Across Time and Space

Chapter 233

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When Lin Tian Yu woke up the next day, the sky has already turned bright. The sun peered through the curtains, and Lin Tian Yu swiftly covered her face. She let out a yawn and stretched up her body a little bit. Then, Lin Tian Yu found herself staring at the ceiling.

It took her a few seconds before she processed what happened last night. When Lin Tian Yu thought of how she had told Xue Yi Ming that she liked him, her face turned bright red. She grabbed a pillow to cover her face when a smile broke out.

Lin Tian Yu took a few deep breaths to calm down, but her heart won't stop beating rapidly, and the smile on her face would not go away. At this time, as she thought about what happened, Lin Tian Yu felt as if her heart was about to burst out.

Last night, after Lin Tian Yu had told Xue Yi Ming about what she felt towards him, both of them stayed inside her sister's house and talked. First, Lin Tian Yu had confessed to Xue Yi Ming that once she figured out her feelings, she tried to date other men to make Xue Yi Ming jealous.

She was glad that Xue Yi Ming did not laugh at her action. Although he was a bit angry since she had chosen to date someone like Huang Cheng. In the end, Lin Tian Yu was embarrassed because Xue Yi Ming had not dated anyone because he found that he couldn't date anyone because he liked her too much.

Xue Yi Ming told her that it doesn't matter if he was jealous. If she was happy with the guy she chose, then he will be satisfied as well.

Lin Tian Yu felt that her method was too childish. She regretted her decision as she never got the result she wanted, but, create more trouble for her instead.

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Meanwhile, Lin Tian Yu was envious when she saw Xue Yi Ming with that beautiful lady in front of Scarlet last night. Seeing Xue Yi Ming with someone else had sparked Lin Tian Yu's courage to confess.

In the end, the two of them had talked about a lot of things.

Lin Tian Yu bit her lower lips as she recalled that she had stayed in Xue Yi Ming's embrace throughout their talk. Xue Yi Ming's embrace was warm and comfortable. She did not know when she had fallen asleep.

Wait! Something was not right!

Lin Tian Yu did not remember when did she come back to her room to sleep.

Does it mean that Xue Yi Ming was the one who carried her into the room once she fell asleep?

With that thought, Lin Tian Yu quickly sat up. She looked around the room with her eyes wide. Her ears tried to listen to any movement outside, but all she could hear was the sound of the neighbors' children laughing and screaming.

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Lin Tian Yu stood up to leave the room. Her steps halted when she saw a glimpse of her image in the mirror. It was lucky that she did not go out immediately, or if Xue Yi Ming was still around, she might as well scare him with her look!

First, Lin Tian Yu tidied up herself. Once she was sure her look was presentable, Lin Tian Yu turned the doorknob and peeked outside.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Instantly, her nose caught the smell of coffee and some food. Lin Tian Yu tiptoed outside and saw Xue Yi Ming in the kitchen. The sight of Xue Yi Ming standing before the stove, stirring something in the pot, turned Lin Tian Yu into a daze.

She did not know how long she stood there to watch him.

It was only after Xue Yi Ming turned to look at her that Lin Tian Yu finally snapped out of her trance.

"You're awake," Xue Yi Ming had a smile on his face. "Go wash your hands and let's have breakfast."

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"Oh," Lin Tian Yu nodded and obediently went to wash her hand. When she came into the dining room, Xue Yi Ming was waiting for her. Lin Tian Yu pulled a chair and sat down. Then, she looked at the food on the table. There was a bowl of porridge, hot steamed bun, and soy milk for her.

"You ate too much spicy food last night. I thought it would be good to eat something light for your stomach," Xue Yi Ming said. "Don't just stare at it. Eat."

"Oh," Lin Tian Yu picked up the soy milk and took a sip. Then, she tried the porridge. The taste was pretty good. She looked at Xue Yi Ming and asked, "Did you make all these?"

"Only the porridge," Xue Yi Ming confessed. "I went down while you were still sleeping and bought those steamed buns and soy milk."

Lin Tian Yu ate a bit more of porridge. She glanced at Xue Yi Ming and saw him took a sip from his cup of coffee. "You… How come you're still here?"

"You don't want me here?" He raised a brow teasingly.

"I don't mean that," Lin Tian Yu avoided his gaze. "I thought that you might return to your place."

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"Hmm… I was planning to go back as well, but I did not want to leave you alone," Xue Yi Ming said. "Your sister hasn't come back. She must have stayed at my place with Yang Yun. Since it was like that, it was better for me not to go home. Right, can you lend me your charger? My phone died last night."

Lin Tian Yu's expression changed. "Mingyue has not returned? And you let her stay with your friend?"

"What's wrong with it? They're both adults, and Yang Yun would not do something that would hurt her."

Lin Tian Yu stood up and went to search for her phone. Then, she found her sister's number in the contact list and pressed the call button. After long seconds, someone picked up the phone.

"Hello? Mingyue? Where are you?" Lin Tian Yu asked right away.

"Is this… Mingyue's sister?" an unfamiliar voice answered.

Lin Tian Yu immediately guessed who was on the other line. "Yang Yun? Where's my sister? Can I talk to her?"

"Your sister… we're in the hospital. Mingyue, she passed out last night."

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