the way you beat those men earlier," Xue Yi Ming said to Mingyue. "You were amazing. I didn't know that you're good at self-defense. Where did you learn this?"

Lin Mingyue stopped when she heard Xue Yi Ming's words. It was then that she began to wonder when exactly did she learn such movements. She had knocked off two men with weapons, but she had no recollection of learning anything about self-defense.

"This," Lin Mingyue looked at Xue Yi Ming and blinked. "I probably watched the soldiers training and sparring while I was following my adopted father around. Maybe I'm talented?"

Xue Yi Ming felt like vomiting blood. There was no way that anyone could kick ass like Lin Mingyue without proper training. The three of them arrived at the shop, and Lin Mingyue led them in.

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An older man, probably in his late seventy appeared at the counter. Once he saw Lin Mingyue, his lips curved into a smile. "Mingyue, you're here."

"Grandpa Han," Mingyue greeted the old man. "Have you been waiting for me?"

"I know that you will be coming here to get some medicine for your parents. I've already prepared everything for you." Grandpa Han said. He glanced at both Yang Yun and Xue Yi Ming. "They are?"
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"They are my friends," Lin Mingyue introduced them to Grandpa Han. "I've been around a few shops in the city, and Grandpa Han's shop had the best herbs and medicine. Right," she looked at Grandpa Han. "My friend here has just recovered from an accident. I'm looking for some medicine for him as well."

"Go look around. Just treat this place as your home." Grandpa Han waved a hand and disappeared behind the door.

"Is this appropriate for him to leave this shop just like that?" Xue Yi Ming asked.

"I come here all the time. A few years ago, Grandpa Han to appointed me as his apprentice. Don't worry," Mingyue said and smiled. She went behind the counter and looked at the herbs. After a while, she looked at Yang Yun and said, "Right give me your hand. Let me try and take your pulse."

Yang Yun placed his hand on the table and let Mingyue examine his pulse. When her fingertips touched his wrist, Yang Yun could feel his heart thumped. The excitement was like the first time they hold hands.

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